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Men’s Rights Activists take brave stance against icky, imaginary yeast-smearing girls

The Yeasty Menace

Never let anyone say that Men’s Rights Activists ignore the critical issues in our ongoing war between ladies and men. Like, for example, the burning issue of public bathroom yeast smearing.

And we’re not talking Fleishmann’s baking yeast either. We’re talking about yeast from down there. Smeared all over bathroom walls by the ickiest of girls.

You were not aware of this particular menace? This anonymous Men’s Rights subreddit comment with three hundred upvotes will put you straight!

trenchknife 307 points 5 days ago They are. You have taken a big step through the looking-glass. (I was a university janitor in freshman lecture halls.) "Ladies" rooms are horrifying. Bloody handprints, shitty handprints, used tampons purposely stuck in various insane places, poop, piss, yeast, incredibly fucked-up graffiti... & not in just one restroom, but amazingly consistent from the frosh halls to the dean's wing. Sometimes the bathrooms were not bad, but most women's rooms I've cleaned looked like fucking Mordor. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Elongatedappendages 71 points 5 days ago ...yeast? Like that bread-baking shit? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]JurassicWorldWarZ 178 points 5 days ago No like that Vagina shit

How much yeast do these guys think these icky vagina ladies can grow in their icky vagina lady crevices anyway? Where exactly are they getting their information about vaginas?

Now, it’s true — or so say assorted former janitors posting on the internet — that public bathrooms can get nastier than most of us imagine, and that there’s a small minority of weirdos who do like to smear, er, stuff on the walls and do assorted other really gross things that unfortunate janitors have to clean up. But there’s no reason to think this sort of behavior is exclusive to one gender. Also, yeast infections don’t work like that.

While the yeast bit is new to me, this is hardly the first time I’ve seen internet misogynists get all worked up about the alleged behavior of allegedly gross ladies in public bathrooms. One sharp commenter in the Againstmensrights subreddit offers these thoughts on MRA’s ongoing preoccupation with this, er, issue.

DeepStuffRicky 22 points 4 days ago* For some reason this is an enduring lie that some men use to comfort themselves - that women are secretly grotesque and disgusting creatures but will only give in to their natural inclination towards depravity in places where they know for certain that no men will see them. I think the thing I like best about this is the unspoken implication that our bodily functions are things we work hard and obsessively to hide from men, and that we run wild and act like disgusting savages the second we think they're not going to notice. Even these baroque horror stories are centered on the hypothesis that we are actively engaged in deceiving them and obsessively manipulating their collective opinion of us.

Spoken like an icky girl!

H/T —  r/badwomensanatomy, via r/againstmensrights

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Austin Loomis
7 years ago

DeepStuffRicky speaks of the MRA notion

that women are secretly grotesque and disgusting creatures but will only give in to their natural inclination towards depravity in places where they know for certain that no men will see them. […] that we run wild and act like disgusting savages the second we think they’re not going to notice.

And all I can say is what we Sadlies say all the time: IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION. Teh Menz are little piglets, as the self-appointed Definer of Civilization’s Rules and Leader (possibly) of the Civilizing Forces observed, so they assume women are the exact same. (Not sure how, or indeed whether, this model incorporates the Manly Male biological drive to go out and hunt giraffes.)

7 years ago

Now I kind of want to sneak into a men’s room and put up expired packets of Fleischmann’s on the mirrors…

7 years ago

(I was a university janitor in freshman lecture halls.) ‘Ladies’ rooms are horrifying…

I’m skeptical…where’s this mysterious university which keeps its freshman lecture halls segregated from all of its other lecture halls? Hmm? Not claiming there’s some physical law which says it can’t happen; but I’ve never heard of such a thing.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

Former retail custodian and current middle school custodian here. Things I regularly find smeared on the walls and toilets of both mens’ and womens’ bathrooms: poop, spit, blood, snot, food and beverages.

At my current position, I frequently have to mop up puddles of pee in the boys’ bathrooms. Sometimes they throw down a pile of toilet paper and pee on that. Or they pee on the walls. Or they throw random objects into the urinals and pee on them. Tween boys really like to pee on stuff. Once, I had to clean up semen.

Never ever have I seen anything resembling a yeast infection smeared anywhere. I mean, how and why would that even happen? Lying liar is lying.

Franscesca Torpedo
Franscesca Torpedo
7 years ago

“Ladies…are terrifying”

There, I just edited that guy’s post to more accurately reflect what he really intended to convey to his audience.

