Another lively discussion, courtesy of the Incels subreddit!
In case you’re wondering what’s underneath the ink splatters — though I suspect you can probably guess — here’s a slightly less censored screenshot:
But don’t worry, folks! The author of this lovely post assures his critics in the subreddit that he is neither lonely nor sexually frustrated:
actually im none of these. since young age i was sex deprived so i learned how to live without needing a worthless females. i got used to it after a while.
Yep. He doesn’t care SO HARD that he’s spending his Friday night hanging out on the INvoluntary CELibates subreddit posting this shit — and complaining about girls on Tinder “ghosting” him.
How in the world does he know which women’s mouths have been filled with…you know? Does he carry a black light scanner and wave it around at people?
Ah, we’re back to cannibalising sailors.
My mouth atm is filled with a delicious taco.
Sucks to be greekcel.
Oh good, one of those “everyone is having constant sex except me!” types. Because of course he is the only person in the whole world who isn’t living their absolute best sexual/romantic life. That, combined with that classic incel squeamishness about the human body.
Thoses people are frightening. They need counceling, and fast.
Normally, semen isn’t the most disgusting thing that have come through a mouth. At the very least, puke have come out too, and that seem grosser to me.
Like, dude, you swallow, then have a Coke or something. People aren’t running around with splooge chipmunk-stashed in their cheeks like it’s chewing tobacco.
Ya know, I think I’m going to stop shaking hands with people. All people. What if they masturbate with their shaking hands?
I wish I could identify these guys by sight. I’d keep toothpaste in my purse so I could smile a big, frothy grin at them.
So, if you use a condom while give a blow job, it’s okay?
I knew about the ghost penises that misogynists think live in vaginas. I didn’t realize ghost sperms stayed in ones mouth forever too. I learn new biological facts here every day!
Yes, Mr Incel, it’s true. What makes it worse is that women breathe, which means that the air around them is full of little wiggly spermies. To be safe, you’d better stay far away from any women and never breathe the same air as them.
But you know what’s worse? Some men do it too. Men have been known to play the pink bassoon. Some of these men are straight, or can pass for straight. To be safe from them, you’re going to have to stay away from all men as well.
You’re also going to have to avoid using anything that any human has ever touched. This specifically includes your computer keyboard.
Why do these guys get so freaking upset about other people having sex? That’s how you make more humans. Everybody, including them, was created by a sex act or at minimum, by the manipulation of sperm and ova. Ewwwww?
EJ… EJ no… EJ I’m dying EJ…
Iseult, you made me spit out my coffee due to laughing!
Ew at you for the image you just put in my head.
Because they’re not having any.
@lindsayirene & paganreader
That is one of the greatest images I’ve ever encountered. Disgusting, but….
Is he aware that you know, some people brush their teeth? Sometimes even more than once a month?
Oh, incels. Always thinking of themselves and other men as disgusting plague carriers, infecting women left and right.
Wiggly spermies and PINK BASSOON! *dies laughing*
There’s also people who lick buttholes. And people who don’t mind getting semen all over their face and the rest of their body.
Point is, most people wash well in the modern world, and you can drive yourself up the wall worrying about it. So…don’t worry about it.
And I’m not normal, but I don’t expect this person to request all people who’ve given blowjobs. I require that he does. Disrespecting all of us is not an option.
*sigh* …incels…
Sex good? – “Waah! Women are stingy and won’t do teh sex!!!”
Sex bad? – “Waah! Women are icky and slutty and *cooties*!!!”
Regardless – “Waah! Women!!!”
Well. Back to enjoying my friday. I haz pizza and beer and ice cream and doggo and friends 😀
Hmmm – Chicken kebab, chips, (from the chippy) wine and chocolate.
A perfect Friday. 🙂
Time to add G&T to the mix.
I can’t talk to an incel knowing that his mouth has been filled with bullshit.
Do mammothers seriously expect me to respect such creatures? Incels are shameless, degenerate pricks.
( . ___ . )
Panko/pesto/mozzarella encrusted chicken with wine, while listening to Epica.
Hey, does greekcel know that there are women who put their mouths on other womens’ private parts? He could be talking to a woman whose face feels like a glazed donut after a real good night and not even know it!! Yeah, he really shouldn’t talk to anyone. Ever.
If I’m in a situation where I know for sure that a woman’s mouth has been filled with semen, either she’s telling me some really interesting stories or it’s mine. Either way, I don’t want her to stop. Why on Earth would I shun her?
They really don’t get how much they tell us about them, do they. I would genuinely feel sorry for these pathetic men if they weren’t so full of hate. And it’s all imaginary. Hell, most of them could probably get a date if they acted like a decent person. Of course if they are ugly or fat or don’t bother to wash much they may have issues, but so do ugly fat smelly women*.
And the truth is that fat ugly men are more likely to score than fat ugly women, because women, in general**, are less demanding of physical perfection as long as the personality is good. Oh, wait. I see the problem right there.
*I am not fat shaming nor appearance shaming. The truth is that some people are not particularly physically attractive and many women and men are fat. They deserve love and/or companionship no less than the various greek gods and goddesses that run around being physically attractive and slender.
**This is to acknowledge that some women LIKE big solid men, and some men LIKE women with some meat on their bones. The range of potential mates for large, not-classically-attractive people may be smaller than that available to slender classically attractive people, but it is not zero. Once again, having a pleasant personality and not actually hating all members of the gender you are attracted to would probably help.
I wonder if he knows just how much dirty the average human mouth is. I’ve read that dog’s mouths are actually cleaner than ours. There’s the fact that dental plaque is composed of bacteria and their poop. Not the first time i’ve heard this sort of talk coming from them. Every time i hear it it makes me want to out-gross them.
It is back to that whole cuckold obsession these guys have – they spend so much time thinking about the women they are attracted to with other men that it becomes part of the fantasy. As one of David’s recent posts highlighted their posts are super revealing about their sexual insecurities.
Possibly in this case this guy does get *something* out of thinking about other men’s semen! That is not me implying he has gay fantasies (NOT that there is anything wrong with that!), it could be that, but it seems to be much more about comparison – and of course his fears that he will come up short (as it were).
I can honestly say I have never spent a great deal of time negatively dwelling on other people’s sexual activities. I hope that way of thinking is more common than this sad man’s.