antifeminism consent is hard creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit victim blaming warren farrell

Women use their sexy wiles to entice men into raping them, MGTOW suggests

Woman manipulating man with handkerchief, butt

The idea that women regularly use their sexual wiles to gain control over men has long been central to the Men’s Rights Movement.

In the seminal MRA tome The Myth of Male Power, Warren Farrell famously declared that secretaries have “miniskirt power, cleavage power and flirtation power” over their male bosses; the latest edition of his book features a shapely female posterior on the cover, sans clothing, to illustrate what he sees as the immense power women can exert over men with, well, their butts.

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one Reddit MGTOW takes Farrell’s argument one sickening step further, seeming to suggest that women use this sexy power of theirs to “intice” [sic] men to, well, rape them.

As High-Fruit-Trinity sees it, women have

used men’s nature against them.

They called men pigs & date-rapists. But they were the CAUSE

Of male piggishness and … rape?

They have entire industries just for women to be more beautiful, inticing and sexy. They’re taught everything about manipulating men. Men aren’t taught anything.

Women got away with this because they are the perceived victims, and you shouldn’t blame the victim. So who do you blame?

I dunno, dude, when a man acts like a pig to women, I blame him. When a man rapes a woman, I blame him. Who do you blame, Mr. High-Fruit-Trinity? Do you actually see rape survivors as the real “CAUSE” of rape, and the rapists themselves as the victims?

Apparently so. In a followup comment in the thread, High-Fruit-Trinity approvingly quotes a comment from a Washington Post reader about a famous political sex scandal.

“let’s acknowledge that women also play a role in soliciting sexual attention. Think about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter and how all the blame is focused on Edwards. She could easily cry “sexual harrassment!” as a causative factor; why isn’t a charge of “sexual enticement” just as accurately applied to the situation? “

It’s a bizarre question to ask about Edwards and Hunter, given that no one was accusing Edwards of sexually harassing her; the two had a consensual affair. But MRAs and MGTOWs seem to have some trouble understanding the difference between sexual harassment and mutual sexual attraction, as well as between consensual sex and rape.

In any case, the logic here is pretty clear: in High-Fruit-Trinity’s mind, whenever a man harasses or rapes or does anything sexual to a woman that she doesn’t consent to, it’s her fault, not his, because she must have “enticed” him into doing it.

Basically, this is blame-the-victim on steroids. And yet another reason so many people wish that the so-called Men Going Their Own Way would indeed go wherever it is they are allegedly going, the further away from the rest of us the better.

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh, and everyone can call me PeeVee; my new non de plume is pretty cumbersome, lol.

7 years ago

To all the rape and sexual assault survivors here (and yes, I’m one too): All the kittens to you.

And all the goofball cats, too:

Also, that an-cap asshole had better not have a daughter.

Or a wife either, other than the palm of the hand he faps with.

(Actually, maybe that hand should get up and leave him, too.)

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ooglyboggles, yeah, it’s readily obvious they really want us all to go bankrupt from medical bills, again. AND die trying.

These assholes (and I know I’m saying that a LOT, but I’m trying to mind the comment policy) truly do not give one thin fuck about people. They just do not. I cannot see how they could possibly think that *anybody* would be satisfied with this shit.

Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
7 years ago

On the healthcare thing: don’t forget, “woman” is a pre-existing condition. So is “trans” of any stripe.

In my opinion:

1. If it were really about protecting premium-payers for poor lifestyle choices, they could do what they’ve always done and slap an extra $20-$100/ month for smokers, etc. It seems pretty clear that the insurance companies are being “protected” from tiny babies with spina bifida, etc.

2. The situation seems to little ol’ femoid-braind me analogous to the shops that have one price for tourists (or, heinously, older people) and another for townies. Yes, the tourists/ seniors are going to have more special needs and take more of your clerks’ time, but having clerks and filling special needs is part of the price of doing business. I don’t think anyone thinks that’s okay in 2017, especially when the alternative is letting people die.

Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
7 years ago

Who in the fuck thinks of their daughter that way??!?

If I am picking the correct case (and how much do I hate that there is more than one? I’m posting on my break, so I don’t have time to really dig), this case involves the rape counseling handbook that asks, “Well, did a daughter invite her molestation? For instance, did she make a habit of showering when her mother was not home and leave the door unlocked?” I am paraphrasing. And vomiting in my mouth a little.

I think the daughters guy is trolling, but if not— he’s mad at daughters for not having sex with chief billpayers in the household… does this imply that he’s okay with the amount of sex he is getting from his sons?

P.S. To all my fellow survivors out there, laundry-folding help. I’m kind of terrible at hugs. To all those who stand with and for us, spreadsheet optimization. <3 AP

7 years ago

@Aunt Podger:

I think the daughters guy is trolling, but if not— he’s mad at daughters for not having sex with chief billpayers in the household… does this imply that he’s okay with the amount of sex he is getting from his sons?

That made me laugh out loud. And then it made me feel sorry for any sons he might have, because ugh, child sexual abuse is child sexual abuse, regardless of the child’s gender. And also made me think that maybe people should write an exhaustive test before they’re allowed to have children.

An-caps especially, since they’re prone to all kinds of woo-woo-think.

7 years ago

Moar Brainbleach:

Doggy wants you to stop posting and play with himcomment image image

Methinks the OP was making fanfic inspired from this image.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Neighborhoods that have primarily POC residents are more likely to have issues with air pollution and are more likely to have a superfund site nearby. Which means that residents, particularly children are more likely to develop asthma and other conditions related to shitty environmental conditions. So there’s another way marginalized populations are fucked over by pre-existing conditions. It also has an impact on children’s education because these medical problems cause sick days from school.

