alt-right andrea hardie anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women ironic nazis judgybitch literal nazis racism

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie dons Nazi t-shirt in an attempt to prove who the hell knows what

Hey, look at meeee!

Apparently our old friend Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie — oft-banned antifeminist Twitter “activist” and alt-right hanger-on — was once again feeling a bit ignored by the internet, so she bought herself a Nazi t-shirt and made a lovely video.

Despite the video’s deliberately provocative title (“Hello Fourth Reich!”), this is one of the duller “provocative” videos you’re likely to encounter on the YouTubes — at least until Hardie puts on her swastika t-shirt roughly three-quarters of the way in.

Hardie begins the video wearing a different t-shirt entirely — one adorned with the Rising Sun flag of Imperial Japan. Over the course of the first half of the video she offers a rambling, ignorant and often nonsensical take on the issue of populism — or at least the oversimplified and completely ahistorical caricature of populism she’s got bouncing around in her head.

Her main point, insofar as she has one, seems to be that anyone who’s critical of the current outbreak of “populism” is “sneering at the idea that common, ordinary, everyday people are the best people to identify what the problems in their own lives are.”

Well, no. Demagogues like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen may claim the label of populism, but they are in fact racist right-wing autocrats who really aren’t much interested in democracy at all. “Populism” has, historically, always had a dark nativist streak to it, suffused with anti-Semitism and what historian Richard Hofstadter called the “paranoid style” of politics.

But let’s not linger too long on the history of actual populism, because we haven’t even gotten to the real point of the video, which is that Nazi t-shirt.

Hardie starts the t-shirt portion of the video by pretending to be shocked that the Rising Sun t-shirt she’s wearing isn’t likely to elicit the same outrage as a t-shirt festooned with a swastika — even though the Japanese military forces flying that flag did all sorts of truly horrible shit over the course of many years, from the Rape of Nanking to Pearl Harbor.

But those who wear Rising Sun t-shirts in public aren’t generally going to get accused of supporting any of these terrible things. To most people, Hardie declares, the Rising Sun is nothing more than a “fun meme,” and it turns out that’s just fine with her.

“What i want to know,” she asks, “why is this shirt ok, why is the Rising Sun ok, but” — she dons her Nazi t-shirt — “this shirt is not?”

This is a question that could actually lead to an interesting discussion. Why is the Rising Sun, at least here in North America, seen by most though definitely not all people as a rather innocent cultural symbol — much as the Confederate flag was back in the day when it flew unprotested from every southern state capital and adorned the top of the Dukes of Hazzard’s beloved creek-jumping car? Will perceptions of the Rising Sun change, much as they have for the Confederate flag?

But instead Hardie offers a rambling rant even more incoherent than the rant on populism in the first chunk of her video.

After informing us that the Nazis “were socialists; hey Bernie Sanders, hi” she indignantly asks why it’s considered “not ok” for people to wear Nazi shirts, so much so that YouTube probably “won’t let me monetize this video because of this shirt.”

Maybe because most people rightly connect Nazi symbolism with the Nazis and their hateful history? Maybe because virtually everyone who adorns themselves with Nazi symbols is either an actual Nazi or some other related kind of hateful shit? (Or perhaps the ghost of Sid Vicious.)

But Hardie has another theory, albeit one that makes no fucking sense whatsoever: Apparently people get mad about swastikas because they want to demonize true populists who stand up for the people! By “weaponizing the swastika” these evil liberal lefty anti-populists try to make ordinary people look bad!

I’m not even going to try to transcribe this portion of Hardie’s rant; I’m afraid it might damage my brain. Just watch. The video below should start at the beginning of her, er, explanation, a little more than 15 minutes in. Watch for the next two minutes or so, if you can manage it. Feel free to stop when she starts talking about Pepe the frog. Or if your head literally explodes.

Shortly after her Pepe digression, Hardie informs her viewers that

everyone, at the end of the day, is a stupid violent brute. Everyone. Violence is the only truth.

Huh. That sounds an awful lot like something a Nazi would say.

The only question to her is who controls this violence — evil leftists who actually hate the people, or

the common ordinary people who think, you know what, some of us is dumb assholes and, you know what, those are the first ones we’re gonna shoot. The people have a unique way of taking care of business. 

That’s human history. That’s all of human history.

Er, there are are forms of government that don’t involve whatever group is in power just going out and shooting everyone they don’t like.

And all the swastikas in the world aren’t going to change that.

