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Racists, trolls and idiots launch Twitter campaign to smear John Oliver as racist

John Oliver’s campaign for Net Neutrality is facing some interference

HAPPY UPDATE: Looks like this little bit of hashtag activism despicable trollish smearing has collapsed; the hashtag is pretty much dead as of now. (5/11/17, noonish Chicago time)

On last Sunday’s episode of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver once again rallied his fans to stand up for Net Neutrality, now under threat from the Trump administration, urging them to visit, a site that links directly to the FCC page for public comment on the proposed change.

And so some of the worst people on the Internet have launched a new Twitter campaign to smear Oliver as racist — and get him fired. 

“Er, what?” you might be wondering.

Well, it turns out that Trump’s newly appointed FCC head is of Indian descent. And the FCC site has been hit with a flood of racist comments attacking him.

The Washington Free Beacon, a right-wing rag the Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf once described as a “decadent and unethical” part of the “ascendant ‘smear wing’ of the conservative movement” has decided that Oliver is personally to blame.

John Oliver’s “grassroots” activism against Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai is full of bot accounts, fake comments, and death threats against the chairman. ….

However, an analysis of comments to Pai’s Restoring Internet Freedom filing, which Oliver has dubbed “Go FCC yourself,” shows thousands of comments using fake names and bots posing as “Jesus Christ,” “Michael Jackson,” “Homer Simpson,” and “Melania Trump.”

For instance, as of Tuesday evening, there were 1,761 comments filed under the name “John Oliver,” 998 separate comments using the name “Yoni Schwartz,” and 611 comments filed using “1” as the name. …

Pai also received death threats in several submissions. …

Other comments used racial attacks against Pai, the son of Indian immigrants.

Now some of the Internet’s worst people have seized upon this article (and a similar one in the right-wing Daily Caller) as an excuse to attack Oliver as the supposed instigator of this racist harassment campaign against Pai.

I guess staying on message is harder than it seems.

Alongside all the Pepes and Deplorables, the hashtag is currently being spammed by dozens (hundreds?) of egg accounts all tweeting the same thing; it’s not clear who’s responsible for this.

The instigator and main organizer of the Twitter campaign? Alt-right “journalist” and infamous internet troll Jack Posobiec.

That last accusation from Posobiec — that Oliver was “making fun of the way foreigners talk” — is especially pungent bullshit, by the way. In the video that Posobiec links to in his Tweet as evidence, Oliver gently chides some of India’s more sensationalistic cable news channels, not by mocking how anyone talks but by pointing out the the ways in which they resemble Fox News. One of the channels he mocks? CNN India, for a misleading headline.

Posobiec, who works for Canada’s Rebel Media, was recently granted a White House press pass. Because that’s the kind of world we live in today.

Now, there are just a few teensy problems with the #FireOliver campaign.

John Oliver is not actually racist. He said nothing even vaguely racist in his Net Neutrality segment on Sunday, nor did he in any way encourage his viewers to launch racist attacks, or even personal attacks, on Pai.

There is absolutely no proof that Oliver has any connection to the troll accounts or the hate campaign, nor does he have any history of using trolls or bots. 

You know who DOES have a history positively overflowing with trolls and bots?

Jack Posobiec.

You remember the massive leak of hacked emails from the campaign of current French President-elect Emmanuel Macron? Posobiec was the key person responsible for spreading the hacked data on social media in the West.

Sandy Garossino, writing in Canada’s National Observer, notes that Posobiec has been identified by cyber-security experts

as the origin of the first tweet linking a massive cache of Russian-hacked documents dumped onto the conspiracy website 4chan. He attached the hashtag #MacronLeaks. …

The #MacronLeaks hashtag, from the moment Posobiec tweeted it, was the primary social media propellant of the hacked Macron data, according to cyber-intelligence analysts at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab. They also concluded that bots played a significant role from the outset. Some 40 minutes later, Wikileaks tweeted the link with Posobiec’s hashtag, and the Internet erupted.

The appearance of bot activity, observed independently by both the DFRL and Belgian academic Nicolas Vanderbiest, from the first minutes after Posobiec’s tweet, strongly suggests a planned and coordinated campaign.

(For what it’s worth, Posobiec says he had nothing to do with the bots.)

As Garossino goes on to point out, Posobiec was also heavily involved in promoting the #Pizzagate nonsense as well as on last month’s #SyriaHoax campaign. Working alongside internet troll and steroid enthusiast Mike Cernovich, Posobiec helped to promote the

Russian-led social media propaganda campaign that claimed footage of children dying from Assad’s chemical weapons was a hoax.

Analysts expert in propaganda and social media at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism at The Hague identified the #SyriaHoax as “a clear example of a Russian influence campaign designed to undermine US credibility.”

