alpha males alt-right antifeminism beta males empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil sexy muslims heartiste irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Racist, sexist and sexually insecure is no way to go through life, alt-right dudes

Every alt-right dude’s worst nightmare

One thing you can say for alt-right dudes: They’re not shy about exposing their sexual insecurities to the world.

The only thing is: They don’t actually realize that’s what they’re doing.

Take the preening narcissist who posts pickup tips and racist diatribes on the internet as Heartiste. In a blog post today with the lovely title “Single White Women Want To Spread Their Legs For The World,” our boy Heartiste clearly thinks he’s delivered a masterful takedown of America’s insufficiently racist white ladies and their “betatized male” equivalents.

But all he’s really done is show how not-so-secretly terrified he is of what he sees as the superior sexual vitality of men with skin darker than his.

“[A] large chunk of America’s White men have spectacularly failed the dominance/ZFG [Zero Fucks Given] test,” Heartiste writes.

America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike has effectively neutered White men, and unmasked them for romantically unappealing doormats to single White women.

On behalf of all white men, I feel I must offer an apology for Heartiste’s terrible prose. He always writes like that, apparently convinced that nonsensical buzz-phrases like “America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike” are clever zingers of some sort.

But his writerly eccentricities can’t conceal the sexual insecurities saturating passages like these:

As women are wont by the essence of their sex to spread their legs for the dominant tribe’s men, they will wish to see tribal battles play out so that they may enjoy the luxury of choosing winners and their winning seed. The single White woman desire for open borders is nothing less than a desire for alpha male interlopers to test the mettle of their betatized male loafers. 

Apparently Heartiste is convinced that there’s no way to keep white women from choosing these (to him) obviously more appealing men of color.

For this reason, it was always a mistake to entrust the nation’s future to its native daughters, especially while in their pulchritudinous primes. Women are more xenophilic than men and this difference goes deep, all the way to the Darwinian pulses in the primal part of the brain that regulate reproductive algorithms. No logic, reason, accountability, or basic common sense can defeat such a primitive force.

The only way to keep white women from making choices Heartiste doesn’t like, he suggests, is to make sure they can’t choose at all.

Or, as he puts it, in his inimitable way,

There aren’t many solutions to this intractable cognitive block in women’s hindbrains that don’t require serious divestment from the recently operative political and social calculus.

His preferred solution is a bit Handmaid’s Tale-y.

  1. rescind suffrage and disenfranchise single White women
  2. get more White women married off and pregnant at younger ages
  3. break America into regional entities, diluting the single White woman vote
  4. convince married White women to socially ostracize single White women by any means necessary
  5. make divorce harder for women
  6. economically and socially incentivize early marriage (e.g., conduct a massive draw-down of women from the workforce and cease glorifying single momhood and tankgrrl careerism)
  7. ban abortion and contraceptives (good luck with that)

“Tankgrrl careerism?” Really? Apparently Heartiste’s idea of a clever cultural reference combines a movie that came out in 1995 with a musical movement that peaked slightly earlier than that.

But Heartiste’s final action point is my favorite:

execute a vast, mass propaganda psy ops involving reframing of contentious national question issues and other rhetorical gambits that constitute the heart of Game to reorient the acceptable opinion avenues by which single White women gain social status rewards so that they find value in claiming the opposite of the self-defeating open borders beliefs they comfortingly regurgitate for now. (whether he knows it or not, this is the Trump Option.)

No, I can’t translate that mess of verbiage into ordinary English. But I can — and I did — use Google Translate to translate it into an assortment of other languages and then back into English. Because why not?

Production advertising is largely dependent on large-scale and largely rhetoric and other dictionaries constitute the heart of the game, only free to participate in the reconstruction of the redistribution of social incentives for white women to accept the method of opinion found for the discovery of the value of the belief border claims, It overcomes the problems of ethnic issues for the same time this time. (Whether it is this option to know if you want Trump.)

Well, that’s no clearer than the original but, hey, it really isn’t any worse.

Heartiste wraps up his post with what he sees as an ominous warning:

[T]he way forward is for White men to retake control of their homeland and scoff at the precious political boilerplate their women solipsistically indulge.

I can tell you that if we refuse to tackle our shared single White women problem, the nonWhite invaders will tackle the problem for us.

Since “we” clearly won’t be “tackl[ing] our shared single White women problem” in the manner that Heartiste recommends, we can all look forward to many more badly written self-owns from this sexually insecure racist.

