You know, dude, you’re allowed to not like your mom, and maybe you even have good reasons for it. But damn, dude, why do you have to hate everyone else’s mom, too?
READERS! Stay tune tomorrow for a look at a much longer and in many ways even nastier MGTOW disquisition on motherhood and mother’s day, which was helpfully left in the comments here by a very angry dude!
Oh, goody, David.
I wait with bated breath.
I’d be more surprised to see a MGTOW who didn’t have deep-seated mother issues, to be honest.
Odds that the screed was left by a certain someone?
Which is worse in your guys” opinion: youtube mgtows or Reddit ones? I almost stumbled down the yt hole today and found Sandman’s videos and others. They seem.. calmer? than Reddit. But I think that’s just due to how quickly anyone to type a post on Reddit than to record a video, edit, and export.
Same amount of bs either way. And the comments are just as disgusting.
Wow, I think I saw a card with just that at the Hallmark store.
I can’t seem to watch any of these guys in movement & sound; reading their words is bad enough, seeing living, breathing humans say these putrid, hateful things aloud would be unbearable for me.
The exceptions: hbomberguy and other takedowns, where I am exposed to less unadulterated raw sewage and get some commentary and/or humor thrown in.
Come to think of it, that’s the only way I can consume their written words, too, through David’s (or a few others’) critiques. The raw stuff is too toxic for me.
WWTH: Oh, yeah. First person I thought of.
So, this fucker ain’t shit, but @Futrelle is right. Some people have legit reasons not to like their mom. Biological, step, in law, whathaveyou. So, be good to yourselves this Sunday. And have some pet hugs
Back to the mockysnarky, why does this muffuga care if his mom’s post wall? You’ve got some stuff to work thru, my guy. How’re ya supposed to go your own way from women, when you can’t even leave your mother outta your ‘I didn’t wanna fuck you anyway, so there’ sexvenge fantasies?
Also, seagull or not, looking quite forward to tomorrow’s fuckery. Hoping for some interesting twists on the basic formula 🙂
I mean, I’ve got some serious daddy issues (mine was a genius at mindfucking), but I don’t get all pissy about Father’s Day.
@Axecalibur, that was the first thing I thought when I saw that. Even if his mom had him when she was 13 or 14 like these people seem to think is ideal, wouldn’t she still be over 25 by the time he hit puberty? By definition? Obviously the mother of a teenager is over 25 except in the most exceptional (and horrifying) cases, so why is he complaining about it?
Also, it never ceases to amaze me the way these turds resent the fact that women age as time goes by. Um, what are we supposed to do about that?
I have to admit that I’m finding this year’s mother’s day a bit tough. Normally I ignore it, because my relationship with my mother is difficult at best. She’s an abusive compulsive hoarder with a whole host of personality disorders. I cut off contact with her 20years ago, and just about every day I try to justify my actions to myself.
Maybe it’s due to the death of my deadbeat dad last year. This year just feels harder for some reason.
Anyway I hope those of you with half-decent or better mothers are having a nice day with the ones you love. And to those without such mothers, I hope you’re spending it with someone nice instead.
I don’t like either of my parents, for wildly different private reasons. I still don’t see any reason to be a dick to other people’s parents on Mother’s and Father’s day.
Also, I am valiantly trying to mend the wounds they’ve caused and renounced bitterness of his sort, to an extent.
I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t have problems with them, but fighting is pointless and that’s why I put great effort into ignoring their misgendering and deadnaming.
Longtime lurker, first time commenter wishing everyone a happy Mother’s Day with their mom or approximate mom-figure if your mom was awful.
Same. If I try to go to the source, I just get overwhelmed with bullshit. (That and I’d rather not have the Daily Stormer, ext. in my web history)
I’m going to give my mother a video call. I’m also going to bring her a present from Japan (I’ll be there in a few days. I’m so excited!) but I won’t be able to actually get it to her for a few weeks.
My mom is in her early 70’s and just knowing that she and my dad have an active sex life together (she overshares…yay.) is enough to make me all…squick.
People have legit reasons to dislike their moms and some people don’t have a mom in their life at all which is a perfectly legit reason to dislike “mother’s day”. The fact that mom is of an age that puts her well over the wall is NOT a legit reason. It might make you (the general you) a weird perv with issues regarding sexual relations and appropriateness, but those are topics for another time. 😛
My relationship with my parents is increasingly strained, getting worse every time I come out.
Yeah. Fighting mine requires energy I don’t have. I just need to get away from them.
OT: I found out Netflix currently has “Sky High” on it. I saw it once before a really long time ago, and I like the premise enough to watch it again, though it could be better. Most things could be better.
The fact that you’ve had to come out more than once offers a clue as to why relations miiiiight be a tiny bit strained.
I have issues with my dad (and my step-dad for that matter) but I’m going to bitch and rant about Father’s Day. These shit-eating maggots need a good kick in the ass.
Kinda experienced something like this.
I quietly took the hint and now do not discuss my gender identity or sexuality with them again, ever.
I ain’t saying nothing, but I’m currently changing myself to more appropriately present as my actual gender and it’s gonna cause some problems on the horizon. I can already see that with 100% clarity.
I am really excited for the reaction to that and by excited I mean I feel a little ill.
My mother is almost certainly a narcissist, but I tell you what – those guys CAN be a lot of fun. As long as you suck up to them, they can be really charming. As it happens we have similar tastes in gentle fun (art, horticulture) so we have pleasant things to do together when we see each other. Awareness minimises the mindfuck and also the Atlantic Ocean – thank you Atlantic Ocean and about a 1000 miles of North American Continent between us. I will be wishing her a happy Mother’s Day – again, I thought it was last week. (It’s a different date in the UK, it’s hard to remember)
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
This to a lesser extent. Dad’s a controlling jerk with the volatile tendencies of an ocean.
Mom’s much better since I been with her for 90% of my childhood and we can enjoy watching media together. Except for the fact she’s kind of a closet bigot. Not even in the “constant rant tirades.” More in the random quips of “the mexicans”, “trans aren’t people” knitting kind of gay”, “mental illness not real” that occasionally pop up in conversations. The only reason why she can acknowledge the last one was because I was that much of a wreck and finally had me go get diagnosed. Chances are my relationship with her would be alot more strained if I was any of the above.
@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
Different closets, though. First it was being queer, they were unthrillled when they learned about my polyamory (thank you, Sis. There’s a damn reason I didn’t mention it), and now I’m transitioning. They weren’t great about the depression either, and hell if I’m gonna discuss autism with them.
*hugs* and best wishes