Both [Posobiec and Cernovich] picked up the hashtag early and propelled it through U.S. social media … .

You may also recall the “Rape Melania”sign that appeared at an anti-Trump rally last year. Though most assumed it was the work of anti-Trump protesters, Buzzfeed later uncovered text messages proving that the sign was in fact the work of, yes, Posobiec, who was attempting to make Trump’s opponents look bad

Huh. That sounds … familiar, huh?

Oh, and one other thing about the supposed pot by Oliver to bombard FCC boss Pai with racist comments and threats: Not only is there no evidence for it, but the very idea makes no sense. Why would Oliver, whose last campaign to protect Net Neutrality was a notable success, decide this time to launch a racist harassment campaign that would only serve to make him and other supporters of Net Neutrality look bad?

And while I’m playing Colombo here, there’s one more thing about the FCC thing that seems a bit off: The FCC says that on Sunday night, the night Oliver’s show aired, it was hit with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks intended to overload the FCC’s comment system.

The Washington Free Beacon story seems to insinuate that Oliver was behind these as well. This of course would be absurd. Oliver’s campaign depends on people being able to reach the FCC site so they can leave comments there. Why would he launch a DDoS attack that could knock the site offline, or at least make it harder to reach?

My guess is that whoever is behind the harassment campaign is also behind the DDoS attack. And that it’s not Oliver.

So is Posobiec the secret mastermind behind the harassment campaign? There’s no evidence — at least none that I know of — for this. But he’s certainly working overtime trying to blame Oliver for it, and spreading demonstrable lies about Oliver in the process.

I guess this is just what right-wing “journalism” looks like in the age of Trump.

EDITED TO ADD: I added the stuff about Posobiec and the infamous “Rape Melania” sign after being reminded of the incident by @EyesOnTheRight.

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Pee Vee, you wouldn’t know sincerity from intellectual dishonesty if it sat in your face. You’re a nihilist. Feel free to ignore me, and I’ll try to return the favor.

How would you know what I am, as last night was the first time you were here? (Hint: I’m not a nihilist. You may want to learn the meaning of words before choosing to use them in a laughable attempt to insult me.)

Careful, sweetie, your mask is slipping.

And I will have to decline your entreaty to ignore you, since you’re the one sealioning all over the blog that I’m an active part of.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

My point wasn’t that you are “awful” but that there are systemic issues (most of which predate feminism, but some of which have been aggravated by certain feminists) that oppress men and boys, and that addressing these generally would not harm girls or women (except for those who rape and abuse), and that in many cases, increased equity for men would make life better for women as well.

So, you assume we’re too ignorant to know any of that (or to have read Susan Faludi) and barge in arglybargling about Eve Ensler and editing GWW’s Wiki page. The first post I saw by you was an unprovoked and inaccurate snarl at Dan’s innocuous post about his work. You want to prove you’re not just some troll, you need to walk it back all the way to the Yukon. And make sincere apologies.

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

Ask Alan — who seems to be the only one on that thread who grasps that what I’m about there.
Non, it’s that you’re finally writing in clear sentences and not throwing bizarre accusations around.

That, and some of you have gotten past some of your preconceptions about me, and some of you have even stopped challenging me to repeated insult competitions.

Thank you for looking at my first reference. As requested, here’s a second. And since the first was 6 years old, this one comes from this month, May 2017:…

“Two MKs – Zevulun Orlev (Habayit Hayehudi) and Ronit Tirosh (Kadima) – filed private members bills to change the law so that women could be indicted on charges of raping a minor. However, at the insistence of the Justice Ministry, Orlev changed his draft to include rape by a woman committed against adults. According to Orlev’s spokeswoman, the Justice Ministry told him it would not support his bill unless he made the change.

The Knesset passed the bill according to the wording demanded by the government in first reading and sent it back to the Knesset Law Committee to prepare it for second and final readings. But at Tuesday’s discussion, the legislation hit a minefield when representatives of women’s organizations unanimously opposed it.”

I hope you can excuse me for seeing systematic oppression when representatives of “women’s organizations” unanimously oppose a law to criminalize rape by women who coerce adult and child victims into sex?

Please tell me that US and European women’s groups have denounced this atrocious behavior by pro-rape feminists in the Knesset.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

Error 404 – Page not found

Sorry but the page you are looking for cannot be found

You have probably typed the address incorrectly, or the page you were looking for may have been moved or deleted.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ EJ

B) SPGs, as you point out, can fuck right off.

Not quite what you meant, but reminded me of this classic (SPG wasn’t just a hamster).

*warning for lyrical content*

7 years ago

@LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

You want to prove you’re not just some troll, you need to walk it back all the way to the Yukon.