No. They’re going to make that sort of thing more likely. That’s why most people FUCKING HATE NAZIS. That’s why people tend to get mad when idiots put on Nazi shirts and make videos defending other idiots who put on Nazi shirts.

If you need to clear your head a little after watching that video, this might help.

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7 years ago

I feel a bit…I’m not sure. Out of…culture? About the Antifa thing. I was clubbing in the 90s when there were still guys who’d been in the punk wars going – AND the skins who were fascists AND the skins who were antifa, though the former were massively more prominent. For a while, I was more of a ‘black and white punk’ than a goth.

The rule was: You don’t abide fascists. For many reasons, but one was that they occupied the same physical spaces as us. Let in some and soon there were more, and they would REALLY ramp up the violence against minorities, expecially women. They grew bold only in numbers, but once they were in they were spitting on alternative women for not fucking them and deliberately trying to start fights. The moment they thought they outnumbered you, off they fucking went. And because the alternative scene was a home for weirdos, it felt worse – our safe space invaded by FUCKING NAZIS.

So I’ve been in violent and close scenarios between the gender diverse goths and the anarchists and punks and skins. I’ll ALWAYS trust a punk – I got rescued by some once. I’ll always trust goths because I’ve been grabbed from above and physically lifted out of a confrontation that exploded around me by some when an idiot smashed a bottle and went to slash a punk guy who was just drinking. I’ve also mmmmostly seen any violence resolved by sitting on someone until police could get there. Not always, but people don’t want to kill these idiots, they want them to go away.

Fascists can’t be tolerated. They can fuck off. Peacefully, at first, and other methods if that doesn’t work, because once they get in, they come back in ever bigger numbers. They accumulate in the shadows and weird places and those places have people like me who need them to deal with being an oddball.

Fascists and neo-nazis have a fetish for conformity and cruelty and then get shitty when people don’t play with it in the cracks of the world.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Visitors to this site may remember the thread about NH State Rep. Robert Fisher, founder of the Red Pill subreddit. “”

Mr. Fisher found himself on a (one hopes) rather uncomfortable hot seat in the legislature yesterday.

A dozen state representatives and voters urged lawmakers to take action against Rep. Robert Fisher on Tuesday, warning that the Republican’s involvement in a misogynistic online forum feeds into a derogatory culture toward women and may promote abuse.

“We have a representative in our House who invites and incites a community that degrades women, minimizes sexual assault and unabashedly contributes to the rape culture we should be changing,” Democratic Rep. Debra Altschiller said at a public hearing on Fisher’s behavior. “He must be held responsible.”

Fisher of Laconia has been under fire since the Daily Beast reported that he was behind a men’s rights forum known for its comments degrading women, questioning female intelligence and denying rape. Tuesday’s hearing marked the first time the public and Fisher could respond to allegations in an open forum.

In brief opening remarks, Fisher said he doesn’t “hate women” and denied a new report that he still oversees the Reddit forum – known as “The Red Pill.”

“Several years ago I made some injudicious statements regarding women and my frustrations with dating,” said Fisher, now in his second two-year term. “Some of the views that have been alleged here are certainly not reflective of what I stand for and what I have done in my time here in Concord.”

For the whole article: “”

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Joe, thanks for the comfort, @Alan, thanks for the advice but it’s not quite what I mean.

It’s not a bump. It’s like…I think the gums are retracting and revealing more of the tooth. The part that isn’t supposed to be revealed.

It feels rough, and kinda…with a ridge in the middle that’s sore if I bump it.

I’m just paranoid that my teeth are falling out after years of freaking at the taste of toothpaste. (Damn you, high functioning autism.)

ETA, @Grumpy

Welp. There’s a news, alright. A news that we deserve.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ troubelle

Hmm, you might want to read up on something called gingival recession.

(used to do legal work for a dentist and we’d swap work stories)

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


THIS is why I started to hate this site and feminism. Seriously if you BELIEVE preventing islam to grow is anti-democratic you are just an idiot.

Then you had a misunderstanding of feminism from the start.

We’re not in the business of banning religions.

We’re all about women’s rights.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Much obliged.

(Now I just have to hope this can be unfucked without my mother trying to make me pay for it…Fuck non-universal healthcare, man.)

ETA: Quick Google search that my lack of care in the past is only one potential factor. It may also have to do with me recently switching to an electric toothbrush and going too hard, and puberty is still a thing that is happening to me (maybe has to do with my sweat production spiking…or at least, the two share a root cause).

