open thread traitor in chief

The Leaks are Coming From Inside the Trump: Another Trump Open Thread Because JFC

This is fine

So I took a nap and when I woke up the WaPo had reported and other media outlets had confirmed that our Dear Leaker, sorry Leader, had leaked classified info to the Russians at that meeting last week, possibly because he wanted them to know that he’s a BIG BOY now with access to all sorts of secret President stuff! So have at it. Also, maybe I should stop napping. What if my nap CAUSED ALL THIS OH NO.

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7 years ago


What if my nap CAUSED ALL THIS OH NO.

Speaking of supernatural powers, I wonder if mikey is about to transform into a being of pure energy, able to curse democrats with debilitating illnesses at will.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Resistbot turns your texts into faxes and sends them to your elected representatives for free.

I haven’t used them, but that radical mag TeenVogue likes them. Good enough for me!

Seriously, TeenVogue? A Conde Nast publication? I guess that Conde Nast got the message: Young people today are worried that life on this planet will end. Maybe during their lifetime. They need a different kind of magazine.

Resistbot Turns Your Texts Into Faxes to Elected Officials
Find out how a new service turns texts into faxes to senators and representatives, to help users make their voices heard.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Lavrov: “Oh, no, good friend! Is well known, Amerikans have worst intel. Russian intel FAR superior. Everyone knows.”

Drumpf: “No way. There’s just – there’s no way. I get the best – I have the best briefings. The best intel. Stuff you never imagined!”

Sounds about right.

Although the details of Trump’s reign repeatedly stun me, the horror of it is what I anticipated.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Why did Donald Trump’s attorney tweet a picture of his daughter in a bra?
Michael Cohen faced a flurry of replies after posting a controversial picture of his daughter

Why? As Donald Trump said in another context, you’ll have to draw your own conclusions.

7 years ago

@ GiJoel

Man, don’t I know it. I live in North Carolina, where the court declared our districts so hopelessly gerrymandered that they were actually illegal… but then told us to go ahead an use them anyway during the election, and they’d try to redraw them afterwards. Big surprise Trump won here after that, right? This fucking state, I swear. As for party loyalty, I know we can get borderline fanatical about it. Just seems odd to me that the Republicans would actually claim him as one of their own even though he contradicts what they claim are their party values all the time. (Especially religious members… really, y’all, you thought he was a godly man?) I just can’t imagine what it’d take before they go, “Yeah… he’s not with us, he just ran as a Republican because he knew nobody would vote third party.” Instead it’s, “Yes, that man is our party’s leader and we’re going to defend literally everything he does no matter how catastrophic.”

@ Pie

Ugh… probably, yeah. I’d like to think the public wouldn’t accept that “oh, we’re not responsible for anything he screwed up” kind of weaselly deflection, and actually hold them accountable for allowing his shitty decisions to go unchallenged… but I’m not holding my breath. Conservatives seem willing to forgive almost anything if it means keeping their representatives in power and stepping on the kind of people they hate a little longer.

7 years ago

The Republican Congress does and says almost nothing because as long as Drumpf is in the Executive office, they are completely in power.

And that’s the bottom line for them and their corporate overlords: to be and stay in power for as long as possible.

TBH I don’t see or hear the Dems raising a whole lot of fuss, either, but then again they hardly ever do. And I don’t know what they’d do in the face of the same situation; I wouldn’t want to take bets on it.

To me and a lot of regular human beings with consciences and senses of integrity, etc., it seems surreal that this kind of thing can be ignored or sanctioned; yet to my endless shock it is, daily.

There’s a story going around right now about how Kellyanne Conway said, after performing one of her many, many spin jobs for der Drumpf, that she “had to take a shower” afterwards since she couldn’t stand the man. For all I know, a lot of Republicans and administration staffers feel the same way, but to me it excuses NOTHING. Even those of us among the working poor have enough self-respect that we won’t work for someone who demands that we go out daily and compromise our own morals and principles for them. No sympathy.

Tuesday should be interesting.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


It seems to me like the religious right prioritizes sexism and misogyny over godliness. That is, the former is the real draw. Just look at the hero worship over Reagan. He wasn’t religious and Nancy was into psychics and astrology. I doubt they care about Trump’s religiosity. Not as long as he wants to subjugate the same people they do.

7 years ago


Especially religious members… really, y’all, you thought he was a godly man?

Doesn’t matter. Evangelicals, at least, seem to be pretty much single-issue voters now. As long as a candidate promises to roll back women’s reproductive freedoms, he could pledge allegiance to Gozer the Gozerian on live TV and they’d still vote for him.

