In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.
Others were more pissy than sad:
Moderate beheaders celebrate the French victory of the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/T7KqajsD0W
— Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 7, 2017
France, prepare for re-education. Diversity training and cuck compliance begins at 11am.
— Paul Sites🕶🌑 (@paulsites1) May 7, 2017
Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:
Congratulations on your victory, George Soros.
I mean, Emmanuel Macron.#SundayMorning #frenchelection
— ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 7, 2017
Globalists Celebrate As The George Soros Funded Jesuit Candidate Macron 'Wins' In Landslide Victory • Now The End Begi
— Sonya Fay McKenzie (@sonyapryr) May 7, 2017
.@facebook shut down 30K pro-#LePen accounts in France right before the presidential election!
It's disgusting Twitter did the same to me! pic.twitter.com/I9RtQU5WVD
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) May 7, 2017
More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.
#frenchelection2017 pathetic cuck as leftest #france why should I give a fuck about people wanting to dig their own graves #fuck #europe pic.twitter.com/1U2Jrn1E4s
— Modded HD Games (@PriestesofMars) May 7, 2017
France is like a SJW girl who goes to Syria to combat "islamphobia" and gets attacked and raped. At a certain point you just can't care.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) May 7, 2017
There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:
For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.
This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.
Good luck with that.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)
Continentals. I wouldn't expect anything from Germany and Sweden, France was the last chance, and they decided to cuck for the Rothschilds. https://t.co/BOs5Cv8j5w
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) May 7, 2017
Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point
RE Comey
For some reason I have a certain story about a scorpion and a frog in my head. Can’t think why. I’m sure it’ll pass.
Comey found about his firing by seeing it on TV.
What the literal fuck.
Okay, so, like, I came out to my mother as transgender months ago.
She continues to refer to me with male pronouns.
I don’t do anything about it because I don’t feel like fighting with my family and I’m too exhausted by everything to muster up the strength to assert myself.
But it’s awful. I valiantly attempt to avoid discussing anything with her that may be related to my gender.
I read about transpeople who have supportive families and I’m always like, “Wow, that must be nice. [Desperately tries not to cry]”
It’s like…I deal with enough from the outside world without being invalidated by my own family, but it’s whatever, you know? Apparently every single moment of my existence is supposed to be awful, these days. Fuck it.
I dunno about you but I’m totally fucking fed up with winning right now.
This is, in fact, too much winning for me. Stop it. Make the winning stop. It’s unbearable.
Unrelated, but perhaps this will amuse a few Mammotheers:

I caught this ad on my phone.
They keep popping up from time to time.
We Hunted The Mammoth: Misandry and KAWAII ANIME GIRLS. 😀
This place really has everything!
I took her home because I’m a nice lady who respects people’s wishes, usually.
Unless the person in question is a genocidal maniac, and even then I might respect their wishes because I don’t want my Mammotheers to be disappointed with my choices.
Francesca, I don’t know how much more winning I can take, either. I’m on winning overload.
So is America Great Again yet? I really don’t know. I need you to tell me because I am deeply unsure about this.
Perhaps I can take your mind off things with another depressing anecdote from my earlier years: back when I was pitifully trying to be male and had same-sex relationships, I expressed that I was bisexual to my mother at age 13.
She laughed it off. Years later she said she was convinced I didn’t know what I was saying.
You’d better fucking believe I made sure not to tell her about my relationships with other men.
So the moral of this story is that I’m finished with trying to convince her of anything, and it was dumb of me to even try.
America *is* winning. This just popped up on arstechnica:

My daughter came out as bi to me, and I said “okay…? …and?” She said “I knew you’d be cool with it.” And she gave me a hug. She had a very nice girlfriend.
I say had, because a couple of months later, she came up to me and said, “Mom, I have to tell you something: (Name) is coming out as trans, and wants to be known as (Another Name) with male pronouns.” I said, “okay, please be patient with me if I accidently misgender him.”
My daughter has a very nice boyfriend.