But obviously, I’m pinning it on my lack of care causing gingivitis. The other stuff just Isn’t Helping.

Great. I’m a clusterfuck.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Aaaaaand ONE MORE THING: I have a slight overbite, and my teeth are awfully crooked. THAT certainly isn’t my fault, and at the same time…it’s a bad.

At least I have a dentist appointment in order for summer…Hopefully, it isn’t too late.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


A follow up by the Daily Beast on it, with evidence he never really left TRP:

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Major overbite, crooked as the Trump adminstration, ‘off white’ would be a condescensing ‘compliment’. One in the front is outright broken, and the last of my doubles (an extra tooth growing outta the same place as another) fucked off only a few years ago. Yep, no dental will do that to ya

Anyway, good luck on your appointment. Plenty of kids got braces in high school, so it’s probably not too late. Don’t wind up like meeee. Save yourseeelf ?

7 years ago

Remember to floss.

My childhood dentist argued that if you were running late, you should floss and skip the brushing. It’s far more important. Brushing is largely cosmetic.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Geez. That sure sounds like a bad time of it.

I’ll be sure to try and remember to mention the overbite for the appointment.

Word of advice I can, though: white teeth ain’t natural, anyway. Peroxide on my or your teeth is just gonna make their actual health worse.

(inb4 someone quote-mines the comments section and removes “teeth” from this statement made from this woman(?) who is white…pink?)


I’ll keep that in mind. Unfortunately, I have a filling between two teeth, and attempting to floss that A. always results in bleeding and pain and B. always trashes the flosser because it gets stuck on the silver.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Geez. That sure sounds like a bad time of it

Actually no. I was being self deprecating for effect. It’s all true, but I quite like my teeth. They’ve got character. The overbite especially, wouldn’t give it up for anything. Had issues as a kid, but now? I’m self conscious about a lot, but my chompers ain’t really among them. Do definitely hope it goes well for you at the dentist’s tho. And hope your mouth bones end up exactly as you want em 🙂

white teeth ain’t natural, anyway. Peroxide on my or your teeth is just gonna make their actual health worse

Mom keeps tryna push it on me. No thanks!

joekster (bearded beta)
joekster (bearded beta)
7 years ago

@Axcalibur: sorry to hear about your teeth. That’s really rough.

@Troubelle: My trouble with flossing was always difficulty with actually manipulating the floss, but I just invested in a pack of those plastic flossers (the ones that hold a single length of floss between them), so we’ll see how that works.

As long as we’re sharing dental horror stories, I do have an overbite, and although I never needed braces, I did get to sleep with a retainer and a facemask for several years. The really bad story, though, is when I was on my clinical years. I developed a cavity sometime in August (I blame the obscene amounts of coffee and soda I was consuming to stay awake), and by the time I got around to seeing a dentist for it, it was November, and the thing had developed into a full blown abscess. Good times.

joekster (bearded beta)
joekster (bearded beta)
7 years ago

Oh, and agreed about the peroxide. They whiten your teeth, but paradoxically weaken them.

7 years ago

I have remnants of braces cement, or calcified plaque, not sure, which shreds cotton floss to bits most uncomfortably. I use Glide, which is nylon, instead. Sod the environment, I’ll have good teeth..

Bleeding is pretty normal. It stops before long. Stop flossing a few weeks and it’ll bleed when you start again.

Or, if it doesn’t, ask the advice of your dentist.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

plastic flossers (the ones that hold a single length of floss between them)

They’re great. You can also get tiny brushes on wires; like a scaled down toilet brush and little wooden almost blades. They’re very effective in the gaps near the base of your teeth.

ETA: the advice I’ve had off a few dentists is if gums bleed then, perhaps paradoxically, clean and floss even more.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

(Hey all, uhm, apologies for embarrassing myself during my drunken ragefit last week. o_O;; I ended up taking an unplanned but much-needed break from the Internet, spent the week working through my guilt for letting my previous pacifism destroy the world on my bloody watch and discussing violence’s necessity in fighting fascism with fictional characters playing waaay too much Fallout 4, and am feeling infinitely better now. Will start catching up on threads!)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

re: plastic flossers

Already got ’em and they’re a godsend, LEMME TELL YA.


I hope my ma doesn’t try that shit on me…I’ll be sure to tell her it’s her own damn money.


Yikes. That…that right there is a horror story.


