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Men’s Rights Activists take brave stance against icky, imaginary yeast-smearing girls

The Yeasty Menace

Never let anyone say that Men’s Rights Activists ignore the critical issues in our ongoing war between ladies and men. Like, for example, the burning issue of public bathroom yeast smearing.

And we’re not talking Fleishmann’s baking yeast either. We’re talking about yeast from down there. Smeared all over bathroom walls by the ickiest of girls.

You were not aware of this particular menace? This anonymous Men’s Rights subreddit comment with three hundred upvotes will put you straight!

trenchknife 307 points 5 days ago They are. You have taken a big step through the looking-glass. (I was a university janitor in freshman lecture halls.) "Ladies" rooms are horrifying. Bloody handprints, shitty handprints, used tampons purposely stuck in various insane places, poop, piss, yeast, incredibly fucked-up graffiti... & not in just one restroom, but amazingly consistent from the frosh halls to the dean's wing. Sometimes the bathrooms were not bad, but most women's rooms I've cleaned looked like fucking Mordor. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Elongatedappendages 71 points 5 days ago ...yeast? Like that bread-baking shit? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]JurassicWorldWarZ 178 points 5 days ago No like that Vagina shit

How much yeast do these guys think these icky vagina ladies can grow in their icky vagina lady crevices anyway? Where exactly are they getting their information about vaginas?

Now, it’s true — or so say assorted former janitors posting on the internet — that public bathrooms can get nastier than most of us imagine, and that there’s a small minority of weirdos who do like to smear, er, stuff on the walls and do assorted other really gross things that unfortunate janitors have to clean up. But there’s no reason to think this sort of behavior is exclusive to one gender. Also, yeast infections don’t work like that.

While the yeast bit is new to me, this is hardly the first time I’ve seen internet misogynists get all worked up about the alleged behavior of allegedly gross ladies in public bathrooms. One sharp commenter in the Againstmensrights subreddit offers these thoughts on MRA’s ongoing preoccupation with this, er, issue.

DeepStuffRicky 22 points 4 days ago* For some reason this is an enduring lie that some men use to comfort themselves - that women are secretly grotesque and disgusting creatures but will only give in to their natural inclination towards depravity in places where they know for certain that no men will see them. I think the thing I like best about this is the unspoken implication that our bodily functions are things we work hard and obsessively to hide from men, and that we run wild and act like disgusting savages the second we think they're not going to notice. Even these baroque horror stories are centered on the hypothesis that we are actively engaged in deceiving them and obsessively manipulating their collective opinion of us.

Spoken like an icky girl!

H/T —  r/badwomensanatomy, via r/againstmensrights

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Then again, we’re talking about a bunch of men who probably don’t mind hearing male comedians talk about their dick or a bowel movement – but will flip the fuck out the moment a woman talks candidly about similar.


And the current occupant of the White House — Katie, please make him go away — famously said that his wife doesn’t use the bathroom. Melania Trump is apparently supernatural.

And he claimed to be disgusted when Hillary Clinton hinted that she used the bathroom during the break at a presidential debate. That reaction should have been discussed and debated. A man who wants to be president thinks women shouldn’t pee or poop? I call that important.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster


Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Report: Trump used a fake name and payphone to threaten a lawyer’s family in 2009

Sounds like Trump. Who ever heard of making a threatening phone call and giving your name!

7 years ago

Say what you will about urophiles and coprophiles but at least they aren’t whiny assholes about bodily functions – in fact, they love that shit…and piss!


7 years ago

When I lived at home, my dad was the only guy using the toilets. Now I live in a place with three male roommates, and I’ve sleepily wandered into the bathroom at 2AM and sat down on a pee-covered toilet seat more than once. It’s pretty traumatizing.

7 years ago


Bathrooms so filthy that there were literally mushrooms growing out of the walls and floors!

varalys the dark
7 years ago

Hah, I read about this post a few days agon on r/badwomensanatomy where the thread turned into a grossest bathroom you’ve ever been in competition.

I had to deal with a poo explosion once. I was living in a bedsit with the rest of the rooms taken by men, I smelled a bad smell and went down to the bottom floor bathroom which also housed the only shower in the place and shit had literally poured out of the lavvy all over the floor. I phoned my useless Landlord and he said he wouldn’t be able to get it cleaned up until next day. So I did my best, there was so much poo I had to use a shovel to clear it up. Urgh.

