Never let anyone say that Men’s Rights Activists ignore the critical issues in our ongoing war between ladies and men. Like, for example, the burning issue of public bathroom yeast smearing.
And we’re not talking Fleishmann’s baking yeast either. We’re talking about yeast from down there. Smeared all over bathroom walls by the ickiest of girls.
You were not aware of this particular menace? This anonymous Men’s Rights subreddit comment with three hundred upvotes will put you straight!
How much yeast do these guys think these icky vagina ladies can grow in their icky vagina lady crevices anyway? Where exactly are they getting their information about vaginas?
Now, it’s true — or so say assorted former janitors posting on the internet — that public bathrooms can get nastier than most of us imagine, and that there’s a small minority of weirdos who do like to smear, er, stuff on the walls and do assorted other really gross things that unfortunate janitors have to clean up. But there’s no reason to think this sort of behavior is exclusive to one gender. Also, yeast infections don’t work like that.
While the yeast bit is new to me, this is hardly the first time I’ve seen internet misogynists get all worked up about the alleged behavior of allegedly gross ladies in public bathrooms. One sharp commenter in the Againstmensrights subreddit offers these thoughts on MRA’s ongoing preoccupation with this, er, issue.
Spoken like an icky girl!
H/T — r/badwomensanatomy, via r/againstmensrights
Thank you all for your sympathies, especially about how folks with mental illness are treated. It feels good knowing that someone understands. The truth is, in many ways I want to go on the cruise, I just wish there weren’t all these complications. It’s up through Alaska and I know it would be very beautiful and I would like to spend quality time with my Fiance and his family. But I will avoid them if I need to! I told them already that I need “me” time on any vacation and I’ll retreat to my room. (I’m willing to try to get around the political differences, mostly by never bringing it up ever). Mental illness just makes everything so much harder, it makes things that would be fun draining or scary. 🙁
calmdown – rant all you like; I hope your pharmacy gets your script right and the cruise turns out to be a lovely time for you.
wwth said
I don’t think you’re overanalyzing at all, I totally agree.
I think anyone who’s worked in retail has restroom horror stories. I worked in a craft/fabric store for ten years and I’ve seen some stuff. However, our men’s room was very lightly used (because craft store) and the men’s room horrors were just a frequent as the lady’s. On average, though, the men’s was the faster clean for reasons stated here by me and above by others.
Hey, who’s found dirty diapers/poo-filled pants abandoned in the aisles of the store? Besides me :/
Hi everyone. Off-topic post, but I just wanted to let everyone here know, if you don’t already, that the guy who shot BLM protesters in Minneapolis got 15 years. We talked quite a bit about it at the time it happened and the question of the likely legal outcome was, er, hotly disputed (ha ha, Alan, I was right and you were wrong).
Calmdown – I’m so sorry to hear you’re having those troubles. I used to take an SSRI for anxiety, but it started giving me major problems due to the pill binders and the absorption rate…problems which my shrink insisted couldn’t actually be a thing. Plus yeah, all the difficulty filling prescriptions + being told I was somehow absolutely not supposed to miss a dose, ever. It’s a real crapshow sometimes and I personally have not regretted turning to non-pharmacological treatments.
Odd because I’ve been using public women’s restrooms for all my life and have never come across the nasty horrors highlighted in the post. If these men hate women so much, why not talk about something else? Why focus on what you hate versus what you love? It’s not as if women read their nonsense and change to conform to their desires. They really need to move along.
I’ve only ever used unleavened restrooms. I lead a very sheltered life.
Once again, MRAs turn to aversion therapy to deal with the fact that they want feeemales but feeemales don’t want them. If they hit on just the right magic association with womanly offal, they’ll be free of their dependence on sex.
Scoring or reverse peristalsis: there is no middle ground. Choose wisely, grasshopper.
@calmdown – I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Maybe your psychiatrist can send the Rx to the port you’re leaving from, and you can refill the prescription at a more trustworthy pharmacy there? Or if it’s one of the bigger cruise lines, perhaps they could contact the ship’s physician/pharmacy to arrange for you to refill on board? Have you shared your concerns with them? It doesn’t seem like the best timing to be messing with your dosage right before the trip.
Sending you some internet hugs. I hope the cruise ship is big enough so you can get some space from your in laws if need be, and has enough interesting things to do so you don’t feel trapped. Will you be at sea the whole time or are you stopping in port?
