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Alt-Right Twitter trolls lament Marine Le Pen’s yuge loss in France, talk armed revolution

The mood on alt-right Twitter right now

In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.

Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.

Others were more pissy than sad:

Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:

More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.

There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:

For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.

This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.

Good luck with that.

EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)

Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point

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Andy 707
Andy 707
7 years ago

I don’t get it.
Trump was ellected POTUS, none of them complain about democracy. Instead, they defend it, claiming that no one should complain because the majority voted for him. Yet, they’re complaining that Macron won because… the majority voted for him?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Ah the delightful Mr Assange…

there is also his QC, Helena Kennedy, who advises against his dismissing the Swedish extradition as a “mad feminist conspiracy”. He nods: “not publicly”, at least. She eyerolls.

Then, later, he tells Poitras it would be in his accusers’ interests to drop the case. If they proceed, “they’ll be reviled forever by a large segment of the world’s population”. It sounds like a threat, yet it is meant as candid truth-telling.

7 years ago

@ Andy 707
Yes, but the majority did not vote for Trump, because Clinton won the popular vote. So democracy is broken or something, since people who are not alt-right favourites still win if the popular vote is what counts.

ETA: Originally wrote “poplar vote”. Would like to know how poplars would vote. May try to devise a story around the premise.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Masse_Mysteria, re: poplar vote

I’m reminded of a particular track from my days playing Rock Band 2. Think it was Rush…think.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

@Swedish Sexual Bread

And to you as a German: it is also appropriate to commemorate on Victory Day the contributions of German anti-fascist patriots and German leftists who also fought with the United Nations forces against the Axis.

I wish the military contributions of such forces were better known in the English-speaking world.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

@ Schnookums

I’m not sure how good a band of all triangles would sound.

A band of triangles… sounds like Michael Oldfield….

Off topic, one of my fave Social Conscience web magazines, Everyday Feminism, is hurtin for certain! They’re needing a cash transfusion asap or they’re likely shuttering the doors and windows. Please help if your overtaxed SJW budget will allow.

I first came here by a link from an E.F. piece on Gamergate (back when it was still about a game writer’s sex life….)

Apologies if it is inappropriate to ask this on here

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago


Yes, as far as I’ve always known the “famous” Flag over the Reichstag image was staged a few days later by the photographer, Yevgeny Khaldei. (There’s a Wikipedia article on the photo, but, you know it’s Wikipedia so one never knows.) I looked around for a scholarly treatment; I found this article but haven’t looked at it yet.

Hicks, Jeremy. “Appropriating the Presence of History: Raising the Victory Banner over the Reichstag” Screen, vol. 57, no. 3 (Autumn 2016): 362-70.

The scholarly vexillology people have also studied that whole episode

I’m sure ever-astute Mammothteers could find other sources if interested.

And, yes, staged or not….those men fought bravely in the (near) final battle against Nazi Germany!

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Since aspens and poplars are named Populus in Latin, their vote is truly popular vote, I think.

(One Finnish politician, Pekka Haavisto, who’s apparently running for president in 2018, has a surname meaning “aspen grove”. He’s from the Green Party, too, so obvious candidate for winning the poplar vote. He probably won’t win the election, though, especially if the incumbent Sauli Niinistö (“linden grove”) runs for second term.)

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

More on the New Hampshire RedPill founding asshole:

(H/T to Boink x5, ?)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Pavlov’s House:

I wonder how alt-right people deal with the contradictions of their ideas when thinking about the celebration of the Soviet victory in World War II? They love Putin *and* they love Hitler.

Do the US altrighters really pay much attention to Putin or Russia? I mostly hear some religious conservatives praising Putin as the savior of “Christian values”. Certainly, the USSR contribution to WWII could be easily ignored by any Americans who find it causing any kind of cognitive dissonance. It was already hushed down during Cold War, after all.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape

I don’t know how much the alt-right generally does, honestly. Heartiste loves Putin, and makes that clear….but then again, as virulently racist as he is he doesn’t explicitly connect his drivel with Nazi-loving as much as others. So I may have extrapolated without warrant.

And oh boy was it definitely downplayed during the Cold War; in large part due to the promulgation of the “Wehrmacht myth”. Plus the lack of any major bodies of non-German besides the official Soviet accounts (save for a handful like Harrison Salisbury, etc.) made critical analysis by scholarly historians difficult.

Then after 1991 when things opened up for a while and scholars like David Glantz and Jonathan M. House got into the field it became clear that, basically, the Red Army won the ground war in Europe, period, if you have to sum it up.

(Not that everybody else did *nothing*….just that in relative terms the defeat of Hitler was largely a Soviet achievement)

EJ (The Globohomo One)
EJ (The Globohomo One)
7 years ago

Ah, Julian Assange. Never have I seen anyone squander the sympathy of the entire liberal world more pointlessly.

