open thread

Non-Trump Open Thread for Not Talking About Trump: May 2017 Ten Year Orgy Edition

That orgy ain’t gonna last ten years if the shark gets on the raft, dudes

An Open Thread for people who want to talk about anything other than that man in the White House. (Talk about that man here. There’s also an Open Thread for Personal Stuff here.)

No Trolls, no MRAs, no nonsense. Well, no bad nonsense. Good nonsense is fine.

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Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

Good thing that dude had a hatchet handy on the life raft. The question is, why?

7 years ago

Orgies with sharks sounds dangerous and kind of awesome.

7 years ago

So, are they jumping the shark?

7 years ago

Apropos of nothing, here are two cute cats saying Mom instead of Meow:

7 years ago

Wait if they’re having an orgy with the sharks how do they deal with the sharkskin? It’d be like having sex with a roll of sandpaper.

7 years ago

Random musing on socioeconomics (am I doing this Open Thread thing right?):

What are the possible proposals for a system which actually manages to implement “from each according to ability, to each according to need”? Will it inevitably lead to a command economy if attempted globally?

The unequal distribution of resources and the need to transport said resources for distribution (with all the attendant problems of how to build, maintain and power said transport system) would probably require a high level of coordination. Would such a coordinating body inevitably become a State? And how would the expenditures of said coordination and transport be accounted for? Would money still be a thing in such a system, even if in the sense of “internal unit for accounting”?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago
7 years ago

Hey, what’s up! It’s been a minute. I’ve become obsessed with minecraft. It’s taken the place of Dark Souls, but I really want to go back to Dark Souls I think, but 30 minutes building machines is so rewarding.

@ariblester I’m not an economist, but I don’t think it necessarily has to. One of the bigger issues is that we cannot avoid globalization, since we sprung out of a culture of imperialism. But my brain spins off into too many ideas to make much of a coherent discussion on something so big.

7 years ago


Thanks for your reply. I guess that where I’m coming from is that the way that the world has been for the whole of human history, humans have been moving into areas which, without opportunity for resupply, we’d probably have died trying to settle a long time ago. Whether that’s a direct consequence of imperialism or not, that’s kinda the world that we’ve inherited.

So, if we want to continue living where we live, instead of migrating en masse and concentrating into disparate self-sufficient communes (and that’s a big “if”, I concede), we would probably still need good lines of supply and communication globally. How would such a system work absent a centralized entity for coordination? I’m too unimaginative to come up with a proposal as yet, which is why I’m tossing it out there.

7 years ago


What do you mean

the world has been for the whole of human history, humans have been moving into areas which, without opportunity for resupply, we’d probably have died trying to settle a long time ago.

That’s a lot of things to parse. Humans are pretty stunning creatures. Humans exist/ed in the most harsh deserts in all continent. They certainly had different strategies for it than what we are currently using.

Now, I’m going off fairly fuzzy memories from my college years (10+ years ago! yikers), but people lived in the North American deserts. With in the NA deserts there were multiple different cultures with multiple different survival strategies. There was also trade from Peru (I think…) to Alaska.

This does mean that the survival of these people was not solely desert based. But I do think it shows people can exist in those conditions.

The trouble is if you mean exist like we currently exist. That is entirely unsustainable. But there are infinite other models we can use. Can you break down your idea more?

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


What are the possible proposals for a system which actually manages to implement “from each according to ability, to each according to need”?

Well, first you have to acknowledge that that’s a simplified slogan that hides a myriad of complexity, and frankly isn’t terribly well adapted to modern circumstances. The short answer is universal income, sharp limits on personal wealth accumulation, and automate, automate, automate. Also economic democracy.

Will it inevitably lead to a command economy if attempted globally?

No, a command economy is entirely incapable of achieving such a condition. They’re doing well for anyone to have what they need, and don’t even get me started on the waste of talent.

The unequal distribution of resources and the need to transport said resources for distribution (with all the attendant problems of how to build, maintain and power said transport system) would probably require a high level of coordination.

Any kind of human endeavor does.

Would such a coordinating body inevitably become a State?

Depends heavily on what you mean by state. And coordinating body, for that matter.

