"ethics" alt-right antifeminism empathy deficit evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sargon of akkad YouTube

VIDEO: Sargon of Akkad and pals literally laughing out loud about the murder of a fellow YouTuber

The Skeptic Feminists; Heather “Ivy” Anable is on the right

In the wake of the horrific murder of YouTuber Heather “Ivy” Anable, apparently at the hands of Aleksandr Kolpakov, one of her fellow cohosts of the Skeptic Feminist Youtube channel, some of YouTube’s most noxious personalities got together for a nearly two-and-a-half hour livestream dealing with the tragedy.

The livestreamers in question included the noxious Sargon of Akkad — I’ve written about him several times before — alongside lesser-known YouTube shitheads called Vee and Kraut and Tea, among others.

Despite the ostensible subject, the livestream turned out to be a rather lighthearted affair, full of jokes at the expense of the murdered woman and lots of what the participants called “gallows humor.” (There were similar outbursts of inappropriate mirth from antifeminists on Twitter and elsewhere online, as I detailed in a post yesterday.)

YouTuber Michael Rowlands has done us all a service by clipping some of the worst moments from the livestream and putting them in a thankfully much, much shorter video of his own. It’s only 8 minutes long, and you can skip the first minute or so, but I think it manages to capture the odiousness of Sargon and pals quite effectively.

Just a note of explanation: Rowlands’ video is designed to highlight the blatant hypocrisy of YouTuber Kraut and Tea. The first half consists of a clip from a Kraut and Tea video patting anti-SJW YouTubers on the back for their alleged moral superiority over SJWs. The second half is a clip from the notorious livestream, which pretty clearly shows what complete bullshit his claims of moral superiority really are.

I set the start of the video a little ahead to bypass some of Kraut and Tea’s more tedious bloviating and get right to his main point.

Thanks to commenter IshinDenshin for letting me know about this video. If you want to watch the whole livestream (ugh) you can find it here.

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Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

@Axe re: gallows humor. Yep, that link sums it up nicely. Especially this:
“If the person on the gallows makes a grim joke, that’s gallows humor. If someone in the crowd makes a joke, that’s part of the execution.”

Not watching the video, awful people are awful. This story is sad on so many levels. *sigh*

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Fear not, gallant sir; my ruling style is less ASOIAF and more Frozen (the disney thing, not the supermarket section).

Your height shall remain unchanged.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


I kinda crapped out towards the end because of Life In General, but…well, TL served as a very amusing crack ship generator, even if it was limited to only straight pairings. Somehow, Terezi wound up with Gamzee (those who know of Homestuck know that this is the exact opposite of canon, at least in the part of it I’m familiar with…), my little sister wound up with fuckin’ Cronus (ughhhh), and Porrim wound up with…Andrew Hussie himself.

(My Mii got lucky and wound up with Jake.)

also your tale is somewhat sad but i have little more to say

re: Alan’s knighting

…I got nothing for period-specific regalia. Better off hitting up the local LARP store than Hot Topic, though.

Steve Shives
Steve Shives
7 years ago

It might also be worth mentioning TJ Kirk’s grotesque, self-serving fundraiser that is named after the victim but actually has nothing to do with her or her family and is just his way of capitalizing on this tragedy to make himself look like a swell, generous guy instead of a professional rape apologist and cyberbully.

CN: If you click the link, be warned that the description contains lurid descriptions of the crime itself — details which have not been publicly released, which only makes this already disgusting exercise in exploitation even more despicable.

7 years ago


Period-specific regalia is suggested but not crucial.

Is 1950’s considered period appropriate? Hell, who I am kidding? 1950’s is ALWAYS appropriate. I have this lovely blood red skirt.

Fear not, gallant sir; my ruling style is less ASOIAF and more Frozen

Aww. I was hoping for more chaos and destruction.

7 years ago

Y’know what makes this worse? Carl Benjamin (I’m not calling him “Sargon of Akkad” – since that’d be an insult to the actual historical figure) was on good terms with Aleksander, or I assumed so given the fact he hosted the debate between him and Kristi Winters as well as some casual interaction.

Much to my chagrin, when Carl had made the absurd claim that Aleksander is the only feminist who does anything productive than hacktivism, Aleksander just soft-balled him and didn’t call that out.

But now he’s making fun of the guy and using someone’s death as the butt of a joke? What an utter piece of shit – moreso that he’s directing it at someone who actively humored him. You’d think he’d have the basic decency to leave him alone or even defend him against other anti-feminists.

…And people wonder why I think engaging with these assholes is pointless and counterproductive…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ignoresandra

I was hoping for more chaos and destruction.

Yeah, it’s not really a party otherwise.

Period specific dress is a weird concept to someone whose uniform was introduced in 1660. Every other profession got to move with the times. Even the clergy were permitted to stop wearing wigs in the early 19th century, but we don’t seem to have got the memo.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Despite my excesses I am actually a pretty peaceable person.

