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MGTOWs: Ban Mother’s Day because women are the rectum of civilization

Happy Mom Jeans Day to all my MGTOW readers!

So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.

Obviously I have to share their wisdom with you all.

Let’s start with the shorter and more succinct of the two comments, from a fellow calling himself Beta Men’s Uprising and/or MGTOWRebel.

What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.

Well, he’s off to a good start!

Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.

Damn, I hate it when the ladies shorten my lifespan.

When the Beta males of society have had enough and start an uprising against your tyrannical regime just see what happens to Chad.

Not Chad! Leave Chad alone!

I mourn on this day the hundreds of millions of men who have died because of women throughout history, your crimes will not be unforgotten and it will remember.

“It” will remember? This guy?

It never forgets.

And now we get to the inevitable bit about how the ladies should all be killed:

You will be made to pay one day when the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men to be protectors/providers via shaming are put to trial in court. I bet they will be executed.

But if you kill all these ladies, including your mom, who will bring you your chicken tendies?

While Beta Men’s Uprising, whatever his other flaws, is admirably brief, CaptainAmazing treats us to an muddled and overlong disquisition on civilization and socialism and the evil that is ladies.

True, he ends with a real zinger. But we have to get there first.

Feminists are a sick lot, are they not. It’s all about forced wealth and power transfer. Women can’t build civilizations nor maintain them, nor implement laws and policies that are ‘egalitarian’ – because ‘egalitarian’ means negative exposure to women – so they demonize men to continue their sloth and cowardliness – and call it ‘feminism’.

I’m sorry, I sort of spaced out halfway through that paragraph. You were saying something about sloths?

Here are some ladies washing baby sloths and literally hanging them out to dry.

CaptainAmazing then treats us to some thoughts on socialism, Venezuela, and how “there’s a low IQ correlation with Socialists, Democrats and the left in general.” It’s too boring to quote at length. Then he takes on the issue of immigrants and how they’re raping everyone.

You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.

Scandinavia: The chilliest hell on earth.

The same is happening across Europe – more and more they forbid the media from posting bad press regarding socialism, ‘diversity’ and mass immigration. They want you to remain ignorant so that their plan to force wealth and power from others to themselves can succeed. They don’t want you to know that the real reason for mass immigration is to cover the failures of feminism and the rapidly declining native birth and marriage rates. 

After getting mad at the ladies for not having babies, he gets mad at the ladies for having babies.

Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice. Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’? If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too? What about reducing the world population, reducing resource consumption and climate change? Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?

I’m going to say … no?

So if you decide not to do much with your life or obtain a worthless degree, everyone else should pay for it? Same with your health – if you decide to destroy it through bad habits and choices – should everyone else have to pay for your bad choices? To a socialist (Democrat) – the answer is of course a resounding “YES!”

Yes please!

Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!

If only.

Wow. You socialists sure do love your forced wealth and power transfer from the producers to the consumers. Ah…the joys of the welfare state (socialism) and the millions upon millions that will be murdered should they stand in socialism’s (Democrat’s) way.

How did we get from “free education” to “millions being murdered?”

It’s all so obvious. Since men built and maintained all of civilization, since men were trafficked, exploited and disposed of for women’s and the states advancement and all of the laws that give women and the state their rights and privileges over the common man, shouldn’t there be a female-only draft and a 100% female-only front-line fighting force, in reparation to men, as it was men’s lives that were sacrificed at the alter of two circles and a triangle and women’s true husband (the state).

The “alter of two circles and a triangle?” I think he’s talking about boobs and vaginas, but I’m not completely sure.

Shouldn’t the state be the first sent to the front lines since they’re the primary tax payer teat suckers?

Er what now?

How bouts some quotas for women in the most dirty, most dangerous, most life threatening and life shortening jobs (traditional male roles) instead of only the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions? You see, this is why socialism sucks. It’s so easy to defeat logically, but only if you’re able to think logically and not just wif yo feewings.

“Wif yo feewings?” Is he trying to be racist or condescending or both?

Hypocrisy and double standards are synonymous with socialism (aka feminism, aka Democrats). Socialists are so ignorant that they don’t realize the ‘leaders’ of socialist states eventually plunder the ‘public trust’ and transfer it all to their personal offshore accounts, leaving the vast majority of the population enslaved and in deep poverty.

Dude I think you just described the Trump administration.

But no one knows until it’s too late because the state controls the media. By the time the public learns the truth – it’s all over but the dying. Shared misery – it’s a Democrat/socialist thing.

Worst Democratic party slogan ever.

Go to Venezuela, Democrats. Please go and please don’t come back. There you’ll find your socialist utopia. That or go to South Africa, where they kill non-blacks for sport – with full government support. Or illegally immigrate to the Middle East, where you’ll be beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison.

Er, I thought this was going to be about Mother’s Day. What happened?

Socialism = Feminism = Democrat.

Ah, here we go again!

It’s the forced wealth and power transfer from men to women & the state, because two circles and a triangle. The common men build and maintain society – get used, exploited and disposed of – do all of the fighting and dying for women’s and the state’s advancement – and then women and the state destroy those same men and ‘culturally appropriate’ the spoils of ‘toxic masculinity’ for themselves.

