So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.
Obviously I have to share their wisdom with you all.
Let’s start with the shorter and more succinct of the two comments, from a fellow calling himself Beta Men’s Uprising and/or MGTOWRebel.
What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.
Well, he’s off to a good start!
Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.
Damn, I hate it when the ladies shorten my lifespan.
When the Beta males of society have had enough and start an uprising against your tyrannical regime just see what happens to Chad.
Not Chad! Leave Chad alone!
I mourn on this day the hundreds of millions of men who have died because of women throughout history, your crimes will not be unforgotten and it will remember.
“It” will remember? This guy?

And now we get to the inevitable bit about how the ladies should all be killed:
You will be made to pay one day when the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men to be protectors/providers via shaming are put to trial in court. I bet they will be executed.
But if you kill all these ladies, including your mom, who will bring you your chicken tendies?
While Beta Men’s Uprising, whatever his other flaws, is admirably brief, CaptainAmazing treats us to an muddled and overlong disquisition on civilization and socialism and the evil that is ladies.
True, he ends with a real zinger. But we have to get there first.
Feminists are a sick lot, are they not. It’s all about forced wealth and power transfer. Women can’t build civilizations nor maintain them, nor implement laws and policies that are ‘egalitarian’ – because ‘egalitarian’ means negative exposure to women – so they demonize men to continue their sloth and cowardliness – and call it ‘feminism’.
I’m sorry, I sort of spaced out halfway through that paragraph. You were saying something about sloths?
Here are some ladies washing baby sloths and literally hanging them out to dry.
CaptainAmazing then treats us to some thoughts on socialism, Venezuela, and how “there’s a low IQ correlation with Socialists, Democrats and the left in general.” It’s too boring to quote at length. Then he takes on the issue of immigrants and how they’re raping everyone.
You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.
Scandinavia: The chilliest hell on earth.
The same is happening across Europe – more and more they forbid the media from posting bad press regarding socialism, ‘diversity’ and mass immigration. They want you to remain ignorant so that their plan to force wealth and power from others to themselves can succeed. They don’t want you to know that the real reason for mass immigration is to cover the failures of feminism and the rapidly declining native birth and marriage rates.
After getting mad at the ladies for not having babies, he gets mad at the ladies for having babies.
Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice. Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’? If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too? What about reducing the world population, reducing resource consumption and climate change? Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?
I’m going to say … no?
So if you decide not to do much with your life or obtain a worthless degree, everyone else should pay for it? Same with your health – if you decide to destroy it through bad habits and choices – should everyone else have to pay for your bad choices? To a socialist (Democrat) – the answer is of course a resounding “YES!”
Yes please!
Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!
If only.
Wow. You socialists sure do love your forced wealth and power transfer from the producers to the consumers. Ah…the joys of the welfare state (socialism) and the millions upon millions that will be murdered should they stand in socialism’s (Democrat’s) way.
How did we get from “free education” to “millions being murdered?”
It’s all so obvious. Since men built and maintained all of civilization, since men were trafficked, exploited and disposed of for women’s and the states advancement and all of the laws that give women and the state their rights and privileges over the common man, shouldn’t there be a female-only draft and a 100% female-only front-line fighting force, in reparation to men, as it was men’s lives that were sacrificed at the alter of two circles and a triangle and women’s true husband (the state).
The “alter of two circles and a triangle?” I think he’s talking about boobs and vaginas, but I’m not completely sure.
Shouldn’t the state be the first sent to the front lines since they’re the primary tax payer teat suckers?
Er what now?
How bouts some quotas for women in the most dirty, most dangerous, most life threatening and life shortening jobs (traditional male roles) instead of only the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions? You see, this is why socialism sucks. It’s so easy to defeat logically, but only if you’re able to think logically and not just wif yo feewings.
“Wif yo feewings?” Is he trying to be racist or condescending or both?
Hypocrisy and double standards are synonymous with socialism (aka feminism, aka Democrats). Socialists are so ignorant that they don’t realize the ‘leaders’ of socialist states eventually plunder the ‘public trust’ and transfer it all to their personal offshore accounts, leaving the vast majority of the population enslaved and in deep poverty.
