alt-right anime nazis cuck irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis nazis with guns none dare call it conspiracy racism twitter

Alt-Right Twitter trolls lament Marine Le Pen’s yuge loss in France, talk armed revolution

The mood on alt-right Twitter right now

In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.

Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.

Others were more pissy than sad:

Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:

More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.

There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:

For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.

This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.

Good luck with that.

EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)

Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point

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Wandered In
Wandered In
7 years ago

@IgnoreSandra, @Franscesca Torpedo

It’s worth considering, in terms of ‘cuckold’ porn, that the entire thing is an exercise in playing out a deeply racialized fear in a controlled setting.

The white (cishet) male is forever the center of the event – the entire thing only exists in relation to sad white penis. The black man and white woman involved are the fantasies of white masculine power fallen into inadequacy, of those who were once under white male control being free to have their own experiences and pleasures without reference to or permission from the white patriarch. Yet they are not, in the fantasy, actually free, being sustained by the cuckold as images – the humiliation of losing power over the world is inverted into command over it once again, as the entire framework exists only in the cuckold’s mind (as porn). So it’s all a way of devouring and/or reclaiming these other bodies that have the temerity to exist on their own terms. The porn consumer’s nightmare of irrelevance and inadequacy (other, non-white, non-male, etc people having independence from their concerns) is only about them.

The right-wingers who sling the term ‘cuck’ do so because they cannot imagine that the world isn’t this porn plot, because they can’t imagine the world having reality independent from their (collective) inadequacy. They have to transform the actual independence of the Other into the fake ‘independence’ of a performative, psychosexual other. Cuckold porn as political statement is quite straightforwardly saying ‘women and people of color only want freedom in order to spite me, the white male’ and this sets the bounds of what the porn consumer thinks is politically necessary: To reclaim power and make objects of the Other, in order to be psychosexually complete. And any white male who doesn’t have this burning sense of inadequacy must enjoy being ‘incomplete’ – i.e. enjoy this fantasy.

It’s gross and bad, quite frankly, and also extremely telling of their inability to maintain a sense of self without demanding validation of the Other, in the manner of Hegel’s Master/Slave dialectic. They want everyone else to rely on them for reality, but they absolutely rely on the Others they want to oppress to validate their existence. No self-sustaining will there! Sad!

7 years ago

I wonder if any of these guys and girls have actually looked at marine’s policies. Cos, y’know, she’s into the ‘socialism’ bit of ‘national socialism’, with various bits of nationalizing things and government imposed price controls and industrial plans and so on. Just cos she’s a ghastly racist bigot standing for high office doesn’t mean she’s trump with boobs, y’know. Your average ancap or libertarian alt-reich fan would be horrified if they’d actually bothered to research who they were supporting.

(also, what is this baffling obsession with soros? I can understand conspiracy mongering about domestic US issues, but thinking he can swing governments across the world? if he’s that powerful, why is trump at the top?)

(also also, the one sensible thing that farage has said, was describing marine and her front national as “vichyite”. its got a nicer ring and a more nuanced meaning than “nazi lite”, though i appreciate that it might not be quite so obvious to everyone)

7 years ago


IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago

Ignorant Americans banging on about Europe as though they have any more understanding of it than – say – an ant has of the large hadron collider.

Yanksplainin’ indeed.


*Breaths huge sigh of relief.*

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


This is an exceptionally good post, well done.

I have to go to bed. I’ll tell you what I think about it when I get up.


Soros is a rich Jewish man.

That answers all of your questions.

7 years ago

Re: Treeperson & Trinity

I saw something similar in Sword Art Online, I think. Or…something dudebros would interpret as similar. At the beginning of SAO, a man and a woman in the virtual world are questing together, and we see them again when the big bad guy who’s name I do not remember summons everybody to announce that he’s gonna be a dick and trap them in the game. He also uses the virtual reality stuff to change everybody’s virtual avatar into their physical body because…that seems plausible and not totally indicative of a technology that was clearly primarily intended for cybersex.