And that[also makes me recall the one guy who was on my floor who would piss everywhere but the bog, I ended up having a pair of old shoes to wear just for walking to the toilet in.

7 years ago

Hmm. I lived in a chambre de bonne in Paris for a while once, where the loo at the end of the corridor was shared by about twenty people (slight majority of blokes, iirc) and it was never filthy. Mind you, all of us were poor and most of us were immigrants … maybe we didn’t feel entitled to leave it filthy for (probably) another poor immigrant to clean up, idk.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

It’s not until you try to use the toilets at Glasgow Barrowlands that you realise this scene was just another example of Hollywood over-glamorising reality.

7 years ago


I love animal covers!!!!

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
7 years ago

LindsayIrene says:

At my current position, I frequently have to mop up puddles of pee in the boys’ bathrooms. […] Tween boys really like to pee on stuff. Once, I had to clean up semen.

Know what Japan does to curb that kind of bullshit? It makes school kids clean their own damn bathrooms. Actually, the entire school is cleaned by students and teachers. The custodians here get to be groundskeepers and fix-it types. And they either have their own office or a desk in the staff room.

Sometimes other teachers ask me if, as an American transplant, I resent cleaning alongside the students. I’m always like, fuck no. This system goes a long way toward teaching kids respect for their living spaces. And if everyone—from the principal to the first year students—scrubs out the toilets or takes up a broom to sweep the floor once a day, the kids are less likely to develop the attitude that cleaning is for “lessers”. I’m happy to participate and set a positive example.

The only downside is that elementary school bathrooms tend to smell atrocious because eight-year-olds mostly suck at cleaning even when they try hard.

7 years ago

I used to have to clean the bathrooms at the Youth Hostels I worked at, and except for one night when someone threw up into the bin, instead of down the loo, and left it for me to discover the next day, I didn’t find the emissions of human beings particularly loathsome.

HOWEVER…. cleaning the shower traps of other people’s rotting hair became my number one least-favourite job. There’s something about the smell…. It was like Sadako from the Ring had exploded in the shower. I can’t even think about it now without gagging.

Grim as owt.

Roger Smith
7 years ago


Have you seen Trainspotting 2 yet?

7 years ago

I like to go camping. At places that are medium busy, there’ll be an outhouse with no maintenance ever, that a dozen or so people use each week.

Sometimes I open the door, assess the situation, and decide to just hold it in for the next camp tomorrow, or later in the day I’ll dig a hole.

My fave was the time I open the door, assess that despite the filth it doesn’t smell bad, then just before sitting down realize there’s a few black widows nesting in the outhouse.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’d have to guess that if cis men could get periods, their bathrooms would get much grosser.

It’s always actually stunning to me how many people just don’t flush the toilet in a public bathroom. I can’t believe anyone would forget. It’s pretty much muscle memory the behavior is so ingrained. I think it’s on purpose. It’s an act of aggression similar to internet trolling. People feel insecure or not in control so they lash out and do something unpleasant just to make someone else’s day worse. But they’re cowards so they do it anonymously. Maybe I’m overanalyzing but come on, how hard is it to flush a toilet?

7 years ago

Yeast isn’t vagina stuff boys. It is literally all over every human being.
That jock itch? Yeast infection.
That athlete’s foot? Yeast infection.
Y’all give it macho names when you get it, but it is the same thing.

I’ve cleaned public bathrooms. I’ve cleaned hotel rooms. I’ve been an RA in a women’s dorm. I’ve seen some shit (literally and figuratively). I can attest that some humans are gross and leave messes for other people to clean up. Women are not exempt from that behavior. The men’s rooms have been worse in my experience.

7 years ago

I think this is just instance #100000087 of MRAs thinking TV is real. A common trope, especially noticed on sitcoms, is how women’s bathrooms are oases of cleanliness and naturally emitted Jasmine scents, whilst men’s rooms are filthy garbage fires.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago

I have to clean the bathrooms at my current job and, THANKFULLY, I haven’t had any incidents.

