In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.
Others were more pissy than sad:
Moderate beheaders celebrate the French victory of the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/T7KqajsD0W
— Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 7, 2017
France, prepare for re-education. Diversity training and cuck compliance begins at 11am.
— Paul Sites🕶🌑 (@paulsites1) May 7, 2017
Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:
Congratulations on your victory, George Soros.
I mean, Emmanuel Macron.#SundayMorning #frenchelection
— ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 7, 2017
Globalists Celebrate As The George Soros Funded Jesuit Candidate Macron 'Wins' In Landslide Victory • Now The End Begi
— Sonya Fay McKenzie (@sonyapryr) May 7, 2017
.@facebook shut down 30K pro-#LePen accounts in France right before the presidential election!
It's disgusting Twitter did the same to me! pic.twitter.com/I9RtQU5WVD
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) May 7, 2017
More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.
#frenchelection2017 pathetic cuck as leftest #france why should I give a fuck about people wanting to dig their own graves #fuck #europe pic.twitter.com/1U2Jrn1E4s
— Modded HD Games (@PriestesofMars) May 7, 2017
France is like a SJW girl who goes to Syria to combat "islamphobia" and gets attacked and raped. At a certain point you just can't care.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) May 7, 2017
There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:
For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.
This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.
Good luck with that.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)
Continentals. I wouldn't expect anything from Germany and Sweden, France was the last chance, and they decided to cuck for the Rothschilds. https://t.co/BOs5Cv8j5w
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) May 7, 2017
Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point
I know how worried you were, taking this test on very little sleep, so CONGRATULATIONS!
Well done. ?
Yes. She is truly a wonderful woman.
Would that she’d be AG, rather than that awful bigot Sessions.
@Victorious Parasol:
It goes without saying, but in my experience ‘should of’ is more common, so I chose to attack it as an uncommonly egregious example.
I can read that without a mental record scratch, so it’s fine. Ish.
CW: Sexual subjects
@Wandered In
Okay, I’m back from work and housekeeping and now have a few moments to chat.
This is precisely why I find ‘cuck’ porn kinda silly.
The white man is ultimately totally in command. At no point in time is he actually being threatened by the black man involved here.
There is only a thin veneer of the so-called ‘black bull’ having sexual agency.
At any given time, either the white man or white woman can put an end to this; you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it. The ‘black bull’ is ultimately at the mercy of the two white people (primarily, the white male) who are playing out their fantasy of illicit interracial extramarital sex. They are not in control.
There isn’t anything dominant and powerful about that, in actuality. At a glance, and perhaps to the white men who enjoy this thing, it may seem as though the black male has the initiative to do so, but, in all actuality, they are submissively adhering to a very rigidly defined framework architectured by the white man.
The entire premise and the whole mechanism behind ‘cucking’ – even in real life, because, you know, people do actually do this in reality (I wish they would just call it a fucking polygamous relationship, which is ultimately what it really is) ultimately empowers the white male.
I have had the unique pleasure of talking to black men who actually do the cuck thing with white men and women in reality, and they don’t quite seem to realize that they are being used. They enjoy being used, even, I would say. They don’t seem to realize that they aren’t really doing it out of their own agency per se.
Hey, you remember when feminist philosophy warned us that porn would make people lose their grip on reality and start conflating what happens in porn with real life?
It also invalidates polyamorous relationships; if your wife is being pleasured by someone else, you’re a Jewish-led cuck who votes for Liberals and advocates white genocide and so on.
Well, friend, I really don’t want to tell you to go watch cuck porn because I’m not an awful person who would subject you to such things, but if you really seriously want to examine this subject to confirm my analysis, go to xvideos or whatever free porn site you prefer and search for cuck videos where the white male ‘services’ the black bull.
This usually involves the white male performing oral on the black male, or…consuming what’s left after the black male is ‘finished’ with the white woman.
OT, but there is a new service called Resist of that will turn your texts into faxes to your senators.
