So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.
Obviously I have to share their wisdom with you all.
Let’s start with the shorter and more succinct of the two comments, from a fellow calling himself Beta Men’s Uprising and/or MGTOWRebel.
What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.
Well, he’s off to a good start!
Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.
Damn, I hate it when the ladies shorten my lifespan.
When the Beta males of society have had enough and start an uprising against your tyrannical regime just see what happens to Chad.
Not Chad! Leave Chad alone!
I mourn on this day the hundreds of millions of men who have died because of women throughout history, your crimes will not be unforgotten and it will remember.
“It” will remember? This guy?

And now we get to the inevitable bit about how the ladies should all be killed:
You will be made to pay one day when the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men to be protectors/providers via shaming are put to trial in court. I bet they will be executed.
But if you kill all these ladies, including your mom, who will bring you your chicken tendies?
While Beta Men’s Uprising, whatever his other flaws, is admirably brief, CaptainAmazing treats us to an muddled and overlong disquisition on civilization and socialism and the evil that is ladies.
True, he ends with a real zinger. But we have to get there first.
Feminists are a sick lot, are they not. It’s all about forced wealth and power transfer. Women can’t build civilizations nor maintain them, nor implement laws and policies that are ‘egalitarian’ – because ‘egalitarian’ means negative exposure to women – so they demonize men to continue their sloth and cowardliness – and call it ‘feminism’.
I’m sorry, I sort of spaced out halfway through that paragraph. You were saying something about sloths?
Here are some ladies washing baby sloths and literally hanging them out to dry.
CaptainAmazing then treats us to some thoughts on socialism, Venezuela, and how “there’s a low IQ correlation with Socialists, Democrats and the left in general.” It’s too boring to quote at length. Then he takes on the issue of immigrants and how they’re raping everyone.
You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.
Scandinavia: The chilliest hell on earth.
The same is happening across Europe – more and more they forbid the media from posting bad press regarding socialism, ‘diversity’ and mass immigration. They want you to remain ignorant so that their plan to force wealth and power from others to themselves can succeed. They don’t want you to know that the real reason for mass immigration is to cover the failures of feminism and the rapidly declining native birth and marriage rates.
After getting mad at the ladies for not having babies, he gets mad at the ladies for having babies.
Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice. Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’? If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too? What about reducing the world population, reducing resource consumption and climate change? Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?
I’m going to say … no?
So if you decide not to do much with your life or obtain a worthless degree, everyone else should pay for it? Same with your health – if you decide to destroy it through bad habits and choices – should everyone else have to pay for your bad choices? To a socialist (Democrat) – the answer is of course a resounding “YES!”
Yes please!
Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!
If only.
Wow. You socialists sure do love your forced wealth and power transfer from the producers to the consumers. Ah…the joys of the welfare state (socialism) and the millions upon millions that will be murdered should they stand in socialism’s (Democrat’s) way.
How did we get from “free education” to “millions being murdered?”
It’s all so obvious. Since men built and maintained all of civilization, since men were trafficked, exploited and disposed of for women’s and the states advancement and all of the laws that give women and the state their rights and privileges over the common man, shouldn’t there be a female-only draft and a 100% female-only front-line fighting force, in reparation to men, as it was men’s lives that were sacrificed at the alter of two circles and a triangle and women’s true husband (the state).
The “alter of two circles and a triangle?” I think he’s talking about boobs and vaginas, but I’m not completely sure.
Shouldn’t the state be the first sent to the front lines since they’re the primary tax payer teat suckers?
Er what now?
How bouts some quotas for women in the most dirty, most dangerous, most life threatening and life shortening jobs (traditional male roles) instead of only the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions? You see, this is why socialism sucks. It’s so easy to defeat logically, but only if you’re able to think logically and not just wif yo feewings.
“Wif yo feewings?” Is he trying to be racist or condescending or both?
Hypocrisy and double standards are synonymous with socialism (aka feminism, aka Democrats). Socialists are so ignorant that they don’t realize the ‘leaders’ of socialist states eventually plunder the ‘public trust’ and transfer it all to their personal offshore accounts, leaving the vast majority of the population enslaved and in deep poverty.
Dude I think you just described the Trump administration.
But no one knows until it’s too late because the state controls the media. By the time the public learns the truth – it’s all over but the dying. Shared misery – it’s a Democrat/socialist thing.
Worst Democratic party slogan ever.
Go to Venezuela, Democrats. Please go and please don’t come back. There you’ll find your socialist utopia. That or go to South Africa, where they kill non-blacks for sport – with full government support. Or illegally immigrate to the Middle East, where you’ll be beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison.
