open thread trump

Comey-Russia-Ice-Cream-Gate-a-Lago: Another Trump Open Thread Because Holy Crap

Things not looking good for this piece of crap excuse for a human being

Time for another Trump open thread because holy crap. I assume you’re all up on the recent news but in case you missed the important developments with regard to the ice cream:

As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else. The tastes of Pence are also tended to. Instead of the pie, he gets a fruit plate

No, this is real. From Time magazine.

Discuss this, discuss anything. I’ve got lots of fun Trump stuff on my Twitters.


For a non-Trump open thread, go here!

For an open thread for personal stuff, go here!

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joekster (bearded beta)
joekster (bearded beta)
7 years ago

On the bright side, I think it’s quite possible that the FBI will be joining #theresistance. Let’s not forget, Deep Throat was an assistant director of the FBI who was trying to preserve the FBI’s independence from Nixon’s shenanigans.

7 years ago

Apropos “what a fucking ass”, get a load of this:

“Idiot” is one of the most-thought words when people are asked what they think of Drumpf.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

Well, what Dumpster wanted was for Comey to become another of his yes men. I don’t see the rest of the FBI, (and anyone actually paying any attention, really) taking too kindly to that notion. So let’s hope so, and they double down on him. Really, just hand him a shovel, he seems to be digging himself deeper on his own. It really does seem like he just admitted to obstructing the investigation. Not a lawyer, though.

I see asshole was also on the list. Glad to see his poll numbers slipping, too.

7 years ago

By the way, “Parker Huckabee-Sanders” is the daughter of “2016 Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee”.

So this “Draining the swamp” sure seems to be working.

Let’s just call him President Cognitive Dissonance.

7 years ago

President Trump pressed James Comey for loyalty at a private dinner in January. The F.B.I. director promised only “honesty.”

Heh. He said the secret word. Unfortunately, this duck doesn’t win you any prize except expulsion.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I just noticed that the our now banned friend was here. For some reason it kind of creeps me out when people troll on one thread and then say something reasonable and friendly on another. It annoys me more than the actual trolling!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: With the intelligence and eloquence of Sarah Palin, the morality and ethics of Mike Huckabee and the intersectionality and fanbase of Bernie Sanders, she is… THE TRUMPENSTEIN. *theme song plays*

7 years ago

This had me mad online this morning. From a Trump interview:comment image
The ignorance and arrogance is astounding. He learns about the electromagnetic launch system there and after one conversation he wants to make a change that would cost billions and push back the new carriers by years. This is how he’s running the country.

7 years ago

Trump has flat-out admitted to criminal obstruction of justice now. It’s not just obvious from the timing, he has made it clear that’s why Comey was fired.

Why. Is. He. Still. In. Office.

We don’t need the Russian investigation anymore. They could file papers for impeachment TODAY.

D. D. Webb
7 years ago

He’s been impeachable from day one simply due to his violations of the emoluments clause. All it needs is enough votes in Congress to make it happen, which won’t happen with a Republican majority.

7 years ago

“Let’s just call him President Cognitive Dissonance.”

In order to experience cognitive dissonance you need to be capable of cognition.

Just watch this.

Pro Lurker
Pro Lurker
7 years ago

I’m sorry for having to ask this question, but I’m not American and I don’t properly understand American politics 100%. If Trump is impeached (speaking entirely hypothetically here), doesn’t that mean Pence is then made President? I would personally argue that Pence is worse than Trump, and I’m sure no-one would want to have him in for even a second, especially considering his views on homosexuals and women. Is there anyway around having to deal with Pence in a top position of power?

Once again, I’m sorry for having to ask – I just genuinely don’t understand. Since the election I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about how American politics work but I’ve still got a long way to go.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

For anyone who hasn’t already seen this:

I hope more media outlets continue with this – just print the (slightly edited) transcript of an interview. Give the public the unvarnished Trump.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ joeb

Ah, thank you for that. Now this story makes sense.

(Although as a Brit I obviously think steam catapults are the way to go 😉 )

7 years ago

Pssh, who needs steam when you’ve basically got a railgun?

Plus on the more practical side that’s a lot less steam piping in the people spaces.

ETA: Smart for the Brits to wait though. Let the US work out the bugs then hop on the gen 2 magnetic launch tech.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ joeb

I don’t know if you’ve been monitoring the build of our two huge new carriers. As the plans developed there’s been a lot of “Fitted for, but not with…” specification.

That’s maybe fine for catapults; but now due to a mix up in timing it’s also “FFBNW…aeroplanes”

Personally I like the jump ramp approach. Worked for Evil Knevil.

7 years ago

@Haise His tear streaked mug shot is a thing of beauty.

7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol – I saw that article yesterday and just about died of smirk.

@gijoel – now that is some very satisfying schadenfreude. Mmmmmm mmm mmmm!

@Everyone – so is it true Melania & Barron will be moving into the WH soon? I wonder how that will shake things up.

I used to have zero sympathy for Melania but I’m actually starting to kind of soften up on her a little, I think purely because I wouldn’t want my child around that man, either.

I do have sympathy for the little boy.

7 years ago

In my opinion, if you’re President, and you’re not spending most of your time in Washington, DC, you’re not doing your job. We have the “Residence” section in the White House for a reason.

Also the idea behind electric catapults is NOT to just launch them faster, but to do so more gently while still getting up to speed. Steam was the only way we had to get fast enough back when aircraft carriers first started.

Dan Hoan
7 years ago

We are only slightly over 100 days in and just this week he

1. Fired Comey for Clinton
2. Then changed his story to say it was never about Clinton
3. Let the Russians into the Oval Office, with Russian State Approved photographer, who then released photos of the meeting .
4. Let Huckabee Sanders take over for Spicer, who is somehow worse than Sean
5. Makes sure he is the only person who gets two scoops of ice cream for dessert.
6. Retweeted Rosie when he was supposed to be running the country
7. Tweeted a warning to Comey about ‘releasing tapes.’
8. Suggested ending briefings, since his staff can’t always speak with perfect accuracy (I am assuming the word ‘accuracy’ was fed to him by Bannon or Miller).

I would be okay with hibernating for the foreseeable future.

7 years ago


I just noticed that the our now banned friend was here. For some reason it kind of creeps me out when people troll on one thread and then say something reasonable and friendly on another. It annoys me more than the actual trolling!

Me too. Makes me want to shake ’em and say something like: We know you’re human, troll, but that doesn’t mean we have to suddenly start liking you. Especially after you’ve gone so far out of your way to demonstrate your dislike for everyone else here.

7 years ago

And in case anyone missed it, our Drumpfie – who professes to know all there is to know about health care – apparently believes health insurance costs about $15 per month.

7 years ago

If the only threads one doesn’t troll are the ones marked “no trolling”, don’t be surprised if one gets banned anyway.

Petra wasn’t likely to remain civil here either.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago


Wow, he thinks insurance costs $15 a month? For full coverage? That would be wonderful, but it’s probably not possible. Wonder if he just pulled a random number out of his ass?

Lawmakers being out of touch with what their average constituents go through on a daily basis is one of the bigger problems we have, I think. Even worse is when they don’t even CARE to learn about or listen to the plight of us plebeians.