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7 years ago

@EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Contrary to what most people think, the moon is black.

Given the current discussion on the Hoteps, my mind went into a really weird place after reading that.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Sadly, as far as my knowledge of physics goes, bending light around things isn’t something we can do on the small scale. When we bend light we bend the universe itself, and doing that is thought to be very difficult.


Ultimately, the way to go is to be patient. If you can wait a thousand years to spring your trap, you’ll probably be fine

One of the things that grad student astrophysicists do is come up with facetious ways to weaponise whatever we’re studying. In my university, the term for this was a “pre-emptive revenge strike”, since it almost always required very long periods of preparation.

What you’ve identified there is a good example of this: if we get generation ships and run their power plants cold enough, we can get in a truly unexpected pre-emptive revenge strike on Alpha Centauri. We’d better start now; they’ll almost certainly do something to deserve it in the meantime.

@Policy of Madness:

How much would time dilation extend your useful traveling lifespan if you were going ~.3 c, which is already screaming fast? (this is a legit question because I don’t know but would like to)

The Lorentz factor, as Pie linked, is (1- (v/c)^2)^(-1/2). This is normally written with a lowercase gamma but I don’t have one on my phone keyboard.

In the specific case of going .3c, this means that the Lorentz factor is:
Which is, as Pie says, a 5% bonus. It’s nice to have but it’s not gonna change the world.

Also, how would you distinguish between an incoming alien craft and a random bit of space rock if it were falling in toward the sun on a regular orbit?

As Dalillama says, this is a toughie. However, you could do two things:

Firstly, we could compare it to a list of known comets. As of 2017 we know most of the near-Sun comets in our solar system, so if we had Enterprise-level astronomy it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that we’d know all of them. Comets are extremely predictable, which means that anything not on the list will raise red flags.

Secondly, things in space don’t change course without burning fuel, and comets don’t have fuel to burn. If we see something changing course, then we’re gonna be suspicious and might send a probe to check.

We can also do various spectroscopy tests on things to see what they’re made of. This could be bluffed by covering your ship in nitrogen ice, but at that point you’re talking about a specialised spy-ship that’s probably made out of a hollowed-out comet rather than a warship or transport.


It might be nice if there was a bit more effort to spot the sort of intruders that take the form of huge dumb lumps of boring rock that just sort of fall on you and kill everything :-/

It would definitely be nice. NASA monitor the near-Earth asteroids for exactly this reason. We think we’re in the clear – most things big enough to kill everything are very visible – but it’s still worth checking.

We’ve started doing big sweeps of the outer solar system to catalogue all the little bits of rock, ice and miscellaneous space crud. It’s not unreasonable to suppose that by the end of the century we’ll know every piece of matter in the Solar system large enough to care about, and be able to predict its motions. This is mostly important when travelling, because you don’t want to get hit

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

I wouldn’t mind knowing what particular plot asexual white people are part of.

According to (some) teenagers on Tumblr, everything bad in the world is the fault of ace spec people. /Slight exaggeration

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

First of all, why does Heartless-tiste think America is a small, carnivorous bird that impales its prey on thorns or spines? Did he mean shirk instead of shrike?

Serebrianyi Golub – I may have to steal “General Tso’s chicken-tinted monkey squirrel who used to host The Celebrity Apprentice” It makes me giggle.

Bina – I don’t remember who it was who was (wanna say Troubelle) taunting a troll with “abloobloobloo” a while back, but that’s what has replaced “yaddayadda” in my brain now. It works quite well especially when watching repub talking heads on the teevee.

Francesca Torpedo said

I don’t care either, but other black people are allowed to disagree with me on that front, because we aren’t a fuckin’ hivemind that receive orders from The Imperial Black High Command.

I wonder if Katie will be disappointed?

Hoteps are basically Egypt Flavored Fun size Manospherians.

OMG, this gave me belly laffs!

Alan – They’re also not uncommonly very, very, very, very, very, very, very dark green, or purple, or brown. If you brush a bit of bleach on a black clothing item, this becomes apparent. It also makes holes, if you’re not careful.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


According to (some) teenagers on Tumblr, everything bad in the world is the fault of ace spec people. /Slight exaggeration

OK, this I need to see. Bring on the supervillainy! Link, pls?

