In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.
Others were more pissy than sad:
Moderate beheaders celebrate the French victory of the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/T7KqajsD0W
— Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 7, 2017
France, prepare for re-education. Diversity training and cuck compliance begins at 11am.
— Paul Sites🕶🌑 (@paulsites1) May 7, 2017
Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:
Congratulations on your victory, George Soros.
I mean, Emmanuel Macron.#SundayMorning #frenchelection
— ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 7, 2017
Globalists Celebrate As The George Soros Funded Jesuit Candidate Macron 'Wins' In Landslide Victory • Now The End Begi
— Sonya Fay McKenzie (@sonyapryr) May 7, 2017
.@facebook shut down 30K pro-#LePen accounts in France right before the presidential election!
It's disgusting Twitter did the same to me! pic.twitter.com/I9RtQU5WVD
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) May 7, 2017
More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.
#frenchelection2017 pathetic cuck as leftest #france why should I give a fuck about people wanting to dig their own graves #fuck #europe pic.twitter.com/1U2Jrn1E4s
— Modded HD Games (@PriestesofMars) May 7, 2017
France is like a SJW girl who goes to Syria to combat "islamphobia" and gets attacked and raped. At a certain point you just can't care.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) May 7, 2017
There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:
For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.
This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.
Good luck with that.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)
Continentals. I wouldn't expect anything from Germany and Sweden, France was the last chance, and they decided to cuck for the Rothschilds. https://t.co/BOs5Cv8j5w
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) May 7, 2017
Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point
Sooooo… what have all the little nazi boys been telling us since November?
Oh, yes: the election is over, get over it.
YES. This is such a relief!
Now to read the tweets…
Blurgh. “Moderate beheaders”. It’s “funny” because all Muslims cut people’s heads off, got it. And no French people ever beheaded other French people, especially not in, say, 1793-94.
Moreover, white people have always been so nice to EVERYBODY. They never committed genocides or lynchings or other mass atrocities. Never ever. Nope, only Muslims do things like that.
What is the purpose of “sitting” on France? What does this accomplish? If they don’t sit on it, it will get up and walk away? Why are Macron and Trudeau sitting while Obama and Soros get to dance? Do the less important people get the boring jobs, is that it? …So many questions.
Good luck physically removing all the Islams. I’ve heard religions are generally kind of heavy.
You’re right. Voting will not save you from mixed metaphors. While you’re at it, won’t you help the other guy pick up all the Islams?
@Cynical Optimist
Praise the Sun! And yeah. In fact, get Nazism out of everything. All at once. Always. With extreme force.
Especially Dark Souls. Ugh. The fact that nazis like so many games I enjoy is…making it hard to enjoy things, honestly.
Aren’t these the same people who were complaining about “cheese eating freedom monkeys” or something of the sort a few years ago?
Comment section ate my last few posts, but, in a nutshell, they are obsessed with ‘cucking’ because they spend all their time on various interracial porn sites that feature this, more or less.
My question is this: if a white man and a white woman want to have sex with a black man while the white man watches and then orally services the black male, how does this affect anything?
Also, are they so fucking dumb they don’t know about polyamory?
@Francesca Torpedo
And apparently bisexuality.
It has no bearing on anything. Because nothing they say has any reasonable, rational, or logical bearing on anything at all. It’s just white people being racist to be racist.
They just latch on to it because to them it emphasizes their fear: That of being in a world where they aren’t the center of the fucking universe. Even though in the example you describe, porn usually does it for the benefit of the white man.
[cw: biphobia]
Well, of course, because bisexuals don’t exist, just gays in denial.
Honestly, after taking a perfunctory glance at the cuck porn these dudes like, I feel like there is more sexually charged energy between the white male and the black male. It’s so hilarious homoerotic in spite of [allegedly] being for straight people to enjoy.
Also, far be it from me to police people’s sexuality, but there’s a flawed thing going on in cuck fetishists’s thinking.
You (the people who watch cuck porn) are attracted to black men because they are masculine and have big weiners and only have sex with white women. The whole premise hinges upon black men being So Much More Straight than white males.
At the same time, you are aroused by seeing a white male performing oral on a black male while the black male enjoys it.
So, the black male in question is…not so straight as you would lead us to believe, but whatever, I’m not about to bend myself into knots trying to fucking figure out fucking cuck porn, that’s for fucking sure.
