alt-right antifeminism beta males chad thundercock evil moms gynocracy irony alert Islamophobia lazy women eating bon bons men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny Uncategorized

MGTOWs: Ban Mother’s Day because women are the rectum of civilization

Happy Mom Jeans Day to all my MGTOW readers!

So this Mother’s Day I got two very thoughtful gifts from a couple of my MGTOW readers, who evidently decided to take a few minutes off from their busy schedule of Going Their Own Way to write me a couple of epic comments about how Mother’s Day should be banned and “the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men” summarily executed. Also something about rectums.

Obviously I have to share their wisdom with you all.

Let’s start with the shorter and more succinct of the two comments, from a fellow calling himself Beta Men’s Uprising and/or MGTOWRebel.

What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.

Well, he’s off to a good start!

Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.

Damn, I hate it when the ladies shorten my lifespan.

When the Beta males of society have had enough and start an uprising against your tyrannical regime just see what happens to Chad.

Not Chad! Leave Chad alone!

I mourn on this day the hundreds of millions of men who have died because of women throughout history, your crimes will not be unforgotten and it will remember.

“It” will remember? This guy?

It never forgets.

And now we get to the inevitable bit about how the ladies should all be killed:

You will be made to pay one day when the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men to be protectors/providers via shaming are put to trial in court. I bet they will be executed.

But if you kill all these ladies, including your mom, who will bring you your chicken tendies?

While Beta Men’s Uprising, whatever his other flaws, is admirably brief, CaptainAmazing treats us to an muddled and overlong disquisition on civilization and socialism and the evil that is ladies.

True, he ends with a real zinger. But we have to get there first.

Feminists are a sick lot, are they not. It’s all about forced wealth and power transfer. Women can’t build civilizations nor maintain them, nor implement laws and policies that are ‘egalitarian’ – because ‘egalitarian’ means negative exposure to women – so they demonize men to continue their sloth and cowardliness – and call it ‘feminism’.

I’m sorry, I sort of spaced out halfway through that paragraph. You were saying something about sloths?

Here are some ladies washing baby sloths and literally hanging them out to dry.

CaptainAmazing then treats us to some thoughts on socialism, Venezuela, and how “there’s a low IQ correlation with Socialists, Democrats and the left in general.” It’s too boring to quote at length. Then he takes on the issue of immigrants and how they’re raping everyone.

You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.

Scandinavia: The chilliest hell on earth.

The same is happening across Europe – more and more they forbid the media from posting bad press regarding socialism, ‘diversity’ and mass immigration. They want you to remain ignorant so that their plan to force wealth and power from others to themselves can succeed. They don’t want you to know that the real reason for mass immigration is to cover the failures of feminism and the rapidly declining native birth and marriage rates. 

After getting mad at the ladies for not having babies, he gets mad at the ladies for having babies.

Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice. Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’? If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too? What about reducing the world population, reducing resource consumption and climate change? Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?

I’m going to say … no?

So if you decide not to do much with your life or obtain a worthless degree, everyone else should pay for it? Same with your health – if you decide to destroy it through bad habits and choices – should everyone else have to pay for your bad choices? To a socialist (Democrat) – the answer is of course a resounding “YES!”

Yes please!

Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!

If only.

Wow. You socialists sure do love your forced wealth and power transfer from the producers to the consumers. Ah…the joys of the welfare state (socialism) and the millions upon millions that will be murdered should they stand in socialism’s (Democrat’s) way.

How did we get from “free education” to “millions being murdered?”

It’s all so obvious. Since men built and maintained all of civilization, since men were trafficked, exploited and disposed of for women’s and the states advancement and all of the laws that give women and the state their rights and privileges over the common man, shouldn’t there be a female-only draft and a 100% female-only front-line fighting force, in reparation to men, as it was men’s lives that were sacrificed at the alter of two circles and a triangle and women’s true husband (the state).

The “alter of two circles and a triangle?” I think he’s talking about boobs and vaginas, but I’m not completely sure.

Shouldn’t the state be the first sent to the front lines since they’re the primary tax payer teat suckers?

Er what now?

