creepy hypocrisy incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Meanwhile, on Reddit …

Oh dear

Another lively discussion, courtesy of the Incels subreddit!

In case you’re wondering what’s underneath the ink splatters — though I suspect you can probably guess — here’s a slightly less censored screenshot:

I can't talk to a girl knowing that her mouth has been filled with semen (self.Incels) submitted 5 hours ago by greekcel Do Normies seriously expect me to respect such creatures? Femoids are shameless degenerate c*nts.

But don’t worry, folks! The author of this lovely post assures his critics in the subreddit that he is neither lonely nor sexually frustrated:

actually im none of these. since young age i was sex deprived so i learned how to live without needing a worthless females. i got used to it after a while.

Yep. He doesn’t care SO HARD that he’s spending his Friday night hanging out on the INvoluntary CELibates subreddit posting this shit — and complaining about girls on Tinder “ghosting” him. 


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Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


And there’s a real bucket of crabs mentality. Also it’s a competition as to who’s the most ‘sub human’. One person will post how he’s doomed because of his maxilla and everyone will leap on him about how he’s lucky, it’s wrist size that’s the major factor

Is this like Monty Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen”, if I remember the sketch title correctly?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Arctic Ape

Is this like Monty Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen”

Heh, remember my recent post about the Goodies getting annoyed when people attribute their work to Monty Python? 🙂

But yes, there’s constant battling about who has it worse.

(That sketch was a collaboration between future Goodies and Pythons for a programme called ‘At last, the 1948 show’ but apparently it was mainly Tim Brooke Taylor’s idea. The Pythons did later perform it, but not before the Goodies did, albeit they weren’t called that then. Phew, any of that make sense?)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

“At the tender age of 14 I was already rejected by women for having the social skills of a poorly socialized teenager!”

“That’s nothing! At the age of 13 I was already rejected by women for having a soft and beardless face!”

“That’s nothing! At the age of 12 I was already rejected by women for having a five inch wrist circumference!”

“You’re all fakes! At the age of 10 I was already rejected by women for being less than five feet tall!”

7 years ago

“I still can never get over the wrist circumference obsession. It’s so bizarre. I have literally never heard a single person who is attracted to men talk about this as a turn or off. Not one.”

Personal experience: I think that some bisexuals (and some lesbians) sometimes have a thing for wrists/hands. Maybe that’s where this comes from?

I dunno, I find it bizarre as well. And I say that as a girl that finds arms, wrists, and hands sexy.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ mrex

I say that as a girl that finds arms, wrists, and hands sexy.

Thing is happy to hear that. 🙂

7 years ago


Yes, can we talk about how manly Thing is? Just look at those strong wrist bones that perfectly complement those smooth, tapering fingers. *fans self*

Incels, go ahead and weep. 😉

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

If I’m already attracted to someone, I will lust over their hands and wrists (they can do things to me with their hands), but I don’t rank random people on the street by the size of their arm joints.

(Edit: Huh. Can’t believe I never thought of the erotic possibilities of Thing before.)

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Part of me wants to feel sorry for their obvious unhappiness.

The rest of me wants to dry heave at how unnecessary their unhappiness is. I was seriously conflicted about my sexuality in college (cradle Catholic and being gay can do that to one), but it never occurred to me to blame it on the men to whom I was attracted. A lot of therapy and a willingness to work on my issues had a salutary effect on my life.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Personal experience: I think that some bisexuals (and some lesbians) sometimes have a thing for wrists/hands. Maybe that’s where this comes from?

I think that as society gets more open about what makes their naughty bits happy/unhappy, we’ll be finding out more about things we haven’t previously considered erotic, (or in the case of some people, slapped the “cel” label to.)

(Edit: Huh. Can’t believe I never thought of the erotic possibilities of Thing before.)

Dammit, I never have, either…now I will be watching old Addams Family re-runs in an entirely now light. ?

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I had always thought that the word “tits” for female breasts was a variant on “teats”, but apparently “tit” was the older form (probably of Germanic origin) and “teat” superseded it in Middle English (also Germanic but coming to England via French). I think they were probably both in common use and might well have been alternative dialect forms, but somehow “tit” came to apply more to humans and therefore became “naughtier.” In any case, a graph of the use of the word teat has an interesting form: it shows a very clear nipple of use arround 1950.

Regarding incels, I have always (since I first heard of them after Elliot Rodger) sensed that they suffer from a very deep fear of women and/or sex and/or relationships that they aren’t willing to admit or confront. Classic toxic masculinity teaches that men should be strong, independent, and emotionally invulnerable. It is easier to complain about women being shallow creatures who refuse to fuck you, and make up totally false reasons why they won’t, than to admit that you fear losing your emotional independence and becoming vulnerable and that you purposely act in a way that keeps women away from you. No Real Man (TM) can possibly admit that he’s afraid of becoming emotionally entangled in a sexual relationship.
Women on this site frequently complain that they are expected to behave in ways that are mutually exclusive; e.g., have sex with any man who wants them but be virgins. Men also often face a somewhat similar sort of conflicting demands, which women find hard to understand because the demands are falsely attributed to them but are actually enforced by other men. Real Men (TM) are supposed to have a lot of sex with a lot of women without falling in love, which just isn’t all that easy for most men to pull off. To quote my favorite singer/songwriter, Christine Lavin:

He is afraid of attainable love
Afraid it will envelop him, swallow him up

I am sorry that the wrist thing is not true: I have large wrists, and being more attractive to women would have been a nice compensation for having a terrible time finding large enough watch bands.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


I wonder if parcels are packed incels…
Someone said they are at war with MGTOW ? Why ? The both groups spit on women and are quick to blame them for anything they think is wrong in their life. That is a sad but strong common point.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ occasional reader

Someone said they are at war with MGTOW ? Why ?