7 years ago


“I am brutally insecure about my worth, dick size

Please don’t. Genital size =/= masculinity or power, and it would be nice if we could stop insinuating it does.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago


(Especially religious members… really, y’all, you thought he was a godly man?)

IIRC, back in the primaries many evangelical voters preferred Trump because they thought he would be a “stronger” (ie more authoritarian) leader than any of his more religious fellow candidates.

7 years ago


Please don’t. Genital size =/= masculinity or power, and it would be nice if we could stop insinuating it does.

And yet it is relevant in this context. Trump has, after all, done a fair bit of public insinuation on this very subject.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

At this point, I am really afraid that if he were impeached he would burn the country down out of sheer spite. The narcissistic injury would be too great for him to go quietly.

Re: evangelicals, they deluded themselves into thinking whatever they needed to think in order to not vote for Clinton.

Re: most GOP members have long been all about party before country. And now, when their fearless leader is doing more damage to the GOP than he is to the nation (at least that we know about), they find that they’ve painted themselves into the proverbial corner with nowhere to go.

7 years ago

Ohlmann wrote:

Oh, yes. They have neither spine nor ideology. They aren’t even consistent in their horrible belief.

Actually, they’ve been remarkably consistent in one core belief for decades now:

If a Democrat does it, it’s tyranny, treason, and absolute evil, but if a Republican does it, it’s courageous, patriotic, and absolute good.

Please note that “it” can be the exact same fucking thing.

7 years ago

…but remember, kids: conservatives think moral relativism is bad!

7 years ago

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:

“I read the Washington Post story and I read General McMasters response, which tends to refute the story, rebut the story. I think we could do with a little less drama from the White House on a lot of things so that we can focus on our agenda, which is deregulations, tax reform, repealing and replacing Obamacare.”

Original quote here.

I’ve called my Senators, and I’m about to cry. I just feel so helpless. I keep asking, “What’s it going to take?” and the answer seems to be that there is no answer, that we’re just going to have to suffer until November 2018 which is a loooong way off.

And that’s IF we can even get people out to vote the Republicans out of power, and then another big IF it will even do any good.

I want to give up but I don’t even know what that would mean. There’s nowhere to go. Trudge on, I suppose, keep fighting a lost fight.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

(Especially religious members… really, y’all, you thought he was a godly man?)

I have had several (very religious/Southern Baptist) family members try to justify their support by “explaining” to me how Trumpster was a “baby Christian” and that the Lord was using him, and that he would be miraculously transformed to work miracles in His name. *barfs* Needless to say, I have yet to see any evidence of such. (unless God is an asshole too.)

Interestingly enough, they get all offended when you try to tell them that Der Dump isn’t acting like a Christian at all, and HOW DARE YOU QUESTION HIS FAITH! So you’re not allowed to even question THAT. *siiiigh*

7 years ago

@Faerie Bard – gross.

7 years ago

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile:

Seriously, TeenVogue? A Conde Nast publication? I guess that Conde Nast got the message: Young people today are worried that life on this planet will end. Maybe during their lifetime. They need a different kind of magazine.

And yet they don’t turn out to fucking vote. In November, the turnout of 18-29 year-olds was a little over 40%, compared to over 70% for people aged 60+. I’m not going to shake my cane angrily at “millennials”, but I wish they voted more.

Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

I agree that while Dear Leaker allows Republicans to screw with the kind of people Republicans hate (minorities, women, poor people, etc.), they will excuse anything. I mean, that’s why they have the 24/7 propaganda channel that is Fox News and their Very Serious People on the other news networks.

I am genuinely afraid for the future of not just the US but of the whole world.

7 years ago

Dreemr, I don’t know how you can honestly say the Democrats aren’t “raising much of a fuss”. They are. A lot of them. Frequently.

7 years ago

Well, @booburry, your judgement of my honesty aside, YMMV on the topic of Democrats raising a fuss, obviously.

7 years ago

No more of a fuss than “BUTT HER EMALES!” Republicans. I didn’t really mind them doing such things, people are still welcome to protest peacefully, thanks Bill of Rights!

If you truly feel strongly enough about an issue to protest, go ahead. I’d rather the alt-righters didn’t, but that’s more of a “troll/hate group” than any of the moderate demo/repub protestors ever were.

7 years ago

dreemr, I’m sure several Dem fingers will be sternly wagged. They may even write a letter!

7 years ago

@Moggie – that made me laugh, thank you.

7 years ago

Well I was shocked and surprised… that he hadn’t tweeted it first.