How bouts some quotas for women in the most dirty, most dangerous, most life threatening and life shortening jobs (traditional male roles) instead of only the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions? You see, this is why socialism sucks. It’s so easy to defeat logically, but only if you’re able to think logically and not just wif yo feewings.

“Wif yo feewings?” Is he trying to be racist or condescending or both?

Hypocrisy and double standards are synonymous with socialism (aka feminism, aka Democrats). Socialists are so ignorant that they don’t realize the ‘leaders’ of socialist states eventually plunder the ‘public trust’ and transfer it all to their personal offshore accounts, leaving the vast majority of the population enslaved and in deep poverty.

Dude I think you just described the Trump administration.

But no one knows until it’s too late because the state controls the media. By the time the public learns the truth – it’s all over but the dying. Shared misery – it’s a Democrat/socialist thing.

Worst Democratic party slogan ever.

Go to Venezuela, Democrats. Please go and please don’t come back. There you’ll find your socialist utopia. That or go to South Africa, where they kill non-blacks for sport – with full government support. Or illegally immigrate to the Middle East, where you’ll be beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison.

Er, I thought this was going to be about Mother’s Day. What happened?

Socialism = Feminism = Democrat.

Ah, here we go again!

It’s the forced wealth and power transfer from men to women & the state, because two circles and a triangle. The common men build and maintain society – get used, exploited and disposed of – do all of the fighting and dying for women’s and the state’s advancement – and then women and the state destroy those same men and ‘culturally appropriate’ the spoils of ‘toxic masculinity’ for themselves.

Really? They’re doing a terrible job with the expropriation, then. The median wealth of single women of working age is less than half of that of their male counterparts.

It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).

Yes, no one has it easier than black women. Who are also lesbians. And trans.

And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.

They’ve … existed?

Mother’s Day Now Represents True Womanhood: The Partnership of the State and the Grim Reapers of Life and Arbiters of Death Through Mass Abortion (Feminists).

I made that into a Mother’s Day card. You’re welcome!

Love, your son

And now, at last, the zinger!

Congrats, ‘ladies’. You’ve earned it. You are truly the rectum of civilization. The only difference between then and now is everyone sees you for who you truly are – and they’re desperately reaching for a butt wipe.

Happy Mother’s Day to you too, fellas!

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7 years ago

“beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison”

In precisely that order, I’m sure.

7 years ago

I’m sure their mothers must be proud.

Sseba, truly the rectum of civilization

Haven’t we heard about the two circles and a triangle before?

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

MGTOWs: “I blame my mother for giving birth to me, or not smothering me in my crib, or something!”

Me: “I hate to agree with you about anything, but this time…”

7 years ago

What upsets me most about this is that this Mother’s Day happened to fall right before the anniversary of my father’s death – a man that my mother, my sister and I deeply loved and deeply miss. For us, Mother’s Day actually was ‘a day of mourning’ for a man who died, and I have a distinct feeling that this asshole would find a way to blame us for his death on top of it.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).


I mean, the whole rant is nonsense from start to end, but that stands out as a real wtf moment.

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
7 years ago

So, if I understand correctly:

1) men – and only men – create and maintain society.

2) at the same time, from the top down, women control society to harm men.


7 years ago

I don’t even understand how f’d up these guys must be. How can a human being become like this? Today I took my mom and sister-in-law out to dinner. Our regular server (maybe restaurant owner, not sure), told me she was paying for my mom’s dinner since it was Mothers Day. Today I spent time with some awesome women, just as I will tomorrow at work. I’d almost pity these guys if they seemed remotely human, but they don’t.

7 years ago

What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.

Yep. We object to being murdered and raped. This is the worst thing that has ever been done to men ever. Waaah.

Mother’s day should be banned and instead celebrated as a day of mourning for the millions of men that you have caused to commit suicide or that you killed via having them worked to death in shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.

Man, I love my lifespan siphoning powers. I never knew women could just add years from men’s lives to our own. That’s why there’s a significant percentage of women who’ve been around since the first humans, and we have an unbroken living history to the most distant past.

When the Beta males of society have had enough and start an uprising against your tyrannical regime just see what happens to Chad.

Chad Thundercock? Why should I care? I’m a lesbian, I’m only with Chad to siphon his lifespan. I should probably finish him soon.

