Another lively discussion, courtesy of the Incels subreddit!
In case you’re wondering what’s underneath the ink splatters — though I suspect you can probably guess — here’s a slightly less censored screenshot:
But don’t worry, folks! The author of this lovely post assures his critics in the subreddit that he is neither lonely nor sexually frustrated:
actually im none of these. since young age i was sex deprived so i learned how to live without needing a worthless females. i got used to it after a while.
Yep. He doesn’t care SO HARD that he’s spending his Friday night hanging out on the INvoluntary CELibates subreddit posting this shit — and complaining about girls on Tinder “ghosting” him.
😉 Yep! Not remotely one of them myself, but legends speak of the existence of such wizardry ^ω^
That’s always a favorite! But the floor? Push your bed against the wall (the technique is actually known as ‘climbing the wall’) and get comfy. The floor would wreck my spine…
The first time I heard the term “normies” was in an episode of Futurama. Every time since, it’s been from an incel/alt-right/red pill loser. For people who decry “special snowflakes”, they sure seem desperate to be seen as special themselves.
*TMI Warning*
I’ll leave the fractured vertebrae to others; but ‘snowballing’ seems very popular these days.
I was wondering if any one would bring that up.
@Ghost Robot:
“Normies” used to be in common usage among various sub-cultures to denote “those people who do not understand [my pain/the struggle/why I care so much about computer games/the beauty of power chords/et cetera]”. Don’t know about these days, though. Might be that people have started going “fascists-eww” about the term, but like most things about the modern neo-fascists they stole it wholesale from better people than them.
These are the Elliot Rodgers,Gary Ridgeways and Marc Lépines of the future
…Man, I move from uni back home (for now) and “help” my sibs play Pikmin 3 (read: pretend to be Brittany, very annoyed at Alph and Charlie) and I come back here to a discussion of semen consumption and Dwarf Fortress references.
I love this place!
Dwarf Fortress… This fortress is made of granite. The floor is decorated with a masterpiece carving of a dwarf carving a carving of a granite fortress. It is encrusted in vomit. Hey, it makes more sense than “she’s not an oral virgin, keep her away from me!”
Buffalo Headroom (it doesn’t have to make sense)
Please don’t link vaginas to the horribleness of these guys. Vaginas are not bad. So calling someone bad by calling them a euphemism for vaginas is insulting to vaginas everywhere. Please don’t insult twats. What did they ever do to you?
That said… These guys just think all sex acts are bad. Seems their celibacy is pretty voluntary if they hate women so much and think the very act of sex is a horrible thing. Why do they even want sex if they feel this way about it??
No no, they don’t see the dissonance, or ignore it completely, in favor of “Women are bad because at least one wouldn’t have sex with me when I wanted!”
They claim they’d love sex, but apparently only with oral virgins in this case. That leaves out a bunch of possible partners, since according to one study by Univ of Indiana, 76% of women 25-29 had tried giving a man oral sex within the last year (of the study). It was meant to be a national survey, though it was sponsored at least partially by Trojan, so there might be a slight bias towards… I dunno really.
There’s really very little logic in these rants, and frequent inconsistencies within.
Ironic since people who say ‘normies’ are usually very uninteresting, average and, well ‘normal’. Cis white male streight – what society tells is ‘normal’. Perhaps most are just miserable teenagers desperate to be special and afraid the world is bigger than them and their place in it.
Nope. Dogs’ mouths are horrible, and te exact degree of horribleness depends on what they’ve been allowed to lick and eat of late. Best case scenario is that they’re not much more full of bacteria and viruses and parasite eggs than a really dirty human mouth.
I wonder about his logic. Suppose he meets a nice woman who can tolerate him being such a charmer and they get married. She’s never had sex before, never had icky semen in her mouth, but with him she does it. Is she a ”creature” that doesn’t deserve respect anymore?
Oh, and I’m sure if she didn’t agree to oral sex this chucklefuck would be crying all over reddit how women are awful creatures that won’t give him the satisfaction he deserves.
I was into my twenties when I properly lost my virginity, but ever since then things have mostly been sensational, and I suspect my sex life now is substantially better in terms of both quality and quantity than that of most people pushing fifty.
At school/college/university we’re always hearing about fellow teens’ amazing sex lives, but the odds are that quite a few of those will be having rather less good a time two or three decades later. I know quite a few forty and fiftysomething “incels” (of both sexes), and in this case the “involuntary” part has considerably more justification, as they’re married to partners who, for whatever reason, have lost interest in sex, and they don’t fancy going down the cheating route.
But I suspect scenarios like that never occur to them, not least because it involves imagining people over 25 having sex, and we all know that there’s nothing more disgusting than that.
@Argle Bargle
She’ll immediately join the ranks of all the other whores and sluts because seriously, she let him spaff in her mouth. No nice girl would ever do that, right?
Absolutely. She’d do it for Chad and Tyrone at a shot. Probably already has, the lying bitch, etc.
It’s hate and self-pity all the way down with incels.
What about Capybara kisses?
Tessa: I know that that is where the word twat originates, but in English vernacular virtually no one is making that connection. For example giving someone a ‘good twatting’ actually means to beat them up.
This is absolutely true, and it’s one of my wife’s favourite words as well.
It’s also undoubtedly the case that “cunt” (another fave of hers) is much less gendered on my side of the Atlantic – so much so that the British Board of Film Classification actually has a policy of distinguishing between its use in a misogynist and non-misogynist context. (The film will be banned to under-15s regardless, but Withnail & I – “Monty, you terrible cunt!” – was deemed acceptable to 15-year-olds, while Bridget Jones’s Diary had to be partially redubbed to avoid a commercially damaging 18 certificate).
But my attitude is that if you’re conversing in a group that might contain people who aren’t British, it’s good to be circumspect about this. I am fully aware that Americans have a much more explicitly gendered interpretation of both words, to the extent that they might take far more offence than was ever intended, and it’s easy enough to find alternatives.
I’ve heard similar arguments about ‘cunt’, too. Nonetheless, it doesn’t take much effort to use a word with a less problematic origin.
I think the ruling on this is similar to other problematic words. You can call yourself bipolar, but refrain from diagnosing a flip flopping politician as such. You can refer to your own c**t, but maybe don’t call Marine Le Pen one (‘fascist shitweasel’ should suffice). Etc etc. Least, that’s my lay reading of precedent…
But what you have to consider is: Why was that word used as an insult in the first place?
The fact it has become normalised as an insult rather than a reference to anatomy doesn’t alter the fact that it is used as an insult because the anatomy belongs to a weak inferior being that you wouldn’t want to be associated with, AND that the anatomy referred to is icky.
Hmm, how did ‘bathing suit area’ anatomy end up becoming insults?
We’ve got the ‘C’ and ‘T’ words and pussy. We’ve also got dick, knob, prick, cock etc. But then we’ve also got asshole and arse so it’s presumably not exclusively sexual. But then we’ve also got tit and boob.
Is it just a breaking taboo thing or is there more to it? And how far back does it go? I think Shakespeare used ‘mewling quim’ but presumably he wasn’t the first?
Any of our resident etymologists shed some light?
I think c*nt just sounds harsher. Hard sound. A nasty sounding word was chosen for vagina – it wasn’t meant for to be a complement, it was misogynist at the beginning. Even sailors dont say, and everyone swears here.
I understand and accept both statements. I was simply trying to point out that in the UK when someone uses the word twat it does not have a misogynist intention. The word cunt is much more obviously misogynist, even though it is often used ‘affectionately’ by men towards one another.
Personally I use the word twat frequently and am extremely unlikely to use the word cunt.