In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s yuge victory over his Nazi-lite opponent Marine Le Pen, the mood on Alt-Right Twitter is rather delightfully (to me) grim.
Indeed, more than a few Alt-Right Nazis and their fellow travelers reacted as if someone close to them had died ignominiously like Hitler in his bunker.
Others were more pissy than sad:
Moderate beheaders celebrate the French victory of the hand that feeds them. pic.twitter.com/T7KqajsD0W
— Nina 🐙 Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 7, 2017
France, prepare for re-education. Diversity training and cuck compliance begins at 11am.
— Paul Sites🕶🌑 (@paulsites1) May 7, 2017
Some resorted to conspiracy theories to explain Macron’s lopsided victory:
Congratulations on your victory, George Soros.
I mean, Emmanuel Macron.#SundayMorning #frenchelection
— ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 7, 2017
Globalists Celebrate As The George Soros Funded Jesuit Candidate Macron 'Wins' In Landslide Victory • Now The End Begi
— Sonya Fay McKenzie (@sonyapryr) May 7, 2017
.@facebook shut down 30K pro-#LePen accounts in France right before the presidential election!
It's disgusting Twitter did the same to me! pic.twitter.com/I9RtQU5WVD
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) May 7, 2017
More than a few lashed out at supporters of Macron, and French people in general.
#frenchelection2017 pathetic cuck as leftest #france why should I give a fuck about people wanting to dig their own graves #fuck #europe pic.twitter.com/1U2Jrn1E4s
— Modded HD Games (@PriestesofMars) May 7, 2017
France is like a SJW girl who goes to Syria to combat "islamphobia" and gets attacked and raped. At a certain point you just can't care.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) May 7, 2017
There were more than a few predictions of imminent disaster:
For some, the election results showed that Alt-Rightists need to abandon whatever sliver of faith in democracy they still hold on to, and possibly start up some kind of Alt-Right freikorps.
This excitable gal, meanwhile, hoped for divine intervention. Her god is apparently a huge shithead who voted for Le Pen.
Good luck with that.
EDITED TO ADD: BONUS TWEET FROM CARL OF SWINDON! (Note, he really is named Carl, and he lives in Swindon.)
Continentals. I wouldn't expect anything from Germany and Sweden, France was the last chance, and they decided to cuck for the Rothschilds. https://t.co/BOs5Cv8j5w
— Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) May 7, 2017
Carl has spent much of the evening on Twitter explaining that he’s not actually being anti-Semitic because at one point
I meant to type that Trove had “club worlds”, not “clubs”. We get a world. It’s “minecraft: the dungeon crawl” in a way I like.
@ Petra
Blockades? You- you don’t know what on Earth you’re talking about do you?
You defy me to? You clearly don’t know yourself what was in it, so why should I take the time to explain to you everything wrong with that fawning, uncritical, naïve puff piece?
You also haven’t explained what the hell you were talking about when you said your post had been ‘suppressed.’ Sounds like slander to me, because you dropped it in, without explanation, and then when asked what you meant you completely ignored it. So, what were you talking about?
You seem to be under the impression that men’s rights people care one jot about male victims of rape. They don’t. There is a wealth of direct quotes and links on this very website- David has been documenting it all for years.
Feminists do. Your ‘example’ of feminist suppression of male rape was a single woman who has since been constantly harassed.
You actually sicken me.
I’m quite late to this as I am still catching up on my email due to getting sick. I love the regular commenters here – I’m one of those who always thinks of a witty and accurate retort no sooner than 10 minutes after hearing some misogynistic bullshit, and between David and the comments section, I am much better equipped through reading the troll take-downs.
Sadly, it doesn’t look as though Tell it Like It Ain’t is going to return to satisfy my burning curiosity: who is Frances, and why has she run out of chances?
@Troubelle, resident bard, do you think “Frances, Frances, out of chances” has any potential?