If the alt-rightists are sad over Le Pen losing, they REALLY aren’t going to like what I’ve got up my sleeve…
I’ve been writing and recording a 4-part concept album about the current state of Christianity in America, as well as the broader sociopolitical climate. It’s as if Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” got crossed with DEVO and the Divine Comedy. (I’m also influenced heavily by Bob Dylan and Prince since they’re fellow Minnesotans).
To go along with the album I’m going to be releasing a lot of other media: short stories, music videos, possibly a video game, etc. Maybe I’ll even find someone interested in turning my project into a movie. It’s going to be super neat. And I’ve even created a lot of dank memes. Which the alt-right folks aren’t going to like, since I smash a whole lot of their sacred golden calves. (For instance, I depict the serpent in the Garden of Eden as a Hoppean snake, liken the evil frog spirits from Revelation 16 to Pepe, depict the Devil wearing a red “Make Heaven Hellish Again” hat, compare Trump Tower to the Tower of Babel, etc).
Even if you aren’t a Christian or don’t agree with my perspective on faith, feel free to give the album a listen when it comes out. It’s really aimed at everyone. Just beware: it’s not all sunshine and roses (some of the songs are going to be pretty dark; writing them was a cathartic experience for me).
I haven’t yet uploaded any demos for listening, but will soon. In the meantime, feel free to like my page for a lot of dank memes.
There is a possibility that it should be (3x)^2, if it is an application of the Pythagorean Theorem. x^2+y^2=z^2, where x and y are the sides and z is the hypotenuse. If one side is x, and the other side is three times as long, i.e. 3x, then doing the multiplication before the exponent would be correct. Though for accuracy it should be written x^2+(3x)^2=z^2 in that case.
As a copy editor —
The possessive-for-words-ending-in-“s” thing is pretty complex, and varies to some extent based on whatever style guide you subscribe to. But generally:
*Proper nouns ending in “s” simply take an apostrophe. (Julius’ dogs are fluffy.)
*Singular common nouns ending in “s” take ” ‘s.” (The enchantress’s familiar was fluffy.) (Some guides will insist on the lone apostrophe here, and some have additional rules — AP, for example, uses the ” ‘s” construction unless the next word starts with an “s.” So: The enchantress’ stare was intense.)
*Plural common nouns ending in “s” simply take an apostrophe. (The dogs’ fluffiness was overwhelming.)
*Plural common nouns not ending in “s” take ” ‘s.” (The children’s joy at seeing the fluffy dogs was difficult to overstate.)
There is one hard-and-fast rule for possessives: It’s always “its,” because the version with the apostrophe ALWAYS means “it is.” Welcome to English.
Unrelated: Apologies to my British friends for the punctuation inside the quotation marks. It’s how we do it in the U.S. of A.
Darn it, that was supposed to say ResistBot, not resist of.
In my earliest experiences, such as chatroom roleplay and Ultima Online, I reflexively played as a female much for what I imagined were similar reasons.
When I roleplayed as a woman I thought that it was merely because I found it erotic and exciting. My reasoning was that I just wanted to witness a woman having sex with other men and women.
There was also this thing floating around, which confused my understanding of myself further:
Basically, Blanchard says that if you are AMAB and play at being a woman, you’re just doing it as a sexual fetish called Autogynephilia. The whole thing is highly problematic in nature, right down to the antiquated “transsexual” word, which is more or less just a slur for transgendered people.
I’ll let you decide.
So I was convinced for a while that this was all meaningless and not indicative of my gender identity attempting to re-assert itself.
I also used to roleplay in Second Life as a woman and worked as a stripper (this is a long story involving the parts of Second Life that people don’t like to talk about, but I will gladly volunteer information about this if questioned).
Again, I was laboring under the misconception that this was merely a sexual fetish and meaningless, and that I just liked looking at my female character.
However, in other games where you were explicitly not a sexual character, I would still choose female characters.
One example: in Destiny 1, I rolled a huge, muscular black woman who was a Titan – a powerful cybernetic super-soldier. She had orange dreadlocks and was fabulous to look at, but, except for her head, she wore heavy power armor and therefore wasn’t really capable of being ogled (unless you find women in futuristic space armor sexy).