7 years ago

They do know that men get Candida infections too? Oh what am I saying-of course they don’t.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

So, I clean restrooms for a living (I have other tasks at the store too, but that’s a biggie). Can confirm, the gal’s room is consistently in worse… shape than the guy’s. Likening it to Mordor is an exaggeration, but only just

How the fuck ever

1)the gal’s room needs more upkeep on the hardware side of things than the guy’s by nature of the type and number of facilities. No way is more money being spent tho. Undoubtedly not even equal money. Wonder why…
2)women are expected to watch the kids/bring them shopping. Which room do ya think has more toddlers going thru it with, let’s say, lax appreciation for private property and the public good?
3)I have it on good authority that, in a bar, it’s reversed. You thought (cis) dudes couldn’t aim sober!
4)even ignoring all of that (and many other considerations), fuckin yeast, bruh? What? I’ve seen things. Terrible things. But vaginal yeast?
comment image

7 years ago

I have, on the floors, walls and ceilings of various men’s bathrooms over the years, encountered: feces, urine, blood, vomit, semen, broken glass, mould, mushrooms, used condoms, used syringes, dead cockroaches, dead rats, live cockroaches, live rats, pornographic graffiti, neo-Nazi graffiti, and homeless people or passed out drunks sleeping with the aforementioned detritus mere inches away from their faces. Don’t call the kettle black, pal.

7 years ago

I’ve taught college since 1984 – at 4 institutions – and I’ve frankly never heard of a “freshman lecture hall”. “Freshman lectures”, yes, although most classes I’ve taught have had a mix of classes in them. No college I’ve ever heard of has classrooms reserved for freshmen. And in 61 years I’ve never seen a university bathroom that messy, not even one in a dorm. Methinks someone is peohecting…

7 years ago

Either this guy never outgrew the girls are icky phase or he is, in fact, a ten-year old boy.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Yeah? I work in a public library, and I’ve seen shit in the urinals. I’ve seen shit in the sinks. And, in our brand-new library, with baby changing stations in both restrooms, I seen someone open the changing station in the men’s room, shit on it, and stick a lit cigarette in it.

I’ve seen the blue gel in the toilet hangers aimed at, and being missed. I’ve seen that same gel scooped out and finger painted on the walls and mirrors. I’ve seen the back of the toilet, where it is mounted to the wall, fairly swimming in piss. And yeah, semen on the walls.

For having a convenient aimable appendage, piss sure gets everywhere. And the pubic hair. Pubic hair *everywhere*. What is going on in there? Are they doing some goddamned air-dry grooming dance ritual?? WTF? Pubes in the sink. Pubes stuck on the wall. JFC.

In the ladies room, lots of toilet paper on the floor, and occasionally blood on the inner rim and some diarrhea splash, (which happens in both bathrooms, because, diarrhea) but nothing like the grossness that I’ve seen in the men’s room.

So *yeah*, I don’t want to hear about your bullshit tales of woe, Mr. Fleishmanboy. Ladies have *nothing* on the shitty (pun most definitely intended) behavior of the bozos that use our restrooms as some weird-ass art installation.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

At my old work, someone once clogged the toilet by flushing a bra and panties. The motive for this is a mystery that will haunt me for life. I get flushing the underwear if there was an accident. But why would you ever flush a bra? I really can’t think of a single reason.

Anyway, it is kind of amazing how men expect women to pretend that we don’t have any bodily functions, to keep those secret from them at all costs. Then they get mad at us for having those bodily functions away from them. Just one of many contradictory and impossible expectations we have imposed on us. To go along with

– Be super skinny but don’t diet
– Be willing to do any sex act, but don’t be a slut
– Don’t gold dig, but don’t try to steal the good jobs that belong to men
– Have perfect makeup and hair at all times, but don’t keep men waiting by taking too long to get ready

and so on.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

While I have had a nasty yeast infection in my years that was hypothetically smearable, I was much more invested in being miserable than doing so.

7 years ago

Speaking from my vagina experience, if you’re leaving bloody handprints on the wall it’s either because you’re bleeding from somewhere else or you’ve been sitting on your bare hand for the last half-hour.

Anyway, so what if women are gross in the bathroom? I’m not sure how this is a men’s rights issue. Are they trying to say women are liars who don’t deserve toilet access because bodily functions?

7 years ago

I like how they act like this is some super-secret new revelation that will cause men to flock MRA groups.

In reality, misogynist have been talking like this for-fucking-EVER.

Jonathan Swift published “The Lady’s Dressing Room” in 1732 in which our hero, Strephon, follows the beautiful and alluring Celia home so that he can hide in her bushes and spy on her (yeah, nothing creepy about that). To his horror, he watches as she squeezes zits, takes off her girdle and false teeth, and does other disgustingly human stuff. Strephon runs from this horrible sight while screaming, “Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!”.

So, yeah. Try harder, dudes.

(I’m well aware that an argument can be made that Swift was not in fact a misogynist and that his work was meant to underline the fallacies of current day anti-feminist rhetoric. Not going to get into that now and frankly not sure if it matters in regard to the discussion at hand. What he wrote is what he wrote).

