One thing you can say for alt-right dudes: They’re not shy about exposing their sexual insecurities to the world.
The only thing is: They don’t actually realize that’s what they’re doing.
Take the preening narcissist who posts pickup tips and racist diatribes on the internet as Heartiste. In a blog post today with the lovely title “Single White Women Want To Spread Their Legs For The World,” our boy Heartiste clearly thinks he’s delivered a masterful takedown of America’s insufficiently racist white ladies and their “betatized male” equivalents.
But all he’s really done is show how not-so-secretly terrified he is of what he sees as the superior sexual vitality of men with skin darker than his.
“[A] large chunk of America’s White men have spectacularly failed the dominance/ZFG [Zero Fucks Given] test,” Heartiste writes.
America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike has effectively neutered White men, and unmasked them for romantically unappealing doormats to single White women.
On behalf of all white men, I feel I must offer an apology for Heartiste’s terrible prose. He always writes like that, apparently convinced that nonsensical buzz-phrases like “America the Shitlib Feminist Shrike” are clever zingers of some sort.
But his writerly eccentricities can’t conceal the sexual insecurities saturating passages like these:
As women are wont by the essence of their sex to spread their legs for the dominant tribe’s men, they will wish to see tribal battles play out so that they may enjoy the luxury of choosing winners and their winning seed. The single White woman desire for open borders is nothing less than a desire for alpha male interlopers to test the mettle of their betatized male loafers.
Apparently Heartiste is convinced that there’s no way to keep white women from choosing these (to him) obviously more appealing men of color.
For this reason, it was always a mistake to entrust the nation’s future to its native daughters, especially while in their pulchritudinous primes. Women are more xenophilic than men and this difference goes deep, all the way to the Darwinian pulses in the primal part of the brain that regulate reproductive algorithms. No logic, reason, accountability, or basic common sense can defeat such a primitive force.
The only way to keep white women from making choices Heartiste doesn’t like, he suggests, is to make sure they can’t choose at all.
Or, as he puts it, in his inimitable way,
There aren’t many solutions to this intractable cognitive block in women’s hindbrains that don’t require serious divestment from the recently operative political and social calculus.
His preferred solution is a bit Handmaid’s Tale-y.
- rescind suffrage and disenfranchise single White women
- get more White women married off and pregnant at younger ages
- break America into regional entities, diluting the single White woman vote
- convince married White women to socially ostracize single White women by any means necessary
- make divorce harder for women
- economically and socially incentivize early marriage (e.g., conduct a massive draw-down of women from the workforce and cease glorifying single momhood and tankgrrl careerism)
- ban abortion and contraceptives (good luck with that)
“Tankgrrl careerism?” Really? Apparently Heartiste’s idea of a clever cultural reference combines a movie that came out in 1995 with a musical movement that peaked slightly earlier than that.
But Heartiste’s final action point is my favorite:
execute a vast, mass propaganda psy ops involving reframing of contentious national question issues and other rhetorical gambits that constitute the heart of Game to reorient the acceptable opinion avenues by which single White women gain social status rewards so that they find value in claiming the opposite of the self-defeating open borders beliefs they comfortingly regurgitate for now. (whether he knows it or not, this is the Trump Option.)
No, I can’t translate that mess of verbiage into ordinary English. But I can — and I did — use Google Translate to translate it into an assortment of other languages and then back into English. Because why not?
Production advertising is largely dependent on large-scale and largely rhetoric and other dictionaries constitute the heart of the game, only free to participate in the reconstruction of the redistribution of social incentives for white women to accept the method of opinion found for the discovery of the value of the belief border claims, It overcomes the problems of ethnic issues for the same time this time. (Whether it is this option to know if you want Trump.)
Well, that’s no clearer than the original but, hey, it really isn’t any worse.
Heartiste wraps up his post with what he sees as an ominous warning:
[T]he way forward is for White men to retake control of their homeland and scoff at the precious political boilerplate their women solipsistically indulge.
I can tell you that if we refuse to tackle our shared single White women problem, the nonWhite invaders will tackle the problem for us.
Since “we” clearly won’t be “tackl[ing] our shared single White women problem” in the manner that Heartiste recommends, we can all look forward to many more badly written self-owns from this sexually insecure racist.
Am I the only one bothered when a white person writes it as White? I’m not bothered by Black.
Nobody does overblown bloviating self-wankage “analysis” of white women quite like Heartiste, bless his heart.
PoM, I think it shows his deep insecurity and this is his attempt to ascribe more power to white guys because of that insecurity.
It’s only alarming to me if I see White capitalized but not Black. That’s a pretty big indicator you’re dealing with a Neo-Nazi otherwise. I see plenty of Black activists capitalizing both because they see both as valid ethnic identities.
Heartiste is sounding more and more like an evil Dr. Bronner’s label.
Speaking only for myself, I am
Dammit, I really want to force this idiot to read “How Not To Write A Novel.” I would settle for just making him read the section titled “The Crepuscular Handbag”, which includes:
“A Test: Do I Know This Word?
