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/b/ ponders the ultimate creepy question: “Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?”


You may have seen a screenshot from the Anarcho_Capitalism subreddit making the rounds on Twitter, showing a post asking the supremely creepy question “Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?”– and answering the question in the affirmative.

The post — apparently copied and pasted to r/Anarcho_Capitalism as a joke — seems to have originated on 4chan’s /b/, where it was evidently meant quite seriously.

Read on, if you think you’ll be able to stomach it:

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually f*ck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to f*ck her tight p*ssy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically /b/

While the incest angle makes this one of the creepiest things I’ve read on the internet in some time, the logic here is more or less identical to that of every alt-right racist who rants about “white genocide” after seeing a white woman out walking with a black man.

It’s the same logic you hear from MGTOWs and Red Pillers and MRAs when they complain about allegedly post-wall thirtysomething women marrying “beta providers” after allegedly “giving away their best years” to the parade of alpha males who allegedly had sex with their younger, more attractive selves before they hit that dreaded “wall.”

These guys essentially feel that every “hot” woman’s body rightfully belongs to them — if not to them personally, then at least to men like them. Alt-right racists feel “cucked” when attractive white women date men of color. MGTOWs feel cucked when women date alleged alphas — even if the “cock carousel” that MGTOWs spend so much of their time grousing about is basically something they’ve cooked up in their own little heads.

Hell, some guys end up working themselves into a frenzy because women they’re actually dating have dated other men before. That’s right; even if they’re in a committed monogamous relationship with a woman they love, they still feel like they’re being continually “cucked” by all the men she dated in the past.

So, yeah, it only makes sense that some of these guys might decide that every man with daughters is getting cucked big league because fathers aren’t allowed to have sex with the young women they’ve provided for over the course of their first 18 years.

Even paraphrasing this “argument” makes me feel a bit unclean.

I can only hope that whoever posted the original /b/ post doesn’t actually have any daughters. Given that he’s posting on /b/ I think that’s a fairly safe assumption. Let’s just hope he never has any children at all. The world is screwed up enough as it is.

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


What happens if the daughter has an upbringing like mine, and starts “having sex” at age seven? Is that still cuckoldry? Would the mtgow father still care about her?

I’m so sorry to hear this. What a horror show.

Ignore Anonymous. He’s clearly desperate for attention and thinks he’s being edgy. He’s clueless about pain — other people’s pain and his own pain.

I hope that you’ve been able to come to some sort of peace with your past.

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


And just like that I’m compelled to play Bioshock again.

I did not catch any of that, but now that you explained it to me, the whole story makes sense now!

I really actually thought it was just a stupid story about an underwater city and Ayn Rand’s ideology.


I’m really sorry you had to endure such a horrible thing. You have my sympathies.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I’m wondering how magnificently the guy-in-the-OP’s head would explode if he raised his beautiful daughter and then she chose to “cuck” him with another woman instead of a man. I don’t think he has considered that possibility. (One of my two daughters is married to another woman, and MY head is still intact — though showing many signs of age.)

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

*Bioshock spoilers*

@ Mortarius

Bioshock 1 says to you truthfully that everything you did, you did because we the writers told you to and you didn’t see anything wrong with that until we pointed that out.

And that was why Bioshock 1 just flat-out didn’t work for me. I could understand manipulating Jack, in-game, since his personality and motivations are malleable until the very end…but if the writers really wanted to make a point of manipulating me as a player, they failed right out of the gate by giving me an objective I already wanted to accomplish. From that very first bathysphere ride, I wanted Andrew Ryan dead, and seeing his actions throughout the first half of the game continually reinforced that. The mind control twist was essentially meaningless (except as a way to piss me off, since that bastard stole my kill by using me as a suicide weapon; I’d already had a crossbow bolt prepared and everything); Atlas was already manipulating me via conventional dishonesty, but even when I became certain he was lying to me, we still had the same goal of Ryan’s death, so I chose to keep following orders. He knew Rapture better than I did, after all.

