HAPPY UPDATE: Looks like this little bit of hashtag activism despicable trollish smearing has collapsed; the hashtag is pretty much dead as of now. (5/11/17, noonish Chicago time)
On last Sunday’s episode of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver once again rallied his fans to stand up for Net Neutrality, now under threat from the Trump administration, urging them to visit Gofccyourself.com, a site that links directly to the FCC page for public comment on the proposed change.
And so some of the worst people on the Internet have launched a new Twitter campaign to smear Oliver as racist — and get him fired.
“Er, what?” you might be wondering.
Well, it turns out that Trump’s newly appointed FCC head is of Indian descent. And the FCC site has been hit with a flood of racist comments attacking him.
The Washington Free Beacon, a right-wing rag the Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf once described as a “decadent and unethical” part of the “ascendant ‘smear wing’ of the conservative movement” has decided that Oliver is personally to blame.
John Oliver’s “grassroots” activism against Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai is full of bot accounts, fake comments, and death threats against the chairman. ….
However, an analysis of comments to Pai’s Restoring Internet Freedom filing, which Oliver has dubbed “Go FCC yourself,” shows thousands of comments using fake names and bots posing as “Jesus Christ,” “Michael Jackson,” “Homer Simpson,” and “Melania Trump.”
For instance, as of Tuesday evening, there were 1,761 comments filed under the name “John Oliver,” 998 separate comments using the name “Yoni Schwartz,” and 611 comments filed using “1” as the name. …
Pai also received death threats in several submissions. …
Other comments used racial attacks against Pai, the son of Indian immigrants.
Now some of the Internet’s worst people have seized upon this article (and a similar one in the right-wing Daily Caller) as an excuse to attack Oliver as the supposed instigator of this racist harassment campaign against Pai.
#fireOliver #firecolbert it's obvious who the REAL RACISTS are and these.. the anti Trump democrats!
He is sending Pai threats of violence https://t.co/J4wzxGryb5— American Man (@BrentGrantUSA) May 10, 2017
— John Connor (@JohnConnor0861) May 10, 2017
So because of John Oliver making multiple accounts to push liberal agenda and attack Trump, pretty much sums up most of Twitter.#FireOliver
— True Patriot (@Common_Sense201) May 10, 2017
Could #GoFCCYourself actually be a Russian intelligence psyop on the U.S. Government by Jon Oliver? #FireOliver
Jacob Dillon
(@ADudeFromNowere) May 10, 2017
I guess staying on message is harder than it seems.
Alongside all the Pepes and Deplorables, the hashtag is currently being spammed by dozens (hundreds?) of egg accounts all tweeting the same thing; it’s not clear who’s responsible for this.
The instigator and main organizer of the Twitter campaign? Alt-right “journalist” and infamous internet troll Jack Posobiec.
and these are the same ppl/bots that call us racist, constantly harassing us trump supporters..time for more anti trump karma #fireoliver
— #TrumpWasRight
(@TrumpChess) May 10, 2017
That last accusation from Posobiec — that Oliver was “making fun of the way foreigners talk” — is especially pungent bullshit, by the way. In the video that Posobiec links to in his Tweet as evidence, Oliver gently chides some of India’s more sensationalistic cable news channels, not by mocking how anyone talks but by pointing out the the ways in which they resemble Fox News. One of the channels he mocks? CNN India, for a misleading headline.
Posobiec, who works for Canada’s Rebel Media, was recently granted a White House press pass. Because that’s the kind of world we live in today.
Now, there are just a few teensy problems with the #FireOliver campaign.
John Oliver is not actually racist. He said nothing even vaguely racist in his Net Neutrality segment on Sunday, nor did he in any way encourage his viewers to launch racist attacks, or even personal attacks, on Pai.
There is absolutely no proof that Oliver has any connection to the troll accounts or the hate campaign, nor does he have any history of using trolls or bots.
You know who DOES have a history positively overflowing with trolls and bots?
Jack Posobiec.
You remember the massive leak of hacked emails from the campaign of current French President-elect Emmanuel Macron? Posobiec was the key person responsible for spreading the hacked data on social media in the West.
Sandy Garossino, writing in Canada’s National Observer, notes that Posobiec has been identified by cyber-security experts
as the origin of the first tweet linking a massive cache of Russian-hacked documents dumped onto the conspiracy website 4chan. He attached the hashtag #MacronLeaks. …
The #MacronLeaks hashtag, from the moment Posobiec tweeted it, was the primary social media propellant of the hacked Macron data, according to cyber-intelligence analysts at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab. They also concluded that bots played a significant role from the outset. Some 40 minutes later, Wikileaks tweeted the link with Posobiec’s hashtag, and the Internet erupted.