#Idounderstand #Notallmoms #HugsFrancesca
Long list of things I don’t tell my mom. This being on it.
My mom kinda…tries, and sometimes respects me, but sometimes doesn’t. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t believe me and doesn’t put that much importance on respecting me on this topic. But whenever I’m not around, I’m [deadname] and “he” when she speaks to others. Just ugh.
And given how often she interrupts or ignores me as is convenient for her, trusting her with stuff is extremely low on my priority list. It’s down there with deliberately getting sick.
I’m so sorry.
OT: Probably the best portrayal of Vault 68 I’ve ever seen. Takes a stupid, sexist concept and goes in a direction I appreciate.
TW: Violence, ableism.
Behind Comey’s firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia
The president deliberated for more than a week before ousting the FBI chief who was investigating Trump associates.
Trump’s business deals went much more smoothly on The Apprentice!
@IgnoreSandra, @Francesca
Sorry to hear you’re being misgendered by your family.
As for the question, Is American Great Again yet, yes, it is! That’s why IgnoreSandra feels as though she’s aged a year for every week Trump has occupied the White House.
@Fran, IgnoreSandra
Oh, I feel y’all so much. *hugs* and commiserations; my mom’s the same way. Hubby hasn’t even spoken to his family for above a decade now, and we’re both a lot happier for it. (they’re worse)
FBI Director James Comey will publicly testify this week after being fired by Donald Trump
Hell hath no fury like an FBI Director scorned?
When the month began, James Comey was testifying before Congress as the person in charge of the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump’s various criminal actives, while Sally Yates was testifying as someone who had been fired by Trump simply for doing her job. Now that Trump has also fired Comey, it’s been confirmed that it won’t stop him from going ahead with his further testimony in the scandal.
The Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Mark Warner just confirmed during a national television interview that James Comey will still testify before the committee this week during public hearings, as had been planned. But the testimony will now take on a whole new meaning, as Comey is no longer in charge of the investigation into Trump, but instead a victim of Trump’s attempted coverup.
Meanwhile the Republican chair of the committee, Richard Burr, is making clear that he’s “troubled by the timing and reasoning” of Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey (link). That’s a signal that Burr has no intention of interfering with Comey’s scheduled testimony before the committee, and that he’s now looking for answers as well.
James Comey is scheduled to testify in Senate Intel Committee public hearings this Thursday, May 11th, according to the committee website (link). The hearings begin at 10:00 am eastern time, and Comey is one of six people set to testify. It’s a given that he’ll now be the star witness of the day, and that the hearings will be televised live.
Off topic? I report. You decide.
A chapter in the life of a different power monger has come to light:
Ex-Wife Said Bill O’Reilly Attacked Her After She Caught Him Having Phone Sex
So not surprised to hear that about prominent misogynist Bill O’Reilly. I always assume men who express misogynist things are abusers.
It’s sorta relevant. Ugh.
Thanks so much for the *hugs*
[gratefully accepts hugs]
Also, you are the best mom and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thank you! [gratefully accepts hugs as well]
Thank you!
Some folks say you’ve become an adult when you move out.
I say that you become an adult once you can no longer tell your parents simple things like who you love and what your gender is, and what is causing you distress.
Once you’ve crossed that boundary and your parents grow useless to you in this regard, you are an adult for sure.
There are so many things I can’t tell her, and she likes to harass me by saying “Why are you upset?”
I’m obviously not going to explain to her that I’m experiencing dysphoria because she would just worsen it.
On a similar note to your mother interrupting you and disrespecting your autonomy, mine does a thing in which when I politely ask her to stop, she does it MORE and then gives this obviously false apology afterwards.
Say I ask very nicely not to be disturbed while working. I have undiagnosed ADHD, I think, and concentrating is really difficult to me, and the slightest thing can throw me off for an entire fifteen minutes or so. So I really don’t like to be interrupted.
She will then interrupt me and then loudly declare “OH NO I INTERRUPTED YOU I’M SORRY.” But the damage is already done and my train of thought has crashed fully into a wall.
