Hey, anti-Trumpers and lovers of health insurance. It’s crucial you call TODAY to stop the Republican push for Trumpcare Mach 2, especially if your rep is one of the undecided Republicans who are key to stopping the bill.
Here are some tweets with relevant info!
Another updated list on House Republicans voting on AHCA!
Call today! @make5calls has a great script for you to use. https://t.co/2gg0vpk17c https://t.co/sA1mKYjNKF— TakeAction TakeCare (@TakeActionCare) May 2, 2017
In the Tweet below, TOMORROW has become TODAY.
And share this video from Jimmy Kimmel:
Wow, I never thought Jimmy Kimmel would make me cry.
Just finished calling Royce’s Office. He better remember that our county wanted Clinton more.
Iseult The Idle, I know. I never thought he would either. *wipes tears away*
Really nice of him to acknowledge the nurses and doctors who helped his son. Nurses, especially pediatric nurses are incredible and deserve recognition.
Nurses are not just physician handmaids. They’re professionals who provide valuable psychosocial and medical care. I’ll always be grateful to my ICU nurses.
Thank you also to all who are calling to protest. I’m one of the folks you’re fighting for.
Yeah, so, I phoned my 100%-party-line-GOP-asshole representative, Doug LaMalfa. The staffer was very nice but there is no way that LaMalfa doesn’t vote to undo the evil works of Barack Obama, every opportunity, forever. I just hope the Democratic challenger hangs this vote around his neck next year.
My father served 18 years in that infamous 400-member $200-a-year New Hampshire state legislature that often includes doucheweasels like Robert Fisher* but also — because of the fact that the large number and low pay makes it a rather low status and therefore “traditionally suitable for women” part-time job, which has been taken by a lot of housewives with older children and is one of the reasons why today both Senators and both Congresspeople from our state are women.
My father was a lawyer who was particularly interested in health care policy. He read about the idea of Nurse Practioners and talked to some nurses advocating that, and he was the first sponsor of a bill to license Nurse Practitioners in NH. The first year he introduced the bill (around 1974, IIRC) he was told that he was out of his mind and that nurses could never handle that sort of responsibility, and he couldn’t sign up a single co-sponsor even among the fairly large number of women. He persisted, and added a bill to license Nurse MIdwives, and eventually both bills passed. Now, these things would have happened at some time anyway, but I like to give him credit for being ahead of his time. I myself have benefitted from the care of numerous nurses and their (seriously underpaid) assistants, including several Nurse Practitioners.
He was also the first American state legislator to introduce a resolution in a state legislature calling on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon, though the resolution went nowhere at the time. He did make one of Nixon’s famous enemies lists.
He was a traditionalist who came to admire the work of women legislators. NH was an early state to ratify the Equal Rights Amenment before Phyllis Schlafly’s anti-ERA campaign gained traction, and after it was clear the ERA was not going to be ratified by enough states, a (purely symbolic) attempt was made by anti-ERA people in the NH legislature to rescind that ratification. My father was chosen by the pro-ERA people to be the lead speaker against recission, and his side won.
On the other hand he was enough of a traditionalist to severely disapprove of the decision my wife and I made that she would go back to work and I would be a stay-at-home dad. But you can’t expect people to be ahead of their time in everything.
Why would someone vote against the ERA other than because they hate women or views them as inferior?
@Jules — it’s a long and complicated story. The short answer is that Phyllis Schlafly and her organization managed to convince a lot of women that the ERA would be good for feminist college-educated career women but bad for stay-at-home housewives. They preyed on the fears of women who had never really done much outside the home and were afraid of being thrown into the workforce where they would be at a serious disadvantage due to lack of salable skills and experience — sort of like Trump (and the GOP in general) prey on the fears of less-educated people who are losing ground in the new economy.
They claimed that women would be subject to the draft (even though the draft had ended a few years earlier). They also played the unisex bathroom card that is now being used against trans people. And so on.
Phyllis Schlafly in particular used a lot of anti-gay rhetoric against the ERA. Part of her campaign claimed that the ERA would allow for gay marriage and for gay men to teach elementary school children, and other shit like that. (This was before my time, so forgive me for missing out on the nuance)
Christ A – Live!!
They got the AHCA through the House.
They showed some footage of reactions on the TV news here in the UK – demonstrators explaining how this is going to deny them access to healthcare, and a Republican senator (iirc) actually literally in so many words saying that this was “FREEEEDUM”
I don’t think I have the words.
Apparently being a rape and/or domestic abuse survivor are now classed as ‘pre-existing conditions.
“What sort of thing might get you denied care? Oh, just a history of having been raped, subjected to domestic violence, or having PTSD. Also postpartum depression and Cesaraen conditions.”
There’s 217 people who want their career to die just to get a chance to kill millions of other people.
AHCA: At least 4 Senate Republicans are already criticizing the House health bill
We just need 3 people to say no.
Yes, freedom to die because you want them broke and dead.
Honest to God, fuck those goddamned killer ghouls.
Please please please let it die in the Senate. Please let it die in the Senate.
@PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
Alot of things point to it failing. Poor approval, senate base of people who need ACA, already 4 people are against it, more possibly from the inevitable poor score the upcoming bill analysis report comes out.
Even so I’m scared too. I just had my Aunt back for a few days you GOP heartless fucks.
Also from what I’ve read, the bill might not meet the criteria for reconciliation, so it there’s a chance it may be vulnerable to a filibuster.
The senate would need to pass it unchanged, otherwise it goes back to the house with any amendments, for another vote. I kinda get the impression that was the plan: pass the hot potato to another body. It’s what the house did 60-odd times before.
Not to be too doom-and-gloom, but a lot of things pointed to Mango Mussolini failing as well.
(Arguably he has, insofar as actually doing his job is concerned, but that’s beside the point.)
Oh, god. 🙁
I’m trying not to cry now.
I just read (on tumblr…) about an app called “Stance” (you all probably know about this, just thought I’d mention it in case anyway) that lets you record a message, then it keeps dialling your representative until it gets through and leaves your message in their inbox. So you don’t have to speak directly to a human if you are anxious, and you don’t have to spend hours and hours trying to get through. And apparently it comes with info to guide you through the contact-your-rep process ???