That said, nothing against you or anyone else for getting more out of the game than I did. I’ve just had people explain that game to me a lot more pretentiously than you did (usually by playing up the phrase “a man chooses, a slave obeys”), so I’m still working through residual irritation years later. I’m just more convinced that I’m the only person on the internet who preferred the second half of that game to the first.

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


He would blame the Jews for brainwashing his daughter with LGBT nonsense.

Funny, I’m queer and trans and didn’t receive instruction from a Jewish person about these roles.

I feel cheated. They didn’t include me because I’m black, probably. [/s]

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Franscesca Torpedo
@ Ooglyboggles

Oh, thanks to Dalil and Fabe, I think I found that character’s name. She’s Seina Hibino, and she’s from the fifth volume of original illustrations of Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix (if I’m reading the Japanese Wikipedia page right, the original works were basically CD illustration artbooks, that later got adapted into games).

comment image

Possibility, at least. All I found before that is that the artist who did your avatar was probably Kenichirou Katsura, who also did art for a bunch of 90s anime series.

happy cat
happy cat
7 years ago

It makes me think of this commercial. It has a nice ending actually.–rMzSGA

(if you don’t speak French, the girl says “bonne nuit papa” (good night dad))

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

I can only hope that whoever posted the original /b/ post doesn’t actually have any daughters. Given that he’s posting on /b/ I think that’s a fairly safe assumption.

I get the vibe that he never even thought about parenthood until it it randomly occurred to him that the generic sexy young woman he obsessively thinks about is some man’s daughter.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Yeah, Anonymous, you’re LITERALLY THE VERY FIRST GUY to suggest that a father should sexually exploit his daughter.

NO ONE has ever thought of this before.


Okay, not no one. Some fathers have actually done this. And although we still live in a patriarchy, some of those fathers have gone to prison.

Father gets 1,503 years in prison for raping teenage daughter, longest sentence in Fresno history

Whoa! I see there’s a dude who’s possibly edgier than you. Maybe he’ll get probation after LITERALLY 1,000 YEARS IN PRISON.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

TW for extreme sexual abuse

Hey, Anonymous, it looks like this Austrian guy is on the same wavelength as you. He imprisoned his daughter as a sex slave in his basement for 24 years. She had seven children with him. What a scamp!

Ooh, bummer, he got life in prison.

I know, I know — what kind of patriarchy do we live in when a father goes to prison for first raising a daughter (time, energy, $$$$!!!) and then innocently sexually exploits her!

Josef Fritzl trial: ‘She spent the first five years entirely alone. He hardly ever spoke to her’
Elisabeth helped her father Josef fix the door on his new cellar – then her world went dark

TW for extreme sexual abuse

Wolverine's granddad (formerly Kevin)
Wolverine's granddad (formerly Kevin)
7 years ago

Oh man, the Mr Anonymous OP presents a worldview so messed up I am almost lost for words…is Josef Fritzl accessing the Internet from prison ?

Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
7 years ago

This comes at a weird time, and I had to make my first comment. My older brother just plead guilty to raping his daughter since she was eight. I’m still in contact with him. The American prison system I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. And I wonder every time I write him a letter why I’m still doing it.

It turns out that the guy I grew up with, and idolized as a child is a monster.

Sorry to hear about your childhood. I hope it’s gotten better.

7 years ago

I don’t think I’d trust the one who remained after ‘eliminating’ all the others on the island, libertarian-style. Not enough to let them come back, duly chastened or not.

7 years ago

This is simply objectification of women at work. And mras dare ask “what’s wrong with objectification tho?” Fucking dicks.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

@Ray of Rays:

I’m just more convinced that I’m the only person on the internet who preferred the second half of that game to the first.

Until I read that, I thought I was the only person who felt that way.

To me, it’s a wonderful metaphor for just what revenge does to a person, and how much violence destroys its inflictor as well as its victim. It could almost be seen as a metaphorical dieselpunk deconstruction of stories like Liam Neeson’s Taken series.

7 years ago

Anonymous fuckhead wrote:

…solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man.

[Emphasis mine]


to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages

That this is the only way fuckhead can conceive of sex tells you everything you need to know about fuckhead.

…and even if fuckhead was too stupid not to realize he mean “ravish’ rather than ‘ravage,’ ravish still means rape.