And lo and behold, the woman we saw from earlier changes into a man. Isn’t it funny? How we’re pointing and laughing at men who play as women characters in video games? Least, that’s how the show wants us to interpret it as the guy scrambles away from the woman.

Now let’s stop and think a second. Virtual reality helmets, with sensation. And someone chooses to experience having a body that they weren’t born with, and not in the “But here I’m strong and I look good!” sort of way. In the “I can’t ever look like this in the real world” sort of way. In the “This is cheaper and less painful than surgery” sort of way. In the “I don’t have to risk social ostracization” sort of way.

SAO clearly doesn’t intend for us to think too closely on…anything in it except for the murder mystery episode. And I think that’d be how dudebros reacted to Matrix AFAB Trinity and real world AMAB Trinity. They’d see it solely as some guy being creepy, instead of a person expressing their true self.

I really do like the concept of someone’s virtual reality self looking totally different than their physical self, and in a more interesting way than “I’m more handsome on the inside”. But I don’t think these sorts of people would…accept that.

Also, the Trinity trivia kinda helps me understand the Wachowskis a bit better. I understand the kind of thing that can lead someone to thinking of that. I wish they’d done that.

@Wandered In

That…makes total sense and I can’t see anything wrong with the reasoning. And now I understand, and must now go drink of the fermented grapes.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
7 years ago

As I saw on Twitter…

?Do you hear the people sing
Singing a song of boring men
He’s a shady neoliberal
But at least he’s not Le Pen?

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


I exclusively play as female characters in videogames and that should tell you all you need to know about me.

And, yes, I found that part of SAO tasteless and it probably contributed to my dislike of the game.

I’m going to sleep now but I felt you should know that I am completely on the level with you on that front.

7 years ago


I did.

7 years ago

Oh don’t get me started on SAO, the anime epitome of self insert power fantasy.

@Franscesca Torpedo
That’s not the only tasteless thing that happens. There’s lots more that’ll make you say “who can write this and think this is something to be proud of.” It’s the Twilight of Anime and the parallels work alot more than they should.

7 years ago

@Franchesca Torpedo:


Oddly (or perhaps not so much) one of my favorite movies was the Matrix.

I am a black transwoman.

Coincidence? I think NOT, Watson.

[puffs on a meerschaum pipe full of weed thoughtfully]

HA! 😀


re; The Wachowskis
If I recall Trinity was going to be male bodied in meat space and female in the matrix in an early draft of the script basically making them some kind of trans/genderqueer,
mra dudebros just fail fractaly.

Based on Bob Chipman’s latest installment of “Really That Good” (which is a misnomer at times, I think – namely Spider-Man 1 and 2), it was actually the minor character named “Switch” – one of the crew members who is killed by Cypher, when severing her connection prematurely.

That said: it’d of been more intriguing if it was Trinity, as she functioned as Neo’s love interest.


And lo and behold, the woman we saw from earlier changes into a man. Isn’t it funny? How we’re pointing and laughing at men who play as women characters in video games? Least, that’s how the show wants us to interpret it as the guy scrambles away from the woman.

Now let’s stop and think a second. Virtual reality helmets, with sensation. And someone chooses to experience having a body that they weren’t born with, and not in the “But here I’m strong and I look good!” sort of way. In the “I can’t ever look like this in the real world” sort of way. In the “This is cheaper and less painful than surgery” sort of way. In the “I don’t have to risk social ostracization” sort of way.

I’m one of those people where, when given the option, I’ll play a female or non-white character. Mostly because part of the thing I like about videogames is literally putting yourself into someone else’s shoes – and, frankly, I get tired of playing cis-het white dudes no matter how “badass” or handsome they are.

