"ethics" alt-right antifeminism empathy deficit evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sargon of akkad YouTube

VIDEO: Sargon of Akkad and pals literally laughing out loud about the murder of a fellow YouTuber

The Skeptic Feminists; Heather “Ivy” Anable is on the right

In the wake of the horrific murder of YouTuber Heather “Ivy” Anable, apparently at the hands of Aleksandr Kolpakov, one of her fellow cohosts of the Skeptic Feminist Youtube channel, some of YouTube’s most noxious personalities got together for a nearly two-and-a-half hour livestream dealing with the tragedy.

The livestreamers in question included the noxious Sargon of Akkad — I’ve written about him several times before — alongside lesser-known YouTube shitheads called Vee and Kraut and Tea, among others.

Despite the ostensible subject, the livestream turned out to be a rather lighthearted affair, full of jokes at the expense of the murdered woman and lots of what the participants called “gallows humor.” (There were similar outbursts of inappropriate mirth from antifeminists on Twitter and elsewhere online, as I detailed in a post yesterday.)

YouTuber Michael Rowlands has done us all a service by clipping some of the worst moments from the livestream and putting them in a thankfully much, much shorter video of his own. It’s only 8 minutes long, and you can skip the first minute or so, but I think it manages to capture the odiousness of Sargon and pals quite effectively.

Just a note of explanation: Rowlands’ video is designed to highlight the blatant hypocrisy of YouTuber Kraut and Tea. The first half consists of a clip from a Kraut and Tea video patting anti-SJW YouTubers on the back for their alleged moral superiority over SJWs. The second half is a clip from the notorious livestream, which pretty clearly shows what complete bullshit his claims of moral superiority really are.

I set the start of the video a little ahead to bypass some of Kraut and Tea’s more tedious bloviating and get right to his main point.

Thanks to commenter IshinDenshin for letting me know about this video. If you want to watch the whole livestream (ugh) you can find it here.

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7 years ago

Yeah I’m not going to watch that.

“I am leftist.” Bullshit he is.

7 years ago

Me neither, Ooglyboggles. And I saw a tweet from Sargon (May 8th) where he claimed that he “never refers to himself as a leftist”.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Must read thread about gallows humor. Goes on for a while but entirely worth it

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Can this be the thing that gets people to stop pretending that Sargon of Asshat represents the moderate and reasonable wing of the manosphere? Hell, can people stop pretending the manosphere has a moderate wing at all?

7 years ago

Sargon is such a awful person. I can barely even watch video’s that respond to his bullshit because that means I have to listen to his smug voice.

The fact that he’s hosting noted racist Kraut and Tea would probably be make me respect him less but at this point that’s impossible.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Any of you guys abreast of the new shit Sargon’s been pushing?

Apparently he’s 1/4 black on his grandmother’s cousin’s side, so he’s a minority too, srsly u guise.

Yes, he actually said that on Twitter or something.

7 years ago


Sounds like something Sargon would say.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Oh, gargle my non-extant balls and call me a melted hunk of bargain-bin PLA.

This is not how you…anything.

@Axe, re: that tweet



Apparently he’s 1/4 black on his grandmother’s cousin’s side, so he’s a minority too, srsly u guise.

Yeesh. The most potentially douchey thing that a 1/4 black character of mine has done is explain to himself how okay it is to get dreads, and aside from that oddity, he’s generally an okay guy (though as of now, his nerves are frayed thanks to dealing with what amounts to a babadook and the child that comes part and parcel with such things).

7 years ago


Apparently he’s 1/4 black on his grandmother’s cousin’s side, so he’s a minority too, srsly u guise.

I don’t see how “Grandmother’s cousin was black” equates to him being in any way black. Plus, it’s less important what his family history is and more the choices he makes.

Although, this makes him an eventual enemy of the fascists. They will purge him for this if he is telling any amount of truth here whatsoever.


gargle my non-extant balls

If you need extant balls, I have some.

Note: I am not commenting on the video because I’m not watching this.

7 years ago

@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
“I can’t be racist if I’m part of said race I’m being bigoted towards. This isn’t using race as a shield for criticism honest.”

Nothing like having first hand experience of people who do that to make your blood boil.

I look forward to seeing him get the burn notice like Milo and countless other has beens.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


According to an ancestry thing I did, there’s Anglo-Saxon Royalty in my bloodline.

It doesn’t mean anything; all it means is that some white dude or white woman had sex with one of my enslaved ancestors.

However, if I was an asshole like Carl of Swindon, I would demand you all call me Princess Francesca of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and hasten me to a castle in Yorkshire’s rolling green hills.

I’m a white woman now. Give me my pumpkin spice latte and yoga pants, youuuuu guuuuuuiiiiise.