The somewhat nauseating thing now is that it no longer matters what France does to these people who are mourning a nationalist outcome. It does not matter if the cost of living lowers, if people are happier, if the economy improves. None of that matters, because the narrative of the alt-right is to report failures without any relationship to facts or lived experiences. France could go through a hundred years of golden opportunity and none of that would matter because their beloved Nazi didn’t get in.
Because PEOPLE don’t matter to them. Nothing matters to them except themselves.
I did have a couple of weird thoughts reading this.
1) ‘Ironic’ use of ‘niggas’ as a collective term by the presumably white just makes me curl my lip in irritation. Just…it makes some nerve on the inside of my skull ache. I’m white. I’m amazingly white. But in games, online, whatever, it just reminds me of the dickheads on my trainline who are young white guys from private schools screaming racial expletives for fun – and who harass exhausted commuters like me trying to crawl home. Fuck knows what I’d think of them if I was black.
2) These guys have a massive affection for totalitarianism and sometimes – in my worse moments – I actually want them to live under it.
3) I guess that ‘Moslem’ is now one of the official terms that lets me decide someone is a jackass I don’t need to pay attention to, right? I can stick it in the same basket as ‘Jewry’?
4) Haha, remember when ‘Feminazi’ was an insult from these guys, except now they’ve decided that Nazis are fine, but women aren’t? In th toss up between NAZI and female…you chose Nazi, you assholes.
I shouldn’t have to say this because it’s glaringly obvious I’m not an intolerant idiot, but I obviously don’t think bisexuals don’t real; I was merely sarcastically repeating what Internet Children and Biphobes say.
I’m sure everyone knew what I meant, but I just wanted to make my stance 100% clear.
@ Fran
I totally got what you meant 🙂
–Lindsay, 100% Actually Existing Bisexual
@Franscesca Torpedo – Unfortunately I think there’s also the idea that anyone being penetrated is gay/female and anyone doing the penetrating is straight/masculine because penetrating someone is being dominant, and being dominant is masculine.
The same people who use ‘cuck’ as an insult’ are sure fond of ‘faggot’ or ‘that’s gay’ too.
The ‘Straight Men Who have Sex With Men’ thing correlates your post entirely.
And, yes, that’s a thing. There are seriously men who do this.
“I ain’t gay, I just like achieving orgasm with other males.”
-Straight Men Who Have Sex With Men.
Because, you know, as per the usual propaganda, bisexuals don’t real.
*is pansexual, but appreciates the clarification for benefit of 2014-me*
And I thought I was uninformed in politics.
@Cynical Optimist and Ignore Sandra, in reference to Dark Souls:
It’s always annoying when these assholes do this with Art – projecting their horseshit ideology onto works that in no way validates such or even deal with it as a subject.
I’m still amazed that the whole “red pill” thing from The Matrix was used by various bigots throughout the internet. Like, did they even watch the fucking movie? It involves a privileged white guy who doesn’t know any better being informed and convinced by a woman and a black man to join them in their fight against an oppressive system. Oh, and it was written and directed by two individuals who eventually came out as trans women.
Coming to the conclusion that it supports racist, transphobic, and misogynistic attitudes tells me they’re unable to actually understand or appreciate Art in general. Worst of all, they’re only able to when they assume it just confirms their own biases.
I like to call it the “Quentin Tarantino Effect” – the weird notion that using the n-word in an “ironic” fashion is somehow not hostile or problematic. It’s like how people think intent is magic and that back-pedaling should relieve them of all responsibility for their behavior. “Hey, I didn’t mean it that way, so lay off!”
I played GTAV recently and, by God, it annoyed me how obvious the mentality was at play there. Almost every single time two black individuals interacted with each other, they’d end just about every sentence with “nigga” the same way one would use a period. A lot of those scenes are suppose to reference Boyz N the Hood and Friday, but I’m pretty sure both films have characters talk to one another without having to utter the term fifteen times in a fucking row. It’s as if all the people involved in writing the game, who are probably mostly white, just wanted an excuse to use the term as much as possible without repercussion – and, hey, what better way than having black characters say it constantly?!
Quent probably gets an erection when he uses the word.
