alpha males alt-right antifeminism beta males empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil sexy muslims heartiste irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Racist, sexist and sexually insecure is no way to go through life, alt-right dudes

Every alt-right dude’s worst nightmare

One thing you can say for alt-right dudes: They’re not shy about exposing their sexual insecurities to the world.

The only thing is: They don’t actually realize that’s what they’re doing.

Take the preening narcissist who posts pickup tips and racist diatribes on the internet as Heartiste. In a blog post today with the lovely title “Single White Women Want To Spread Their Legs For The World,” our boy Heartiste clearly thinks he’s delivered a masterful takedown of America’s insufficiently racist white ladies and their “betatized male” equivalents.

But all he’s really done is show how not-so-secretly terrified he is of what he sees as the superior sexual vitality of men with skin darker than his.

“[A] large chunk of America’s White men have spectacularly failed the dominance/ZFG [Zero Fucks Given] test,” Heartiste writes.

America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike has effectively neutered White men, and unmasked them for romantically unappealing doormats to single White women.

On behalf of all white men, I feel I must offer an apology for Heartiste’s terrible prose. He always writes like that, apparently convinced that nonsensical buzz-phrases like “America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike” are clever zingers of some sort.

But his writerly eccentricities can’t conceal the sexual insecurities saturating passages like these:

As women are wont by the essence of their sex to spread their legs for the dominant tribe’s men, they will wish to see tribal battles play out so that they may enjoy the luxury of choosing winners and their winning seed. The single White woman desire for open borders is nothing less than a desire for alpha male interlopers to test the mettle of their betatized male loafers. 

Apparently Heartiste is convinced that there’s no way to keep white women from choosing these (to him) obviously more appealing men of color.

For this reason, it was always a mistake to entrust the nation’s future to its native daughters, especially while in their pulchritudinous primes. Women are more xenophilic than men and this difference goes deep, all the way to the Darwinian pulses in the primal part of the brain that regulate reproductive algorithms. No logic, reason, accountability, or basic common sense can defeat such a primitive force.

The only way to keep white women from making choices Heartiste doesn’t like, he suggests, is to make sure they can’t choose at all.

Or, as he puts it, in his inimitable way,

There aren’t many solutions to this intractable cognitive block in women’s hindbrains that don’t require serious divestment from the recently operative political and social calculus.

His preferred solution is a bit Handmaid’s Tale-y.

  1. rescind suffrage and disenfranchise single White women
  2. get more White women married off and pregnant at younger ages
  3. break America into regional entities, diluting the single White woman vote
  4. convince married White women to socially ostracize single White women by any means necessary
  5. make divorce harder for women
  6. economically and socially incentivize early marriage (e.g., conduct a massive draw-down of women from the workforce and cease glorifying single momhood and tankgrrl careerism)
  7. ban abortion and contraceptives (good luck with that)

“Tankgrrl careerism?” Really? Apparently Heartiste’s idea of a clever cultural reference combines a movie that came out in 1995 with a musical movement that peaked slightly earlier than that.

But Heartiste’s final action point is my favorite:

execute a vast, mass propaganda psy ops involving reframing of contentious national question issues and other rhetorical gambits that constitute the heart of Game to reorient the acceptable opinion avenues by which single White women gain social status rewards so that they find value in claiming the opposite of the self-defeating open borders beliefs they comfortingly regurgitate for now. (whether he knows it or not, this is the Trump Option.)

No, I can’t translate that mess of verbiage into ordinary English. But I can — and I did — use Google Translate to translate it into an assortment of other languages and then back into English. Because why not?

Production advertising is largely dependent on large-scale and largely rhetoric and other dictionaries constitute the heart of the game, only free to participate in the reconstruction of the redistribution of social incentives for white women to accept the method of opinion found for the discovery of the value of the belief border claims, It overcomes the problems of ethnic issues for the same time this time. (Whether it is this option to know if you want Trump.)

Well, that’s no clearer than the original but, hey, it really isn’t any worse.

Heartiste wraps up his post with what he sees as an ominous warning:

[T]he way forward is for White men to retake control of their homeland and scoff at the precious political boilerplate their women solipsistically indulge.

I can tell you that if we refuse to tackle our shared single White women problem, the nonWhite invaders will tackle the problem for us.

Since “we” clearly won’t be “tackl[ing] our shared single White women problem” in the manner that Heartiste recommends, we can all look forward to many more badly written self-owns from this sexually insecure racist.