Environmental justice is an important part of social justice that gets forgotten about, especially since the environmental issues that wealthy white people care about more often take center stage. So I thought I’d bring that up too.

And since so many depressing topics are being discussed, I’ll add in some brain bleach to make up for my depressing addition

comment image

comment image

comment image

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

I have nothing useful to add here, unless “holy cats, Chris Pratt is a gorgeous, likeable dork” counts as useful. I just popped in to say that I’m fine and have not, in fact, fallen off the edge of the earth (because such a thing does not exist, no matter what the Flat Earthers say). I’ve been silent for a while because a lot of stuff reported on here lately has been dumb enough to make me worry about my impulse control, and I therefore thought it was best to stay quiet until I felt more confident in my ability to speak without violating the comments policy.

7 years ago

@Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Glad to have you back! It’d be hard for anyone to properly express their contempt for the GOP’s blatant evil without breaking comment policies.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I never told anyone about my hideous crime of “inticing” that older guy all those times when I was a kid. Whew! So lucky I didn’t get in trouble for that.


The horse is the fucking best. I need that horse’s name if you have it. We’re turning her/him into a star.

7 years ago

More brain bleach:

Plus the horse gif came from this:

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


In related news, the GOP’s just declared being a rape or DV survivor to be a pre-existing condition in the latest draft of their classicide bill.

Cngratulations, Republicans, yu’ve knocked me off the wagon after nin eyears or ten years or whatever it’s bloody been. On the bright side, If orgot how good vodka tastes.

Ayy Lmao
Ayy Lmao
7 years ago

Oh good, more victim-blaming bullshit.
I’ve just been reading a thread on reddit, where women were discussing the first time they experienced sexual harassment (or worse). Lots of pre-teen girls “enticing” 30-something creepers into making lewd comments, groping, and other things little girls are known to enjoy

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


Will you be OK there? :/

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

I was walking to the bus stop after dark tonight carrying two bags of groceries. My favorite grocery store (lots of cheap, healthy food) is in a kind of dicey neighborhood. A guy began stalking me, following right on my heels and saying intimidating things. (Possibly a MGTOW? I kid.)

I was pretty scared! So I weighed my options and remembered rape prevention literature says that if it’s necessary, walk in the effin’ middle of the street. There was lots of traffic in the street, so I couldn’t do anything that extreme.

But I did step off the curb at a corner and walk out partway into the street, avoiding the traffic. I just stood there, staring at the red light for pedestrians.

I guess that he understood that I had a plan and that he could get into trouble. Pretty soon, he crossed the street — against the light and against oncoming cars! The cars managed to avoid him, and I watched him walk away.


Maybe my groceries “inticed” this guy.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Seconding what IP said, M. Please let us know if you need someone to talk to.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Kat

Sorry to hear about that. I think what gets me about this sort of behaviour is the plausible deniability aspects. There’s no risk to the guy, he can just twist it that he’s merely walking and you’re the one being paranoid.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago



I was so relieved to remember that rape prevention technique. I think it actually did scare him off.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Huma Abedin Apparently Forwarded Classified Emails to Anthony Weiner So He Could Print Them for Hillary

7 years ago

CW: rape stats

The majority of women in the US who have been raped report wearing a T-shirt and jeans at the time of the rape.

Most rapes occur in the woman’s home and is perpetrated by a man she trusted.

Men who rape rape because they want to rape. Straight men rape other men, they rape children and they rape women of all ages not because they find them sexy but because they want to hurt them.

The elderly and handicap people are at high risk not because they are always out there in their best heels and eyeliner, but because men precieve them as easy targets to exert power over.

Women who seek higher education increase their risk of being raped substancially, not because they attend class in backless, sequined gowns with their hair perfectly coiffed but because the men they are seeking educations with feel entitled to their bodies and know they will most likely get away with their crime.

The only thing that causes rape is rapists.

These creepy fucks enjoy the idea of punishing women for being unavailable to them. That is why they blame us dressing up and existing in public for men harming us. They don’t want to go their own way. They want revenge for not being able to own and abuse women and girls.

If random dudes are reading this, take note:
I never dress for you. I wear what makes me feel best on a given day. My body is mine. No woman, girl or fem owes you shit. Nothing we ever wear or do means you get to treat our bodies like they don’t belong entirely to us.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Kat

think it actually did scare him off.

I’m very glad to hear that. It does trigger my “but you shouldn’t have to!” response though. I’ve never heard of that particular advice. It does seem very very wrong though that woman should have to put her life at risk in traffic just to throw off some creep.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Rape is the only crime where the admittance of wanting to commit the crime is seen as a defense and not a confession.

7 years ago

@ikeke35 & @Valentine – yes to both of you re: Zoe Saldana and her weird casting as Nina Simone. I haven’t seen that film because to me it’s in the same vein as whitewashing that we see all over in films.

My main issue with Saldana is that she is the go-to woman of color cast for virtually everything and there are so many more wonderfully talented and amazing actresses out there who could do at least as good IF NOT MUCH BETTER (I don’t really think she’s that great an actress, so far) job. (My absolute favorite actress-of-color ATM is Susan Wokoma, I haven’t seen her in a whole lot yet but I’m very excited for her future).

Anyway, I apologize if I contributed in any way to erasing her black heritage, it was not my intent. How she chooses to present herself is her business, and I know it’s been a problem in the past as well when actresses of color haven’t been “black ENOUGH” too, so there’s that catch-22, even if she did proclaim her partial African ancestry to the stars. Still, I don’t need her in EVERY role that calls for a woman of color, please let other fantastically talented women have a shot at some of these roles, too, and CREATE MORE ROLES FOR THEM.