Did right-wing media troll and all-around terrible person Mike Cernovich just do the exact thing he’s been accusing financier George Soros of doing for months? Did Cernovich literally pay protesters to attend an event?
Right-wingers have been harping on the “paid protester” non-issue since the start of the 2016 campaign season. Donald Trump regularly accused those who protested against him of being “paid protesters,” with no evidence to back up his wild claims. Yet he was the one who literally paid actors to show up at Trump Tower to cheer him on the day he announced he was running for president.
Trump’s supporters, if anything, have been even more eager to label their opponents as “paid protesters” and “shills,” often accusing financier George Soros by name as being the secret Mr. Moneybags behind it all. During the 2016 campaign, Trump superfan Cernovich was quick to cry foul any time anyone took to the streets (or to Twitter) to say anything bad about Trump — or about Cernovich himself — with absolutely no evidence beyond his own imagination.
Now there’s been something of a plot twist. Yesterday, Cernovich tweeted this:
Naturally, more than a few of Cernovich’s non-fans were quick to point out the, er, irony here.
So you're literally paying for people to protest?
— The Sigma Oaf (@RicChciuk) April 27, 2017
Paid protesting is a rough business, eh?
— sthippie 🏆🏆🛡🛡 (@sthipp) April 27, 2017
But few on the left have seriously accused Cernovich of hiring paid protesters. That’s because they know there is a difference between literally paying people to attend rallies — as Trump’s people did for his announcement event — and paying money to help people get to rallies, which is what Cernovich seems to have done.
Lots of political organizations help to subsidize or outright provide transportation to people who would otherwise be unable to attend events. There’s nothing wrong with this, just as there’s nothing wrong with letting an out-of-town guest crash on your couch so they can attend a protest.
So, no, to answer the question in my somewhat clickbaity headline, Cernovich isn’t the George Soros of the far-right. Nor, I should add, is George Soros the George Soros of the left.
But given Cernovich’s massive hypocrisy on this issue, I can’t say I really object to rubbing his nose in this just a little bit.
So… is he a cuck because he had to shell out money for women?
Cerno makes his living peddling juice and packaging it in bullshit politics.
I don’t see how that’s any different from the “paid protesters” he whines about. It’s literally the same thing.
So is this to do with the whole Anne Coulter kerfuffle?
@dreemr: yes. Yes, it is.
But Hillary’s emails! Benghazi!!!!!!
So there.
Thanks, @PeeVee, I thought so but the Twitter sometimes throws me off (due to my advanced years, I’m sure; 23-skiddoo! I say, old bean!) 😉
Doesn’t anyone consider the simple logistics of this “paid protester” nonsense? If they don’t, they should. Maybe I’m expecting too much of people.
@ wwth
But trumps tweets!!
North Korea!!
Dakota Access!!
dreemr – The twitter confuses me, too, but not as much as the tumblr. I’m pretty bad at that face book, too!
I don’t fret too much, though; I waste enough time on blog comment threads and YT.
Luddites of WHTM, unite!
That…that would require the adults in the room to be the ones talking.
This is America – like the unintentional hilarity of “there’s no fighting in the war room”, alt-reich logistics are highly illlogical (practically magic, really).
Or, speaking of magic, my very conservative father (who remarried and found gawwwd) believed he could stop a sinner in their tracks with the profound implication of “What would Jesus Do?”.
Sadly, many of us, in impotent (if unknowing!) solidarity with WWJD*, expect “how would that even work?!” to do the same to these jackasses. But that just gets them started.
*Both ideas express that, deep down, everyone is truly, deep (deeeep) down, is a good person – something a few minutes on the Internet quickly disproves.
Atm accusations are a form of roundabout confessing.
@Hambeast & PeeVee – the Tumblr? Oh no, other than the occasional foray into Escher Girls, that is quite beyond me. And isn’t it a little, uh, déclassé? Like MySpace or LiveJournal?
Also, I will not even attempt your Instagrams or your Snapchats. I’ve been on computers a loooooong time but with these newer-fangled apps & thangs I have a kind of background fear that I’m going to inadvertently do some clueless old lady shit and end up on whatever today’s hellish equivalent of Chat Roulette or Silk Road black market bullshit there is.
Dreemr, oh Ami Angelwings is wonderful!
She used to crack me up when she posted here…she had like an anti-troll forcefield.
(The tumblr. The Facebook. Lmao…love it.)
He’d stop casting the first stone, start loving his neighbour, give all his money to charity, dedicate his life to helping the poor and sick and exist while Middle Eastern and Jewish – all of which range from anathema to capital criminal to the sort of people who say “WWJD.” Oh well.
Let’s not forget Cernovich also shelled out money for an executive producer credit in Cassie Jaye’s Red Pill film. Then he filmed his own documentary “Silenced”, on his own budget and an iPhone 6 Plus. Does that count as buying a megaphone into the discourse?
@PeeVee – I don’t know how I stumbled onto her, probably in researching comics I suppose. Loved her sense of humor and compassion, I don’t think I was here when she was posting. I hope she’s faring well, I haven’t visited Escher Girls in quite a while. I might see if I can follow her on Twitter though!
He says he spent $5000, but not of whose money. Hmmmmm.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Not to mention go completely ballistic on institutions blatantly profiteering on the backs of the poor, which would really get him in the target reticule of the sort of people that puppeteer the sort of people who say “WWJD.”
Jesus wasn’t the wimpy pushover the revisionists want to paint him as to keep people obedient. Sometimes he just had to get a flail and wreck some shit to make a point, even if it cost him his life.
A surefire way to discount someone is if they blame their woes on George Soros and his all-powerful left-wing conspiracy.
Incidentally, I’ve never seen anything positive about him from the left either. While it’s never on the right-wing conspiracy level, the only discussion about him from the left I’ve seen is quite critical. I’d like to see the right-wing conspiracy theorists try to comprehend that.
Dreemr, I wasn’t an active poster, but I’ve been lurking for *years*.
I feel like I know everybody, even if they don’t know me.
Can I have a link to some left-wing condemning of Soros? My mom seems to believe the paid protesters shit…
Ami was awesome! Didn’t she used to troll Meller by posting as his dolls?
Ah, the good old days!
Edited to add, why did I install a massive OS upgrade starting at 8 pm?
stuck on my phone 🙁