I mourn on this day the hundreds of millions of men who have died because of women throughout history, your crimes will not be unforgotten and it will remember.

My crimes will be forgotten? Oh yes! It’s time to burn the patriarchy and acquire the means of production!

You will be made to pay one day when the women of society responsible for gynocentrism enslaving men to be protectors/providers via shaming are put to trial in court. I bet they will be executed.

Holy shit. I have manservants?!? WHY DID MOM NEVER TELL ME? MOM! WHERE ARE THE MANSERVANTS THE INTERNET SAYS I HAVE?!? I need people to bring me money 4 video gamez. Just steal it or something, I don’t care about manservants or capitalists.

Feminists are a sick lot, are they not. It’s all about forced wealth and power transfer. Women can’t build civilizations nor maintain them, nor implement laws and policies that are ‘egalitarian’ – because ‘egalitarian’ means negative exposure to women – so they demonize men to continue their sloth and cowardliness – and call it ‘feminism’.

I dunno. Women can apparently siphon lifespans and are automatically awarded manservants. That sounds like we can maintain a civilization just fine.

You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.

I have no idea what might or might not be going on in Scandinavia, or how that might be in any way relevant to my life. Scandinavia is, like, six countries. Nine if we count Finland, Estonia, and Aland. Possibly ten depending on if Iceland counts. Be more specific or watch me not care.

The same is happening across Europe – more and more they forbid the media from posting bad press regarding socialism, ‘diversity’ and mass immigration. They want you to remain ignorant so that their plan to force wealth and power from others to themselves can succeed.

You just described Capitalism. Why on earth would capitalists, who control most western media outlets and have a significant stake in local governments, forbid bad press about socialism?

They don’t want you to know that the real reason for mass immigration is to cover the failures of feminism and the rapidly declining native birth and marriage rates.

Is there a particular reason I should care about birth or marriage rates? There’s already too many people on the planet, and since we as women are apparently immortal, slower population growth is strictly better.

Prostate cancer is an illness. Having a baby is a life choice. Should men pay for women’s cars as well as their maternity ‘life choices’? If women decide to get into accidents on purpose, should men still have to pay for that, too? What about reducing the world population, reducing resource consumption and climate change? Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?

“We need to increase birth rates!” “We need to punish people with uteruses, the only people who can raise birth rates, for raising the birth rate!”

So if you decide not to do much with your life or obtain a worthless degree, everyone else should pay for it? Same with your health – if you decide to destroy it through bad habits and choices – should everyone else have to pay for your bad choices? To a socialist (Democrat) – the answer is of course a resounding “YES!”

Democrats ain’t cool enough to be socialists. Confusing neoliberalism with socialism: That’s a stay in remedial civics class. To anyone with a functioning moral center, the answer is yes. Humanity continues to exist solely because we cooperate with each other – this is just a logical extension of that.

Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!

Considering most of these are necessities for life, they are absolutely rights people deserve, and are being denied in most places on earth.

Wow. You socialists sure do love your forced wealth and power transfer from the producers to the consumers. Ah…the joys of the welfare state (socialism) and the millions upon millions that will be murdered should they stand in socialism’s (Democrat’s) way.

Confusing socialism with capitalism? We’re stranding you by yourself on an alien planet.

It’s all so obvious. Since men built and maintained all of civilization, since men were trafficked, exploited and disposed of for women’s and the states advancement and all of the laws that give women and the state their rights and privileges over the common man, shouldn’t there be a female-only draft and a 100% female-only front-line fighting force, in reparation to men, as it was men’s lives that were sacrificed at the alter of two circles and a triangle and women’s true husband (the state).

Yawn. Is it not the role of the mortal to serve the immortal? How else would mortal man find meaning but to serve apparently immortal woman?

Shouldn’t the state be the first sent to the front lines since they’re the primary tax payer teat suckers?

Not gonna lie, I want a world where the president is always the first person on the ground and leading the most forward group of soldiers from the front in any extra-territorial military action. But I’m pretty sure you mean something ridiculous.

How bouts some quotas for women in the most dirty, most dangerous, most life threatening and life shortening jobs (traditional male roles) instead of only the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions? You see, this is why socialism sucks. It’s so easy to defeat logically, but only if you’re able to think logically and not just wif yo feewings.

