antifeminism consent is hard creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit victim blaming warren farrell

Women use their sexy wiles to entice men into raping them, MGTOW suggests

Woman manipulating man with handkerchief, butt

The idea that women regularly use their sexual wiles to gain control over men has long been central to the Men’s Rights Movement.

In the seminal MRA tome The Myth of Male Power, Warren Farrell famously declared that secretaries have “miniskirt power, cleavage power and flirtation power” over their male bosses; the latest edition of his book features a shapely female posterior on the cover, sans clothing, to illustrate what he sees as the immense power women can exert over men with, well, their butts.

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one Reddit MGTOW takes Farrell’s argument one sickening step further, seeming to suggest that women use this sexy power of theirs to “intice” [sic] men to, well, rape them.

As High-Fruit-Trinity sees it, women have

used men’s nature against them.

They called men pigs & date-rapists. But they were the CAUSE

Of male piggishness and … rape?

They have entire industries just for women to be more beautiful, inticing and sexy. They’re taught everything about manipulating men. Men aren’t taught anything.

Women got away with this because they are the perceived victims, and you shouldn’t blame the victim. So who do you blame?

I dunno, dude, when a man acts like a pig to women, I blame him. When a man rapes a woman, I blame him. Who do you blame, Mr. High-Fruit-Trinity? Do you actually see rape survivors as the real “CAUSE” of rape, and the rapists themselves as the victims?

Apparently so. In a followup comment in the thread, High-Fruit-Trinity approvingly quotes a comment from a Washington Post reader about a famous political sex scandal.

“let’s acknowledge that women also play a role in soliciting sexual attention. Think about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter and how all the blame is focused on Edwards. She could easily cry “sexual harrassment!” as a causative factor; why isn’t a charge of “sexual enticement” just as accurately applied to the situation? “

It’s a bizarre question to ask about Edwards and Hunter, given that no one was accusing Edwards of sexually harassing her; the two had a consensual affair. But MRAs and MGTOWs seem to have some trouble understanding the difference between sexual harassment and mutual sexual attraction, as well as between consensual sex and rape.

In any case, the logic here is pretty clear: in High-Fruit-Trinity’s mind, whenever a man harasses or rapes or does anything sexual to a woman that she doesn’t consent to, it’s her fault, not his, because she must have “enticed” him into doing it.

Basically, this is blame-the-victim on steroids. And yet another reason so many people wish that the so-called Men Going Their Own Way would indeed go wherever it is they are allegedly going, the further away from the rest of us the better.

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7 years ago

MrsObedMarshcomment image
Dear Goddess Katie I will pray that he doesn’t have a daughter and if he does then I will pray that she and her mom will get away from him.
That is absolutely disgusting and horrifying. And I bet he’s the same guy who complains of men and boys are seen as predators.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Fruitloopsie, what is even more disgusting is that the post got 2644 likes on it.

2644 people read that and went “…yep.”

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

At least the commenters are having a field day. It also looks as if they may have been trolled, but I don’t really want to dig deeper.

7 years ago


what is even more disgusting is that the post got 2644 likes on it.

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General Factotum
General Factotum
7 years ago


Your logic is indeed unassailable.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

Thanks for the hugs and sympathy,
everyone <3 This is why this blog is the best.

I dunno, friend. I’ve had a lot of cishet white dudes say I’m not fun because I don’t think saying the n-word is funny and don’t laugh at jokes that go “SO A JEW AND A BLACK MAN WALK INTO A BAR….” or “WHAT DID THE ASIAN WOMAN SAY TO THE SHRIMP?”

I’m no fun, either, then.

Before I left for work today, I finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy (yeah, I’m always a few years late with the pop culture stuff). I was happily surprised to find myself really enjoying it and laughing my ass off. I’m so used to not finding anything funny in comedies that other people claim are effing hilarious. (I’m looking at you, Boondock Saints. And flipping you off at the same time.)

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


I have one tiny little quibble with GOTG:

Why does the Green Alien Black Woman (her facial features are impossible for me to not consider black. Her nose and lips are YUGE like mine) have to wear tight booty-licious pants and a tank top and show us her breasts and buttocks?

It isn’t even a big issue with me, I just found it curious.
In the comics, she wears a metal thong so revealing you can see most of her pubic mound, though, so meh.

I notice in the recent one they gave her some clothes so she no longer looks like a Yoga Teacher.

The Real Cie
7 years ago

I hate to break it to this MGTOW moron, but this is not an original idea.