Heh, nicely said.

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

I said: The only other thread I’ve posted on for hours is about the Civil War and John Brown,

Weir, as usual, altered what I’d said to call me a liar:
No Petra. You’ve been on this thread, the MGTOW thread, Judgybitch Nazi shirt thread and the Marine Le Pen thread. What a stupid thing to lie about. You’ve been in three active threads and necro’d an older one. You’ve been here for probably close to 12 hours now.

More like 18 hours. And like I said, for the last few hours now, I’ve only been posting on this thread and on the other one where we’re discussing the civil war. Ergo, not every thread I am on is about the same thing.

The fact that I was on other threads several hours ago is true, and does not contradict what I said.

You’re just twisting what I said to cover your embarassment for completely fucking up everything I previously said. It’s called swallowing the spider to catch the fly. And I’ll warrant I’m not the only one here that you’ve blamed for your own fuckups.

What a stupid thing to lie about.

Indeed it would be.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Petra

Did you read the article?

Nope, because as mentioned before I couldn’t find it. However, thanks to leftwingfox, I now have. And yes, it’s an appalling attitude. It’s also legally and physiologically wrong.

*warning for rape stuff*

There are some bodily functions that humans have little to no control over. That can include erections and even ejaculation. Even some paraplegics can achieve erection and ejaculation through manual stimulation despite having no sensation at all. Similarly, some women orgasm during rape (adding an extra horrible level of trauma). Again, that’s totally involuntary. And yes, people have argued that’s evidence that it’s not ‘really’ rape. But we live in a world where some of the highest in the land(s) think women’s bodies miraculously shut down if they’re being raped. That’s a horrendous level of ignorance. And that’s someone that needs to be addressed.

But legally how a victim’s body reacts to violation is irrelevant. Sex without consent is rape, and you can’t infer consent through involuntary physiological reactions.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Petra also necro’d the “Men’s Rights White Knights rush in to protect Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan from MRA criticism” article on May 9th, refuting the lie that last night was the first time Petra was ever here.

Petra has a problem with honesty.

7 years ago

Here’s the correct link:

Also, um, it’s from 2010? Like that’s not a big point, but it’s a weird thing to claim otherwise.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


C’mon, man. There’s gotta be something else you can do with your time. Epic Battle Fantasy or something?

7 years ago

Also, Petra, your schtick is slimy and manipulative to the nth degree. I don’t disagree with everything you’ve said, (which is part of why it’s so slimy), nor do I agree with everything said about you, but the thing that you’re doing here is gross.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

According to attorney Ruth Eldar of the Noga Center of the Ono Academic College, men will take advantage of the legislation to defend themselves against rape charges by accusing the women of raping them.

The only organization mention in the article is the Noga Center. It’s not a feminist organization, it’s for “advancing the rights of crime victims in the Israeli legal system.” Calling it a womens’ organization seems odd. Then they quote a law professor saying that the law might be used against women who accuse men of rape. That’s… it. I don’t know how we could go about finding out how it all ended up.

Also, I call shenanigans on PP trying to make this look like something that just happened, to the point of faking a link.

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

PeeVee is correct on the dates; wrong on the motive. But then nihilists always assume a lie when it’s someone they have an interest in smearing. Honesty means nothing to them. They can’t grasp anything other than winning, so that’s all they attribute to others.

Thank you, Alan. It’s a relief to hear someone say that, just as it’s a relief to me to hear a lot of the stuff that Karen Straughan says. I’ve been very clear from the onset that Karen Straughan is linked to my discussion here on sex abuse, etc. I was hoping to find one or two people among the feminists here that were capable of treating me like a human being. Thank you Alan. And I enjoyed talking to you off the topic that was eating me, too. John Brown is unique to me — the only example I’ve found I could wholeheartedly embrace as a JUSTIFIED terrorist. But the stakes were really high, and if he’d succeeded, the civil war would have been very very short, and minus some 550,000 dead. Those that seek to immitate him in less dire and less violent times have, IMO missed the point. And those that want to use violence in response to mere speech, are less like John Brown than like the thugs that half murdered Charles Sumner in Congress.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I’m starting to think that PP is Karen.

7 years ago

Getting back to the original post I have a vision of alt-righters desperately going through every single one of the nearly 300 Bugle podcasts John Oliver did with Andy Zaltzman looking for racism.

If nothing else that should give them a working knowledge of Test Match Cricket and the opportunity to witness the birth of the neologism “Fuckeulogy”.