Yep, totally meant visible camo. I only really see hiding from technological detection called cloaking. My b. Still, marvelous discussion! And, even if the ships are detectable, how’re the people of today’s Earth gonna stop thousands of pitch black assault vessels from blocking out the sun and conquering whitedom for good and all!?
comment image

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Haha, yes! Yes! This pleases the Goddess-Empress.

I shall reward you with gold mined from the Hotep Planet of Nuwabia…and cookies.


Saaaaay, that’s got quite a ring to it!


The Sci-Fi Fantasy Hotepverse is quite fascinating if you ignore all the scurrilous, hateful bullshit, and it tickles my liking of medieval roleplay.

It reminds me of the Fading Suns role-playing system as well, or of Frank Herbert’s “Dune”.

Re: The Irritated Genie of Soufeese

Appallingly, his Straight Black Pride movement is gaining legitimacy amongst the hotep world.

There are Straight Black Pride Conventions now. I can’t even imagine what that’s like and don’t want to know.


re: white people secretly harvesting black people organs

This is basically also the premise of the movie “Get Out”, which should have been entitled “A Hotep Horror Story”.

I’m both shocked and amused that this conspiracy theory has gained so much traction.

Have they also begun adopting the Hotep human biological regarding the superpowers having more melanin in one’s skin confers, such as disease resistance, damage nullification, and whatnot?

In concordance with the more esoteric forms of Hotep Biological Science, I should be capable of stopping a truck with a single blow from my fist and moving things with my mind… provided I expose myself to the Sun’s Melanin-activating rays.

@Fishy Goat

I wonder if the Hoteps were responsible for the website I had stumbled across that had King James I of England depicted as a black man….

Possibly, since some Hoteps have spoken about how most European monarchies were actually under the control of black people.

One of my favorites? According to them, the Roman General Scipio Africanus was actually a black man, because he had the word “Africa” in his name and there’s a bust of him that is dyed black.

Again, their stories appeal to me on an entirely artistic level.

Their fanfiction about European history’s secret black past is fun to read, since I do enjoy me some medieval fantasy fiction.

I also enjoy the contemporary multicultural productions in which black people are cast in various roles in Shakespeare’s plays; a recent production adapted for television called “The Hollow Crown” features a talented black actress as Margaret of Anjou and I enjoyed it quite a lot.

I suppose the Hoteps would take that as being actual historical fact.


Re: the black moon

Obviously more proof we black people are superior deities!

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

I can’t read ‘abloobloobloo’ and not think of Genghis Khan crying in Clone High:

That is like, a surrealistic animated film that a character has made, so warning for that.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

Roman General Scipio Africanus was actually a black man

Septimus Severus was born in what is now Libya. We don’t know his ethnicity but he was called the African Emperor.

Although for some reason he decided the best place to run the empire from was Yorkshire.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

According to (some) teenagers on Tumblr, everything bad in the world is the fault of ace spec people.

I nuked my Tumblr in part because of this sort of crap showing up on my dashboard. That, and the eruption of ‘using the term queer means you are a terrible person’. Started a new goth-ish/horror/writing blog, and I am not missing the ‘discourse’ at all.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Truly, he was a man after my own heart; one of those curious black people who has an affectation for all things British.

He had some damn fine taste is what I’m saying.

From what I understand of my admittedly limited knowledge of Roman history, racism, at least against black people, was not really a thing back then.

I know about their dislike of what they called Barbarian tribes, but the stigma against dark skin was not yet quite a feature of their society, as far as I know.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

racism, at least against black people, was not really a thing back then.

The Romans had a lot of prejudices but skin colour doesn’t seem to have been one of them. That’s partly the reason we’re unsure about various people’s ethnic backgrounds (like Cleopatra VII). It just wasn’t seen as worth mentioning.

We know the legions had plenty of black folk though. Not from Roman sources but second century British writers commented about a settlement that was predominantly black families because it was populated by legionaries.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Allegedly the Romans also had a weird attitude to sexual orientation: to them it was less about the gender of your partner, and more about whether you were the active or the passive participant.

(I’m led to believe that modern prisons and British public schools have a similar ethos.)

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago


Is Uhura a captain in that fleet? 🙂

In the later Treks, they used African-American actors so often to play Klingons that the Klingon Defense Force would almost qualify as the KNBSF.

OTOH, the Tholian ships looked a lot like pyramids.