LindsayIrene, that’s awful. I’m really sorry.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I made a mistake; those likes are for GarbageApe’s Tweet, not for the original icky post it came from…

I cannot tell you how profoundly relieved I am. Faith in humanity (somewhat) restored. Phew.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Men aren’t taught anything

Also sexists: I’m oppressed cos people think men should be taught not to rape


Axecalibur! I accuse you of plotting to usurp the bishopric of Udina!

Well, I can’t just be a Marchioness, can I? Landed power is fine and all, but you also need that sweet, sweet clerg…

I mean, heresy! I would never! Who dares accuse!? *runs away to burn blueprints*

Fam… The fuck? Also, is this just a pretty (white) daughter thing? Like, what if you have an ugly daughter who sinks ships? Is it cool not to fuck her then? So many questions…

7 years ago

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7 years ago


I made a mistake; those likes are for GarbageApe’s Tweet, not for the original icky post it came from…

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There actually are plenty of industries that are devoted to selling products that will make men more “inticing” to women. The diet and fitness industry target men too. Lots of cologne ads – most infamously Axe Body Spray – imply that using it will make them irresistible to women. Ads for cars and beer do the same. Then there’s the whole PUA/seduction industry. It’s definitely a pop culture trope for a mentor male character to advise a younger more awkward male character to learn to play guitar because chicks dig it.

There’s plenty that purports to teach men how to be attractive. So even if you set aside the absolute terribleness of his argument, it doesn’t really hold up to the most basic of scrutiny. If being taught to be irresistible is what makes you some sort of rape bait, than men should be just as rapeable. Agh. Barf at even typing that last bit out.

7 years ago

Just a reminder guys, about the how rape accusations can’t hurt:

It’s hurt black men for decades! It’s gotten them jailed, beaten, and lynched! (And in some places it still does.)

Just a friendly reminder!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

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Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


Famously, in the Emmett Till case, people said he whistled at a white woman, which led to a group of white people mutilating and then killing him.

7 years ago

If it’s any consolation, I would bet dollars to donuts that RiseFromTheShit does not, in fact, have a daughter.


I’m sorry that happened to you.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Emmett Till. 14 years old. That poor child.

God damn racists.

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago


To revisit the XKCD comic, if the worst thing that happens to you is a woman takes a picture of you and puts it on the internet for making an an unwanted advance, you’re getting off pretty light in my opinion.

Black men have died for even so much as glancing at white women, which underlines how ridiculous incels are. They are genuinely afraid of nothing at all.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

On a scale of 1-10, how weird is it that I read that tweet and thought, “Mr Trump? Is that you?”

7 years ago

Curse you, EJ! You’ve found me out! But those electrons wee totally asking for it.

@LindsayIrene, very sorry that happened to you, and worse, that’s not the first or even the second time I’ve heard that particular hateful way of blaming the victim.

@Francesca – nitpicking, but that actor is actually Dominican and Puerto Rican, I believe. There was quite a stink when she portrayed Nina Simone, and deservedly so. As for her outfit, well, SIGH as always, although I did ogle the Pratt boy in his tight pants as well.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

High-Fruit-Trinity said

They have entire industries just for women to be more beautiful, inticing and sexy. They’re taught everything about manipulating men. Men aren’t taught anything.

Okay, who told these guys about the classes? Katie’s gonna be mad!

Mrs. ObedMarsh – Just when you thought they couldn’t get worse.

7 years ago


Shes called Zoe Selanda or something right? I read that article about her being nina simone in a film. They giving her a fake nose to make it bigger. Why not cast a actress who looks as Nina Simone then? I mean Zoe is PoC but seems like she felt no problem with basically wears blackface.

Also Fran, then I was surprised you say her nose is big, because of this article.

7 years ago

De-lurking to holler out: That’s Zoe Saldana, the lady who now plays Uhura, in the new Trek movies.

She got into some major trouble, for the role of Nina Simone, which she tried to defend. If you know anything about Nina Simone’s racial politics, (there’s a doc on Netflix), what she did for that role was a slap in the face to everything Nina believed. They basically darkened her skin and put a fake nose on her, to make her look more like the singer, when there a ton of black actresses and singers who look more like Nina and could have pulled it off. And all that is outside of the inaccurate, shitty-Lifetime, plot of the movie.

7 years ago

So what do these guys think secretaries do, by the way? I mean, they don’t ever mention male secretaries (though my organisation has male PAs, let alone secretaries). Have…have they actually ever worked? Or known anyone who has?