The appearance of bot activity, observed independently by both the DFRL and Belgian academic Nicolas Vanderbiest, from the first minutes after Posobiec’s tweet, strongly suggests a planned and coordinated campaign.
(For what it’s worth, Posobiec says he had nothing to do with the bots.)
As Garossino goes on to point out, Posobiec was also heavily involved in promoting the #Pizzagate nonsense as well as on last month’s #SyriaHoax campaign. Working alongside internet troll and steroid enthusiast Mike Cernovich, Posobiec helped to promote the
Russian-led social media propaganda campaign that claimed footage of children dying from Assad’s chemical weapons was a hoax.
Analysts expert in propaganda and social media at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism at The Hague identified the #SyriaHoax as “a clear example of a Russian influence campaign designed to undermine US credibility.”
Both [Posobiec and Cernovich] picked up the hashtag early and propelled it through U.S. social media … .
You may also recall the “Rape Melania”sign that appeared at an anti-Trump rally last year. Though most assumed it was the work of anti-Trump protesters, Buzzfeed later uncovered text messages proving that the sign was in fact the work of, yes, Posobiec, who was attempting to make Trump’s opponents look bad
Huh. That sounds … familiar, huh?
Oh, and one other thing about the supposed pot by Oliver to bombard FCC boss Pai with racist comments and threats: Not only is there no evidence for it, but the very idea makes no sense. Why would Oliver, whose last campaign to protect Net Neutrality was a notable success, decide this time to launch a racist harassment campaign that would only serve to make him and other supporters of Net Neutrality look bad?
And while I’m playing Colombo here, there’s one more thing about the FCC thing that seems a bit off: The FCC says that on Sunday night, the night Oliver’s show aired, it was hit with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks intended to overload the FCC’s comment system.
The Washington Free Beacon story seems to insinuate that Oliver was behind these as well. This of course would be absurd. Oliver’s campaign depends on people being able to reach the FCC site so they can leave comments there. Why would he launch a DDoS attack that could knock the site offline, or at least make it harder to reach?
My guess is that whoever is behind the harassment campaign is also behind the DDoS attack. And that it’s not Oliver.
So is Posobiec the secret mastermind behind the harassment campaign? There’s no evidence — at least none that I know of — for this. But he’s certainly working overtime trying to blame Oliver for it, and spreading demonstrable lies about Oliver in the process.
I guess this is just what right-wing “journalism” looks like in the age of Trump.
EDITED TO ADD: I added the stuff about Posobiec and the infamous “Rape Melania” sign after being reminded of the incident by @EyesOnTheRight.
Not a damn thing. They posted some ‘what if Trump was trans?’ gotcha and then sniveled that they didn’t actually mean for anyone to respond to it.
Hey, Petra, do you know what the term ‘doxxed’ means? Do you think it’s just mean words on the internet?
It was practically the first thing you said, and long before anyone had had a chance to “pretend you are somthing you’re not”
More disingenuity
Says the guy who is still mad that a woman yelled at a man four years ago.
BTW, there’s no evidence whatsovever that she pulled that fire alarm or incited anyone else to do so. So you can shut your lying little turd mouth about that.
And don’t bring the late, great Andre the Giant into this. He was by all accounts a sweet person who would likely not approve of trolling.
If you weren’t too busy playing tedious gotcha games here, you might have known that the actual Andre the Giant Princess Bride quote is “All your worst nightmares are about to come true!” I mean, if I was just making an innocent reference I’d at least bother to get it right, given the ability to look up anything on the internet and all that. But that might cut into your trolling time, so I understand.
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
@Petra, re: safe spaces
Get your own, sweetheart.
I’m half convinced that it is today’s Word Of The Day, and Petra neglected to read the definition.
Or he just saw The Big Lebowski for the first time.
I’m not about to watch this video at work, so fine. That’s what she said.
Not here:
I guess here?
So you’re looking at an interview on the Red Pill video, and expecting it not to be skewed to show her in the worst light possible? Also, WHAT VIDEO?? You need to *link* to things so the rest of us know what you’re talking about.
She was doxxed, you know. (I had assumed you would be familiar with the term, so I didn’t bother to link it. Since it appears that you are not, here’s a link explaining. It is bad.)
Also being harassed on the internet is bad, and words have meanings that impact a person’s life.
What else did she do? I thought it was just block people a little, and speak over someone who was speaking over her?
I… Didn’t know you were quoting someone? You realise that people come in here and say that sort of thing all the time, right? If you’re quoting someone, don’t make it part of a big block of text.