Maybe the Tholians came to ancient Earth and taught the Egyptians how to build pyramids. 😉

7 years ago


RE: stealth in space, one thing I loved about the Mass Effect series is that it explicitly describes ships’ stealth systems as basically being huge on-board heat-sink (though that does raise the question of what happens when those heat-sinks reach capacity, and how they “reset” them (presumably by offloading heat in friendly territory?)

Been some time since I played the games, and by extension read all codex entries (obviously), but as far as I remember that’s exactly it.
Which is why the Normandy could only go stealth for a limited time, and why it was “active” stealth, i.e. you wouldn’t wanna go stealth and load up the heat capacitors just for funsies.


Septimus Severus was born in what is now Libya. We don’t know his ethnicity but he was called the African Emperor.

Although for some reason he decided the best place to run the empire from was Yorkshire.

o_0 Come again?

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

OTOH, the Tholian ships looked a lot like pyramids.

At the risk of sounding Hotep there are more pyramids in Sudan (the former Kush/Nubia) than there are in Egypt.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ feline

Come again?

Yeah, he set up shop in York (or Eboracum as he’d have called it).

As did Constantine for a bit; he was actually declared emporer there. Of course he then went off to create Constantinople. I like to think he was trying to recreate a bit of Yorkshire in the Med.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ivory Bill,

If you (or others here) haven’t heard, the new Star Trek TV series will star Sonequa Martin-Green and also feature Michelle Yeoh as a captain.

Misandry and white genocide! I can’t wait for the manosphere tears to start. I’m surprised to have not seen much of it yet. Maybe when the premier date is finally announced.

7 years ago

@Francesca: Ranma 1/2 remains my favorite anime series, and the one that I loved the most as a teenager during my heavy anime phase. I even loved it enough that, given that downloading episodes over the internet wasn’t a thing yet, I’d shell out $30 apiece for tapes with two damn episodes per tape, and I’d still rewatch them enough to get my money’s worth. I have a friend who’s gender-queer and didn’t really start to realize it until after I introduced him to anime (including Ranma of course), though since he grew up in a very conservative Christian home, it remains on the down-low. The only thing I regret is how it was a product of its time (late 80s Japan), and as such, has no problem with characters calling the main character’s fluid sexuality, and some of those interested in them, as “perverts”. It’s weird to combine such a potentially groundbreaking series with dated attitudes, though in all fairness those may be the opinions of the characters rather than the series creator.

Does anyone else have some of those odd moments where they really love a show but have to struggle with the cognitive dissonance of giving them a “pass” in some areas?

7 years ago

@ChimericMind : all the time. Partly because it’s really hard to find a work of art who is a bit long and don’t have at elast some bad parts. The last time is Persona 4, who have a character who is both really close to my outlook on life, and really cringy in that people might think transexualism work like her.

Note that I have never though of Ranma himself as being genderfluid, since, you know, it’s against his will. Then again, I guess different people see different things.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Does anyone else have some of those odd moments where they really love a show but have to struggle with the cognitive dissonance of giving them a “pass” in some areas?

Oh, only with every show. The older the show, the more things you have to overlook.

7 years ago


Pretty much with all of them. For a very recent example, episode 8 of the last season of Samurai Jack. 10 years of waiting and Genndy didn’t think that shipping a 70+ immortal man with a woman 1/3 his age with mental maturity of a child might be a little disgusting. Would it kill him to get away from the mainstream idea that women = love interest? If he just kept it as a teacher/student relationship it would have actually made sense in a thematic way and wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb.

If the last two episodes completely ignore episode 8 then it’ll be alright. The last two episodes better not go the Conan-esque style of ending, that would be a very disappointing end for a season that started out so strong.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

The possibility some Hoteps think James I was of African descent is amusing given the debate about whether James had male lovers or not. I suppose they would consider such talk an attempt to smear him.

I wonder how Heartiste reconciles his claims about the supposed dangers of xenophilia with the interest some of the MRA crowd have in foreign women, who they perceive as less likely to have been “ruined” by feminism. I guess marrying foreigners is okay for men if they’re the bosses.

7 years ago

@ChimericMind —
If it’s any consolation, I believe, based on various manga I’ve seen, that the Japanese word that usually gets translated as “pervert” doesn’t carry the connotation of “kinky” so much as “cheeky” or “randy.” It seems to be applied a lot to teenage boy characters regardless of the gender(s) they’re attracted to.

Chris O
Chris O
7 years ago

HOTEPs: Hopelessly Out of Touch Egotistical Pinheads

7 years ago

I didn’t see any counter arguments, just “clever” insults. Congratulations!