If she respected me I’d be left alone to pursue my task, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I was reading a webcomic named Assigned Male, in which a transgirl outlines how her mom misgendered her and then apologized and bought her icecream, but she still felt like crap for an entire day.
If she experienced my life, a steady assault of HE, HIM, HIS, MY SON crashing against the fragile tissue of my brain 24/7, I don’t know what she would do.
Hugs, IgnoreSandra and Fran. Nobody deserves this sort of thing, but excellent people like yourselves definitely don’t deserve it.
I had similar treatment from my mother as a child, although it was about depression rather than about gender. I’m not comfortable talking about it but I empathise very strongly with what you wrote above. I haven’t spoken to her for years; and to be honest I don’t regret it.
All my support.
@Francesca Torpedo
Yeah, mine…likes to do this thing where I’m working or playing or whatever it’s my own damn business on my computer in the living room and she’ll come in and “ask” me if it’s okay if she watches TV in there. She’ll invariably pick something I can’t tolerate for numerous reasons (Right now she’s watching some kind of serialized hospital drama set in the civil war that’s trying really hard to make us care about the Confederate wounded and I’m literally just thinking that the only problem with Confederate wounded is that they weren’t shot enough; and in addition to that this brings up my inability to handle descriptions of injuries and some other things) and then she’ll just talk, at length, about the plot of whatever she’s watching and the characters as if she’s explaining something to a very small child and constantly divides my attention even more.
Never mind that if I lose track of something, it could literally be weeks before I get back to it. Never mind that I am very clearly busy. The quotation marks are because if I say no, even though there’s another space in the house where she could watch her stuff, I’ll be the bad girl. And if I just leave during it, she’s going to chat with me about it so I understand I don’t get to do that, though she’ll phrase it as “Making sure I know I can tell her if she’s bothering me”. And god forbid I just go “Honestly, I really don’t care about your hospital drama right now. I have my own thing I’m trying to do.”
Reminds me of cis people going “OH NO I MISGENDERED YOU” and just flagellating themselves until we say “Oh, it’s okay.” Basically just torturing themselves publicly until we let them use our emotional labor. It’s an abusive tactic in its own right. Honestly one of the reasons I don’t go “Did you just interrupt me?”
Thanks *hugs*
I get it about depression too. Also being an aspie. And actually holding my brother accountable for physical abuse. And choosing not to engage with family who’ve shown me it’d be a mistake to trust them. I don’t mean that to one-up you. I’m trying to relate if that makes any sense.
Super late catching up on this thread, but there was some stuff earlier about video games and I wanted to mention the .hack// franchise.
Spoilers ahead.
The conceit of .hack// is that the characters are themselves characters being played in a video game. If you encounter the media as it was released, the first character we meet is Tsukasa, who has a male character model and who starts a romance with a female character. But then we learn at the end of the series that the player behind Tsukasa has a female-appearing real life body and continues the online romance IRL.
So the player behind Tsukasa is either a gay or bisexual cis girl or a straight or bisexual trans boy, and that’s the very first character the series gives us.
There’s also Elk/Endrance, who is cis male, and very gay. He falls in love with the main character of the second game series, who is cis male. That series gives you greeting cards that you can send to other characters, and eventually at the end of the last game you get a “marry me” card. If you send it to a female character, you get an internet wedding. To a male character and you get a friends-forever buddy thing. But if you send to Endrance, you get the internet wedding ending instead of the buddy one.
Then there is Hiiragi, whom I always read as trans. The wiki will tell you that Hiiragi is a gay man IRL, but Hiiragi objects vehemently to being gendered male and has an androgynous character model.
The series is not perfect. Hiiragi in particular is played for yuks a few times, and Endrance also but less often, but it came out many years ago and is kind of groundbreaking for its time. It just presents these characters, by and large, as though it were perfectly normal and none of the other characters really comment on the gayness and possible transness. The series is set twenty-minutes-into-the-future and sees a world where these kinds of identities are normal.