I’m already a cis-het white dude who deals with other cis-het white dudes often enough and, honestly, we can be an incredibly boring as well as interchangeable bunch (though the ego of most generally won’t allow such a thought ’cause “individuality” or something)…

Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread
Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

On the same day, elections took place for the region of Schleswig-Holstein. The parties in parliament are as follows: CDU with 32%, SPD with 27.2%, Die Grünen with 12.9%, FDP with 11.5% and AfD with 5.9%, which, for the record is just barely scraping through. This is a very good sign for the upcoming Bundestagswahl.

7 years ago


Yes, everything is wrong about SAO. I can rant about it at length, because I have in the past. Much like I’ve ranted about F:3 and ME2 and ughhh. There’s just no single point of failure. Everything is wrong. Always and completely. Except Jennifer Hale. She is amazing. Everything else can go.

I was just making a point that if ANY thought had been put into that anime AT ALL, they’d have realized they explicitly created a probable trans woman, and gift-wrapped themselves an opportunity to do something at least a LITTLE interesting with the show. Instead of something possibly meaningful to people like me, we get a lame ass joke about men who play as women in MMOs to get free stuff and ugh.

Holy crap it’s literally been years since I watched that crap and this one scene is the only “irrelevant haha” moment I remember.

Anyway. The “alt-right” live in complete defiance of the real world and other stuff we all already knew. The Matrix made a lot more sense after the first Wachowski came out, and now both of them? I think it’s pretty clear their personal journeys as women inspired most of the film, whether it was conscious or subconscious. I used to write little short stories where I was sucked into an alternate world of some description but was AFAB so…yeah. This is a thing that it makes sense to interpret through a transgender lens.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

IIRC, Ohlmann is a coder who was talking about wanting to leave the commercial field and go into game design. You might want to approach him.

@Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread:
That is such good news. Germany is the one I was worried about.

7 years ago


I’m one of those people where, when given the option, I’ll play a female or non-white character. Mostly because part of the thing I like about videogames is literally putting yourself into someone else’s shoes – and, frankly, I get tired of playing cis-het white dudes no matter how “badass” or handsome they are.

I recently dealt with a guy who admitted to playing women characters in video games specifically to experience misogyny being directed against his character, and who was disappointed “he” wasn’t made to “suffer” more for playing as a woman. And aggressive against me for appreciating misogyny being brought up but not beaten into me in the game like it is every day. So forgive me if some or much of that bleeds over into how I treat you.

Lots of men play women characters for various reasons. But it’s one thing to sit back on a computer and direct your character various places with your keyboard and mouse. It’s something else to actually have the experience of being in a different body. To have a body that doesn’t fit your self concept. Before I was willing to admit that my body didn’t match my self-concept, I allowed myself to believe I played women characters to oogle them. Truth helps. It really does.

The technology described in SAO effectively puts players in the game world, in what they see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and so forth. So in that respect, and given that dysphoria is a thing, I don’t really see most cis people going through with being dysphoric for an entire game. Well, depending on the person. In any event, that’s why my argument is “This person should logically be trans or non-binary” instead of “SAO should have been nicer to the poor guy”.

7 years ago

@troubelle, Fran; I’m in the market for more collaborative experience and am at least a decent coder. Just FYI.

@wandered in: good comment. I’ve been seeing a kind of a recurring pattern where men try to exert power over something by being aroused by it. Take mlp for example; men were frustrated that media completely geared towards girls which ignored men existed, so they made a fetish out of it to claim power over it. Same happens with a lot of miazaki films. The idea of ‘tainting’ it so the original​ audience can’t enjoy it as easily seems to be part of that.

Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread
Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

@EJ: At the moment, it seems that the Bundestag will have the same Groko (Große Koalition) as it currently has of CDU and SPD, with Chancellor being either Angela Merkel or Martin Schulz.

7 years ago

@Mobile Swedish Sexual Bread
That is some good news. It’s comforting to know other parts of the world are properly telling fascists where to head off.