Dude I think you just described the Trump administration.
But no one knows until it’s too late because the state controls the media. By the time the public learns the truth – it’s all over but the dying. Shared misery – it’s a Democrat/socialist thing.
Worst Democratic party slogan ever.
Go to Venezuela, Democrats. Please go and please don’t come back. There you’ll find your socialist utopia. That or go to South Africa, where they kill non-blacks for sport – with full government support. Or illegally immigrate to the Middle East, where you’ll be beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison.
Er, I thought this was going to be about Mother’s Day. What happened?
Socialism = Feminism = Democrat.
Ah, here we go again!
It’s the forced wealth and power transfer from men to women & the state, because two circles and a triangle. The common men build and maintain society – get used, exploited and disposed of – do all of the fighting and dying for women’s and the state’s advancement – and then women and the state destroy those same men and ‘culturally appropriate’ the spoils of ‘toxic masculinity’ for themselves.
Really? They’re doing a terrible job with the expropriation, then. The median wealth of single women of working age is less than half of that of their male counterparts.
It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).
Yes, no one has it easier than black women. Who are also lesbians. And trans.
And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.
They’ve … existed?
Mother’s Day Now Represents True Womanhood: The Partnership of the State and the Grim Reapers of Life and Arbiters of Death Through Mass Abortion (Feminists).
I made that into a Mother’s Day card. You’re welcome!

And now, at last, the zinger!
Congrats, ‘ladies’. You’ve earned it. You are truly the rectum of civilization. The only difference between then and now is everyone sees you for who you truly are – and they’re desperately reaching for a butt wipe.
Happy Mother’s Day to you too, fellas!
@Wolverine’s grandad
Yep. The big increase in lifespan probably only comes for those who were castrated as children and never went through puberty, but even as an adult there are things like testicular cancer which could be entirely avoided and prostate cancer which would be much less likely once the danglies were taken elsewhere. And that’s not even mentioning cardiac health, or the reduction in stress and anger, less oily skin, no male pattern baldness… the list is practically endless.
Honestly guys, the evil castrating totalitarian femoid state really has your best interests at heart, if you think about it.
Uh, yes. That’s why I suggested that if he considered a longer lifespan important, he’d get rid of them. That was the whole point of the comment, you see.
Also, re: “improving his life”, given his little screed, I’m gonna have to say “assumes facts not in evidence” 😉
@Serebrianyi Golub:
That article you linked (on the previous page) raised some mildly interesting points until it descended into “HURR DURR TUMBLR FEMINISM FREEZE PEACH” near the end.
I hope these MGTOWs mothers find out what they’ve been up to and kick them out.
The contradiction that women’s purpose in life is to have babies, yet they should be punished for having babies is nothing new. It’s a main feature of right wing “thought.” It’s just not usually stated quite so nakedly.
Just look at the anti-choice movement. On the surface it would appear that they oppose abortion because they believe that it murders babies. Yet they don’t support welfare programs that will keep those babies alive once they’re born. And they tend to be for exceptions when the pregnancy is the result of rape. If the rape is one they find “legitimate.” A white virgin who’s been assaulted by a stranger at gunpoint. When pressed, anti-choicers will tell you that women need to face consequences for becoming pregnant and that they shouldn’t be able to take the easy way out and get an abortion.
It’s got nothing to do with babies. It has everything to do with sex and punishing us for having it. Captain asshat really means that women should have our bodies controlled by men. We can make the lifestyle choice of marrying young to a domineering man of the same race as us and that’s okay if we have sex and make babies in that lifestyle. If we make the lifestyle choice that makes misogynists uncomfortable and freely choose when we have sex and who we have sex with, we must be punished whether it’s by forcing us to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, forcing us to live in poverty or just raping us.