@Fran and @IgnoreSandra
People tend to assume girls “can’t” have ADHD, and girls are dramatically underdiagnosed. Which is one of the reasons MRAs piss me off when they whine about boys being diagnosed at higher rates than girls are. Such oppression, having your problems taken seriously and receiving treatment. Much hardship.*
I also had “the computer in the livingroom” problem with an ex. What helped me was getting the best pair of headphones I could, and finding a type of music/noise that allowed me to ignore distractions. For me it’s very loud dance music, go figure. Make sure you take breaks. Hyperfocus may seem like a good thing, but it will fuck you life up just as much as a lack of focus will.
To the bi thing; bisexuals get dismissed from all sides. There’s a term for this discrimination; monosexism, and let me tell you, it’s everywhere, including gay and lesbian spaces. I very rarely admit to being bisexual. I just let people assume whatever they want about my sexual orientation, because it is really not worth opening that discussion up and being upset by the fallout.
*(Yes I could go on a very long and very angry rant about the “drug first, ask questions later” policy that some schools have towards struggling boys. It doesn’t change my position on MRA whineing one bit).
Moar OT. Update on the social anxiety vs ARK online gaming situation : yeah, I might just give up on this game, keep it as a home zoo to entertain the niece with in passive mode. (it’s actually pretty great for that, the LeaveMeAlone command and a cheatspawned flyer turns everything into a nice sightseeing tour, which is as good a way to play as any but isn’t what I’m looking for unless the kid’s in the room)
Solo is almost downright impossible without major difficulty tweaks that are possible but just ruin it for me, and online… well, fuck. I just can’t for whatever reason. A few bad experiences with groups that wouldn’t have me but also wouldn’t abide a tribeless player near their territory also didn’t help (and PvE mode don’t mean shit when people just kite and train nasties right up to your doorstep for indirect kills) and now I can’t work up the nerve to try and find people to play with.
I guess another solution would be to host a dedicated server for my friends and myself, but then I remember I don’t actually have friends anymore, much less friends who play this on the same system I do.
I wanna enjoy the sandbox and cooperate with people and build a village in the middle of nowhere and stuff like that, but apparently that’s not something fucked-up idiots like me can do.
You know shit is ridiculous when the last thing you can still do with crippling depression and anxiety is play video games, but you can’t even do that properly anymore. In other news, I’m growing into more and more of a bitter asshole and really friggin hate it.
Late as usual, but @Fran, Sandra:
I’m not sure what to say, other than neither of you deserve this.
Being 17, there’s a spectrum of secrets I have to keep from my own conservative parents, but my sexuality and gender aren’t in there. Granted, when I was 14 and announced I was bi (I ID as pan now), they were somewhat “you’ll grow out of it”, but…well, I didn’t exactly have any relationships to hide back then. More recently, when I came out as genderqueer, Dad was sort of “meh, okay” and Mom, while a little bungly about the term “queer”, seemed to be somewhat enthusiastic, mentioning that a childhood idol of mine (Temple Grandin) had mentioned not really IDing with either binary gender.
Now, they’ve both got major hangups, and both voted for Trump as far as I know.
But…well. I got lucky rolls for the world I’m in.
Y’all weren’t so lucky, and that, as far as I can tell, sucks no small amount of ass.
I hope you two manage to separate yourselves from your parents within the next few years.
You deserve to be recognized and respected for who you are.
@Fran, @IgnoreSandra
I really sympathize. I’m a late bloomer, just now transitioning in my 40s, and have the unbelievable luck to have a supportive wife and daughter (as well as a son who still likes me, but can’t stand to be around me unless I’m presenting male).
I didn’t really figure this out enough to call myself “transgender” until my father was already passed (honestly, no great loss there) and Mom was sick with Stage IV lung cancer. I made a choice then just to let time run out, and not give her one more thing to deal with while she was fighting for her life. She passed without knowing me.
I’m only now (well, over the past year or so) coming out to select close friends, and I’m not full time and won’t push that too hard while son is still living at home.
I’ll be thinking about you both. The situation you are in is tough and can be so very isolating.