Er, I thought this was going to be about Mother’s Day. What happened?
Socialism = Feminism = Democrat.
Ah, here we go again!
It’s the forced wealth and power transfer from men to women & the state, because two circles and a triangle. The common men build and maintain society – get used, exploited and disposed of – do all of the fighting and dying for women’s and the state’s advancement – and then women and the state destroy those same men and ‘culturally appropriate’ the spoils of ‘toxic masculinity’ for themselves.
Really? They’re doing a terrible job with the expropriation, then. The median wealth of single women of working age is less than half of that of their male counterparts.
It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).
Yes, no one has it easier than black women. Who are also lesbians. And trans.
And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.
They’ve … existed?
Mother’s Day Now Represents True Womanhood: The Partnership of the State and the Grim Reapers of Life and Arbiters of Death Through Mass Abortion (Feminists).
I made that into a Mother’s Day card. You’re welcome!

And now, at last, the zinger!
Congrats, ‘ladies’. You’ve earned it. You are truly the rectum of civilization. The only difference between then and now is everyone sees you for who you truly are – and they’re desperately reaching for a butt wipe.
Happy Mother’s Day to you too, fellas!
I already made my legal argument in regards to personhood. If letting pregnant women on TANF doesn’t do it, this won’t.
Also, pregnancy is not a “lifestyle choice”. I think you’re confusing what I said.
Re: logistics, we’re talking “fetuses” which eliminates most abortions. Never said it should be for the whole pregnancy. Just the dangerous end with a viable fetus.
Never said anything about making it a law. But yes, pre and post natal care should be legally mandatory.
As to the free lunch, I literally was just having fun there. I was hoping you were as well. It’s not the hill I’m dying on.
Neither is the health insurance thing, which was more of a brush-off to the MGTOWs. I’m out.
I catch your point, I don’t agree, but I catch it. Question is: how are you using the word ‘should’ here? Cos there’s a difference between saying ‘a justification exists for making pregnant folks pay for insurance differently’ and ‘it would be right and good to make pregnant folks pay for insurance differently’…
The wife and I just watched her collection of Batman Beyond over the last week, and so when I read the latter blind broadside, I couldn’t help but hear Mad Stan’s voice yelling out every line. Which is a shame, because Henry Rollins is actually a pretty cool guy, and I don’t want his voice associated with this…stream of un-thought.
I don’t get the point.
If we’re going to do something that brings costs, it should bring benefits, otherwise why the fuck would you do it? But mrex hasn’t identified any benefits. So…. I’m rather confussed.
As for free lunches: there’s also no such thing as free disposal. It costs money to give out a free lunch, just as it costs money to take out the trash. But the trash is pure cost; lunch gives someone something valuable. Something that they’ll use as an excuse to come buy your stuff.
OT: a friend just posted this:
Having an AI learn to play a game purely by curiosity. It doesn’t care whether it wins or loses; all it cares is to see the most things possible in the game. As it happens, curiosity is sufficient for learning how to get through Super Mario Bros levels.
Well considering I proposed it along with my “baby boy coalmining axe” and my proposal that intact men shouldn’t be covered by *my* health insurance, it probably would have been best to read as being a little tongue-in-cheek.
How much did I mean it? A little. Like from a purely libetarian “fairness is everything” POV I think it holds some merit. From a every other POV, it’s a mess.
I do think arguments that fetuses are part of their mother’s bodies are complete garbage though. Every women that’s been pregnant knows it’s false. And it does nothing to help pregnant women, or their fetuses, or protect abortion. Because it’s logical garbage.
But then you argued it as though you were serious and didn’t mention it was intended to be tongue in cheek until now. Why?
It’s not actually fair to treat pregnant people as financial burdens. It’s pretty vital for carrying on the species, replacing retirees, etc for at lease some uterus havers to agree to give birth. I’ve noticed that the father isn’t being proposed here as also being charged for a family plan even though they contributed half the DNA. How is that fair? Why should sperm havers get the benefits of reproducing but be spared the burden in at least this respect?
Of course if you think libertarianism is at all concerned with fairness, you aren’t really worth being taken seriously.
You don’t speak for every woman that’s ever been pregnant. I do know women who’ve had an unwanted pregnancy that they regard as a parasite. It’s not logical garbage to say that a fetus, if it can’t survive outside the uterus, is part of that body. And yeah, rhetoric absolutely does matter. The anti-choice side is winning partly because the pro-choice side lets them set the terms of the discussion over and over
Same old thing with you. You come in here every few months, make some non-offensive posts and then after a day or two find something to get into argument over seemingly just for the sake of being contrarian. Then you leave for awhile. Then come back…
Is it some weird form of trolling? What is the point?