[also proceeds to loudly talk about how THE BLACKS don’t work hard enough and how the police, are, like, doing a super job right now]


Yeesh. The most potentially douchey thing that a 1/4 black character of mine has done is explain to himself how okay it is to get dreads, and aside from that oddity, he’s generally an okay guy (though as of now, his nerves are frayed thanks to dealing with what amounts to a babadook and the child that comes part and parcel with such things).

That’s really cool! Your idea of RP’ing a mixed-race character that is.

I’m a fucking hack, so most of my characters are just one race. In retrospect, maybe they were mixed and didn’t want to admit it.


I, too, have something to add in this mission.

I’ve never teabagged a guy before, but I will do it for you, Troubelle.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Next he’ll be saying his ancestor was a Cherokee princess, therefore he can say Washington Redskins isn’t racist. At least the fact that he’s a Brit will lessen the chances of him engaging in that all too familiar fuckery.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


“I am leftist.” Bullshit he is..

Wait, what? The word is fascist, Sarg. Spelled f-a-s-c-i-s-t.


Can this be the thing that gets people to stop pretending that Sargon of Asshat represents the moderate and reasonable wing of the manosphere? Hell, can people stop pretending the manosphere has a moderate wing at all?

Hear, hear!

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


[smashes through the wall like the Koolaid mascot]

what about both sides being le same xd

ever think of that? like, leftists and fascists are the same, srsly.

hitler was a liberal communisms

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

These guys. I can’t.

I’m not going to even try.

7 years ago


According to an ancestry thing I did, there’s Anglo-Saxon Royalty in my bloodline.

According to my dad researching our family history, I’m directly descended from minor English nobility and might have a claim if like every other heir and possible heir were to die conveniently. But I see no reason to look into that.

It’s certainly no reason for me to go “I AM YOUR EMPRESS NOW AND YOU WILL REFER TO ME ACCORDINGLY”.

I’ve never teabagged a guy before, but I will do it for you, Troubelle.

I’ve never wanted to teabag a guy before, but anything for the cause, or for a sweet person.


Spelled f-a-s-c-i-s-t

Can’t spell fascist without cis 😛

7 years ago

It’s been his go to deflect since day 0. This video alone kind of shows that he’s lying through his teeth.

@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major

Kool Aid Man for the last time, stop bringing up your political opinions on an advertisement for kids! Little Karen does not need to know why the giant walking pitcher is making her feel bad for being the way she is.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


It’s certainly no reason for me to go “I AM YOUR EMPRESS NOW AND YOU WILL REFER TO ME ACCORDINGLY”.

Mmmh, I wouldn’t mind.

I kinda like stuff like that, actually.


Kool Aid Man for the last stop bringing up your political opinions on an advertisement for kids!

oh nooooo

7 years ago


Mmmh, I wouldn’t mind.

Well it’s a bit different for you to go “I don’t mind calling you a title and treating you in a ritualistic royal way, I enjoy such things in certain contexts”.


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


If I ever need balls, I’ll be sure to ask y’all.

@Fran, re: mixed-race characters

Originally, he was the result of sticking (SOME) of the Homestuck cast into Tomodachi Life and seeing what the hell they did (which means “seeing who married who and had babbies”). But a little retcon to wipe the troll blood off never hurt anybody. Same for some of the other characters–my Mii’s own grandkid, extracted and distanced from the game, translates to Polynesian because weird Mii genetics.

Plus, I like to play Warly from Don’t Starve (Shipwrecked expansion) anyway. Not the worst point to jump from, though I’ve aired my laundry with its [comparative lack of] representation before.


Unrelated to anything, I tried raw sugarcane today. It good.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

hasten me to a castle in Yorkshire’s rolling green hills.

I think Castle Howard would suit you. It’s from that later period when castles were more of an aesthetic status symbol than a practical defence. But it’s got a vibe you might enjoy; and indoor plumbing (ironically, something a lot of Yorkshire folk are sceptical about).

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Very true!

comment image


Ah, a fellow Homestuck friend.

I actually did some fan text adventures in that universe. They were silly but people liked them.

Like most things I do, I convinced myself they were awful and stopped doing them.

I do that with a lot of things, unfortunately.


It would seem as though you’re well acquainted with my particular sense of aesthetics! Thank you for the suggestion.

A brief Google Image Search and whatnot proves the truth of your words. It is exactly as glamorous and fairytale-esque as I would wish for my domicile.

I particularly like the fountain.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


My time to edit ran out, but I shall confer upon you a knighthood for securing me a suitable home.

We shall conduct the ceremony in three days hence. All the Mammotheers are invited to join us. Period-specific regalia is suggested but not crucial.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

I shall confer upon you a knighthood for securing me a suitable home.

That’s very kind of you; just watch where you’re swinging that sword, I quite like being tall.

Period-specific regalia? From what I’ve seen in Tampon adverts that’s really tight white shorts right?

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