The internecine wranglings in the manosphere are complex, and not always consistent. But basically it boils down to:

Incels hate MGTOWs because:

(a) why would anyone be volcel if they had the option not to be?
(b) they don’t believe MGTOWs are volcel, but just incels who won’t admit it.

MGTOWs hate incels because:

(a) they’re obsessed with women, whereas MGTOWs are loftily above such base desires and of course narey give women a second thought.
(b) incels longing to have sex with women validates women, even the low SMV ones, so women get ideas above their station which spoils them for men generally.

Of course Incels and MGTOWs argue amongst themselves on exactly the same grounds.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago

> Alan Robertshaw

Oh, ok, thank you for the explanation. I was thinking people were going their supposed own way because they were “incels”, in order to look like a person who was taking her own decisions.
So it is just a matter of so called involuntary or voluntary celibacy, the rest is exactly the same. Right. Maybe that makes them both volassholes. Volasshes ?

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

occasional reader – Now I’m wondering if parcels are guys who claim they can’t get laid because they deliver packages for a living…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ hambeast

Now I’m wondering if parcels are guys who claim they can’t get laid because they deliver packages for a living…

Parcels are guys who get rejected because of their disappointing golf scores.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

That must be why both China and Vietnam have been stationing special forces soldiers on the Paracel islands.

I’ll see myself out.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Hambeast, have you seen some of the drivers?? I’d totally do the UPS guy!*

*Mr. PeeVee works at UPS.

The Real Cie
7 years ago

Here’s a real winner, Ladies. I’m sure we’ll all soon be slapping each other and pulling one another’s hair for the privilege of getting a piece of him. I simply can’t understand why he’s been sex deprived from a young age. I suppose it’s all because of Chad Thundercock.

The Real Cie
7 years ago

@KL aka not so stealthy MGTOW

“So you waded through a whole sub-Reddit full of men with autism and other crippling social disabilities to find one to criticize? You could find misogynists and misanthropes with depression and schizophrenia too. You lack compassion and are literally picking on social cripples.”

These guys are “social cripples” because they’re misogynistic assholes, not because they’re autistic or have “crippling social disabilities.”

The majority of people with autism, depression, schizophrenia, or any other such issues don’t say crap like this.

My son is high-functioning autistic and lives with major depression. He would never say anything like the crap above.

I’m suspecting that you’re the author of said crap. However, whether or not that is the case, you need to assess why you feel the need to defend it or to make people with neurological or psychological issues out to be awful human beings.

7 years ago

lmao what a crock of shit

I have tiny wrists, but that has had zero impact on my sex life.

Like honestly, I could have been an ideal incel (small wrists, below-average height, small physique, lots of social difficulties, very quiet and shy, virgin until 18) except for the part where I didn’t blame others for my unhappiness, and worked really hard to improve my skill at social situations while also not being a raging asshole. Magically, despite all my immutable physical “setbacks”, I no longer have much difficulty finding physical intimacy.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ dlouwe

I have tiny wrists, but that has had zero impact on my sex life.

You’ve got cool hair though; maybe that swings it. 🙂

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

Wrist…circumference? I can’t think of a thing I’ve ever paid less attention to, when gazing upon a man.

Stop making excuses, “incels.” You’re not involuntarily celibate. You’re not helpless. Feel nervous and awkward? Take a Dale Carnegie course or join Toastmasters. Take ballroom dance lessons. Learn about wine, or how to cook your favorite style of cuisine. Get off the Internet and read some good literature or go for a walk. Take some responsibility and improve your damn selves.

Pointless to say it? Yes, but I couldn’t stand it anymore. This really bums me out, all these guys wasting their lives in this way.

7 years ago

actually im none of these. since young age i was sex deprived

So by that logic, I was lucky to have started having sex at age seven?
Pretty sure that most folks of a young age are sex-deprived. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

Stop making excuses, “incels.” You’re not involuntarily celibate. You’re not helpless. Feel nervous and awkward? Take a Dale Carnegie course or join Toastmasters. Take ballroom dance lessons. Learn about wine, or how to cook your favorite style of cuisine. Get off the Internet and read some good literature or go for a walk. Take some responsibility and improve your damn selves.

Yeah, this.

What’s sad is that for all their desire of it, they don’t seem to actually enjoy the idea of sex. There’s no conception of “finding a person you respect, and mutually creating an experience which both of you will enjoy.” Rather, they just seem to want sex because it’s a marker of male social status. The mythical 18-year old virgin Asian HB10 is only valued inasmuch as she shows them that they’re better than other men.

As Sarkeesian said, in the game of patriarchy women aren’t the other team: women are the ball.

Hugs, dude. That’s awful.

7 years ago

And they’ve made a post about this blog entry – weeee!

One of the most frustrating things for them has to be how much attention they get anymore… and it still doesn’t get any of their dicks any wetter.

When truecels went down and all of the replacements started mushrooming up, in the mix was a private sub (r/truecelsprivate) and is supposedly dead, since nobody wants go there.

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