I suppose you might say that’s not always a good thing, though. 😉

A peaceful land, a quiet people.

-Roose Bolton

7 years ago

Saw on Twitter that he was claiming he actually stood against people making jokes about this. Not too surprised to find out that was a lie. He also called Shoe0nHead out for having some goddamn standards for a change as “virtue signaling.”

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


I didn’t know this, thank you for providing much needed context.

It’s like Carl of Swindon really goes out of his way to be as awful a person as possible.

Fascinating. Really fascinating.

I wonder if his evil deeds will ever catch up with him, or if he’ll continue to sail through life in Drumpf-like success, never being held accountable for anything or suffering consequences for his actions.

7 years ago


I suppose you might say that’s not always a good thing, though. ?

One of the many, many, many, many reasons I am and would be spectacularly bad at being in charge of things is that I get bored very easily. When I get bored, I resolve that boredom. This is one of the reasons books and video games are so amazing for me, and by extension good for everyone around me.

I can see this most easily in myself in a game of Civilization. These games are good at providing direct, meaningful goals, but when I don’t have one…it’s not uncommon for me to start world wars. And then spend the next four hundred turns fighting them to the death and complaining about it every second along the ways, but having a grand old time.

7 years ago


I’ll admit this much; were I to ever, somehow, meet him in person – the first thing I’d do is spit in his face.


Saw on Twitter that he was claiming he actually stood against people making jokes about this. Not too surprised to find out that was a lie. He also called Shoe0nHead out for having some goddamn standards for a change as “virtue signaling.”

He’s human garbage. How could you expect a change for the better from such a person? He said to a rape survivor and female politician that he “wouldn’t even rape” her and laughed out loud when Kristi Winters was describing a case of date rape in her debate with him.

It makes me wonder why someone like Aleksander, or Kevin Logan, is on friendly terms with the guy. Logan acknowledged that, yes, he’s getting worse – but I’d argue he didn’t help by indulging him for years. I wouldn’t ever have a civil association with someone who acted that way, even if I got along with them personally. Ethical principles are more important than having a buddy to chat with…

People say guilt by association is a fallacy, which it can be, but what should you expect when the person you associate with voices such heinous views and acts so disrespectfully? You can claim he’s “nice once you get to know him” but that’s a cowardly deflection from the fact that everything else they do is wholly unacceptable. Ignoring that is, essentially, validating and enabling such behavior.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

Regarding this shitstain claiming to be part black…

There’s an excellent chance I have some Indigenous Australian ancestry in my background. Do I consider myself Indigenous? Hell no.

Is it possible to “be black” even if your skin is as pasty white as mine? Of course, there are plenty of fair skinned black people. But I wasn’t raised with Indigenous culture or relatives. I don’t have the Indigenous concept of family. I don’t know the Dreaming or the law, or even where my Country would be. The upbringing of myself, my parents and even my grandparents was working-class Caucasian from conception. I’m white clear to the bone, no matter what my ancestry.

For a white person to claim a non-white ancestor as an exotic fashion statement (the infamous Cherokee princess) is insulting. To claim a non-white ancestor as a bigotry shield is…I’m not even sure I know a word bad enough. What a tool.

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

Hey guys speaking of RP, I’m trying to start a Dungeon World (it’s a Tabletop RPG built around the apoc world system so everything is 2d6(+modifier if applicable)) RP chat, so I’m in the process of world building, and would like some advice would anyone be interested in looking at my notes sheet?

Also Since we’re talking about being a certain being a partial race and that being part of your identity, this is a perfect time to bring this up! So I’m half Japanese, but thing is I know jack diddly squat about Japanese culture. The other thing is though I want to connect to my Japanese heritage since I want to feel like I belong to a culture and am not just a non-cultured american. Would it be offensive to do that? Should I look into my Irish, Scottish, and Polish heritage too?

7 years ago

Are you Marina Watanabe? Because she’s awesome.

7 years ago

Guys, I feel inspired by this thread to come out about my ancestry at long last. It seems that I’m a descendant, through an unbroken chain of ancestors, of the Emperor Charlemagne. I mean, there are a few other claimants, like the whole of Europe and anyone who has a drop of European blood in them over the course of the last 1200 years or so, but I think we can agree that my claim is the strongest. So I guess I should just march right up to the ruins of the palace-cathedral in Aachen and claim my rightful demesne (which, for those who haven’t paid attention in class, would include the whole of France, the whole of Germany, the entire Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg and Italy down to about Rome). I promise to be as liberal a ruler as Charlemagne was, so look forward to the return of Trial by Ordeal (apologies to Alan and all other lawyers present).