And how would the expenditures of said coordination and transport be accounted for? Would money still be a thing in such a system, even if in the sense of “internal unit for accounting”?


we would probably still need good lines of supply and communication globally. How would such a system work absent a centralized entity for coordination?

Well, right now we have lines of global supply and communication without any centralized coordinating entity.

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago


Nanobots are the answer. Pour a source of atoms into the hopper, and have the nanobots turn the atoms into whatever you need.

7 years ago

I have a Minecraft realms free 30 day trial set up. anyone interested in joining? Don’t know if I’ll subscribe after the 30 days but it might be fun for a while.

7 years ago


Maybe me? What were you thinking to do with the realm?

7 years ago


I think we’re pretty much in agreement, actually. My point was basically “if humans didn’t trade with other people from other areas, they’d lack the resources to live in extreme environments,”. And I personally don’t think that it was imperialism per se as much as trade that led to humans being able to settle in such extreme places. Of course, there are unquestionably myriad unsustainable practices in how we live nowadays, some of which are indeed the legacy of imperialism (which I’ll touch on below).


That was a very comprehensive answer. Thanks a lot for that, it’s really helped me to collect my thoughts.

Re: “lines of supply and communication globally”

Upon re-reading my comment, I think that I may have left my argument incomplete, or skipped a few steps along the way. Let me try again.

I’m not saying that we don’t have a functioning global system of communications and transport. However, that’s not the end of the story.

Yes, we currently have such a functioning system in place – for certain values of “function”. The Global South is ignored at the moment, and the lines of transport in those regions, mostly built during the imperialist era, generally run from poor countries to the rich in one direction only. In addition, fast and reliable lines of communication run mostly between rich countries.

If we were aiming for equitable distribution of resources, then these lines need to serve all regions equally well.

(But then who would build them up, and how would the path of said lines be decided? The current method involves national and state governments acting in their self-interest, which may not always align with the interests of the masses, especially in kleptocracies or dictatorships.)

But such an infrastructure, even if it existed, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for equitable distribution. Even in a state of perfect access to communications and transport, a “free-market” system would still distribute resources not by need, but by ability to pay, resulting in inequity.

I therefore (naively, perhaps) assume that in order to reach such a state of perfect resource- and information-sharing, everything needs to run through a central clearing-house, which then disburses the resources as needed, and also works to decide how to lay down the supply lines in a manner as to ensure equitable distribution. Which is what I mean by “coordinating entity”.

However, the system then begins to resemble a top-down command economy, which is generally considered inefficient, and which has a danger of mutating into a bureaucracy, and thence to an authoritarian State.

Faced with such a situation, my imagination runs out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(It also at this point that I begin to suspect that I am probably way out of my depth.)

7 years ago

Longtime lurker, first post, apologies if this doesn’t work properly…just thought this was the best unintentional ad placement ever. Ominous warning indeed!


7 years ago


I also just realized that I completely forgot to respond to your proposal for a decentralized but equitable society. I am intrigued and wish to subscribe to your newsletter,.

If you’ll permit me to impose, I’d like to continue along this thread. Do you see any potential issues concerning people forming corporations as an end-run against limits on personal wealth accumulation? Will inheritance be permitted in such a society? How would such a society impact individual craftsmen (who may require capital investment in excess of the universal income)? And does “economic democracy” refer to “voting with your dollars”, or is it something else entirely?

7 years ago

That picture reminds me of playing Age of Mythology. Which I did, like, six hours ago. I spent an entire mission with three women riding sharks as my entire navy, and they took down a few dozen warships by the end of the level. The Nereids might be the subjects and only beneficiaries of such a 10-year orgy.

Stop hurting the lady’s shark, guys. She’s just trying to murder you and then spend time with her friends.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)


Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


I might give it a try.

7 years ago

@dikdik, Ej & Petal

OK, I just need your minecraft names and I’ll add you to the list. I don’t really have a plan other then maybe building a base of operations and exploring the realm since it’s just a free trail so just do what you want to do.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

This thread needs a troll…

You are all just (whatever it is that I don’t like… )!!!

Whu… oh, no trolls? Sorry, I’ll see myself out….

🙂 😉 :p

7 years ago

Good news! The sex bots are here! Quick, tell the MRAs!
A sex bot

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Dodom, that is hilarious!!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago
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