In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.
Others were more pissy than sad:
Moderate beheaders celebrate the French victory of the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/T7KqajsD0W
— Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 7, 2017
France, prepare for re-education. Diversity training and cuck compliance begins at 11am.
— Paul Sites🕶🌑 (@paulsites1) May 7, 2017
Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:
Congratulations on your victory, George Soros.
I mean, Emmanuel Macron.#SundayMorning #frenchelection
— ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 7, 2017
Globalists Celebrate As The George Soros Funded Jesuit Candidate Macron 'Wins' In Landslide Victory • Now The End Begi
— Sonya Fay McKenzie (@sonyapryr) May 7, 2017
.@facebook shut down 30K pro-#LePen accounts in France right before the presidential election!
It's disgusting Twitter did the same to me! pic.twitter.com/I9RtQU5WVD
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) May 7, 2017
More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.
#frenchelection2017 pathetic cuck as leftest #france why should I give a fuck about people wanting to dig their own graves #fuck #europe pic.twitter.com/1U2Jrn1E4s
— Modded HD Games (@PriestesofMars) May 7, 2017
France is like a SJW girl who goes to Syria to combat "islamphobia" and gets attacked and raped. At a certain point you just can't care.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) May 7, 2017
There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:
For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.
This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.
Good luck with that.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)
Continentals. I wouldn't expect anything from Germany and Sweden, France was the last chance, and they decided to cuck for the Rothschilds. https://t.co/BOs5Cv8j5w
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) May 7, 2017
Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point
@Imaginary Petal
Oh god I forgot the “L” and accidentally insulted you!
Really though sorry for that, didn’t notice til you noted it.
Regarding the imgur, yeah I’d like to know what is going on. Half of everyone’s images and gifs only seem to work on the computer and the other half on the phone atm
Not PETA, peta. Like petabytes. Of knowledge. In your brain. To pass the test! *wipes brow, pats back* Nailed it!
Trying again with a proper URL from laptop. I’ve been so happy about this all day, I even made a Facebook post for the first time in probably 6 years. 🙂
I’ve never heard of petabytes. You could’ve made up literally anything. :p
What’s funny is, today I totally failed at explaining Pythagora’s Theorem to a student. Math just isn’t my thing, unless I really need to do well on a test.
The Pythagorean Theorem is pretty simple. Proving it is a little long-winded but quite possible for a high schooler in a Geometry class in South Carolina in the 1960s. And no I don’t remember how anymore. (BTW, I seriously suck at math, but geometry is fun for me)
A^2+B^2=C^2, where A and B are the sides of a right triangle and C is the hypotenuse.
It has many many uses. We used to use it to make sure our units were square (not easily done by eye on dirt with rocks and other things in it) back when I got paid to dig square holes in the ground. *sigh* Good times.
(No, yottabytes aren’t named after Yoda)
Neither, it seems, is the English possessive case your thing ? Tip your waitstaff!
But, furreal, knowing and teaching ain’t the same thing. Like the old saying, ‘those who can’t teach do’. What’s that? The saying goes the other way around? Well, that old saying is nonsense then 🙂
For a great maths song, any hispanophones may like “El teorema de Thales” by Les Luthiers. It’s on youtube, some versions with diagrams.
Oh crap, I didn’t know it’s actually Pythagoras’s. That distinction isn’t normally made in Swedish, so I was just unaware of the actual name of the person. You may insult my knowledge of math history, but NOT my knowledge of the possessive case. :p
I do teach English grammar, after all.
My specific problem was solving:
x^2 + 3x^2 = 10^2
I couldn’t figure out if it was 3(x^2) or (3x)^2, and how to add x^2 to the other x^2, and all that crap. I get it now, but I got really lost there for a while.
Awesome, just the person to ask! So, if a word ends in S, like Pythagoras, is it prescriptively incorrect to simply append an apostrophe, like Pythagoras’? Or am I meant to put another S on the end there. I don’t use the extra S myself (looks bad somehow), but I’ve seen it done enough to always have that nagging feeling I’m fucking it up…
I think you’re supposed to omit the ‘s’ after the apostrophe if it’s a plural word (such as “students’ “), but I may be wrong.
I was taught it as the Pythagorean Theorem, but in general things ending in s just take an apostrophe at the end.
Either way is fine, and Gipsz is right. Dali is partly wrong, for once. 🙂
…Gipsz and I said the same thing?
Regarding possessive S in words ending with S:
As far as I know, while nowadays it’s more common to see it as [word]s’, it isn’t actually wrong to use [word]s’s. Way I think about it, if the Queen’s English can stand the Queen’s palace sitting in St. James’s Park, it’s a bit silly to call this form “wrong”. 😀
No, not exactly. You said “things ending in s just take an apostrophe” (which is not the consensus – ‘s ending is at least equally valid).
Gipsz was talking specifically about plural forms, which normally end in s. This isn’t the same thing as a noun ending in s in the singular.
I believe that Penny Psmith is correct about apostrophes. One would say Pythagoras’s Theorem rather than Pythagora’s Theorem.
Speaking of Pythagoras’s Theorem, there are a lot of proofs of it out there (over a hundred, according to a friend of mine.) Some are geometric, some are arithmetic, some involve other maths. I’ve seen one which involved coloured water flowing through plastic boxes. My favourite is a proof by differentials which I thought I’d invented when I was a teenager, only to find that other people had beaten me to by hundreds of years.
3x^2 always means 3(x^2); but I can see how it would have been a really annoying problem to work on if you didn’t know that.
OT but Sally Yates’ simple honesty, integrity, and competence made complete fools out of the Repugnantcans at the hearing today!
Not OT at the moment. :p
Well, Dail’s correct in that it’s generally Pythagorean in English(as in I have yet to see it written otherwise, to the best of my memory), but as to what is correct of the pair -s’/-s’s, to the best of my knowledge that’s somewhat disputed. As in grammarians that have agreed to disagree about the Oxford comma will pull out the shivs over it.
Generally I approve of the Swedish solution to the problem(‘-s on the end unless it’s the final letter or phoneme, in which case don’t bother(generally)’), but sometimes I like the precision one can achieve with English. But it is one of several pitfalls that show up when one works with languages, plural. Which is why I feel that one should generally cut people some slack about English, since you never know where they come from.
Except for ‘should of’. Each and every person who writes that should be tarred, feathered, pilloried and beaten with long sticks.
Whoops. I hope I didn’t screw that up, then.
My defense is several years of working on newspapers.
Nope. That way is correct.
And I’m sticking to it 😛
@ Feline
Same punishment for “could of” and “would of.”
In contrast, I find the “might could’ve” construction to be a charming regionalism.
Pythagoras and the Theorems… good name for a band….
So, a 3,4,5 right triangle gives 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2… but there are no other consecutive integers (x, x+1, x+2) for which that is true.
Just a bit if almost useless info…
Consider knowledge succesfully dropped, y’all. Love linguistics ?