@everyone – thank you so much for your kind condolences about my mom. I left a huge pile of individual thank yous in the other thread. 🙂
@ LG
And never have I been happier to be so!
Looks like, occasionally, there is some justice in the world.
In the microbiology lab, one of the early hints we have what it’s a yeast we’re working with is the smell of fresh bread. They must have visited very nice smelling bathrooms in their days.
@Calmdown, I sympathise.
If your future in-laws have any sense, they’ll want to get on with you too. Hopefully that means they won’t bring up politics either.
If currently out of fresh kitties, so have a wolf cub.

I left a message with the psychiatric care coordinator who works with the psychiatrists, but she takes 24 hours plus (supposed to be 24) to return calls.
We will be going into port at different locations. AT this point I”m just praying it will work out ok. The worst part is how all this is affecting me right now, I have a week to get this is all straightened out, but I just can’t stop worrying about it.
@sheila & all

I’ve used a lot of public restrooms, and I have to say, other than one or two really, really dive-y bars, they’ve all been pretty nice.
Especially my university ladies’ rooms. Those always had a lounge and a sofa and were great nap places.
I’m not saying we never had graffiti or the occasional plugged toilet, because sure, it happens.
But seriously, even those dive bars, nothing like what everyone here is talking about. And I don’t really consider myself sheltered, I’ve traveled back and forth across the U.S. and Canada multiple times in a car and used lots and lots of roadside, camping, etc. toilets.
@calmdown: I’m so sorry. I hope your script gets filled pronto.
I worked at a large bookstore for a while, and part of my job as a supervisor was to check the bathrooms at closing time. Usually, a male sup or manager would inspect the men’s room. Each room had its grosser-than-the-other-one moments, but in the women’s room, we never found issues of Penthouse jizzed on, flung into the toilet, and peed on. Disturbing as well as gross. To this day, if I find a not-too-bad mess in the women’s room, I’ll get paper towels and clean it up. People get paid to clean up, but why should I leave a mess for the next woman?
@Alan have you seen this paper suggesting that the Ambassadors draws from the imagery of wedding portraits?
@ guest
Ooh no, but I’ll check that out. My arty friend was telling me something about all the various theories, but he apparently had another appointment, that I think he was more financially rewarding. Something about “be better off teaching calculus to a chimp.”
I work on cargoships but also i have some knowledge about the system on cruise ships, medical wise. They will have a doctor there and one or two nurses who can administer drugs. It may not be your prescription exactly but they will 100% have drugs for anixiety. Even we have diazepam (valium) on my ship and our medicine chest is very basic.
Also nurses will understand the sensation you feel of being trapped on ship and you can approach them with this. If you do not get your medicines, just go to the nurse/infirmary on the vessel and explain your position.
I hope this helps.
Feel free to rant all you like. Here’s to hoping the on board medical staff will help you on your trip.
Finally, some more justice is dispensed. This might discourage those who previously thought that the law was only for other people.
@ Kootiepatra: Note how at large venues, the women’s room line is usually out the door, and the men’s room may not have much of a line at all.
That’s also because it takes noticeably longer for a woman to go into a stall and do her business than for a man to use a urinal. Even if she’s just wearing jeans and a T-shirt it takes longer, and if she’s in a dress and hose you can multiply that by at least 3. There have been all kinds of arguments over this — google “potty parity” if you want the details.
@ Numerobis:
“Everyone knows someone we’d be better off without,
Best not to mention names, for we don’t know who’s about!
But why commit a murder and risk the fires of hell
When black widows in the privy will do the job as well?
Now poison’s good, and arrows, and daggers in the back,
And if you’re really desperate you can try a front attack,
But why go to the trouble and the risk of being caught
When black widows in the privy need not be bribed nor bought?
So if there’s one of whom you wish most simply to be rid,
Just wait till dark and point the way to where the widow’s hid,
And say to him, “I think you’ll find that this one is the best,”
And black widows in the privy will gladly do the rest!”
– “Black Widows in the Privy”, © Heather Rose Jones
About not flushing, sometimes I wonder if it’s because so many public restrooms now have self-flushing toilets that people expect the toilet to flush itself in a public place? That still doesn’t explain why they don’t notice when it doesn’t, though.
Once I encountered a toilet in a rest area where someone had obviously emptied out a menstrual cup and failed to flush. I flushed that one, just out of empathy for the person in charge of cleaning the room.
I have never seen bathrooms like this.