This has nothing to do with socialism. F! Minus!

Hypocrisy and double standards are synonymous with socialism (aka feminism, aka Democrats). Socialists are so ignorant that they don’t realize the ‘leaders’ of socialist states eventually plunder the ‘public trust’ and transfer it all to their personal offshore accounts, leaving the vast majority of the population enslaved and in deep poverty.

Still nothing to do with socialism, still complaining about capitalists.

But no one knows until it’s too late because the state controls the media. By the time the public learns the truth – it’s all over but the dying. Shared misery – it’s a Democrat/socialist thing.

It’s almost like he lives in an echo chamber and refuses to consider any dissenting views.

Go to Venezuela, Democrats. Please go and please don’t come back. There you’ll find your socialist utopia. That or go to South Africa, where they kill non-blacks for sport – with full government support. Or illegally immigrate to the Middle East, where you’ll be beaten, raped, ransomed, tortured and only then beheaded and thrown in prison.

Still nothing to do with democrats. Citation needed for South Africa. Interesting order of operations in the “Middle East” which as we all know is just one giant monolithic culture. There certainly isn’t a diverse set of societies and ethnic groups and countries in that vast geographical area.

Socialism = Feminism = Democrat.

Ah, there’s our problem. This man has no brain. Turns out, not having one is a precondition for being a misogynist.

It’s the forced wealth and power transfer from men to women & the state, because two circles and a triangle. The common men build and maintain society – get used, exploited and disposed of – do all of the fighting and dying for women’s and the state’s advancement – and then women and the state destroy those same men and ‘culturally appropriate’ the spoils of ‘toxic masculinity’ for themselves.

So, because men cannot help but worship their betters, this is somehow their betters’ fault.

It’s a good game if you’re a part of the many resplendent ‘oppressed’ victim groups (i.e, a female, gay, lesbian, transgender, minority or politician).

Yep. My life has drastically improved and I’ve in no way ever feared for it as a lesbian transgender woman.

And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.

Spelled things right, that’s what we done. Also, been better goddesses than you’ve been…anything, really.

When do I get my storm powers? Or what kind of deific domain do I get? He’s been building me up so much, I feel like I ought to be like one of the mythical greek goddesses. For people who profess to hate women, they sure do think extremely highly of our competence, badassery, and possibly imaginary supernatural abilities.

7 years ago

“celebrated as a day of mourning”

There’s too much not-even wrong nonsense in these posts for me to pick apart, so instead I’m going to highlight the oxymoron.

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

Umm dude you don’t use toilet paper/butt wipes/ whatever to remove the rectum, and I’m pretty sure removing the rectum would lead to a whole lot of troubles.

Also I’m pretty sure there’s a solid analogies comparing motherhood to the digestive system (like they make sure you absorb all the good stuff (and maybe some bad stuff too) then dispense the shit or something) but I’m too tired to properly think of one that doesn’t have holes in it.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Shouldn’t women be punished for having babies?

..Through Mass Abortion (Feminists).


So.. women (really what he meant was white-ablebodied-cis-most likely western) are the worst. They’re all democratic-socialists who love abortions and should be punished for having babies as too many babies require resources. But! Women should always be ready for sex. They shouldn’t say no to men. Yet, the terror – they aren’t having sex. ‘native births are down’ our watchful mgtow reports. Instead, women want open borders, diversity among the populous and bullshit like affordable healthcare, education etc. So for their crimes of being female in this world, they should be put on trial and sent to wars while men, not Chad, become mgtow and complain about them anonymously on the internet. And then they should go to Middle Eastern countries and face hardships there because brown people are bad and women should feel bad.

..Eh… Ugh.
They, um, really believe that men did everything to please women, don’t they? As if, they only see men as robots with one objective: to have sex. They can’t comprehend any other reasoning behind innovation. Because they think that way, they believe every other man thinks that way as well. Nothing like a misandrist like a misogynist.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good mother’s day. And if you didn’t, I love you. *hug*

7 years ago

Comrade Futrelle, I applaud your ability to stare down the Abyss. I tapped out halfway through and had to go hug my Marx dakimakura.

