The idea that women regularly use their sexual wiles to gain control over men has long been central to the Men’s Rights Movement.
In the seminal MRA tome The Myth of Male Power, Warren Farrell famously declared that secretaries have “miniskirt power, cleavage power and flirtation power” over their male bosses; the latest edition of his book features a shapely female posterior on the cover, sans clothing, to illustrate what he sees as the immense power women can exert over men with, well, their butts.
In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one Reddit MGTOW takes Farrell’s argument one sickening step further, seeming to suggest that women use this sexy power of theirs to “intice” [sic] men to, well, rape them.
As High-Fruit-Trinity sees it, women have
used men’s nature against them.
They called men pigs & date-rapists. But they were the CAUSE
Of male piggishness and … rape?
They have entire industries just for women to be more beautiful, inticing and sexy. They’re taught everything about manipulating men. Men aren’t taught anything.
Women got away with this because they are the perceived victims, and you shouldn’t blame the victim. So who do you blame?
I dunno, dude, when a man acts like a pig to women, I blame him. When a man rapes a woman, I blame him. Who do you blame, Mr. High-Fruit-Trinity? Do you actually see rape survivors as the real “CAUSE” of rape, and the rapists themselves as the victims?
Apparently so. In a followup comment in the thread, High-Fruit-Trinity approvingly quotes a comment from a Washington Post reader about a famous political sex scandal.
“let’s acknowledge that women also play a role in soliciting sexual attention. Think about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter and how all the blame is focused on Edwards. She could easily cry “sexual harrassment!” as a causative factor; why isn’t a charge of “sexual enticement” just as accurately applied to the situation? “
It’s a bizarre question to ask about Edwards and Hunter, given that no one was accusing Edwards of sexually harassing her; the two had a consensual affair. But MRAs and MGTOWs seem to have some trouble understanding the difference between sexual harassment and mutual sexual attraction, as well as between consensual sex and rape.
In any case, the logic here is pretty clear: in High-Fruit-Trinity’s mind, whenever a man harasses or rapes or does anything sexual to a woman that she doesn’t consent to, it’s her fault, not his, because she must have “enticed” him into doing it.
Basically, this is blame-the-victim on steroids. And yet another reason so many people wish that the so-called Men Going Their Own Way would indeed go wherever it is they are allegedly going, the further away from the rest of us the better.
Policy of Madness. Says it all.
Im so sorry for you. The hate just overflows your pea brains. I suppose ill see you on the battlefield at some point, where us “misogynist, toxic masculine etc etc” (read: Freedom loving, sensible patriots), will be left no choice but to defend ourselves physically from the frothing violence you spew from every orifice, and heavy weapons of “inclusiveness” you carry to all your violent, hate filled “protests”. Its already happening.
You have all done very well for your masters. All movements need useful idiots, and all of you have fit the mold in spades. Even though you will be relegated to nothing but an insignificant footnote (and a vile one, at that; right next to the Rise of the Third Reich) at the end.
Suffice it to say, as much as it pains me im sure you will be put down, like the rabid dogs you are. So much for your “movement”.
And one last word, all the men on this site…..you make logic, reason, and the entirety of huMAN accomplishment weep. For the good of our future, please just remove yourselves from the equation entirely. Your self hatred, im sure, will eventually lead you to that as the best conclusion.
Id say “have fun” in the loathsome sandbox you have created, but i fear you all have lost the meaning of that word long ago. Now, back to work. For me, anyway.
It’s pretty pathetic that you’re so threatened by inclusivity that you see it as a weapon. What’s the matter? Afraid you won’t be compete on a truly level playing field?
My irony meter just broke entirely. You’re accusing POM of frothing with hatred when you’re the one telling men to kill themselves just because they don’t agree with you that women are terrible and inferior? Seriously, do you not see the hypocrisy here?
@ John Galt
I’m still rather curious as to what exactly it is you do? I really would be grateful if you could enlighten me.
John Galt, like the eponymous fictional character, is a joke. A particularly bad one, too.
I working what suppose is 2nd most dangerous job – from statistics I think. And I’m also man and I can tell you here, all men and women too who working this job love safety very much. It very important to come home safe to family, friends and life. You talk like men these risk takers and danger seekers, but this is words from someone who never experienced dangerous job, I believe. You ever been in dangerous situation where you can die or maybe even nearly die or injured, you would not speak like this.
You wrong. I am logical. I here because I care for women, I care for people who not have safety like I do just because I white or male or cis. It most basic human logic to care for those what needing your help and what society give disadvantage to. I here to learn about and discuss this with people who know more than me. Your mind too closed to understand this one. Best conclusion I reach is people like you will one day learn like me, or society will be able get better even without your help.
Salty Galty:
Standard boilerplate nonsense everyone here has heard before from you and your ilk, and will likely hear again from you.
You’re boring. Stultifyingly so. But you cannot stay away, so.
For the rest of all of you, here is something y’all may not have heard for a while:
Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, about last Friday, Winnie-the-Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders. (“What does ‘under the name’ mean?” asked Christopher Robin. “It means he had the name over the door in gold letters, and lived under it.” “Winnie-the-Pooh wasn’t quite sure,” said Christopher Robin. “Now I am,” said a growly voice. “Then I will go on,” said I.) One day when he was out walking, he came to an open place in the middle of the forest, and in the middle of this place was a large oak-tree, and, from the top of the tree, there came a loud buzzing-noise. Winnie-the-Pooh sat down at the foot of the tree, put his head between his paws and began to think. First of all he said to himself: “That buzzing-noise means something. You don’t get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning something. If there’s a buzzing-noise, somebody’s making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you’re a bee.” Then he thought another long time, and said: “And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey.” And then he got up, and said: “And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.” So he began to climb the tree. He climbed and he climbed and he climbed, and as he climbed he sang a little song to himself. It went like this: Isn’t is funny how a bear likes honey? Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder why he does?