open thread traitor in chief

The Leaks are Coming From Inside the Trump: Another Trump Open Thread Because JFC

This is fine

So I took a nap and when I woke up the WaPo had reported and other media outlets had confirmed that our Dear Leaker, sorry Leader, had leaked classified info to the Russians at that meeting last week, possibly because he wanted them to know that he’s a BIG BOY now with access to all sorts of secret President stuff! So have at it. Also, maybe I should stop napping. What if my nap CAUSED ALL THIS OH NO.

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7 years ago

What in the holy fucking hell?

My face every fucking day now:

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7 years ago

Is anyone even running the country? It seems everyone is hiding in their office right now, only the sounds of screaming behind closed doors.

Spicer, Huckabee-Sanders, Bannon, and Dubke were all reported screaming at each other in an office, so much so that they turned up a TV so reporters outside couldn’t make out what they were yelling.

Republicans can’t possibly go on glossing over this man’s behavior – yet I am sure there are yet-unimagined depths of moral bankruptcy to which they are willing if not eager to sink in order to excuse him.

Hello, Speaker Ryan? Senator McConnell? Anything to say?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

My favorite quote on this shit is from Senator Risch defending Trump revealing classified info to the Russians: “It’s no longer classified the minute he utters it.” Therefore, not illegal.

Are you even fucking kidding me?

And it’s so classified, it wasn’t even shared with our allies! But he gave the position of our intel gathering source on ISIS. IN SYRIA. TO THE FUCKING RUSSIANS.

This fucking joke must go. He must GO.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

You know, that Jesus Freak white woman who was saying that we’re all actually in hell right now in the post David made about the Alt-Right mourning the French elections?

She may actually be on to something.

Because, like.

This is unimaginably horrible. I knew things were going to get this bad, though.

7 years ago

According to most of the reports I’ve seen, it probably isn’t illegal, technically, for pretty much the reason you cite.

That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. And pretty much everyone knows exactly how this went down.

Kislyak: “Oh hey, Don, nice office, no corners to hide in, har har. But your ISIL intelligence is just terrible.”

Drumpf: “What? No it isn’t! I have the best intel, the BEST!”

Lavrov: “Oh, no, good friend! Is well known, Amerikans have worst intel. Russian intel FAR superior. Everyone knows.”

Drumpf: “No way. There’s just – there’s no way. I get the best – I have the best briefings. The best intel. Stuff you never imagined!”

Lavrov: “There, there, Donnie, is no shame! Great Russian intelligence is just superior, is all. You probably know nothing about Syria. We know all about Syria.”


A fast-talking 3rd grader could get state secrets out of Drumpfie.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Anyone else see the similarities?

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Seriously. Trump and Joffery are both examples of what happen when you give a spoiled brat with a giant ego and no sense of empathy absolute power. He’s the affluenza president.

He should be impeached and charged with treason. I know it’s not going to happen, but goddamn.

7 years ago

“It’s no longer classified the minute he utters it.”

“When the president does it, it’s not illegal.”

This isn’t watergate though. At Watergate, Congress gave a damn that laws were broken.

At this point, I’ve completely lost faith in America’s political process, and am developing an ugly appreciation for the concept of an armed revolution. Preferably velvet, but powerful enough that it could win if it gets bloody.

For Congress’ sake, I hope they fix America’s problem with conservatives and reactionaries, and quickly. This isn’t a threat. This is my reading of America’s political spectrums.

7 years ago

The leaks are coming from inside Der Drumpf. Which would explain the gassy smell wafting out of Washington, no doubt…

7 years ago

If Obama did this you’d bet there’d be investigations upon investigation by the GOP. Literal treason, use of government to illegally gain funds, I’d mention more but it’d take forever. Can we get the unintended side effect of the GOP using the Monkey’s Paw like right now?

Cause if this Tom Clancy bullshit keeps going on there’s going to be alot of things getting broken and can’t be fixed.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago


Fucking Hell…

7 years ago

Has everyone forgotten….Benghazi? /s

This is getting scary. Fasten your seatbelts, everyone, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

The POTUS has the authority to declassify information. So Trump probably didn’t commit a crime, but he can still be impeached, since he possibly violated his oath of office.

If it’s true that he declassified the information because he was carelessly boasting to Russian officials, the matter is exceptionally serious. It’s clear, at the very least, that Trump isn’t qualified for his job and acts impulsively without considering the consequences of his actions.