Now that we have the obvious SOCIALIST FEMINIST bit out of the way… That was almost physically painful to read. Makes you wonder just what happened to these pour souls to make them so filled with hatred.

7 years ago

shortening their lifespan in our society. Shame on you.

Hey buddy, wanna live longer? Cut your balls off. Do it. They’re obviously not doing you any good as it is, so you won’t lose anything of value.

You’ll never hear about the suffering already well underway in Scandinavia because the state controls the media.

Ahh yes, the oppressive gynocracy of scandawegielandmark. Who both simultaneously want to be raped and dominated by muslims and cover it up to hide how awful it all is, because reasons.

And then came MGTOW. Oh. Now that’s rich. You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.

Goddamn bishies 🙁
comment image

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

@ Tagz: It’s not that hard to understand. Take a rampaging sense of entitlement, add a reality that doesn’t match up to the dude’s fantasy world, and mix in a little media celebration of rape culture, and Bob’s yer uncle!

Anybody else remember the BTVS episode “Superstar”, where Jonathan casts a spell to make himself rich and powerful and universally beloved? That’s the world these losers want to be living in. The difference between them and Jonathan was that Jonathan’s motivation for doing it was that he wanted to help people.

(Jonathan was my favorite recurring character. I would have dated him, if we’d been in the same high school.)

7 years ago

So I’m not the only one who read that as “bishies”. 🙂

Scandinavia is generally considered to consist of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Iceland and the Faroer Islands are also commonly included, sometimes also Finland. Regardless of what countries you include, all of them are generally considered good places to live with high living standards. Speaking as someone who lived in a Scandinavian country for several years and has been regularly visiting several others.

7 years ago

Wah wah wah built civilization with my own two hands wah wah wah murderdeathtorturekill because women wah wah wah teh gheys have all the fun wah wah wah I hate my mommy and refuse to go my own way because I CAN’T HELP MYSELF I MUST BITCH AT WOMEN ON THE INTERNET! (even though this blog is run by a guy! clearly he gets all the ladies congregating for some hail katies! And some dudes too!)

-Summarized MGTOW buttwipe

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I sure hate being thrown in prison after I’ve been beheaded. That is quite a cruel fate.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
7 years ago

You bishes have no idea what you’ve done.

A vague threat! Class, what dire fate is in store for us bishes!??

Ooh, I know! Pick me, teacher!: NO MGTOW WILL MARRY US!

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Wasn’t there a troll here who kept going on about “two circles and a triangle”? Or was that someone Dave posted about? IDK, that bit sounds familiar​.

Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free childcare, free minimum income, free education, mandatory paid maternity leave, minimum mandatory income, open borders!

That would be a good start, yes.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
7 years ago

I sure hate being thrown in prison after I’ve been beheaded. That is quite a cruel fate.

Sounds to me like a waste of prison space, but what do I know? I’m just a woman, not a builder and maintainer of civilization.

7 years ago

Wait when you get beheaded before getting put in prison and still somehow are able to experience jail, does that make you a Dullahan or a Headless Horseman?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I sure hate being thrown in prison after I’ve been beheaded. That is quite a cruel fate.

“Congratulations, I’ve managed to plea bargain you a prison sentence.”
“Fantastic; so I’m no longer getting my head chopped off?,
“Bollocks; I knew there was something else I was meant to ask.”

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ PaganReader,

Wasn’t there a troll here who kept going on about “two circles and a triangle”? Or was that someone Dave posted about? IDK, that bit sounds familiar​.

Yeah, sounds familiar to me too. One of the quite recent tedious ones. I still can’t work out whether it is geometry itself, or cute cartoon representations of owls (symbol of Athena!!1!11!) that he most fears. Or Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells”, as someone suggested at the time.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


What you women have done to us men is completely and utterly shameful, more cruel than any regime in history.

Well, nobody forced you to have a diet, especially one which make you spouting shit by your mouth rather than by your anus (not your mother, just to be sure).

OAO : here are your two circles and somewhat triangle. Yeah, they are women (and men) surprised by your (totally unoriginal) diatribe. If an A and two O were sufficients to rule the world, that would be sad for non roman alphabet civilizations…

Have a nice day.

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