It’s not so much that babies are a lifestyle choice, it’s that misogynists are enraged that we ever make any choices at all. They don’t like us to have any choices in any area, but as pregnancy doesn’t occur in a cis man’s body, they can’t control it in a free and democratic society. Babies and pregnancy become the focus for male rage and entitlement and as a consequence, are also latched onto by female misogynists. Because no better way to suck up to misogynistic men than by giving up control of your body and assisting in giving away the control other women have over our bodies.
Point of order: that’s true from a thermodynamic perspective, but not from an economic one. To use the particular case that originated the saying as an example, it was at one time customary for bars in the U.S. to offer a free lunch to anybody who bought a beer. Naysayers of a classical economics bent insisted that the lunch wasn’t free, because if the bars didn’t offer one they could sell the beer cheaper. However, bars don’t offer free lunch anymore, and the beer’s just as expensive as ever.
For what?
“Also, re: “improving his life”, given his little screed, I’m gonna have to say “assumes facts not in evidence” ?”
Castration can have some pretty nasty side effects.
Yes, in general, spayed and neutered animals live longer than intact animals. (And yes, that spayed AND neutered, both male AND female). And it’s fun to sarcastically poke fun at beta-uprisings logic; that prostate cancer, and presumably other male diseases, are pure and innocent because they cannot be the result of choices. Which is dubious logic if there ever was any.
But all CIS men use their testicles for hormones at all times, right? Just like all CIS women use their ovaries for hormones at all times, right? 😉
Yeah, this is true. I wasn’t being entirely serious, of course, but the physical side effects at least can be largely taken care of by modern medicine.
Though of course, that oft-cited MGTOW fear – spermjacking – could be easily avoided by the M in question having his tubes tied. Can’t be tricked into having children if you’re shooting blanks! But no, they’d rather choose to remain manly virile men of action, ready to perpetuate their race at a moment’s notice, should the need arise.
(and on a less frivolous note, there’s also the choice to wallow in their feeling of despair and anger and nurse their grievances resulting in the injuries and deaths of themselves and others, because they aren’t the ones to blame and they shouldn’t have to change because everyone else drove them to it, etc etc ad nauseam…)
Not making the edit, so;
” To use the particular case that originated the saying as an example, it was at one time customary for bars in the U.S. to offer a free lunch to anybody who bought a beer. Naysayers of a classical economics bent insisted that the lunch wasn’t free, because if the bars didn’t offer one they could sell the beer cheaper. However, bars don’t offer free lunch anymore, and the beer’s just as expensive as ever.”
Cool, I never heard the origin story. It’s interesting. And I was brushing him off, Dali. 😉
BUT, for argument’s sake, wouldn’t the “no free lunch” be the bar eating the cost of the lunch? After all, the bar didn’t get/grow the food for free, and it’s a loss to them, even if they make it up elsewhere. 🙂
“For what?”
For the same reason why we have family plans for parents with babies. There’s two intact bodies for things to go wrong in, instead of just one. Prenatal care is for the fetus as much as, if not sometimes more than, the mother.
I’ve been reading Quora lately (it’s a site for posting questions and answers to questions). There have been a few questions about Sweden recently that suggest that the questioner imagines Stockholm as Mogadishu with snow.
Fortunately, there are people who know the facts on the ground answering.
It reminds me of the ‘expert’ on counterterrorism who asserted that the entirety of Birmingham UK was a Muslim enclave and no-go zone for civil authority.
The yowling hammerheads in the OP seem very unhappy with their lives, which is one of the few things I agree with them on. That is, I agree that their lives are not what they believe they should be; I disagree with their interpretation of the causes. One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that when the model of the world in your mind disagrees with the reality of the world outside your mind, reality is usually correct.
Not making the edit again….
” Yeah, this is true. I wasn’t being entirely serious, of course, but the physical side effects at least can be largely taken care of by modern medicine.”
Yeah, but giving castrated men HRT will undo the protection they would’ve recieved against prostate cancer. It’s testosterone that literally feeds the cancer.
And I figured you weren’t being serious. Just didn’t know where you were going with it. 😉
” could be easily avoided by the M in question having his tubes tied. Can’t be tricked into having children if you’re shooting blanks! “
To be fair, I think sometimes young men have problems getting doctors to tie their tubes if they’re single and childless.
