Looking for last-minute Mother’s Day gift ideas? Look no further!
As we all know, there’s nothing that moms love better than t-shirts featuring the disembodied heads of horrendous dudes they’ve probably never heard of, so why not get them this ACTUAL T-SHIRT YOU CAN REALLY BUY NO REALLY featuring the grim visage of ALPHA JUICE GORILLA MAN and famous “journalist” Mike Cernovich!
The shirt is available for purchase — no, for real — at some dude’s online store called Crypto.Fashion.
And if Mr. Cernovich isn’t ALPHA enough for you or your mom, you can kick things up a notch by buying her this shirt featuring a twenty-year old photo of EVERYONE’S FAVORITE RACIST LADY-HATING SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR Theodore “Vox Day” Beale, doing his best “BLUE STEEL” for the camera.
But what about Grandma, you ask? She’s a mother too! Well, Crypto Fashion KICKS IT REALLY REALLY OLD SCHOOL for your Grams with a t-shirt featuring none other than OSWALD FUCKING SPENGLER, author of the racist CLASSIC The Decline of the West (1918)!!!1!!!
No really.
It’s true, Vox Day can’t turn left.
Adam-Troy Castro’s epithet for Pox Day is ‘Beale the Galactic Zero’. Extra points for being a reference to a celebrated parody of military science fiction.
I was quite sad to hear that about Dave Sim, until I realised I was conflating ‘Cerebus’ with ‘Bone’. It’s been a LONG time since I read either.
@Robert Walker-Smith
Vox Day certainly could be described as a Stainless Steel Prat.
How dare you sully the name of Slippery Jim DiGriz in such a fashion!? Vox can barely aspire to be someone worth tricking in his world.
Is it bad if I snickered at the mocking of Vox Day for a second before I got offended in defense of Slippery Jim?
Are they going to make one featuring Richard Spencer being punched in the face?