7 years ago

Speaking of Posobiec’s and the alt-rights #MacronLeaks antics, I just read an amusing article in Le Monde (my translation):

The problem: they (the American alt-right) don’t read French, consequently they spread false information based on the e-mails contained in the documents. A flagrant example occurs when the owner of the site which first shared the documents interprets a perfectly banal e-mail as an admission that En marche! and the police infiltrated a group of militant socialists. The same thing occurs when a prominent member of America’s right wing imagines a press release prepared against the event of Jacques Chirac’s death to be a ‘joke’ in poor taste.

Look fascists, either you can be a xenophobic, uneducated, narrow-minded nativist/nationalist, or you can attempt to know another language and culture well enough to comment on their affairs. Not both. These are not compatible things.

7 years ago

Thank you, Alan. It’s a relief to hear someone say that

That the human body can react without desire is not a new idea. Again, Feminism 101, heck, it’s Biology 101. If this is the first time you’ve ever encountered this fact, you have a lot of learning to do, and your assumptions about feminists, women, and “the west” are grounded in naivete.

Just because something is new *to you* doesn’t mean it’s new.

Are you really young, maybe? Because Faludi, a lot of her seminal work was written over 25 years ago…like I said, it ain’t nothing new…

7 years ago

@Petra Pumpkineater

PeeVee is correct on the dates; wrong on the motive. But then nihilists always assume a lie when it’s someone they have an interest in smearing. Honesty means nothing to them. They can’t grasp anything other than winning, so that’s all they attribute to others.

Just a little bit of gaslighting folks nothing to see here.
comment image

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

Thank you, Lindsaylrene. I guess I took the centrist rep of the JP, and assumed that they wouldn’t misrepresent that.

It’s just … well some of Red’s words in an interview on the Red Pill video. She gave this whole, fuck the boys, our rights come first spiel. Calmer than the first video, but seriously evil. I’ve run into it before. And coming here and seeing her defended like that, I guess I made some assumptions about most of you just as you made of me.

I’ll continue to look for Karen Straughan’s references when she talks about penetration being the definition of adult coercive rape in many US jurisdictions. If I can’t disprove it, I’ll come back here to bounce it off you. Unless I’m banned. Don’t have elsewhere to go, and, well, if some of you can’t cope with your own mission statement, then maybe those folks should find a safe space and try out those video games you keep talking about. Personally, I only play shit like Civilization, because (as you can probably guess) I’m a victim of sexual violence, not as bad as some, but some pretty fucked up stuff nonetheless. And I don’t want to be triggered that way. Not your fault, not your problem, but you’re barking up a tree with the vidgame recommendations. I’m here because I don’t like the world of the red pill and I’d like to see a little more hope for me and my boys.

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

Thank you, DJloue. Again I erred. a may date was in the right corner and I missed the recent one. I was looking for some of Karen Straughan’s references, and found that Israel story instead.

Petra Pumpkineater
Petra Pumpkineater
7 years ago

as for your accusation, DJLoue, I think you’re saying what you actually believe (unlike someone else here) but you are mistaken about my intent here. At this point I don’t care if you believe me. I appreciate the useful information and POV that I’ve received here, and that was well-worth the timewasting accusations, assumptions, and persistent hate of others. And the heartbreaking suspicion and anger of sincere broken ones. Hey, I remember then angry flavor of denial. I lied to protect my molester, like any good seven year old

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

some of Red’s words in an interview on the Red Pill video

Who the hell is Red? What does she have to do with us? I’m a victim of sexual assault, too, (many people here are), but I don’t go onto random blogs and start spewing nonsense.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I appreciate the useful information and POV that I’ve received here, and that was well-worth the timewasting accusations, assumptions, and persistent hate of others.

comment image

And the heartbreaking suspicion and anger of sincere broken ones. Hey, I remember then angry flavor of denial. I lied to protect my molester, like any good seven year old

comment image

7 years ago

This shit:

But then nihilists always assume a lie when it’s someone they have an interest in smearing. Honesty means nothing to them. They can’t grasp anything other than winning, so that’s all they attribute to others.

Knock it off. We know PeeVee; we do not know you. PeeVee gets the benefit of the doubt; you do not.

I’m here because I don’t like the world of the red pill and I’d like to see a little more hope for me and my boys.

Why are you in the world of the red pill?
When you say “your boys” do you mean your sons? Brothers? Nephews? Friends? Yourself? Others? Who?
What’s with all the Karen Straughan hero worship? AFAICT she’s a 4th-rate hanger-on to a 5th-rate bigotry movement. If she’s ever said anything interesting it’s been lost in the oceans of bullshit she’s spewed as a “Cool Girl” embracing her internalized misogyny in order to cozy up to the MRAs who would just as soon spit on her as tolerate her.

the persistent hate of others

LOL oh Petra, you haven’t risen to the level of hate. Annoying, sure. The persistent annoyance of others, is more accurate.

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