antifeminism chad thundercock men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sluts that's completely wrong

Sluts do not compute for one MGTOW Redditor

Those numbers can’t be right!

A Redditor called be_the_kiwi recently found himself a bit confused about some of the more advanced tenets of Lady Theory. So naturally he turned to Reddit’s most reliable source of information on the human female — the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

Under the heading “question about sluts,” the confused kiwi asked his question:

I read on the rational male [a terrible manosphere blog –DF] that “a woman’s imperative is to get the best one man she can get for sex and for provisioning. That’s why you don’t see many women “dating” (i.e. having sex with) several different men at the same time.” This doesn’t explain promiscuous women though; if this is true then why are some women sluts?

Ah, the Slut Question!

While you or I might be tempted to speculate that women who have casual sexual relationships with multiple men at the same time might do this because they enjoy having casual sexual relationships with multiple men at the same time, this is of course WRONG WRONG WRONG, as the assembled lady experts quickly explained to young kiwi.

One fellow called lonewolf-chicago has a whole list:

Attention seeking behavior

Conflating sex with “love”

The price they pay to keep a man’s attention.

They have nothing else to offer

No purpose in life, goals, no need to become masterful at something to build a reputation to make money because a man will provide for them.

And then a small percentage are wired to need sex…likely higher testosterone by nature.

Boredom. So many women are bored because they have few hobbies. ( shopping is not a hobby )

You might think that such a detailed list would cover it, but several other MGTOWs offered helpful theories of their own. MarketGiraffe declared that

sluts aren’t defined by how many times they get pumped… but rather how many times they get dumped.

The reason women are sluts is because they couldn’t get the guy to commit, because they aren’t worth anything more than whats between their legs (for the most part).

But Mr. Giraffe was quick to add, presumably on the off chance that any women were reading his comments, that

if a girl can cook and play grand theft auto, she won’t be getting pumped and dumped by me even if her vagina gets filled with fucking cement.

That’s right, gals — he’s single! Form a line, lonely vidya-game-playing/cement-vagina-having girls!

Someone called DigitalScetis had his own theory, based on the different sexual and emotional reactions women allegedly have to the sexy Chad Thundercock and the just plain ordinary “Brad.” (Note: in this case “Brad” refers to regular old Brads, not to Brad Pitt. Brad is a Brad; Brad Pitt is a Chad. Hope that helps!)

Women do not want to fuck Brad. They do not want to marry Chad.

They want to marry Brad, and not fuck him, and fuck Chad, but not marry him. This is optimizing her sexual strategy. Anything less, for her innermost feelings, feels wrong.

You may have noticed that in addition to being a stupid thing to say this does not actually answer poor Mr. kiwi’s question, partly because all Mr. DigitalScetis has done here is to regurgitate one of the basic MGTOW talking points.

Meanwhile, a dude called lostapwbm suggested that it was futile to try to understand female logic, because there isn’t such a thing!

The greatest mistake any man can make is assuming that any given woman is a rational thinker.

Ergo, sluts, The Wall, Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.

Sluts are not well-known for their long-term planning skills.

Really? Because it seems pretty evident to me that the sluts of the world are a hell of a lot better organized than the MGTOWs.

But this is not all there is to say about sluts. Indeed, several MGTOWs took issue with the very premise of Mr. kiwi’s question. For them the issue isn’t why some women are sluts; it’s why any women aren’t sluts.

“[N]ot sure i’ve ever known a woman to really ever commit to one man,” a MGTOW calling himself chasingsnow reports.

[M]aybe 100 years ago, now they need 1000 men on facebook, 80 dicks a week, and dating multiple man to feel “ok”. all women are sluts.

All except the ugly ones, that is:

what i’ve noticed about the girls that have never whored and say its gross or immoral, they are ugly. ugly girls aren’t sluts because they can’t be.