Nope. Cos the free lunch was only a part of the food that was sold; they also did dinners, between meals snacks, etc. And indeed you could pay for a fancier lunch than the free one if you so desired. In other words, they’re buying food in regardless. And if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant you’ll have noticed that a lot of food ends up getting thrown out; this is inevitable because you can’t predict in advance what dishes will be popular or whether you’ll be busier than expected in general, so you buy plenty. Then the stuff that doesn’t get sold gets old, and bad. So, before it hits that point, but it’s getting close, there’s no actual economic downside to just giving it to whoever wants it: you’re eating the cost either way. That’s just part of the overhead of serving food.
Since the pregnant person’s body is inevitably involved in any such treatment, I fail to see any benefit to arseing around with additional paperwork. Not to mention that the elimination (at least as a primary sources of health care financing) of for profit health insurance is one of the points under discussion in the first place.
AWWW! Bathing babby sloths is best brain bleach!
Captain Amazing from the OP said
So I guess the western world is ruled by a resplendently oppressed trans lesbian woman of color. Named Katie.
banned@4chan said
Yeah, this really puzzles me since the consumers are the real producers (unless we’re talking about show business.)
Scolar Visari said
Truth! Let me just plug this PBS primer again; it was six hours of rapt fascination for me: http://www.pbs.org/show/africas-great-civilizations/
Kivutar said
We’re supposed to submit to them completely. AS IF, menzers; eat seagulls and walk on all the legos 5evur!
PeeVee – That “dependa” thing, ugh. I’ll make a shameful admission right here: I used to be a chill girl while I was active duty in the 1980s (I got better) but I never dissed or threw shade at dependent wives. I was even friends with a few and I knew they didn’t live a life of ease. I can also tell you that their husbands did a lot of screwing around behind their backs.
I can’t say for sure, but I sincerely believe that the whole “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” meme was filched wholesale from “what happens TDY stays TDY.”
mrex said
Probably not as much as single, childless women, though. I’m saying this as someone who got laughed at by a USAF doctor at age 24. Still childless at 57, btw.
Giving a fetus status as a separate person to be separately covered under a health plan can only give ammunition to forced birthers. There’s too much at stake to ever give a fetus any kind of legal or financial personhood status. Besides, a fetus isn’t a separate body. It’s not like a uterus is temporary housing the fetus is hanging out in. The fetus attached in there, living off the pregnant person’s body. Until birth, the fetus is very much a part of the pregnant person’s body. Even if there were no political implications to counting a fetus as a separate person, it doesn’t make biological sense to me either.
Thanks – I haven’t been up-to-date on this thread but this is what I was going to point out. Thank you for doing so!
That particular formulation appears to have been coined by ruggers, or possibly rock musicians as ‘what happens on [tour/the road], stays on [tour/the road]’. The sentiment, however, appears to have been common to soldiers (as well as sailors and other traveling occupations) for as long as there’ve been any. See for instance this verse from the folk song “Gentleman Soldier”:
“Now come, you gentleman soldier, and won’t you marry me?”
“Oh no, my dearest Polly, such things can never be,
For married I am already and children I have three;
Two wives are allowed in the army but one’s too many for me.””
Also to add to the convo of pro-life & pro-choice, many mgtows flirt with the racist ideology of the alt-right too. mgtowrebel pointed out how awful he thinks immigration and diversity is. So standing against abortions in their minds would be preventing white women access to safe abortions. They don’t care about woc, gay / asexual women or trans women issues.
They’d force women to give birth so on paper, white people have high birth rates and look successful, then forget about the children soon after. Who cares about their quality of life. It’s just about one-upping other ethnicities and races.
You don’t need too much to stave off osteoporosis. The excess is only needed to let one bludgeon other men unconscious with ones colossal sack, and fertilise their womenfolk. So I’m lead to believe.
That’s a very good point. Plenty of manospherians are no spring chickens, though!
Too bad chemical and reversible long term male contraception still isn’t here. I wonder what the uptake would be like.