No, it was best to ask you what you meant by ‘should’. I did that
So, the former. K
Citation needed
You do realize the guy infiltrating the White House atm is Donald fuckin Trump, correct? Since when was politics in any way about logic? Logic exists in politics to glaze over feelings with a coat of justification. The most determinative factor in your agreeing with a particular party is whether your family or peer group also agree with that party. Optics matter, and ‘fetuses are now insured separately from their carrier parent*’ is extra terrible optics…
*is there a better word for the person who is pregnant? Cos ‘mother’ seems phobic af, and I’m tryna move away from it
@ Virgin Mary: “Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.” – John Stuart Mill
So I suppose one could reasonably say that conservatism is a concentrating filter for stupidity.
I’m going to ignore the sometimes troll or whatever that is going on. It looks like it’s handled nicely.
@ Vanir 85,
So, he’s both against women *not having* babies, and against women *having* babies..?
Plus he’s against immigration. Apparently unaware that birth and immigration are the only two ways for society to maintain its population.
Also sees “the State” as an autonomous non-human entity, instead of an organisation which is comprised of (mostly) men and (a few) women.
I hope this guy was drunk when he wrote this.
Well, I seem to be unble to cut and paste still.
A parasite would still be a seperate body. By biological definition. A fetus IS a seperate body. By biological definition. Different DNA. Different cells.
Fair point on “you don’t speak for every pregnant woman”, I don’t. But it’s something that comes with being pregnant though, learning about fetal development, and getting medical care for the FETUS* and not for yourself and etc. I may not have statistics to back me up, but I believe it to be a fairly common belief.
Anecdotally, my first pregnancy was completely unexpected and unplanned. I was already several months in when I caught it, and I didn”t know what to do, so I looked up abortion online. The pro-life side fed me complete lies about fetal development and showed me fake abortion pictures, but I had enough of a background in biology to know what I had in me. Some of the pro-choicers told me it was a collection of cells, a part of my body, like getting a wisdom tooth pulled, but I had enough of a background in biology to know better.* And I was left there in the middle.
And yes, that’s true, no tongue-in-cheek. So, one antedoctal story on how calling a fetus “part of a woman’s body” can be distressing to pregnant women.
Am I contrarian? Probably. I tend to run in groups that place very high value on dissent and very low value on agreement. Groupthink is bad. And I’m argumentative as fuck. Am I trolling? Trolling usually means that you intend to harm, and no, I do not intend to harm.
What is a controversial statement? I only agree with this board so much.
Is libertarianism concerned with fairness? Depends on what you mean by “libertarian”. The Randroids may have tried to take over the term, but they don,t own it.
I’m not dying on the healthcare hill. You can have it.
The optics are the least of it’s worries.
*and a fetus is not an embryo is not a zygote
If you have something with its own DNA inside you, you should be charged for extra people on your insurance? So like, if I get strep throat, those are my family members?
Cause people who dissent and disagree just for the sake of it are just the absolute worse.
@Gipsz Jakab
I felt that it was confused from beginning to end, and that any interesting points are added by the reader filling in the blanks.
It’s major fault is that it conveniently elides several very different concepts in order to make its point:
“Betas” are not “traditionally masculine”, therefore they are “counter-culture”, and therefore are “progressive”.
“Counter-culture” figures (equivalent here to “progressives”) such as Norman Mailer decried “momism”, and since “betas” feel similarly about women they are the intellectual descendants of “progressive” thought (see what I just did there?).
People who were formerly seen as “geeks” (equivalent here to “betas” in another elision) now run the most profitable companies in the world, and therefore the “geeks” have won the economy. Since the “betas” have won the economy, they have also won the culture wars, because reasons. Hooray! The world is now “progressive”…
So, like, if all the betas just, like, get with the program, that’ll be just swell. And Tumblr is just, like, the worst, amirite?
I swear it’s like reading fucking postmodern philosophy.
The other nonsense here has already been covered very well by people with better insights than I do. I thought though that this deserves a bit more attention. I doubt he’ll see this, but maybe some other MGTOW will wander in and learn something.
Look, CaptainAmazing… you really don’t understand these basic concepts at all. And this fundamental ignorance of the entire topic is coloring your views throughout, and probably helping keep you in the company of some other ignorant, hateful, stupid people.
These three things that you equate with each other are not the same thing. They’re not even the same kinds of things. I know, it can be confusing, but I’m here to help.
Feminism is a cultural theory, which posits that all people should be treated equally. Feminism is not an economic theory, though it impacts on economics when dealing with how people are treated unequally. Feminism is not a political theory, though the issues of fair and equal treatment often need to be resolved through political action.