I have been peeing in ladies public bathrooms several times a day, several days a week for most of my life and I have never seen another woman’s tampon, pad or bodily fluid (apart from that drop of pee left by hoverers – if you didn’t leave that, then no-one would feel they had to hover etc)
Worst bathroom experience I’ve ever had was a Port-a-loo (portapotty?) at Anzac Memorial services in Turkey. It was mid-morning, they’d been baking in the Turkish sun for a few hours, and loads of tourists (men and women – they were unisex facilities) had been boozing heavily the night before. I opened the door, and the smell lunged out at me like some kind of wild animal. I nearly hurled on my shoes. There was shit and vomit EVERYWHERE. Jeez, I’m feeling sick 10 years on just thinking about it. I decided to just hold on and wait to go on the tour bus – and if you’ve used tour bus toilets, you’ll know that’s not much of an improvement. One positive though: it did give me a greater sympathy for the deprivation and grossness our brave soldiers had to go through back in 1915…
This post made me think of the episode “Silent Butt Deadly” from the Canadian cartoon 6teen. Jonesy and Nikki, the ongoing couple in the series, have a movie night together. But when Nikki has to use Jonesy’s bathroom it leads to a situation that embarrasses and freaks both of them out.
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It’s quite a challenge when you feel so vulnerable in front of your soon-to-be in-laws (who have awful politics).
I’ve been mocked for my emotional — and my physical — challenges, so I can relate.
On the plus side, it sounds as though Valentine has some really good inside information and advice. Thanks, Valentine!
My own suggestion for when you’re confronted with anxiety is to take a few deep breaths and call to mind some happy animal jpegs or gifs. Takes the edge off.
I have literally NEVER seen a ladies’ room as bad as that described in the OP. Shitty and/or bloody handprints on walls? Are you shittin’ me? Even the dirtiest one I ever saw didn’t have that. Most women are highly reluctant to touch their own feces. Hell, most of those who menstruate, that I know anyway, are squeamish about their own menstrual fluid, and that stuff’s not even terribly germy! There is no way they would rub that on a stall wall unless they were having some kind of mental breakdown. And there is no way any of that would stay on a stall wall unless the facility in question was having some kind of janitorial breakdown.
I have, however, seen some witty graffiti in ladies’ rooms. To wit:
Those who write on bathroom walls
Should wrap their shit in tiny balls.
And those who read these words of wit,
Should eat those tiny balls of shit.*
I wonder if that’s the terrible stuff that this spying bathroom bandit (cough*BULLSHITTER*coughcough) saw. If so, he must have visited the hockey arena in the town where I was born. That was literally the dirtiest thing I’ve ever seen on a ladies’ room wall.
Or maybe he bathroom-crashed the Swiss Chalet somewhere in downtown Toronto, which had an actual conversation on a stall wall. One girl had drawn a sizable rendition of a penis, claiming her boyfriend’s was THIS BIG! Another wrote back, saying her boyfriend’s was only average-sized (“this big”), but that when he came, it filled an entire shot glass.
I know that my own then-boyfriend was mortally offended when I told him about that. But horrible heathen that I am, I could NOT for the life of me stop cackling.
Well done, weird strangers.
*PS: As one of my sisters pointed out, in order not to be a hypocrite, the author of that minimum opus would have to have rolled and eaten some tiny balls of shit herself. After all, what do you do when you’ve written something? If you’re a decent writer, you proofread!
@Elizabeth Regina
Yeah, me either.
Although I will admit to seeing a couple of pieces of shockingly antiwoman graffiti in the unisex bathroom of a cafe that was notorious for its surly, childish, antiwoman clientele (MGTOWs before the term was coined). That was 25 years ago and I’m still traumatized.
I need these men in my life.
Right? I wonder if they knew that their little secrets were there for the entire female half of the downtown core to read. (And the occasional out-of-towner like myself, too.)
* * *
Also, after going back and re-reading the thread (post first, cringe later), I want to apologize for the “mental breakdown” bit of my response. I hadn’t seen calmdown’s post, and I didn’t mean to be ignorant. The response was not in any way directed at that. Anyone who’s having such a rotten time of it as to be smearing their own bodily fluids with their hands on a toilet wall deserves compassion, and not the shit-for-brains MRA treatment of contempt for their entire gender. Anyone can have an off day, and no one knows it better than those who have a lot of them, very much against their will.
@calmdown, I hope your medication trouble is resolved soon, and that you have a safe and happy trip.