Really? They’re doing a terrible job with the expropriation, then. The median wealth of single women of working age is less than half of that of their male counterparts.

It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).

Yes, no one has it easier than black women. Who are also lesbians. And trans.

And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.

They’ve … existed?

Mother’s Day Now Represents True Womanhood: The Partnership of the State and the Grim Reapers of Life and Arbiters of Death Through Mass Abortion (Feminists).

I made that into a Mother’s Day card. You’re welcome!

Love, your son

And now, at last, the zinger!

Congrats, ‘ladies’. You’ve earned it. You are truly the rectum of civilization. The only difference between then and now is everyone sees you for who you truly are – and they’re desperately reaching for a butt wipe.

Happy Mother’s Day to you too, fellas!

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7 years ago

IQ is just a questionable concept in its entirety. It’s applied and measured in a way that is racist and classist and misogynist, and I don’t put much stock in the numbers or in people who crow about having high numbers or others having low numbers.

I will say, though, that whatever their theoretical knowledge and experience and capabilities, having a right wing view completely disallows practical application of those things because it depends so much on living in a fantasy world.

Serebrianyi Golub
Serebrianyi Golub
7 years ago

@Sister Bat’leth of Rational Discussion:
Great episode. I wish MGTOWs were as benign as Jonathan! They come off more like Warren, megalomaniacal angry nerd and creator of not one but two sexbots.

Wolverine's granddad (formerly Kevin)
Wolverine's granddad (formerly Kevin)
7 years ago

Re: Disposing of testes. I read somewhere that eunuchs lived longer than non – eunuchs. I now regret the time I lost my rag with Darius Invalidated and threatened him with a groinal trim – It would have done him a favour.

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
7 years ago

IgnoreSandraThat might explain why someone in the Yahoo news comments sections reliably insists on repeating an entire screed on why, “blacks are dumb” every time a non-Aryan is mentioned and hawks uncited IQ test results. I kid you not: I literally just pulled up the article on the recent cross bur- I mean protests against the removal of Confederate monuments, and it’s the one post with the most replies. To share some of the enlightenment . . .

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

So I’m guessing aliens must’ve introduced iron working into ancient sub-Saharan Africa? I suppose that the aliens, needing cattle to mutilate, must’ve also been the ones to first introduce the long tradition of cattle raising in Africa. I’m sure the calendar circle megaliths at Nabta Playa are also just boulders that happened to move themselves through the power of rock.

Though my humor glands are nonetheless excited in great irony when these posts are parroted, seeing as governments championing racialism tend to be blatantly anti-intellectual themselves. Sure, they still need scientists to tell us why people are stupid on account of something some genius pulled out of his arse in the 19th Century, but we don’t need do know the rest of that biology nonsense. Eek gad! What if they were Jewish scientists? Probably moral relativists, I’m sure!

Though, at any rate, it’s quite sad that prehistoric African civilizations (with the exception of Egypt, for the most part, they’re really not from Africa guise!) are criminally undertaught. Just like those pesky Native Americans, learning that other cultures did not solely conform to the stereotype of dark hunter-gatherers is inconvenient and takes up valuable space that’s better spent on American exceptionalism!

7 years ago

The “women both should and shouldn’t have babies” is a funny contradiction, but the one that has always confused me is how these guys (and my IRL brother) simultaneously say that women shouldn’t have jobs and complain that women take resources from men. Pick one, because women have to survive somehow, so what are we supposed to do?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ scolar visari

As someone with an obsession for megalithic architecture I wish there was more taught about Africa. If you like that sort of thing it’s a bit of a goldmine; Zimbabwe means ‘big walls’ for example, so there’s a clue there. As for Egypt, I’ve mentioned the Kush/Nubia connection on some recent posts. But as for the demographics of Egypt itself I’ll just stick this here.

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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Contrary to common Republican wisdom, the state does not control the media here in good ol’ Scandinavia.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Just like those pesky Native Americans

I also have a bit of a thing for medicine wheels.

7 years ago

David Futrelle,

Reading all of this makes me really glad that MGTOWs usually don’t want to have children. It only makes it even less likely that their patriarchal “utopia” will ever come to be. It must be horrible to have so much hatred for half the population, including your own mother.

7 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

I can concur that, even if I’m not from Scandinavia proper, just Fennoscandia (as well as being Nordic, of course). In fact, the state broadcaster here in Finland is decidedly in the minority when it comes to TV broadcasting, although they do have quite a few radio channels. All the newspapers are privately owned, but who reads those anymore? 😉

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

Contrary to common Republican wisdom, the state does not control the media here in good ol’ Scandinavia.

They’re making you say that! I’m no sheep!

7 years ago

You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.

Lines like this are so handy – easily spotted, and make it blatantly clear that the writer gets all of his news from people who think the Nazis were waaaaaaay too circumspect with the Blut und Boden.

7 years ago

What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.

Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.

Yeah, never mind the fact that if it weren’t for all of the world’s mothers, there would be no men in the first place.