At my last job though, I had to clean up broken wine bottles in the men’s room, and there was a Locked-Stall Mystery involving some vomit (that was in the toilet) in the women’s.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

comment image

7 years ago

Hey there folks, I’m not sure how this is will go over, I realize it’s completely off topic, but I’m I’m at the end of my rope in my personal life. That is, I just feel I’ve exhausted all my resources. I hope I’m well-liked enough here to at least have my ranting tolerated. I’ve struggled with Anxiety for years, as well as panic attacks, they keep me from holding a job and just being a “normal” person. This week has been one of the hardest ever. I can’t really sleep, eat, or function normally. The trigger is a long story. Basically, I’m dependant on benzos to deal with my panic attacks, and the pharmacy I use is extremely flaky. Almost every month I have to deal with shenanigans of some kind. I’m going on a trip, actually a CRUISE, where I’ll be TRAPPED for one week. It’s also exactly the time for my prescription to be renewed. If they mess it up, I could be stuck for days without meds that I need to function. I hate admitting my dependancy, it bring me a lot of shame, but I don’t know how I could go on the trip without them. It could ruin things with my future in laws who we’re going with. (They like Trump!) I can’t seem to find a sympathtic ear anywhere, I’ve called crisis lines and they all seem incredibly passive about helping me. Posting this here is just for lack of anywhere else to complain to. IF it’s too personal and off topic I’ll stop discussing it, but I honestly feel like I’m out of control. I’m terrified of everyone hating me if I end up bailing.

edit: I forgot to mention the psychiatrist is lowering the dosage for the benzos too. The goal is too eventually taper off them. That’s not going too well right now either.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ calmdown

I’m so sorry to hear that. I wish I could offer some practical advice about the meds. I’m afraid the best I can do is sympathy, and that’s probably just platitudes. Perhaps one thing I would mention is that general thing about not being pressured into stuff because of what other people might think. It’s related to that ‘socialised to politeness’ thing. But of course it’s easy to say that. How other people may react is a very valid concern and I appreciate it puts enormous pressure on people.

It’s annoying though, if you had diphtheria or a broken leg you’d get nothing but sympathy if you had to then pull out, but mental illness is always treated so differently from other types of illness. Like somehow it’s not ‘real’; or it’s an inherent ‘failing’ on the part of the sufferer.

Hope you can find a solution and, at the risk of speaking for others, I’m sure nobody here minds if you need to vent.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

We were at the May Day celebrations yesterday and happened upon those Muslim feminists who we’ve been told don’t exist. Hundreds of them.

comment image

Their chant was “don’t touch my hijab” and their signs said things like “Muslim women’s right to work”, “stop the de-hijabing”, “support the right to our own bodies”, and so on.

They made a lot of noise for people who don’t exist.

7 years ago

I’m so sorry you are going through this.
You don’t have to go on that trip if you don’t want to. If you do go, you can avoid them the whole time if you want to.

Darius Quebec
Darius Quebec
7 years ago

On the subject of yeast, apparently you can make sourdough with vagina yeast. It has the pleasant side effect of making sexist arseholes flee in disgust.

I had 25 years of ladies’ loos pre-transition and just over a decade in the gents’ since. Maybe I was just lucky, but the worst I ever saw in the ladies was one used sanitary towel on top of a cistern. Once, in 25 years. Meanwhile every gents I have ever been in, however recently cleaned, had a sort of embedded urine smell. Make of that what you will.

7 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Depending on what’s come out of you, sometimes it doesn’t need a flush compared to the severity of the water shortage. I’ve lived enough places with water shortages that I live by the “if it’s yellow” rule. It isn’t because I’m trying to personally attack you, and I know that the person behind me will flush it in 15 minutes or less anyway. Besides, you weren’t going to drink it. You were just going to poop in it or something, right?


I’m sorry that your pharmacy is so horrendous. A good pharmacist is certainly worth their weight in gold, and I’ve re-arranged my whole day by going to a pharmacy with terrible hours just because they were actually competent.

Is it possible for you to get emergency meds at the ER if you encounter a pharmacy screw-up? It might require your doctor’s coordination. Also, I feel horrible for you that you’ve been so shamed and stigmatized for needing lifesaving medication. No one says that diabetics are dependent on insulin just for requiring homeostasis to live – why should you be treated with stigma and shame (both tools of oppression) for seeking homeostasis as well? That’s not right.