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7 years ago


calling all scifi/sci nerds: would black ships actually be well camouflaged in space. The obvious answer is yes, but it feels like a trick somehow

You’d do well to use vantablack, because there really is none more black. Anything smothered in that won’t be reflecting a whole lot of sunlight.


If someone were to put me in charge of detecting all alien spacecraft entering the solar system, I’d do it via visible light telescopy rather than IR. Visible can be done from the ground,

Near-IR might do the job. 2MASS was done from the ground. 2 microns is the peak of a ~1400K black body, which is probably way hotter than any spaceship would be, but it might do a good enough job of picking up rocket exhaust from anything with big, powerful engines, of the sort you might reasonably expect a starship to have.

7 years ago


No doubt everyone has already seen this photo, but given the title of this post, it’s perfect

Its like that comicbook panel that gets posted here from time to time, observing that those most enthusiastic about the preservation of the white race are often the worst examples of it.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
7 years ago


Are… are those guys actually serious, or are they trying to parody douchebros?

7 years ago

If I ever start a goth band, ‘None more black’ would be a great name.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ steampunked

Just for you. One of the best bands ever covering one of the best songs ever. But you might appreciate their version of the lyric.

7 years ago

Women are more xenophilic than men and this difference goes deep, all the way to the Darwinian pulses in the primal part of the brain that regulate reproductive algorithms.

He really does have a love of absurd and unsubstantiated bollocks doesn’t he?

And I am confused – I thought these Manospherians love using evolutionary psychology to show how women should be happy to do whatever they say – and here is Fartiste saying the complete opposite!

7 years ago


@Bina, Lady Commander of Empress Francesca I’s cohors Germanorum

Saaaaay, that’s got quite a ring to it!

Re: Ayo Kimathi:

He began his activist career in 1994 with a locally based Washington, D.C. Black community group called Positive Kemetic Visions (PKV). This group was most known for taking a public position against homosexuality, pedophilia, and poor behavioral standards in the Black community.

Yep, that sure sounds positive to me.

comment image

Also, “Irritated Genie of Soufeese”? “Straight Black Pride Movement”? That man writes his own parody so well, he’s putting actual parody writers out of a job. Sheer genius!


Well, there’s a history of using foreign soldiers, which makes a bit of sense, since their loyalty wasn’t local. Depended a bit on how mercenary they were, though.

Doesn’t surprise me a bit. Render unto Caesar, and Caesar shall render unto you!

7 years ago

Regarding camouflaged spaceships, don’t forget that even if you aren’t radiating anything, as soon as you move you’ll light up bright enough to be seen by anyone that cares. Any reaction drive that has enough thrust to make interplanetary travel worthwhile is going to give off plenty to see.

For the Swiss mercenaries, for a long time in Renaissance Europe they were some of the top troops around. Most of the French army at the time was Swiss, and Swiss tactics were quickly copied by many other mercenary forces.

7 years ago

Oddly the bit I can’t get over is the bit where he says ‘disenfranchise single White women’ but then breakup the US into regional entities so the single woman vote is diluted? I’m not sure how that would work. Anyway why would you need to dilute something that’s been abolished?

@weirwood th

The Middle Eastern fetishizing thing is probably old news now, but there used to be a lot of ‘sheik’ things – Harlequin Romances, etc.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


I didn’t know we were trying to detect incoming spacecraft in a solar system at range. I had the idea of two craft at relatively short distance from each other trying to engage and one is attempting to stealth. If we’re at interplanetary or interstellar distances, the best defense seems to be just hoping that nobody looks in your direction, since space is so fucking huge. Would we really be able to detect a Starship Enterprise-sized craft at the orbit of Neptune, by any means whatsoever, unless we were explicitly looking for it in that exact direction with high-powered equipment or it was actively broadcasting toward us to draw our attention?

Sauron Sour-Off
Sauron Sour-Off
7 years ago

The reason that non-white, non-heteronormative people are virtually never mentioned or considered positively in alt-right “literature” is because alt-rightists generally wish for those people to stop existing, therefore their rights and well-being are both irrelevant. Also, Heartiste’s poorly-constructed ending paragraph translates to: “We need to neg white women until they hate minorities.”

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

a Hotepian conspiracy theory that white people are kidnapping Black Gods and Goddesses and harvesting their organs

This has escaped the Hoteposphere and is now all over Tumblr.