But the hot gals? They’re all sluts, at least according to this anonymous dude on the MGTOW subreddit who may have never spoken to a woman.

i’ve never met a fucking banging hot chick that doesn’t sell her body in some way or the other. all women are sluts, and yet they rag on us for always thinking with our dick. yes, i think with my cock way too much, but isn’t you obsessing about your beauty just another form of sexual worship.

This last bit about “sexual worship” inspired another MGTOW to spew forth an extended, er, series of reflections on women, “sexual worship,” and of course “hoeing out.”

[W]omen in America are in love with themselves. They literally call themselves queens now, as if they graduated from being princesses. Men will go head-over-heels for women no matter how they act. …

The sexual revolution essentially created sexual worship in our society as a means of “liberation”, alongside “sex sells” consumerism. Rather than teaching women to become independent or strong through education, career, or activism, they were taught to hoe out to express their “womanhood”. 

So there you have it, folks! All your slut questions answered, courtesy of a bunch of dudes who hate and fear women in general and sluts in particular!

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7 years ago

The greatest mistake any man can make is assuming that any given woman is a rational thinker.

Ergo, sluts, The Wall, Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.

Wait, isn’t ‘the wall’ a reference to ‘gross’ ‘old’ women?

Does being a rational thinker prevent one from aging?

7 years ago

@alan: fruit sticker adhesive isn’t really strong enough to pull out a hair, even.

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove

They will never understand. I don’t think they can comprehend that all men are equal to themselves, let alone women. So many of them are just talking to the strawpuppets in their head. As for me, I am not a queen, but a Goddess, and must be surrounded by women all the time, like Artemis.. And for me personally there is nothing better than just being touched. It is a basic human need. And I think most of these guys never get touched. They grow cold and lonely, but think being touched is being weak… I’d tell them to go to strip clubs and find escorts and prostitutes… But I like them far too much to want them to deal with these assholes.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

By waiting half an hour, probably.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago
Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Pie, on “beta bucks”:

For some reason though, I just get an image of the lady in question trying to ride an unwilling beta like a horse.

Uh, some of us betas would be happy to pony up…

hoe out to express their “womanhood”

Just been watching some awesome hula dancers on Youtube do the ka’i – mele routine and then ho’i out of stage.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

@Alan: If it came off of a kiwi, it’s covered in kiwi fluff already, and probably not very sticky. It also looks like it was just sort of sat there, and if it’s stuck to the fur at all, it’s probably really minimally.

I don’t think I’ve ever managed to remove a kiwi sticker without leaving a sticker-shaped thinning in in the kiwi skin, personally.

Witch of Endor
Witch of Endor
7 years ago

By ‘hitting The Wall’, they are of course referring to the transformative moment in a lady’s life when she first hears a Pink Floyd song. Play ‘Not Now, John’ to your daughters as soon as possible to fend off MRAs.

7 years ago


Women only care about, and put effort into, their physical appearance (and nothing else) in order to reel in the Chads.

This is not a sustainable STEM logic “strategy” because looks are a “resource” that runs out when women get to be 21 (or whatever moving-target age the poster has set). The ‘idea’ that women invest in something that won’t give a long term return is what is “illogical” .

It’s like telling some that putting all of their effort into hating women on the Internet for their own faults, instead of putting that same effort into fixing those faults, will result in a short, not long, term gain.

Only that example is probably good advice and makes more sense, unlike whatever “Wall” bullshit the assholes prattle on about.

7 years ago

The second dumbest bit about that anal concrete/cementing was they must have waited for it to start hardening before thinking “Wait, this was a bad idea.” Concrete doesn’t solidify instantly. (Of course, the dumbest bit was trying it at all)

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Women having sex for the sake of having sex seems to be a foreign, even alien, concept to these guys. I think it frightens them, poor fellas.