As an aside, for @Troubelle and the rest of the Mammotheer Video Game Developers’s Studio, ever since I made my Destiny character, my soul has longed for a Halo-Like game in which the Spartan Supersoldier is a black woman. She’s probably the one that the UNSC sends in when it’s too difficult for John-117 (the famous Master Chief from the main Halo games).
I plan to write a book about such a thing eventually when I can devote the time to do so.
@Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
I’m not sure how good a band of all triangles would sound.
I do love space armour, but mostly it occurs in decidedly unsexy contexts.
Never played Halo, but Ragamuffin is about a black woman who’s a cyborg supersoldier. Helps to read Crystal Rain first though.
@Francesca Torpedo
Terrific analysis of the cuckolding fetish, Francesca.
Did you know that there’s a subtype of this genre in which the woman cheats on her husband with another woman? Your analysis applies perfectly to this subtype as well – once again, a scenario embodying a straight male fear (in this case, the knowledge that some women are not sexually-interested in them) is repositioned into one that elicits straight male titillation.
Good for France? Well, yes, and good for Europe, in a sanity have prevailed kind of way, but it’s saddening that the only effective opposition to the Far Right seems to be coming from a neo-liberal platform. Macron will try to push through free market reforms that harm worker’s interests, cut inheritance/top income bracket/corporate taxes and erode the role of the state. Nothing much to celebrate there.
Thank you. Quite frankly, it’s not something I really want to analyze, but I’m the kind of person who wants to understand the nature of things that occupy public dialogue.
I haven’t heard of this, but I’ve seen movies in which women in monogamous relationships with men become involved sexually with other women, and it is depicted as being weird and scary for some reason.
Glad you finally explained why that’s a thing.
I’ve even heard of transwomen who offer to cuck white hetero couples. I don’t know if transmen do it.
I really think we’ve gone through the rabbit hole entirely when it comes to cucking.
My job here is dun.
[floats off to go collect her Jewish Soros Shekels for promoting White Genocide®]
Ah, so someone did that already.
Honestly, I knew my idea wasn’t that original. Fareeha Amari counts technically as a black woman supersoldier, but her armor is so ridiculous.
Why does it have breast protrusions and an hourglass figure? Is she supposed to look fabulous while killing people?
@Francesca Torpedo
This was my experience too. I started playing SWKOTOR, and pretended I was looking at my character.
Then I just never stopped playing women characters. After getting over the objectification, I just noted that I had a much stronger emotional connection with women’s stories and never looked much deeper than that, just continued being a woman in games. Heh. It was so obvious in retrospect. I’ve never actually completed a game as a male character if it’s longer than about ten hours. I always lose interest.
And when I played games with no sexual or romantic components whatsoever, still – woman character. An example for me would be Dark Souls – in case you haven’t noticed, sex is not a part of the game. And for most of the game, however beautiful you make your character, you’re a rotting corpse…which you should be covering in armor ASAP. My first playthrough I wound up settling with Knight Armor and a scorched skirt. There were valid tactical reasons, but I mostly just liked the look of it.
So unless you’re into medieval necrophilia, it’s not really possible to be erotically moved by Dark Souls.
It was only about two years ago that I started experimenting with presenting feminine in different ways, and only a few months ago that I managed to ram through that I am who I am.
Honestly, Blanchard is a hack. Projecting a non-typical gender identity as a sexual fetish is a basic, easy way to avoid being harassed or worse by cis men. Especially since AMAB people are basically brainwashed into viewing women as sexual all the time, and someone just figuring out that they are not cis probably won’t have any real understanding of how to relate to being a woman. People have tried to use this shit against me before, there was one time my picture was stolen an posted to Kiwifarms.
I don’t have a great deal else to add to what you’ve just said. You’re very eloquent and comprehensive.
I kinda want a video game set in a society that explicitly enforces misandry in the same role as misogyny. Mainly because the only place misandry exists is in fiction, and such a game could make that clear. And also because of my cold, cold, heart.
That was exactly it. I believe the question was poorly written.
@Francesca Torpedo
Not much to add to the conversation other than that my journey to understanding and embracing my gender identity has been similar to what others have described. I’m still a work in progress, but I guess we all are.