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
7 years ago


I added some music to that bit from yesterday’s Senate hearing where Sally Yates took Ted Cruz to school:

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


That may be so, but the average USasian likes to scream “BUT MUH GOO-LAGS!” when you bring that up.

Feel free to accuse me of being monstrous, but the 2016 U.S. election and the ensuing fallout gave me reason to believe that some people just need to be put in a gulag.

If I had my way, I would put the entire Alt-right crew in a gulag where they can’t poison us anymore.


Put the MRAs in a gulag as well.

And now you can all call me a tankie. 😀

My tank is a Kliment Voroshilov 2 and it’s got the Transgender Flag colors painted on its side.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Thing is, in the old USSR, you and I would both be on the list of people getting sent there.

@Pavlov’s House
Substantially true, although I could have an enjoyable hour or so nitpicking the details 🙂

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


That’s true. There is also the distinct possibility I’d get the same thing Trotsky got when Stalin decided he had enough of him.

For the record, I’m not one of those “USSR DID NOTHING WRONG!1” people; I just think we need to stop being nice to the neofascists and MRAs. They pose an existential threat to marginalized people.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

I actually meant on account of the whole being queer thing, but yeah, politics too.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

You are absolutely correct that the way I phrased that contention it’s *entirely* open to nitpicking/debate….interchange which I too enjoy (having basically made a career of it). Historians can draw conclusions like that generally, but they are always open to at least some qualifications.

@Franscesca Torpedo

Well, I cannot nor will not deny that Stalin’s USSR was also an oppressive state. Nor is it realistic to deny the war crimes committed by some Soviet and Allied forces for which there is clear evidence (e.g. mass killings of unarmed German civilian refugees in newly-liberated Czechoslovakia at the end of the war in Europe). Moreover many Allied armies themselves served governments who espoused institutionalized racism and imperialism. Yet as both academic historian and conscious human I still can only conclude that I am still glad the Allies won and the Axis lost. Very glad.

So, yes, I think we can recognize and condemn all war crimes and other crimes against humanity still reject the “but the Gulags….” thing.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

To me, the real answer is just not to have war at all…interestingly, that was the vocal and passionate life-long conviction of one group of Soviet and American soldiers, the men and women who swore the Oath of the Elbe, which everyone in the U.S. and Russia who consider themselves proud of their countries would do well to remember here in 2017.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


See, that’s the thing: do I realize that these people who fought the nazis probably would have objected very strongly to my very existence?

Sure, yeah. The USSR was an oppressive regime, the US was hellaciously racist. homophobic, and sexist, the British were (and still are, to an extent) provincials who hate dem some furriners.

Do I also think that sometimes you just need to fight a fucking nazi?


I’ve come to terms with the fact that not everything is nice and clear-cut and sharply defined; it’s more a case of differing shades of grey, rather than black-and-white.

There’s a lot of nuance in play.

To wit, I don’t think we should just throw anyone who disagrees with us in a gulag. Virulently dangerous people like Richard Spencer and the Trump Clan should, however, be put in one.

That’s nice, Francesca, but, in this hypothetical reality where you are the Mammotheer People’s Commissary of Suppressing the Alt-Right and are overseeing the building of these gulags for these people, how can you be sure that your underlings would not take things to their natural extremes after a while and just start putting innocent people in gulags?

The truth is, I can’t be sure, and I’m mature enough to recognize that.


Francesca, if you did something your underlings did not like, there’s a good chance they would just put you in a gulag as well.

Yes, I know. 🙁

7 years ago

Comey just got fired! I’m sure that the FBI’s investigation into Russian involvement in Trump’s election had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

*sticks head out of the sand*

So, there’s this.

Allow me to select a bit :

After the punching video went viral, the alt-right unleashed a doxing campaign against Marshall and her family, publishing their home addresses and phone numbers online. Marshall received rape threats and other abusive messages and images of pornography work she’d done were turned into memes and posted to her grandmother’s Facebook page. Damigo tells me these actions were justified.

I’m just gonna go back to my work and video games then.

(Hey, any PS4 Mammotheers play ARK ? I’d really love to try some small-group exploration-and-maybe-building-focused PvE sometime but social anxieties have come back in force and I haven’t really set foot on any official servers yet and no one makes teammates playing solo)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

In unrelated news, this evening I’m going to eat about half a jar of hot fudge topping.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Ah, Julian Assange. Never have I seen anyone squander the sympathy of the entire liberal world more pointlessly.

I wish that were true, but there are plenty of brogressive dudebros (and their cool girl allies *ahem* Naomi Wolfe) that don’t give a shit about whether or not another brogressive dudebro is a rapist.

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