7 years ago

Meanwhile, all FOX is talking about is Hillary Clinton starting some new political action group.


7 years ago

Trump’s subsequent admission that his decision (to fire comey) was driven by “this Russia thing” was seen by critics as attempted obstruction of justice.

Wait what.
He…. He fires a guy to make investigations stop and then ADMITS it? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. Seriously.
That’s basic villainy 101….

How did a person this idiotic get that rich and president? I mean, you have to have some skill for business success, don’t you?

I feel so sorry for you all and for everyone having to work with him on a daily basis.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

How did a person this idiotic get that rich and president? I mean, you have to have some skill for business success, don’t you?

Trump inherited his money. His current estimated net worth is lower than what he would have if he’d just put the money in the bank as soon as he inherited it, meaning that Trump is terrible at being a businessman.

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago

“I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,”

Holy crap.

What is worse: A president who is willfully malignant, or hopelessly and dangerously incompetent? Never mind, you don’t have to choose.

Commiserations from Rightpondia

7 years ago

Trump inherited his money. His current estimated net worth is lower than what he would have if he’d just put the money in the bank as soon as he inherited it, meaning that Trump is terrible at being a businessman.

That actually doesn’t surprise me at all…. Explains everything. And still people are dumb enough to vote for him.

I get great Intel.

Why not just wear a flashing neon sign stating “I am brutally insecure about my worth, dick size and people’s perception of me. I also validate my existence exclusively via outside input and have the mental growth of a 5 year old boy.”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Every time I think Trump has hit rock bottom, he gets out a bigger jackhammer.

7 years ago

Maybe you could reduce his dangerous boasting by giving him a throne and crown. And a raised dais? If he had the whole medieval king thing going, he would have less need to remind everyone how powerful he is. You’d still need to prevent him from traveling, though: can you imagine what he’ll be like meeting foreign leaders on their own turf?

It’s been reported before that intelligence agencies in other countries have been concerned about sharing intel with the US under Trump, and this pretty much vindicates that concern.

7 years ago

This looks for all the world like he’s trying to get impeached. I can’t tell if he’s actually that calculating (he certainly doesn’t come across that way), but if it came to a choice between continuing as POTUS for another three-and-bit years and losing at the next election (and Trump NEVER loses) and being “unfairly” ousted by denizens of the swamp he promised to drain, I suspect he relishes the prospect of dining out for life on the “poor, persecuted me” card.

7 years ago

How come the republicans aren’t up in flame about that ?

Oh, yes. They have neither spine nor ideology. They aren’t even consistent in their horrible belief.

7 years ago

I keep wondering how Republican senators and assorted congresspeople can stay so quiet when he does things like this. I always end up assuming that they must think speaking out against him will make them look bad, especially after they made the choice to spinelessly bow down to Trump after he was confirmed as their candidate in order to try and gain some quick political capital. But if that were the case, right, and they thought contradicting or criticizing the president would hurt their reputation so they’re just trying to preserve their public image… what do they imagine is going to happen the longer they wait?

Because sitting quietly in his shadow and nodding approvingly while he stumbles from error to error is just asinine. After every mistake and every blunder, they just make a few supportive/evasive/vaguely hostile noises at the press and then get ready to rinse and repeat the whole process the next time the president tries to fuck something to pieces.

How do they gain anything in the long term by letting someone like this be the face of their entire party? Do they really feel like he’s going to be a benefit to them or their constituents in any significant way or are they just burying their heads in the sand as deeply as possible? I don’t get you, senators, I really don’t. You really going to let this impending wreck happen? Or does it not matter who gets caught up in the ensuing blast as long as you have some shady little bushes to hide in? (Oh excuse me, among.)


7 years ago

@dmv because you have a gerrymander political system that places greater value on party loyalty than loyalty to the nation. This clusterfuck has been building for forty years now. Why are we surprised?

7 years ago


How do they gain anything in the long term by letting someone like this be the face of their entire party?

So long as he doesn’t do anything actually unacceptable to the republican base, like fucking an underaged boy, and so long as he occasionally does the sorts of things they want him to, they’re happy to let him go ahead. Ultimately, they’re the ones holding all the cards, and when the time comes to get rid of him, they can do it and be seen as the good guys, the voices of reason. All the shit he has done and will do will stick to him, and they’ll wiggle out neatly from underneath and get away clean and free.

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