As for your claim that what women have done to us men is so “utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history,” that is just ridiculous. Women are generally not responsible for men being worked to death, or committing suicide. Women in our society couldn’t even vote until the 20th century. Even after women were given a say in politics, men still held onto the power, and most people in positions of power in our society and across the world, are still men. What exactly have women in America done to outdo the evil of the Third Reich, Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Apartheid South Africa, Afghanistan under the Taliban, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or ISIS? All of those societies were, or are run by men by the way, and in one way or another, in each of them, women, as well as men were, or are, still being brutally oppressed. I’m sorry MGTOWRebel, but your pitiful whining is being drowned out by the screams of the actual victims of oppression world wide!

7 years ago

Cuteness will envelope horror until all is adorable.

@Artic Ape
Better keep the heads at bay, don’t want another Body Snatcher Incident.

7 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

Contrary to common Republican wisdom, the state does not control the media here in good ol’ Scandinavia.

If there really are a significant number of Republicans here in America who believe that’s the case, I would love for them to give us some concrete examples of how the state controls the media there.

7 years ago

It’s all so obvious

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

I got distracted by the sloths.

7 years ago

“Contrary to common Republican wisdom, the state does not control the media here in good ol’ Scandinavia.”

– Imaginary Petal

In the real world; Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark TOP the World Press Freedom Index.

In Republicandland, ofc, that’s just proof how the evil illuminati (or the commies, or the Jews, or the lizard people, or the global corporations, or the aliens, or whatever) are hiding the truth!

Because; if these countries had *real* press freedom – the press there would write things Republicanland could agree with; like how immigrants are evil and socialism ruins everything – you know, like the bastions of truth – Breitbart, Fox News and Infowars.


Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

If they worked towards women having the same opportunities as men, most of the things they rails against would be fixed. I think i know why he rails against women both having and not having babies. Most aren’t barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen 24/7. He wants complete subjugation of women. Simple as that.

7 years ago

“for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide”

CAUSED to commit suicide? I don’t want to belittle suffering, but suicide is a CHOICE, not something that automatically happens when a certain pain threshold is reached. “I’ll commit suicide because you [blank]” is a manipulative ploy, brah.

“that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.”

Yes, literally the only reason why men die sooner than women is because men work themselves to death, while women stay at home eating the bonbons. This perfectly explains why male newborns die at several times the rate as female newborns. Damn the gynocracy, enslaving males with shame before they’re even able to latch onto a nipple properly. Poor nipcels.

On the bright side, this is good news for the development of my “newborn boy coalmining pick”. The pick is powered completely by the baby boy’s random leg kicking, and his grasp reflex ensures that he will not be able to let the pick go until his 5 month birthday, or death, whichever occurs first.

On a more serious note;

“Hey buddy, wanna live longer? Cut your balls off. Do it. They’re obviously not doing you any good as it is, so you won’t lose anything of value.”

Nah, I’m sure his balls are doing him tons of good regulating his hormones and improving his life, but one thing they are NOT doing is extending his lifespan. Testosterone raises levels of bad cholesterol (hello heart disease) and feeds (or directly causes) prostate cancer.

@Second asshole

“Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice.”

So glad you mentioned prostate cancer, which of course strikes randomly and has absolutely nothing to do with ‘lifestyle choices’. (That’s /sarcasm asshole). But beyond even ‘lifestyle choices’, since castration largely prevents prostate cancer, and since it can be done cheaply and relatively painlessly, why should my health insurance pay extra for your desire to remain intact?

Oh, because you wish to have children in the future? But I thought that paying any money towards people’s reproductive ‘life choices’ is bad?

“Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’?”

Let me point out that even you put scare quotes around ‘life choices’. And yes, until human women can reproduce asexually, we expect men who make paternal “life choices”* to help support their offspring. If you’re whining about prenatal care being covered by health insurance, then maybe we should review how health insurance works?

“If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too?”

If it’s on purpose then it’s not an accident, asshole. And yes, car insurance covers at-fault accidents by the insured, providing that you pay your premiums. Again, do we need to go over how insurance works?

” Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income…”

Yeah yeah yeah, no such thing as a free lunch and all that. But I want to ask about one thing;

“free education”

Are you saying that you never went to school?

Color me shocked!

*I have no problem with men disavowing paternity in cases of reproductive coercion.

Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

Socialist = Feminist = Democrat?

Oh, we wish that were true! Then maybe we would stop seeing think-pieces like “Democrats should court the Pro-Life Movement” or such other nonsense like how healthcare-for-all is a bad strategy for the D’s.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

Amanda Marcotte has unearthed a whole new level of misogyny. And it looks like a lot of the perpetrators are female.

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7 years ago

One thing I have to say though, I do think that pregnant women should be charged family rates for the months that they were pregnant. Even if it doesn’t save any money after all the paperwork it creates.

7 years ago

“Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders! ”

If we don’t stop the feminists soon we’ll live in a literal utopia! All the oh noes!!!

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I am so goddamned sick and tired of this shit.


Damned if women do, damned if women don’t.