Sauron Sour-Off
Sauron Sour-Off
7 years ago

@Lea: These guys want the free ride they accuse everyone else of getting.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

@Policy of Madness:

Ah, I misunderstood. My apologies.

Two spacecraft close to one another would be unlikely to be able to conceal themselves from one another, you’re right.

Would we really be able to detect a Starship Enterprise-sized craft at the orbit of Neptune, by any means whatsoever, unless we were explicitly looking for it in that exact direction with high-powered equipment or it was actively broadcasting toward us to draw our attention?

If we were restricted to present-day telescopes then the answer is no, but with hypothetical future technology then I think we would be able to.

As you point out, the problem is that space is very large. This means that a given telescope has only a very small probability of pointing in your direction at any given point. However, space being large also has another effect: it would take a long time to get anywhere. With modern technology it would take more than a decade to get from Earth to Neptune. Even if the ship has some fancy sci-fi engines that go a hundred times as quickly without being more visible, it’ll still spend more than a month in space moving along a predictable orbital path. Spotting movement – especially regular, predictable movement like that – is much easier than spotting a stationary object, especially if one has that length of time to do it in. This is the sort of thing that AI systems might do very well; I’m not Scildfreja so I can’t comment on that.

With better telescopes and some specialised AI, I think we could spot most ships while they were travelling.

We also need to add the fact that right now, all our telescopes are for scientific purposes. We have no reason to scan the skies for intruders, so we don’t. If we took the risk of alien invaders seriously, then we’d have a whole lot more telescopes set up, possibly orbiting the other planets too, and would be able to triangulate signals and watch blind spots more effectively. It would become very difficult for travellers to hide.

If the ship was staying still, could we spot it? Probably, yes, eventually, although it might take years or decades. The issue would be false positives: it’d look like just another piece of miscellaneous space crud, and so probably get overlooked unless it did something to draw attention to itself. We would see it, but we’d ignore it.

Across interstellar distances, on the other hand, the answer is no. Interstellar distances are vast. We have difficulty seeing planets at that distance, let alone things less than a kilometre across. I doubt we’d ever be able to see spacecraft at that distance; and given that the light takes years to travel, I doubt there’d be a useful reason for any space fleet to do so.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

I wonder if the Hoteps were responsible for the website I had stumbled across that had King James I of England depicted as a black man….

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)


Huh. That’s cool, I hadn’t considered that.

I’d have thought that void-only spacecraft would use something like ion drives: they have much less thrust but much higher specific impulse. If you build the ship in orbit rather than build it on the ground then you don’t need enormous NASA-style thrusters to get it into orbit, and then you aren’t chucking nearly as much hot matter out the back.

An ion drive might only run as hot as ~600K, which is uncomfortably hot for a human but isn’t going to give you much to work with on IR.

7 years ago

execute a vast, mass propaganda psy ops involving reframing of contentious national question issues and other rhetorical gambits that constitute the heart of Game to reorient the acceptable opinion avenues by which single White women gain social status rewards so that they find value in claiming the opposite of the self-defeating open borders beliefs they comfortingly regurgitate for now. (whether he knows it or not, this is the Trump Option.)

Glad to know it’s all propaganda. Even Heartiste himself knows it’s all bullshit.

7 years ago

RE: stealth in space, one thing I loved about the Mass Effect series is that it explicitly describes ships’ stealth systems as basically being huge on-board heat-sink (though that does raise the question of what happens when those heat-sinks reach capacity, and how they “reset” them (presumably by offloading heat in friendly territory?)

7 years ago

What about hiding by bending light around the spaceship? That can be detected if you suspect it’s happening, but if you don’t…

7 years ago


Across interstellar distances, on the other hand, the answer is no. Interstellar distances are vast. We have difficulty seeing planets at that distance, let alone things less than a kilometre across. I doubt we’d ever be able to see spacecraft at that distance

On the other hand, any spacecraft capable of crossing interstellar distances in anything less than millenia is going to be using something Really Powerful, and they’re going to be running it for years at a time. Nuclear engines developing terawatts of power produce quite a lot of interesting xrays or gamma rays, petawatts of laser sail drivers produce a pretty interesting spectrum which will never be entirely blocked by the sail, etc etc. There’s definitely no stealth to be had for starships.