The only way they can feel better about the fact that they don’t get teh sexytimes with hot ladies is to ascribe ulterior motives to them. As their high commandeerer in chief, hizexellency Orange Julius Ceasar would say: Sad!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

My local supermarket didn’t have any kiwi fruit. I am however happily reassured by people’s comments here. So that is a cute pic.

7 years ago

Hoping that “confused kiwi” isn’t actually from New Zealand..

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

80 dicks/week*52 weeks/year*lessay the 50 years between 20 and 70 before the bones get too brittle for 11.4 ‘pumping’ sessions a day=208000 unique penes give or take in a lifetime. There’s your preprogrammed ‘high score’ ladies. Put in your quarters, and get fuckin…

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Kiwi kitteh squeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

in a bit of awesome news! artificial womb tech are focusing on helping premature babies !!

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

[W]omen in America are in love with themselves. They literally call themselves queens now, as if they graduated from being princesses.

And that’s a bad thing…how?

Oh, I forgot: Miggys and their ilk only like women who hate themselves enough to sink down to their level and never, ever question it.

IgnoreSandra | May 16, 2017 at 11:09 am
Guys pretend to be impressed, but talk […] at length about Fallout New Vegas or really any other game you know like the back of your hand.

I suppose this would be the best time to mention that my favorite way to kill Benny has always been with the Black Widow perk conversation. (I also don the skimpy nightie too, just to make it extra tantalizing.)

I love giving that man a massive, confusing fearboner before I shoot him and/or smother him with a pillow.

comment image

7 years ago

@Alan: the stickers put on fruit are pretty low-adhesive. Never tried getting one off a kiwi, but they come off citrus fruit and apples easily enough.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

208000 unique penes give or take in a lifetime

Shit. I’ve only touched, like, 5, and I kind of promised that the most recent one would be the last one. I messed up.

I mean, unless he like… dies. So I guess I can root for that.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Yep, I have a “Now Serving Number ____” sign over my bed. *Click* Next!!

You know, at my most Timber-Rattling Booger Slutiness, I never approached 11 penes a year, let alone a day.

I…I don’t think these guys actually know what they’re talking about.

7 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

I love giving that man a massive, confusing fearboner before I shoot him and/or smother him with a pillow.

GLORIOUS. I tend to let him go, because he hasn’t learned to fear me enough. Then I have Caesar crucify him, before shooting him down with his own gun. Really, crucifixion and the Black Widow dialogue are the only two things he seems to fear.

And then murder everyone on Fortification Hill. Legionnaires deserve to die by default. I favor melee weapons, so that gets dicey in its own way.

208000 unique penes give or take in a lifetime

If I never touch another penis attached to a guy, I will be very happy.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

In addition to not acknowledging ace people, they also seem to ignore the existence of lesbians…and people heading the same way I am: pansexual (or bisexual, etc), but never actually doing it with anyone with a dick. Or diddling dicks in general.

(I’m 17, though. Not quite in a state to be doing things.)

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

“…if a girl can cook and play grand theft auto, she won’t be getting pumped and dumped by me even if her vagina gets filled with fucking cement.”

HOLD ME BACK, Mammotheers. I’d even learn to play GTA. I am post-wall, though. And 40kg overweight. But still, my ability to make puff pastry from scratch means he wouldn’t pump and dump me! Yay!

…except I’d fill my own vagina with cement rather than let this fucking douche near it.

7 years ago

So I’m admittedly confused. Do MGTOWs think they’re more intellectual than the common MRA? It doesn’t seem like there’s much of a difference.

7 years ago

Oh, I thought I had posted this already, but I think I got distracted on the way. Unrelated to the article:
This is the page of a trans artist. In the last few days, the edgelords have been spamming it with hundreds of hateful comments. I heard they have been doing this to multiple trans friendly media to try and get them to shut down their social media pages, but since I don’t follow many, I only witnessed it on this one. Anyhow, a single look at the comments shows that they have been fanatical in their efforts for now. Their usual attention span should kick in in a couple of days, but boy are they vile in the meantime!