Even googling the quote that Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo says it is above, it doesn’t come up in google image search. Perhaps you are very familiar with the film, but (while I’d recognise the things that are usually quoted) I didn’t recognise that.
You can include a /s tag to let someone know that you’re being sarcastic, as text does not convey tone.
Do you see the nyms people have chosen? I don’t care what you call yourself, I will take you at face value.
Your SECOND POST in this thread had this apparent quote. No one had a chance to take you out of context, as your second post was directly after your first.
Please stop trying to tell us things that aren’t true that we can easily check. We can easily check them.
Also I can’t believe I have something to add to my ‘nym… Glee!
Letting the new ‘nym through moderation.
Battle school called. The launchies want their insults back.
I have no respect for someone who was there during the discussion and lies about what I said to make themselves look big.
I have no respect for someone who was there during the discussion and lies about what I said to make themselves look big.
I give up. The incredible denseness of this troll has broken me.
I’m gonna go make some ‘Tombstone’ gifs, that’s what I’m gonna do.
PeeVee – Maybe someone gave Petra a word-a-day calendar and mixed up all of the definitions as a prank?
Because none of the regulars here strike me as being particularly nihilistic, least of all you!
@rhuu https://www.amazon.com/Red-Pill-Cassie-Jaye/dp/B06XGY67WQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1494544136&sr=1-1&keywords=the+red+pill
Like I already said, it’s not in vidform. The stupid fuckheaded speech suppressors that led me to Karen, also led me to the Red Pill. What, you think I’m the only one that intentionally looks up the stuff that totalitarians try to ban?
Is there a single thread here that Petra isn’t spamming up?
Wait, was that directed at me? Because I like, quoted you. Every time I said something about you, I quoted you.
Show me the lie. Blockquote that shit.
Also, quoting noted homophobe Orson Scott Card? Okay. Gotcha.
I’m just sayin’.
Also, I see that you didn’t take my advice in making quotes obvious. 9__9
Re: Apparently you were talking about The Red Pill by Cassie Jaye – You know that the manosphere basically paid for that “”””documentary”””, right?
Since doxxing happens to basically every prominent feminist and many not so prominent feminists – like Binx – who happen to draw the ire of the manosphere, knowing the meaning of the word doxxing is pretty crucial if you want to have an informed conversation about feminism on the internet.
This isn’t a social justice 101 type of place. If you don’t even want to clue yourself in on the basic 101 stuff before trying to argue with people who are very informed, prepare to be treated as a troll and a joke.
Oh, and you did not “spank” anyone here. And bragging spanking us without consent (which would be sexual assault in meat space) really undermines any shred of credibility you possibly could have had when it comes to rape and abuse issues.
Not only does nobody here despise you, they don’t hate you, loathe you, or any of the other sobriquets you decide to bestow upon yourself. Do stop feeling sorry for yourself, when you came in here calling us rape-trivializing silencer-gloating Binks-bemoaning maneaters on this forum.
Thanks! Such a puzzlement that this is what I’ve been labeled…it gave me such a laugh.
Ah. Her accounts hacked?
Well I didn’t do that, nor did I call for it. But it doesn’t change the fact that she’s shit on my world by suppressing discussion of stuff that needed to be discussed and that wasn’t doing her any harm. That doesn’t justify what was done to her, nor does the doxxing make me forgive what she did. Show me her disavowing her fellow protesters who pulled that fire alarm, and I’ll stop seeing her as a monster. Until that point, I’ll continue to view and cite her as a meme for much that’s rotten in regressive leftism and its death-dealing entitlement.
I would not cheer if Red got the Richard Spencer treatment, and I don’t cheer that she was doxxed. I avoided calling her by her name because I thought that was private, and got used to calling her Red because I didn’t want to expose her. I likewise dispise those who are trying to defraud YouTube to open information on Karen.
Rolleyes. Sure, guys. Continue to ask me questions and feel sorry for yourselves when I answer you.
Of course not, and…
Was definitely not intended to be the slightest bit manipulative, in spite of the fact the thing @dreemr found laughable (clearly in the quote YOU referenced) was your statement about people here, and nothing to do with your “pain”.
You really are becoming quite irritating now, and like all irritating rashes, should go away.
Also, Karen Straughn is a rape apologist
But I guess it’s okay with Petroll to excuse rape as long as it’s a woman who is the victim and the rapist is a man who is very sad, possibly because some meanie pants woman won’t fuck him.
It’s also okay with Petroll to call half of Indian rape victims liars.
Got to go for about a half hour but I can find plenty more horrible things she’s said later.