I’d have thought that void-only spacecraft would use something like ion drives: they have much less thrust but much higher specific impulse.

They’re still super, super slow though. They get run for years at a time, too, because you’ll never get anywhere with them if you don’t. You also need a great big solar array, or a big hot nuclear reactor to run them, so there’s scope for other ways of spotting them.

Ultimately, the way to go is to be patient. If you can wait a thousand years to spring your trap, you’ll probably be fine 😉

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


WRT incoming alien craft, an Enterprise-style exploration craft would require an Enterprise-style technological level. Even if a craft can travel a respectable fraction of lightspeed, it’s still going to take forever to get anywhere interesting, so we’re at the point now of aliens who either live an arbitrarily long time or who travel in generation ships. Time dilation buys you some extra time but doesn’t really get going until the higher fractions, which seems impractical? How much would time dilation extend your useful traveling lifespan if you were going ~.3 c, which is already screaming fast? (this is a legit question because I don’t know but would like to)

Also, how would you distinguish between an incoming alien craft and a random bit of space rock if it were falling in toward the sun on a regular orbit? I mean, how close would it get before we resolved that it’s not a rock if it didn’t act like it was under active propulsion? I’m trying to think like a sneaky alien and pretending to be space debris seems like a legit way to get really close to Earth before we knew any shenanigans were happening.

7 years ago


We also need to add the fact that right now, all our telescopes are for scientific purposes. We have no reason to scan the skies for intruders, so we don’t.

It might be nice if there was a bit more effort to spot the sort of intruders that take the form of huge dumb lumps of boring rock that just sort of fall on you and kill everything :-/

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Also, how would you distinguish between an incoming alien craft and a random bit of space rock if it were falling in toward the sun on a regular orbit? I mean, how close would it get before we resolved that it’s not a rock if it didn’t act like it was under active propulsion? I’m trying to think like a sneaky alien and pretending to be space debris seems like a legit way to get really close to Earth before we knew any shenanigans were happening.

That trick has a very long history in sci-fi. Install a big heat sink, set up an elliptical orbit, then power down and wait. Usually this is done by spy/scout ships, who stay powered down, get all the data they can with passive sensors on the way past, then wait til they’re back in the outer system before powering up and getting the hell out of Dodge. Sometimes used by warships, in which case you power up when you’re close to the target and blow them to hell hopefully before they know you’re there. (If they do know you’re there, of course, you’re totally fucked, because you’re powered down and they’re not)

7 years ago

@Policy of Madness

How much would time dilation extend your useful traveling lifespan if you were going ~.3 c, which is already screaming fast? (this is a legit question because I don’t know but would like to)

So little as to be ignorable. have a look at the tables here:

You’d experience time at about 95% of the rate of some theoretical stationary observer. You want to be going at a pretty scary 0.86c or more to use time dilation to preserve your youthful good looks.

Still, though, 0.3c is fast enough to let you personally visit your nearest neighbours and return home without dying of old age first.

Also, how would you distinguish between an incoming alien craft and a random bit of space rock if it were falling in toward the sun on a regular orbit? I mean, how close would it get before we resolved that it’s not a rock if it didn’t act like it was under active propulsion? I’m trying to think like a sneaky alien and pretending to be space debris seems like a legit way to get really close to Earth before we knew any shenanigans were happening.

Cometary orbits from deep space take a looooooooong time to get close to the sun, like hundreds of years. Also comets don’t shine with the light of a thousand nuclear fireballs for a year when they decelerate from 0.3c into your local kuiper belt.

7 years ago

Note that what make ship engine visible is acceleration (and deceleration), not travel by itself. Theoritically, if your engine are powerful enough, you could accelerate at 0.3c in friendly territory, stop your engine, and continue your merry way at 0.3c in “ennemy” territory without engine trace.

Of course, your vessel would still radiate quite a bit of energy to make its crew survive and power necessary functions. But that would be order of magnitude less than what any engine would do.

(note : you would have to start your engine to decelerate quite a bit before landing, which would make you non-stealthy again.)

(second note : if it’s not a vessel, but a missile made to destroy a planet, he would not need to decelerate, meaning a sort-of stealthy missile strike is a lot more possible than a stealthy space craft ; and if you can accelerate anything at 0.3c, you don’t need the missile to be very big to devastate entire continents. Sadly, like for nuclear power, blind large-scale destruction is a lot easier than more civil application)