Yes, it is nice that the Far Right did not make it.
What is less nice is that an ultraliberal (so, it is Right, and certainly not Center, as some seem to think it is), former financial shark in a big bank (Rothschild) was the only substitution possible. Ultraliberalism is not really known to help reducing the social fracture, which is one of the main causes of the far right sadly high score. In a way, it is just back off to better blow up, cause it will be probably harder for the next presidential candidates to fight against the far right, especially if, like many fear it, Marion Marechal-Le Pen replaces her aunt at the head of the FN.
We are supposed to be a democracy, but yet we can not tell : “We are not interested in any of the candidates, provide new ones”, as the blank (NOTA for some of you) vote is counted but not taken in account. So much for the democracy. And, obviously, neither Macron nor Le Pen had something in their program concerning the blank vote.
So we are going to have it deep in the ass with gravels and tabasco. Unless the legislative elections of June provide the Left (a real one, not the so-called Left that was in power for the last five years) an absolute majority at the National Assembly. But seeing how was this presidential election, i will not bet a buck on that. This is going to be hell.
Have a nice day.
I blame Melenchon on the center being elected*. If he had one ounce of common sense and/or wanted to actually govern, he would have worked with the socialist party. Instead, he spitted at the face of anyone who could have wanted to work with him, and have not only lost, but made the left-wing part of the PS lose hard.
As for Macron himself. He is likely to be like Obama or Trudeau. Not a shining example of actual social justice, but at least he won’t purposefully make the life of people an hell ; he will only do it by error.
* center because while he have a right-wing economy policy, he isn’t conservative otherwise. Let’s call cats cats, and let’s stop pretending there is no difference between him and Sarkozy.
Congratulations to all with anti-fascist sympathies for Victory Day, today May 9.
I wonder how alt-right people deal with the contradictions of their ideas when thinking about the celebration of the Soviet victory in World War II? They love Putin *and* they love Hitler. So I suppose a Putin-worshippper could get all excited about the pomp of the Victory Day parade — but yet it’s all a celebration about the victory over Hitler! I suppose Putin’s regime makes it more about Russian nationalism, but the regime itself cannot change that it was a *Soviet* victory and the core symbology is and must be Soviet.
In any case, I *do* like watching when they do the Russian equivalent (rough equivalent, anyway) of trooping the colors and the honor guard marches out with the Russian Federation flag and the “Victory Banner” (the division colors of the 150th Rifle Division, you know, the unit from the famous “Flag over the Reichstag” photo — and, hey, they *are* Red Army battle colors so it’s red with a hammer and sickle and the unit designation.) I will not listen to Putin’s speech and will not watch the rest of the parade, nor do I care to listen to the RT commentary. Nevertheless the memory of the victory of Fascism deserves recognition.
Well, then i agree to disagree. If doing right-wing economy does not make you a right-sider, i wonder why it is called right-wing economy.
Not being Sarkozy, or Fillon, or Juppé, does not make you a centrist. Not being a bigot does not make you a centrist (there are bigots in every group, even if, obviously, there are more on the Right-Wing part in general).
Letting the administration slowly desagregate by not replacing those who retire is centrist ? Administration should be something that help to make citizens’ life better. Since Pompidou, each time the Right (and alas sometimes the Left too) had been in power, administration had been downgraded, social fracture gap increased, with all its procession of nasty side-effects (including the increasing racism and other bigotries).
Anyway, i am not here to clash, life is hard enough, and i like everybody here, even if we disagree sometimes (well, we are known to be sorehead in France, are we not ?). Let us be happy it is not fachist victory, but let us not forget this will not be heaven too.
@ pavlov’s house
Wasn’t that a reconstructed photoshoot done a few days after the actual event? Seem to recall something about the original not being deemed good enough or something. Of course that doesn’t detract from the achievement. And it’s not the first time a flag photo was staged. (Here’s the actual Iwo Jima flag raising)
@Pavlovs house
Speaking as a German, congratulations and thank you to the Allied forces for destroying the fascists in power.