Great now you made me want to write an anime-esque comic where a trans person is stuck playing as their preferred character, trying to survive in a deadly world populated by mmo players. The main struggle is them trying to carve a life and a way to escape while also trying to overcome a system that makes no fuss over playing favorites.

You know what’s scarier than facing a floor boss monster? The min maxed tyrants with the mentality of spoiled brats who can easily slay those bosses. It’d be pretty frightening to face someone who can solo entire armies through sheer power and has the adoration of the public. Not even a “adoration because they fear for their lives” but “they seriously believe might makes right.” Even assassinations don’t work because they have the powers akin to demigods.

Their rival would be someone who climbed the power tree only to become no different than the ones he says are awful beyond redemption.

Then again even after writing like 100+ single spaced pages of why I didn’t like Final Fantasy Tactics A2; GOTR and what I’d do to improve the game, I never went through with making that game. Plus I can’t even write beyond a skeleton prompt nor am I able to draw on the level of my favorite artists. It’d be a while before I can even attempt to make something like that.

7 years ago


I recently dealt with a guy who admitted to playing women characters in video games specifically to experience misogyny being directed against his character, and who was disappointed “he” wasn’t made to “suffer” more for playing as a woman.

That’s rather odd…

Before I was willing to admit that my body didn’t match my self-concept, I allowed myself to believe I played women characters to oogle them. Truth helps. It really does.

I’ll admit, to some degree, my being cis-het does effect my playing female characters at times – I’m attracted to the female form and prefer it. At the same time, I’m comfortable enough being cis-gendered that I see it as extreme insecurity to be uncomfortable by trans or non-binary individuals.

But I am quite honest when I state the ultimate appeal for videogames, for me, is the difference in perspective that’d come from playing someone who isn’t exactly like you. Even if, at this point, it’s only just indirectly getting into their headspace.

The technology described in SAO effectively puts players in the game world, in what they see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and so forth. So in that respect, and given that dysphoria is a thing, I don’t really see most cis people going through with being dysphoric for an entire game.

And that would be their loss…

7 years ago

@Nequam : “is it pronounced “mah-REEN” like the adjective?” Yes.

@Epitome : thinking about it, the Terror was one of the most extrem authoritarian, bloodthirsty state ever. Maybe not as openly racist as they would like, but I guess it’s close enough to their ideal.

Apart from the part where they would have been executed for being not radical enough. But it’s not like they are going to realize that before their arrestation.

@EJ : the opposite. I have worked in facebook game coding and got out of it, because it made me feel dirty. That being said, it’s specific to predatory free-to-play ; the interesting part is that the ghame wasn’t designed to be predatory, it just happened to prey on fragile people pretty well.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ epitomeofinceomprehensibilty

And no French people ever beheaded other French people, especially not in, say, 1793-94.

The guillotine was in use as late as 1977.

7 years ago

I think its fair to say that the ability to play as a range of identities is great because it can fulfill different needs.

AFAIK I am not trans (I have never really felt female, but being female bodied doesn’t cause me much distress), but I play almost only male pcs. Especially if I get to dress them up and make them all themed with some idea.

I PVP a lot so I am careful to never speak on mic, just can’t cope with the responses to a vouce that even a good friend had to describe as mini mouse.

7 years ago

re; SAO
From what I have read online this is one of the places where the original novels went out of there way to explain the logic: having the wrong genitalia or a complete lack there of became distressing to the testers during the internal alpha of SAO, so the head gear scans your brain and tries to match you up with the right equipment but it also notes that small percentage of players ended up being assigned different genitalia then there meat body because there brains were close enough (I like to think those players were some kind of trans/genderqueer),
Kirito is still a shameless wish fulfilling self insert.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

I’m now expecting a post from Juicebro Chernobog urging people to use their collective mind-magic to change the results of this election.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Thanks for the correction. I hear that free-to-play facebook-game development is soul-destroying, and I’m glad you got out of it.