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

As someone who worked as a janitor after school in my Catholic high school, I can tell you that I was traumatized by just how vile my cohorts of both sexes were when it came to bathrooms, locker rooms, and the substances that they would smear on the undersides of desks.

I do have to say that the girls were noticeably worse in the bathrooms (boys in the locker rooms), mainly due to the creative uses to which they put bloody tampons. Never encountered anything I could identify as yeast, though.

7 years ago

You can recognise a true MRA by the way he carries a petrie dish of agar and a pocket microscope around and checks to see if any mysterious stains he encounters are the product of gross slimy girls.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

I travel a lot, by car, which means I end up seeing a wide variety of public restrooms. And sometimes when nature calls there just isn’t a convenient bright, clean chain truckstop nearby. I’ve seen my share of ladies’ rooms that were seriously overdue for maintenance. But I have never once seen one that was nearly as bad as the one-holer unisex restroom I encountered out in the wilds of between-cities. My shoes stuck to the floor, and I was extremely glad that I was wearing shorts that day. My partner, who gets to see what the men’s room looks like, says that a lot of public restrooms in small convenience stores are much the same. Men, by and large, are pigs who can’t aim for shit and don’t even think about cleaning up their own mess.

7 years ago

Speaking as a current janitor who works at elementary schools in my area, my experience is that restrooms for males and females aren’t really that much different. Some days one can be more gross than the other, but that just indicates it is dependent on the individual more than anything.

Besides…what the fuck do these people expect? They. Are. Rest. Rooms.

Of course they’re going to get gross, eventually, given their intended function.

Then again, we’re talking about a bunch of men who probably don’t mind hearing male comedians talk about their dick or a bowel movement – but will flip the fuck out the moment a woman talks candidly about similar. Makes you wonder if they ever had a mother, or sister, or female friends of any kind. ‘Cause it sure ain’t surprising to me and I’m not sure why it should bother me.

7 years ago

Off-topic, but it does include bathroom-type bodily functions…

I just wanted an excuse to share this, and maybe some of the user’s other music videos later on.

7 years ago

Maybe these girls were studying at MGTOW university. GO CUCKS!!

7 years ago

You know, I’m quite impressed that this guy can apparently spot microorganisms with the naked eye. He must have REALLY good eyesight.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Years ago I cleaned both women’s and men’s bathrooms in a movie theater in a college town.

I also sold movie tickets, tore movie tickets, and sold popcorn. It was a very small theater. Some evenings it was just me and the projectionist and maybe five customers.

The women’s bathroom looked pretty normal. The men’s bathroom, not so much. I was a lot younger then and was amazed that men — mostly college students! — couldn’t or wouldn’t aim properly.

7 years ago

I used to clean the restrooms at work. They were rarely truly traumatizing, since we don’t have exceptionally high concentrations of either unsupervised teenagers or drunk people. The women’s room was usually more work, and usually on the whole dirtier (in the standard wear-and-tear-way), but that is because:

a) As Axecalibur said, small children are messy, and they are more often brought into the women’s room than the men’s. This is especially reflected in water all over the sinks and paper towels that didn’t quite make it to any of the bins.

b) The men’s room doesn’t have in-stall trash cans for feminine hygiene products. The women’s room does. Those cans need emptying. They smell. They may need wiping down.

c) The women’s room is slightly bigger, and everything is in a stall, so it just takes more time to tackle it, even on a good day.

d) Given roughly equal numbers of men and women in a facility, women’s rooms get used more. People born with uteri have proportionally smaller bladders than people without*, and generally speaking they will simply have to use the bathroom more often. Note how at large venues, the women’s room line is usually out the door, and the men’s room may not have much of a line at all. Add to that most of the 0-6 year old children, and the women’s room almost always has much higher traffic.

Women aren’t grosser; their facilities just get used more.

It’s true that the grossest mess I ever found while cleaning was in the women’s room–a pile of unidentifiable stuff in the corner with masses of toilet paper wadded on top of it to “hide” it. Neither of us on cleaning duty could recognize what the substance was–it was kind of poo-ish in consistency but not a color or shape that made any sense as being poo? But that was literally once, whereas mopping up pee in the men’s room was a daily chore. So.

*I am Not A Doctor, but I have been told this all my life and a quick buzz through Google is not telling me that I’m wrong–will gratefully accept mythbusting if relevant.

7 years ago

Speaking of yeast some male teenage acquaintances of mine used to have a thrash punk band called Vaginal Discharge, with tracks such as Yeast Infection, and Fishy Odor. This was, apparently, the grossest thing they could think of. They were quite misogynistic come to think of it. Thankfully they grew out of it, and anyway couldn’t think of enough gross vagina song names to fill up a 2nd album.

I think coming to terms with the supposed ickyness of ones body is important in order to have a mature loving relationship with another human being. These guys would never reciprocate, if you know what I mean…

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