creepy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Creeper lurking in truck waiting for woman to leave work wonders why women think he’s creepy

How not to impress the ladies

Men’s Rights Activists and other warriors against cultural misandry often complain that women accuse them of being creepy, not because they’re genuinely creepy but just because they’re men, men guilty of no crime other than not looking like Brad Pitt.

One of these fellows took to the Men’s Rights subreddit recently with a sad tale of being unfairly profiled as a creeper just because he was lurking in a truck in the parking lot of a pharmacy until after the store closed, hoping he could chat up one of the store employees while she was walking to her car.

I know, totally unfair!

Here’s his sad tale, in his own words:

I was in a small town in NJ, spending the night in my truck waiting for a job in the morning. I park at corner pharmacy lot. I go in once and buy my items. Checkout girl is cute, make up a reason to go back in. We chat for a few seconds at most. I go back to my truck to browse the ol Reddit. Place closes at 10. I’m kinda hoping the checkout girl comes out so we can chat some more.

Yeah, yeah, I know, some of you gals have already decided he’s a creep. Isn’t a guy allowed to buy something from a cute checkout girl, to leave the store to go back to his truck, then return to the store on a pretext to chat with the cute checkout girl, then go back to his truck and just, you know, lurk there until the store closes reading his smart phone? Seriously, who could possibly find any of that suspicious?

At 10:05 pm 3 cops surround my vehicle and demand identification, claiming the employees of pharmacy we’re afraid to go to their vehicles because of a suspicious work truck with a big scary man in it.

GOSH HOW COULD ANYONE BE SUSPICIOUS OF HIM. Clearly there is some big time misandering going on here.

Obviously they want to delay me so the employees can get safely out. That is somewhat understandable, but God damn, I go out of my way to not be creepy around women, as I am a very big person.

And what an amazing job he did this time not being creepy!

What is it like to be a woman? Are you constantly afraid of being raped everywhere you go? Kidnapped? Murdered? I exchanged maybe a dozen words and a friendly smile with a cute cashier and I immediately got the cops called on me. Fuck.


The cops have been here for 30 minutes parked right next to me as I type this. It seems like all men are guilty until proven innocent…


I can’t help but think of this scene from Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

In Dale’s defense [Spoiler alert!] he doesn’t immediately run to the Men’s Rights subreddit to whine about misandry, and despite taking the bad advice of his friend here he does turn out to be a genuinely good dude who honestly doesn’t want to creep anyone out.

He’s also got a little bit more self-awareness than our friend in the truck. Can Reddit truck dude even be real, or is this actually some kind of masterful trolling?

Most of the Men’s Rights redditors commenting on the story actually do tell him he was acting creepy as hell, so I’ll give them a few points for that.

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Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


It was. It feels weird and wrong. But people treat me a lot better, including my parents. Although they may just be happy I got the job. I haven’t done this experiment in isolation yet.

It really sucks that that’s the case. But it totally is. 🙁


I may very well start dressing as female even before I got the ‘mones. As I said earlier I’m sick and tired of stifling myself and playacting at being a male. It gives me the same bad vibes you got.

It did wonders for my mental state.

7 years ago


I may very well start dressing as female even before I got the ‘mones. As I said earlier I’m sick and tired of stifling myself and playacting at being a male. It gives me the same bad vibes you got.

Doing this helped me come to terms with my trans-ness. I wore a skirt for a month, liked it, got some heels and liked them, and slowly realized over the next couple months that the skirt had nothing to do with what I liked.

Then I came out, and progressed to bras and more skirts and a bit of makeup and then hormones.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


I lean more towards spandex and leather if I can help it. Like I said, I would eat a small child to slip into some yoga pants and a sports top.

I was angry at that transwoman all right – angry that she was doing what I want to do but denying myself because I’m a ball of self loathing and shame.

Stupid brain. [Hits own self in head]

7 years ago

I tend to go more towards the 50’s. I just love the kind of dresses they wore back then. Someday I wanna wear a formal ballgown. But day to day, it’s leggings, t-shirt, midi skirt, hiking boots.

Leather would probably look nice on me, but I dunno about dealing with a material that feels like that.

Honestly, not dressing properly is also a defensive measure – with your parents hostile to you and other stuff, just be careful.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Doing this helped me come to terms with my trans-ness. I wore a skirt for a month, liked it, got some heels and liked them, and slowly realized over the next couple months that the skirt had nothing to do with what I liked.

Then I came out, and progressed to bras and more skirts and a bit of makeup and then hormones

Pretty much this, although I stopped wearing bras when I stopped needing them to hold up falsies.

Honestly, not dressing properly is also a defensive measure – with your parents hostile to you and other stuff, just be careful.

Also this.

I lean more towards spandex and leather if I can help it.

Go on…

I was angry at that transwoman all right – angry that she was doing what I want to do but denying myself because I’m a ball of self loathing and shame.

Stupid brain. [Hits own self in head]

*hugs* Jerkbrain sucks, and so does dysphoria. Solidarity

7 years ago

After looking at pictures of Supergirl, I am reminded why Spandex is attractive xD


Pretty much this, although I stopped wearing bras when I stopped needing them to hold up falsies.

I cannot wait to get here. I’m at the stage where they’re tiny and sensitive but still extant. I don’t actually have anything to fill my bras with currently.

7 years ago

Hello, everyone! I’m not actually new, as I was a regular commenter here about 3 years ago, but I left for…reasons. Anyway, I came back briefly several months ago under a different name, which is the same as the one I’m using now. I switched to remove connections to my real name.

I want to say thank you to Francesca, Dali, Sandra, and the others in this thread for being so wonderful and supportive of each other–it really helped brighten my day (well, night). Keep being awesome! ^_^

I admittedly should have taken those TMI warnings more seriously… XD

Crap, there was more I wanted to say, but it’s getting pretty late, and I have work kinda early tomorrow. I’ll post the rest later.

Hope you all have a good day!

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