Socialism is an economic theory, which posits that the means of production and distribution of wealth (i.e. industries) should be controlled by the state. Capitalism is an economic theory which posits that those same industries should be controlled by private individuals, or groups of individuals. Now this part will be especially confusing, so stick with me here… sometimes societies exist which have both capitalism and socialism. So, for instance, the United States is fundamentally capitalist, but we have some socialist institutions, which are wholly owned and controlled by the government, e.g. our armed forces, and most of our police and firefighters, and our public schools and libraries and post offices… those are all essentially socialist constructs. I know, right? You never imagined.
Another time we should talk about the difference between socialism and communism (which is substantial, and which you lot continually get confused about), but that’s wayyyy past your reading level right now. You’re still in remedial civics and economics at this point.
Democrats are a political party in America. Some Democrats are feminists, and some are not. Some Democrats like some degree of socialism, and some like a lot, and some don’t like any.
Many socialists, and many feminists, exist in other countries than America. They are not and cannot be Democrats.
Here’s an analogy that might help: think of feminism as being like a color. So we could say that feminism is, I dunno, orange. Now, think of socialism as being like a shape, for instance a circle. Now, think of Democrats as being like a kind of food, say a fruit.
Some orange round things are fruits! Oranges (the citrus fruit) are examples of all three of those things. But then some orange round things are pumpkins, and some are basketballs. Many orange things are not round, and many round things are not orange, and many fruits are neither orange nor round.
Feel free to continue dancing on the health insurance hill. It’s yours.
And yes, bacteria may live on or in your body, but they are not literally part of you. For example, after you’re done talking with me, if you decide to go get a snack of yogurt, you should know that you will not become this human/Lactobacillus mutant monster. Unless a nuclear reactor melts down outside your house at the same time. Then all bets are off.
It’s like you know them personally. Have we met in RL?
Uh, yeah. That’s the point.
So you admit to trolling after all?
Cause I was already side eyeing the supportive of a each other to a fault thing in the personal thread but I let it go. Add this shitshow of a thread into the mix and I’m definitely calling troll.
I do have to laugh at that though. Every contrarian asshole seems to think that makes them special when really they’re a dime a dozen.
WWTH: Mmmhmmm.
Not trolling. I let you have the argument.
How was “supportive, practically to a fault” hurtful? I meant it. It’s not even a criticism. It means the people here are generally really supportive to the point that they start to practically burst with supportiveness. Do you think I’m lying?
Oh, if there’s one thing that’s a dime a dozen, it’s assholes.
Oh, I highly doubt it. If you’re alive to type this, and still have all your fingers, trust me, you don’t know the first thing about cruelty.
I decline your offering. I refuse to be ashamed. Take it up with your own mother, assuming you have the spine to face her.
I’m sorry, but what has a country in Africa got to do with it? I’m pretty sure they have no use for your widdle “uprising”, either.
So, our “crimes” will be forgotten, then? Oh, goodie. And who or what is this “it”? Is this some perverse game of hide-and-seek? I have so many questions, but I doubt I’ll get a straight answer out of Trollicus here.
What fucking gynocentrism, dude? You are aware that the male-provider status you’re kvetching about here is not only not slavery, it is the product of millennia of SEXISM, and specifically MISOGYNY, are you not?
Oh, silly me. Of course you’re not. If you were aware, you wouldn’t be a menzer.
You’re hoping for the Handmaid’s Tale to become reality? Move to Afghanistan, dude. It’s already real over there.
Nope…quite healthy, actually. And even those who aren’t 100% well in body or mind still have the wits to realize when we’re being gaslighted (gaslit?) by a gasbag. Case in point:
We can’t build anything! And yet, somehow, we managed to “enslave” all of male civilization, right up to this dolt, and he’s found us out! However shall we cope?
Oh noes, Scandinavia! Hell on Earth, thanks to the Nordic model, under which women are not arrested for working in prostitution, but men ARE arrested for buying sex! There is a Feminist Party in Sweden, and actual men actually support it! Serious efforts at actual gender equality in every parliament from Finland to Iceland! Also, the richest pay the highest taxes there, and the economy of every Nordic country is BOOMING as a result! And Denmark, where Roosh V couldn’t get his unwashed ass laid, was even designated the happiest land on Earth! The HORROR!
Huh. And here I thought it was because there were wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, leading to a growing number of people trying to flee them just so they’d survive. Silly me! That’s what using my pretty head for something other than a neck ornament gets me…common sense!
No, they shouldn’t. Either you kvetch about not enough (white European) women giving birth, or you kvetch about too many (insert Other category here) women giving birth. Pick one, because you can’t fucking do both, nitwit.