There are people who find sexual arousal in such a thing and it is called Raceplay.
Oddly (or perhaps not so much) one of my favorite movies was the Matrix.
I am a black transwoman.
Coincidence? I think NOT, Watson.
[puffs on a meerschaum pipe full of weed thoughtfully]
This is why we need more game studios with black people in them.
I always wanted to have my own game studio. We should do a thing.
Well, I wanna make a game involving Cincinnati, Ohio when I’m older. I’m pretty sure she has black people…and obviously, I’m going to have to do my research in community dynamics in the area if that comes about.
I’d be glad to share a studio with you, as well…we just need at least one really good coder, vs. my mediocre coding skills.
Also, re: The Matrix:
First R-rated movie my Dad let me watch. The man has some taste.
Aaaaaaand re: raceplay:
I don’t really get it myself. The most race has gotten involved in my RPs has been within the context of otherperson getting involved with making food appropriate to their ethnic background, along with my own side (a white, maleflux AMAB person with cis female twin daughters) checking themselves against going too hard against otherperson’s mother…who was, regardless, a stalwart Catholic who flipped to internal screaming when one of the twins (age 10) told a story about joking about making out with Elsa. (I mean, said twin was lesbian, but…motherperson went a bit far.)
okay that got tangential but yeah. The only ethnic slurs that happened were a result of an asshole who thought myperson was a crackhead and a thief dating otherperson, which led to the narrator having to invoke some creative censoring. Said asshole was not put in any situation involving eroticism, and I wouldn’t hope to!
If you’ve been following the Jobsworth discussion elsewhere in Mammothtopia, I intend to learn to code, so I could probably help if I git gud, as the CSGO kids I play with say.
It gives me no small joy to inform them that they’ve just been destroyed by a girl, by the way. I am really good at CSGO. Been playing CS since 1.6.
Re: raceplay
It’s a bit deeper than that. I am unsure of if you are fully aware of the issue – ignore this if you are – and I ain’t gonna sully up the Mammoth with deeply detailed discussion of kinks, but a large part of involves calling people racial slurs while having sex with them.
Now, I’m a kinkster. BDSM is in my wheelhouse. I get kink. I get wanting to be humiliated and wanting to humiliate others. It’s lots of (consensual) fun.
However, this does not mean you get to deploy your personal kinks on the unsuspecting public, which is something a certain subset of Raceplayers like to do.
A girl after my own heart.
I don’t know if I’m attracted to her or want to be her. It’s both, even.
If I had my way and could reshape the nature of reality, I would own a castle where I am Elsa, and surrounded by clones of Elsa and Anna. Entering my domain would be like entering a psychedelic Frozen Fractal. You’d feel like you’re taking 400ugs of LSD when you enter my ice castle.
The Petain post is a real eye roller. Petain negotiated a surrender with the Nazis, the people the alt right idiots are ideological kin to. He turned France into the kind of authoritarian state some of the alt right would love to see the US turned into.
@Franscesca Torpedo
Yeah non consensual kink is not sexy at all and is in fact a super shitty thing to do to a person especially if its something like raceplay.
re; The Wachowskis
If I recall Trinity was going to be male bodied in meat space and female in the matrix in an early draft of the script basically making them some kind of trans/genderqueer,
mra dudebros just fail fractaly.
In almost related news anyone else binge watch the new season of sense8?
@Steampunked: I don’t think “Moslem” counts as an automatic sign of bigotry. From what I can tell, it’s just an alternative spelling of “Muslim” due to the way that Arabic pronunciations don’t match up perfectly into languages that rely on the Roman Alphabet. It’s considered slightly old-fashioned, and so some people may perceive it as mildly offensive simply because of its association with earlier era views, but it’s not a big thing– I’ve seen plenty of older followers of Muhammad use the term for themselves, so I really think it’s just an age thing. Honestly, Islamophobes have so many other tells that I don’t think we read another one, especially given how relatively subtle it would be (and most of them don’t do subtle).
Vive Macron et vive la France!
ChimericMind, the alt-rightists have adopted the “Moslem” spelling to be deliberately obnoxious. There may be older people using the spelling innocently but virtually everyone I’ve ever run across using it has been an alt-rightist.
Congrats to Macron.
Still, does anyone else think 35% for Le Pen is a little bit too high?