Warning, this post may contain traces of sarcasm. 😛

Buffalo Headroom (it doesn't have to make sense)


There are words to describe the burning hatred I have for sick fucks like Carl Benjamin. If there is a Hell I hope he burns there in agony as God smiles.

7 years ago

Overly Long Name:

I would be happy to look over your notes.

7 years ago

“gallows humor.”

Yeah, about that: If it’s not YOU on the gallows, it’s not that. If you’re pointing and jeering from the crowd, you’re part of the execution.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Thank you; that’s a very good framing, I’m saving that link.

I look forward to seeing him get the burn notice like Milo and countless other has beens

Same here.


, I would demand you all call me Princess Francesca of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and hasten me to a castle in Yorkshire’s rolling green hills.

Minor detail, Your Highness: The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas aren’t Anglo Saxon at all. They’re just plain Saxons. There haven’t actually been any Anglo-Saxon royalty since about 1066. Since then it’s been Anglo-Normans, Normans, and Germans.

It’s certainly no reason for me to go “I AM YOUR EMPRESS NOW AND YOU WILL REFER TO ME ACCORDINGLY”.

As an heir of Eleanor of Aquitaine, I see no reason to worry about your backwater crown.

Can’t spell fascist without cis


It makes me wonder why someone like Aleksander, or Kevin Logan, is on friendly terms with the guy.

The usual answer is because they’re kinda the same type of person, underneath all their talk to the contrary.
@Overly Long Name
I’ll take a gander at it. Also, I can give you some pointers on finding information about Scottish heritage, if you’d like.
You’re a filthy pretender to my Imperial throne. Swear fealty to me or pay in blood!

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago

So, Heartless vile human dumpster fires, behave like…well… exactly what they are.

Just another day in the manosphere.

7 years ago


As an heir of Eleanor of Aquitaine, I see no reason to worry about your backwater crown.

Ah, that was just the English side of my ancestry. I also have Irish, German, and Dutch blood. So I can make a claim to Charlemagne’s throne. A bad one, but no worse than some of the other people in this thread.

I’m saying it’s better to buy me off so I ignore your prestigious claim in favor of my minor one.

Also, you can’t spell fascist without fist. Fist cis. Oh goddess no, I am not doing that.

7 years ago

@Overly Long Name:

So I’m half Japanese, but thing is I know jack diddly squat about Japanese culture. The other thing is though I want to connect to my Japanese heritage since I want to feel like I belong to a culture and am not just a non-cultured american. Would it be offensive to do that?

I don’t see why it would but, then again, I am speaking as something of a Japanophile. 😛

Like, there’s a reason two of my favorite films of all time are Princess Mononoke and Perfect Blue after Blade Runner

@Buffalo Headroom:

I’d rather, like Milo Yiannopoulous, have him to simply lose favor and fade into obscurity – lacking all the sweet, sweet Patreon cash and forced to get an actual job – than any of that. That’s a fate worse than death.

Because, unlike Andrew Breitbart, I don’t want him to become vindicated or martyrized. That’d just give him more influence.


The usual answer is because they’re kinda the same type of person, underneath all their talk to the contrary.

I do agree with that, especially due to my experiences, but Kevin Logan – though he also approaches things from a smug, mocking tone – has views and attitudes that are, overall, incredibly disparate from Carl Benjamin’s. He has called him out on such but, for whatever reason, he is on friendly terms with the guy and it bewilders me.

Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a misanthropic recluse but sometimes you don’t need certain people as friends – as lonely as it might be without them. I used to be friends with people who made me constantly miserable with their ignorant, horrendous bullshit and, honestly, I felt better when I said “fuck this nonsense!” and broke ties with them despite the fact I was more socially active due to them.

7 years ago

@Overly Long Name
Don’t really see why it’d be wrong.
Better to be alone than be with folks that make you miserable.

7 years ago


Alan may well disagree, but Skipton Castle would be a fine one to head for – still lived in, convenient for the shops, and with some lovely culverting action going on in the river to the side.

That last one might be more of a selling point for me, really.


All this talk of ancestry reminded me of a rant I was having at home the other night about these shitty ancestry/DNA kits that are suddenly popping up on UK television ads. ‘This is my face when I discovered that I am in fact a Viking.’

No, no, you’re fucking not. You live in 21st century Britain. You may have some Scandinavian DNA, but you’ve never killed Grendel, founded Russia, or had your reputation unfairly maligned by generations of Christian monks.

(Aside: I read somewhere that you ‘went’ viking, rather than were a Viking – that is, the word described something that Danes, for instance, might do when the crop yields at home were poor or populations in local areas were getting a bit high; rather than something they would identify as. Others may know better, however).


According to various Holme family legends, I’m related to the Pankhursts, the Dukes of Welbeck, Joseph Merrick (aka the Elephant Man), and the 14th century Mayor of Chester. Basically, I own Manchester, Leicester, the Dukeries, and Cheshire. Taxes now please!