I’ll look for Glide, and the bleeding is more common between molars (the gapped teeth are molars…) but not universal. Gums still bleed when I brush, though.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Now that I’m home from work, and the child upstairs is thumping up and down the hallway and I’m doing laundry, this seems like the perfect time to break up this Wall-O-Text and get to some troll thumping!

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Linax54 | May 10, 2017 at 10:36 am
”but they are in fact racist right-wing autocrats who really aren’t much interested in democracy at all” THIS is why I started to hate this site and feminism.

Sure, because you certainly have a lot of credibility here considering this is your first time posting under this nym (otherwise you wouldn’t have been in moderation).

And if all it takes to make you “hate this site and feminism” is us pointing out that there’s a lot of fuckery going on in the GOP and the right-wing ideology as a whole, then you really must not have liked us that much before, cupcake.

Seriously if you BELIEVE preventing islam to grow is anti-democratic you are just an idiot.

Of course, we could ask you to provide some evidence that “preventing islam to grow” is somehow not anti-democratic, but I suppose that would be asking too much of you, considering all the effort you’re pouring into your teal deer.

And I could ask you “which branch of Islam”? But then again, most ignorant assholes love using the entire religion as a catch-all for everything they hate, instead of actually taking the time to educate themselves.

Islam is the most woman hating thing ever existed and islamic cultures AND ITS PEOPLE are backwards (surely there are people in those countries who oppose islam and I respect them).

Christianity is the most woman hating thing ever existed and Christian cultures AND ITS PEOPLE are backwards (surely there are people in those countries who oppose Christianity and I respect them).

Hurt your feelings? I dont care.

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Sweden and germany (I live in germany and around refugees who cant behave at all, Im an arabic/ asian girl myself btw,

Uh huh.

no country has the obligation to take in millions of illegal migrants)

Yeah, we in the U.S. don’t have any obligation to take in millions of refugees from countries we’re bombing the shit out of! [/sarcasm]

have so many issues with crime now its insane

Proof. You have none.

How do I know? Many of our regulars are from Germany and Sweden. They haven’t said anything remotely close to what you’re saying.

Of course, you’ll attempt to cover your ass by claiming that because they’re feminists they don’t see it because they’re too busy “sucking Islam’s D”.

We can say dick here, by the way. It’s not a bad word.

and people like you try to belittle it an call someone like Marine le pen a racist (Islam is not a race you degenerate feminist, she doesnt hate on the race but the religion/ death cult) .

Can one of our French regulars come in here and handle this? Because holy shit that’s ignorant as fuck, and I’ve only been able to see this from ‘Murrica.

And can anyone else hear whistling.

I used to like this site but you have lost all my respect.

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Why are jews over a million times more likely to win a nobel prize? Because islamophobia of course (lol) .

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Im aware you will delete my comment because of your feelings, shows how much YOU like democracy and free speech.

Don’t you love it when these little trolls like to play Martyr and pretend that they’re being “censored” when people don’t give them a little soapbox and a megaphone to arglebargle into? It’s adorable.

And yet your little shitstain on our comments section is still here.

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


It’s good to see you in action.

(And you posting holo-Handsome Jack .GIFs on a day my Jack-loving girlfriend was actually able to talk to me is a nice coincidence.)

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Don’t you love it when these little trolls like to play Martyr and pretend that they’re being “censored” when people don’t give them a little soapbox and a megaphone to arglebargle into? It’s adorable.

4chan: haha take that normies, our meme magic and hitler memes changed the US elections

also 4chan: stop infringing on muh frozen peaches :CCCCCCCCCC





Hello, I’m here to support your with your tooth problems.

In a shellnut, I’m that kawaii bishoujo who has snaggleteeth, as you may have seen in the animes.

I like to think my oddly shaped teeth increase my cuteness factor.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

PI, that reminds me: is Handsome Jack okay?

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


I have…one snaggletooth, and it’s one that isn’t as inflamed or as weird in the back as the other canine. It’s a good tooth.

@Peevee, re: PI, is Jack okay?

I, too, am concerned.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


I didn’t get my wisdom teeth extracted and never had braces, so my teeth basically point in different directions.

At the slightest inclination, I end up chewing my tongue or the sides of my cheeks if I’m not careful. I can run the tip of my tongue over a web of scar tissue all over the insides of my cheeks and if you touch my tongue with your fingertip, you can feel residual roughness there as well from places that I’ve bitten while eating food.

I have an overbite and my gums have receded somewhat from a period when I was 11-15 years old and didn’t brush my teeth frequently, probably because of a similar issue to yours