Ask yourself: ―Do I know this word?
If the answer is no, then you do not know it.”
He needs to put down the thesaurus and get some fresh air.
@BQS: that is a wonderful description of what he sounds like.
Re: white/White, it made me think of this: http://www.theroot.com/the-difference-between-white-people-and-white-people-1790861926
@PoM – no, you’re not the only one, speaking for myself.
Would you mind sharing why?
Did I miss a stereotype? Is the alt-right trying to create a new one? I keep hearing that women are accepting of refugees because they’re alpha thugs we want to fuck. But the refugees in question are typically Middle Eastern. The macho and virile stereotype is common for black and Latino men. But it’s not typically been used for Middle Eastern men. Not that I’ve seen. The stereotypes I’ve seen are religious fanatic terrorist. Or else the preening “metrosexual.” The latter has fallen off a bit since 9-11 as the former has become prominent, but it’s still there. I think there was a reality show a couple of years ago about a wealthy Persian-American family that played upon that stereotype. I’ve never seen Middle Eastern men sexually fetishized by white people the way Black and Latin men are though.
I guess Heartiste is just projecting and can’t imagine anyone has a motive other than sexual objectification?
I’m at the point where I skim over everything he writes, sounding out a “yadda, yadda, yadda” in my head as I skim. That’s how god-awful and uninteresting his prose is.
I can only imagine how boorish and boring he is in person.
I don’t care either, but other black people are allowed to disagree with me on that front, because we aren’t a fuckin’ hivemind that receive orders from The Imperial Black High Command.
So don’t do it just because I said so.
The Black Hivemind/High Command only exists in the fantasies of racist white and non black people who think we’re plotting to do a White Genocide.
Oh, and in the fantasies of Hoteps. Gotta love the Hoteps.
I’ve been doing the same. He’s just so unreadable.
A little bit, yeah. Lotsa small reasons. Mostly an issue of how it’s used rather than a deep, philosophical or logical argument. Not worth getting into. I don’t capitalize black outside of ‘ironic’ use. You do you, tho 🙂
Good cover, Sista Fran. Whitey is none the wiser *rubs hands together, cackles ominously*
My job here is dun.
[Returns to the KEMETIC NUWABIAN BLACK SPACE FLEET to plot her next moves]
I only recently learned about Hoteps (being white I don’t really encounter them often enough to recognize them as readily as black women) from some sites I was reading about race issues in America. They ended up being some very interesting reads. Like the conspiracy theory angles on some of it was wild. There was one where the author could not contain her contempt for the Hotep idea she’d seen floated that it was white women’s fault black women get periods. Also several conspiracies about orange juice. Very wild times reading those very good pieces.
Oranges? Why oranges? Oranges are delicious.
I literally just re-read that book between yesterday and today! Great stuff…
Heartiste’s writing style is beyond parody.
I should have been more specific: I don’t get the same feeling from “Black” as utilized by African Americans as I get from “White” as utilized by white Americans. I don’t use Black myself. It’s one of those terms that isn’t meant for me. It doesn’t bother me to see a black person describing themselves or their community as Black, but it bothers me a ton to see a white person doing the same with White.
I like the part where Hoteps explain how white people taught us to be LGBT so that we wouldn’t have sex.
Ignoring the toxic masculinity, transphobia, and homo/lesbo/biphobia (also phobia of nearly every sexuality, these fuckboi hoteps can’t conceive of in their tiny brains, including asexuality) in play here….
I did not receive any classes from Dwhyte Mann on how to be transgendered; I received my education on from consuming a lot of Japanese pop culture about magical girls. [/S]
Ranma 1/2, anybody?
There should be college classes that teach people that it’s okay to not have sex.
Shh BBY is okay
U dont need to le sexy sex
[Pats ur cheek gently. The one on ur face BC I’m a nice lady]
For more on this:
Some Black Men are Tweeting that Menstrual Cycles are a Sign of Poor Health
Wonder if the manosphere will ever appropriate this idea.
Tiny brain:
Assuming LGBT is all there is to sexuality and gender
Normal brain:
Realizing human sexuality and identity is a huge fuckin’ spectrum
God brain radiating through the galaxy:
Letting people express themselves however the fuck they want in a safe and healthy way
Hoteps are basically Egypt Flavored Fun size Manospherians.
Best part about a black space fleet is the camouflage 😛
(calling all scifi/sci nerds: would black ships actually be well camouflaged in space. The obvious answer is yes, but it feels like a trick somehow)
Yeah, I figured that’s what you meant ?
@Axe, re: Fran and the Black High Command
I, for one, welcome our high-melanin overlords.
@Fran and others, re: Hoteps
I’ve heard of those suckers. In fact, I mostly got smacked with ’em on r/badwomensanatomy re: what @LindsayIrene mentioned.
I’m interested in hearing what other asinine crap they’ve been barkin’, though.
And I’m seconding @OoglyBoggles: why orange juice?