It’s always jarring to read one of these nonsensical rants and find one genuinely good idea buried somewhere in the middle:
Which reminds me of this old song:
I like to think this rant has been finely tuned over the years as Mr MGTOW ruefully watches women walk by beneath his apartment window
Dalillama – You’ve got a point; it probably started with prehistoric tribes during foraging: “What happen in berry patch stay in berry patch!” (see what I did there?)
” There’s too much at stake to ever give a fetus any kind of legal or financial personhood status.”
Yeah I agree that fetuses should not be given legal personhood, but IMO I don’t think that charging family rates for pregnant women would give them that. What’s your legal argument? 🙂 And let me point out that pregnant women are already allowed on many welfare programs that are normally closed off to childless women, including TANF.
As far as forced birthers go, they already have all the ammunition they will ever need with their lies and their appeals to emotion.
“Besides, a fetus isn’t a separate body.
Yes, it literally is. It has it’s own DNA and it’s own blood type*, and as time goes on, it’s own immune system and it’s own organs. If late term, it can feel pain without the mother doing so, and vice-versa. It can die without the mother doing so, and if past viability, vice-versa.
“Having a seperate body” is not the same as “is a legal person”. After all, animals have seperate bodies, and are not given legal personhood.
“It’s not like a uterus is temporary housing the fetus is hanging out in.”
That’s literally all the uterus is. Yes some of the mother’s nutrients, and oxygen, and antibiodies, are able to diffuse across the placental wall to nourish the fetus, but the placenta is actually part of the fetus, not the mother. Fetal blood and maternal blood do not mix. Again, seperate body does not mean personhood.
And if all that is holding us back from fetal personhood is the idea that the fetus is literally the same body as the mother, then we’re fucked. At best we would end up with insurance companies refusing to cover medical care that benefits fetal health but is little benefit to the mother’s health.
For example, many inductions and non-stress tests.
Yeah, probably. Doctors tend to take men’s medical decisions a little more seriously in general.
@Pie LOL.
@Dali, it’s about the risk. And while I would like to see for-profit health insurance go away, people still need to pay premiums somehow.
About the “free lunch”, yes resturants have tons of food waste, but it’s hardly ever the perfect ingredients to make a lunch with. And since we are talking “free lunch” and not “free plate of wilting lettuce”,** I’m guessing there still is some cost involved. 😉
*This can actually be very dangerous to the fetus if the mom is RH negative and the fetus isn’t.
**Insert terrible bar food story here!
Testing. Because my comment is not going through.
Weird. I’ll just edit my old comment in
The insurance companies regarding a fetus has a child could potentially give some sort of legal foothold for various personhood bills. Why risk that for no good reason?
I feel like you’re just making this argument to be contrarian as you yourself admitted that there’s no economic benefit to charging pregnant women on a family plan.
Especially since there are also logistic issues with this. If someone is pregnant and gets an abortion at 8 weeks, are they required to notify their insurance company and pay the family rate for those two months? If someone doesn’t disclose and the provider finds out, can they then deny coverage? Will a person’s employer potentially find out about the abortion because they were charged the family plan rate for those two months?
You’re the one proposing this shitty idea, you make the legal argument.
I’m guessing TANF and other programs allow pregnant women but not non-pregnant childless people in because pregnant women do have greater nutritional and medical needs. There’s a big moral difference between providing aid to those who need it and giving a big corporation an excuse to charge a person extra for the “lifestyle choice” of being pregnant. The former is beneficial to society, the latter is not.
Since the insurance companies aren’t going to make such changes on their own, you’re proposing a legal requirement they do so. In which case, it’s much simpler to make a legal requirement that all health insurance cover pre- and post natal care.
Depends heavily on what kind of food you serve to start with. Certainly not all food is suitable for this type of thing, but a great deal of food is.
This is because you don’t fully understand how the costs in question are calculated. I actually cook for a bar, and if we kept the right hours, I could easily set out free lunch plates without any added costs compared to now.
Gotta say, beheading and then imprisoning people is the wrong order to do things, Saudi Arabia! Sort that shit out!