And, honestly, women presented with a full slate of choices, a broad array of means, and the awareness of how not to conceive unless they actually want to, tend to gravitate toward not reproducing excessively, anyway. Those horrible white European feminists you whine so much about? They are precisely those women. And the not-so-white immigrants you also kvetch about? Are learning A LOT from their white European sisters, and bringing up their daughters to seek more out of life than just an endless cycle of drudgery, poverty, housework and child-rearing.
Define “worthless degree”, moron. It’s only “worthless” to you because a “worthless” feeeeeemale is getting it, isn’t that so? If it were a man getting it, you’d say he was an unsung genius, oppressed by being surrounded and outnumbered by feeeeeemales. And women are “worthless” except, conveniently, when they’re making you a free sandwich and providing you free sex and free offspring and free housecleaning, isn’t that so? But they’re still “worthless” all the same, because you all-knowing manly menzers have decreed that women (and all the work they do) are “worthless” by virtue of not being born with the right set of genitalia.
(Never mind that some women ARE born with the same set of genitalia as you, and have no more interest in serving as accessories to your agenda than they are in presenting as men. That would only make your wee pin-head spin, wouldn’t it.)
You say that like those are Bad Things. And like they wouldn’t also benefit YOU.
No, actually, that would be you capitalists. The same who try to hornswoggle us with all that brainless gibberish about “trickle-down” economics. We’ve been living with THAT forced wealth transfer for over 30 years now, and it’s only made the real producers, the workers, poorer. Especially if they’re female. Because the bosses have, among other things, been fighting to make sure we NEVER get pay equity in any real terms.
(Points and laughs)
Dude, you’re an idiot. Check the Panama Papers…you’ll find zero offshore businesses OR bank accounts in them registered to Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, OR the Brothers Castro.
As for plundered public trusts, know where those happen? In CAPITALIST countries. Argentina and Chile are among the more tragic cases in point. The US of Amnesia is another one. But please, DO keep your head in the sand and your ass in the air. It’s a good landmark for a KICK ME sign, and I’ve got several waiting to be pinned on the jackasses.
I would, but there’s a right-wing putsch underway there, with US $$$$ financing it. The local capitalist assholes are even more rabid than YOU are, and that’s really saying something.
Also, I’m Canadian, I’m not a capital-D Dem (I’m a New Democrat, which is a different party entirely), and we have actual, working socialism up here, too. Shhhh, don’t tell anyone!
(Points and laughs again)
Dude, you’re not using logic. You’re butthurt and you’re not fooling anyone. Socialism hasn’t been defeated by your Manly ManLogic™, it’s still ticking and you’ve taken a licking. But please, do tell us again how superior you and crapitalism just inherently are without even having to work at it, I can use all the cheap entertainment I can get in these dark days of Drumpf.
Also, women DO work in the most dirty, dangerous and life-threatening jobs already. And we’re paid far less than you. AND we’re expected to birth yo’ babies and spread our legs for your dubious dicks at every opportunity. And if we don’t, you and your widdle bitty feewings get mighty, mighty HUWT. So much so that you write lengthy screeds here to try to prove to us how awful we are, and to make us scared for the future.
At long last, don’t you feel fucking ridiculous? Because you ARE.
As soon as people start thinking “beta” as a real Scientific concept I tune out. All that research was debunked decades ago. Wolves aren’t alphas and betas.. they are a family unit… As for everything else, I think the two circle and a triangle are a reference to something he found in his intestines because his head is shoved so far up his ass….
Alan Robertshaw,
I stumbled onto some images of art & sculpture from the Mound Builders, who were several Native American tribes who built a thriving civilization in the Southern US from 800 CE to 1600 CE. Collectively, they are referred to as the Mississippian Culture.
Their pottery and cities reminded me so much of early Middle Eastern civilizations, such as the Sumerians and pre-Sumerians, that I was shocked that I had never heard of them. (My image of Native Americans were the nomadic tribes of the plains and the forests of Canada (like the Cree)).
@ hypatia’s daughter
I do sometimes tease my archeology friends about their lack of imagination when it comes to naming peoples (“Beaker Folk? Is that really the best you could come up with?”) But I am fascinated by the Mississippian Culture(s). Cahokia is on my places I’d like to visit list. I also really want to see the Serpent Mound. It’s like you say about the parallels with other cultures. How much of that is just convergent development, or does it reflect some underlying collective consciousness? Realistically it’s probably just that there are only so many ways of raising big structures out of earth. But I like to think the Mound Builders would have got on with whomever built Silbury Hill (which arguably also represents a serpent and egg motif).