7 years ago

Everyone therefore is cucking somebody else? Doesn’t that make the idea of cucking as an insult/idea/phenomena useless?

No. It’s about domination. To the minds that consider hierarchy not only inevitable but desirable, the fact that everyone is dominating someone else isn’t a problem. Being the dominant party is good, being the dominated one is bad.

I just want to mention that there are other anarchist schools than these libertarian jerks

They are no more anarchists than national socialists were socialists. It’s entryism.

7 years ago


I don’t think I’d trust the one who remained after ‘eliminating’ all the others on the island, libertarian-style. Not enough to let them come back, duly chastened or not.

But wait! There’s more. At the boat’s nearest port of call there’s a band of feminist stevedores waiting. And they’re all big, burly types. And very short-tempered. And they know who’s on that boat…

7 years ago


There is just so much grossness in that post, it’s like a sewage treatment plant exploded.

Seems kind of tame by comparison, but it can’t have smelled pleasant.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I don’t think I’d trust the one who remained after ‘eliminating’ all the others on the island, libertarian-style. Not enough to let them come back, duly chastened or not.

He doesn’t need to come back. He can rule his island kingdom while sitting on a throne made from the skulls of those he’s vanquished and gnawing on a seagull.

7 years ago

Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite, sorry, can’t find a way to talk around it

Re: Bioshock Infinite and a number of other games I’ve played in the last few years; I wish I had a little warning or that it felt like game developers took a little more care in putting me in the head, seeing through the eyes of a character, and then giving me an unavoidable death/acceptance of death/suicide ending as the only or even the “good” ending.

I dunno, everyone I’ve brought this up to has kind of sneered at it and said it was my issue, but it doesn’t seem unreasonable for someone who struggles with that kind of ideation to not want their brain suddenly bent in that direction. Goes for movies, too, to some extent, but I’ve gotten an even colder reception to that idea.

ETA: As I re-read, it kind of looks like I’m trying to re-invent trigger warnings, which obviously gets lots of pushback too, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the reactions.

7 years ago

Josef Fritzl trial: ‘She spent the first five years entirely alone. He hardly ever spoke to her’
Elisabeth helped her father Josef fix the door on his new cellar – then her world went dark

Kat, I read your thing. I should have listened to the trigger warning. I’m gonna go cry for a bit.

RE: Bioshock

I honestly feel like one of the only people who simply wasn’t impressed with Bioshock. It made its point about the player being nothing more or less than a puppet in the most overdramatic scene possible, but it failed to properly capitalize on that, and without that scene the rest of the game is kinda…meh.

I preferred the way Fallout: NV dealt with this sort of thing in a DLC. The villain complains about how your pip-boy (The source of your quest marker) serves as a substitute for your brain, and the entire DLC gets really hard really quickly if all you do is follow the marker. Maybe my experience with Bioshock was ruined by looking into New Vegas’ commentary on this first? I dunno.

Note: I also played Spec Ops: The Line first, so I kinda don’t not think about a game’s plot while playing it first. That habit, if I ever had it, has been thoroughly burned out of me.

One thing I got on sale a long time ago and only just started playing is Far Cry 3. I’ve looked into the development and read a bit about the sort of deconstruction they were going for with it, but I’ve also read that nobody on the design team was in agreement about exactly what on earth they were making. And I’m already squicked out by the obvious racism. So far, I’m really not impressed.

And a game that came out a couple weeks ago, Expeditions: Viking, is notable to me for having a 50/50 ratio of men to women in basically all scenes and phases of the game. I like that and stuff.

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


I need a viking game with black people in it in my life.

7 years ago

@Francesca Torpedo

I need a viking game with black people in it in my life.

This isn’t that game, unfortunately. It’s like, I appreciate the gender inclusion, but there were obviously black people in europe at that point in history, and since the setting doesn’t specifically disallow it, the game should include them.

The same basic thing happens in the previous game by the same company, Expeditions: Conquistador, where despite having no excuse whatsoever this time, there are either no black people or there’s no possibility of recruiting black people. But still the gender equality.

Two steps forward, two steps back.