antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies has possibly never spoken to a woman men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex dolls

Love to learn about women from dudes who’ve never spoken to one on Reddit dot com

Women: Not to be trusted with big decisions like whether or not to have sex with disgusting woman-hating MGTOWs

It’s another lazy Friday on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and the fellas are talking about their awesome hobbies and the whitewater rafting trip a bunch of them organized together in Ariz …

Just kidding! MGTOWs can barely organize lunch for themselves. They’re ranting about how awful women are. In a post titled “Women are the epicentre of problems facing society,” a fellow calling himself Malahidael lays out his basic thesis:

I have been with my fair share of women,

I’m going to rate that claim “4 Pinnochios.”

I don’t see the appeal much anymore and I have a feeling most men share my thoughts. I’m reading these stories of women in power getting little to no reparations for their actions, like when that girlfriend murdered her boyfriend and the bitch walked away.

Ah, the famous case of State Vs. That Girlfriend!

Imagine this a women having complete political power of an entire county and a natural disaster or a situation that requires military action occurs the same time she is pregnant, ovulating, or even having “hot flashes” how can we be sure that each decision she makes is based purely on the benefit of the people not because of the flooding of hormones that can lead to rash decisions that gets millions killed.

Uh, dude, you do realize that the current inhabitant of the White House is more impulsive than a woman simultaneously experiencing pregnancy, ovulation, menopause, hysteria, wandering womb, dancing cervix, fallopian tubeworm, mammary foam, boob gout, the vapours, bicycle face, and lady ghostbusters?

I’m just tired of watching all this shit unfold… I can safely say with all this censorship going on as well that MGTOW will remain in the back of this 18 year olds mind till he dies.

I prefer to get most of my information about ladies from 18-year-old dudes who hate them.

A commenter called Helikzhan agrees that women aren’t worth the trouble. At least those women who aren’t simultaneously dogs and television sets.

Sex is all we were ever after. Aside from sex they are just other humans we have nothing in common with. Literally every other companion is better to have. Dog, roommate, online friends, etc. A TV is a better companion than a woman for the most part. Especially so that they don’t do anything other than pay half of the debt she runs up.

TV sets pay off your debts?

The issue is finding a sex alternative. That’s real easy today. No STIs required! No prostitutes. No handjobs while looking at porn (but you can do this, too). I prefer sex dolls but they are pricey. Trust me when I say to you they will fill a void you never imagined could be filled. Don’t underestimate the physical presence of a sex toy. Something to snuggle with, bang when you want, be a creep and talk to it if you please. It’s literally no different than the modern woman and will cost you a fraction of her cost.

The other great advantage of sex dolls is that they don’t run from you screaming.

As JFK7878 sees it, there have been only maybe two great women in all of history.

Women are too stupid to be that important. There were some great women in history like Marie Curie or Joanna Darc,

Er, Joan of Arc?

Women lack intelligence, critical thinking and imagination, they must be led

Who leads women now ? Owners of the media who push degeneracy on them from early age. If you put a woman a desert island for 20 years could she -by herself- grow into feministic cunt with tatooes ?

Only men, who can easily survive on nothing but raw seagulls, are suited to survival and self-tattooing on desert islands.

Look at amish women vs modern women and spot the difference.

Do MGTOWs have some sort of Amish fetish now?

The sick ideas are planted into women so dont get surprised nothing good grows out of them.

Modern woman is end product of ‘social architecs’. If men want better women they must take charge of media and social architecture.

Women control the media? I had no idea that Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Si Newhouse, Mort Zuckerman and Jeff Bezos were all women.

The things I learn from the MGTOW subreddit!

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Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Ooglyboggles:

I hope your aunt is ok. Take care.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ooglyboggles

Sending best wishes to your aunt and this to you.

(Hope I’ve got this right)

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Women didn’t want things before FEMINISM? Best kept secret in history!

I got a bunch of things today cuz I wanted ’em! I got stuff to make dinner, some Space Bags ™, some more CBD oil for Catbeast, and a Blackberry Kush cartridge for my vape pen (yummy!)

Thanks, Feminism!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


Good luck to your aunt. Take care of yourself, okay? You can’t help if you keel over.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Abunga:

Would you kindly fuck right the hell off?

I am not fucking the hell off, and if I did, you can bet that “kindly” would not describe the manner in which I did so.

Your failure to parse that request is wholly in keeping with the poor reasoning skills you continually display.

“Would you kindly [do x]” is a way of asking someone to [do x], while noting that [doing x] would be seen as a kindness. “It’d be kind of you to fuck right the hell off” is pretty close, semantically.

Or, as I like to prefer, Oogly was quoting Frank “Atlas” Fontaine at you in a Bioshock homage.

7 years ago

Found these series of videos on YouTube discussing various movie tropes, some of which we had yet to name. But I really enjoyed this one, because I’m a sci-fi fan whose seen this trope a million times, and never had a name for it.

It clearly breaks down the reason the trope exists, the many movies and tv shows that have used it, who transcends the trope and why, and it hits every MRA talking point on the way down. It also briefly hits on the racial origins of the trope.

I thought it would be appropriate here:

Born Sexy Yesterday

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I was just teaching you fuckers a lesson you wouldn’t forget.

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I guess I missed out on the lesson?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Just adding my voice to the support already expressed here. As Axe and others have said, we’re all here for you, and listening if you need to talk further.
Sending hugs to you, and hoping your aunt has a speedy recovery <3

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago

@Collateral Thought

“So. You think that women literally didn’t want anything at all until recently? That’s a curious argument and not one I’ve seen before. Citation needed.”

No, I think that, until recently, they simply wanted children and people (men) who would provide for them. Feminism has inverted the whole thing, and thus the future of occidental civilization now hangs in the balance.

“Do you think women first discovered feminism, and only then discovered the goals of feminism? Don’t you think you’re putting the cart before the metaphorical horse? What in the world would cause feminism to rise, and only THEN would women start to ponder the things that feminism brings?”

I don’t think they discovered it first, but the fact that a label existed for it sure made things a lot easier. It was the siren’s song sung by a handful of well-to-do yet incredibly bored rabble rousers which turned women against their families and natural place in the universe. I suspect that these affluent house-wives were really only looking out for their own welfare, but were hiding behind the ostensibly more ennobling goal of “liberating women,” from what, I don’t know.

“That’s a bizarre inversion of every basic principle of human psychology.”

That fact that some man somewhere found it within himself to insert his penis into your mother’s vulva void and oscillate it until her rotten egg was inseminated is likewise a bizarre inversion of every basic principle of human psychology.

“Don’t you think it’s obvious that women wanted something (equality, dignity, respect, safety) that they didn’t have, and that feminism as a movement grew to satisfy this need?”

Supply tends to create its own demand; back to Econ 101 with you, young man!

“Oh, I know, I know, that’s not what you think feminism is about, and you probably don’t think women care about those things, either. In your mind, it’s, what, all some kind of ruse used by women to bilk men of their material possessions?”

That’s a pretty accurate summation, but you should’t forget about the emotional and spiritual possessions as well.

“Your logic remains faulty there. If birthing babies is NOT the only thing that women want, and is NOT their sole purpose (i.e. if it’s not “the most natural place for a woman”), then it makes sense that women want to be able to control their own bodies and their own sexuality, and not just be used as broodmares. You literally have this backwards. I don’t even see how your argument here makes sense within the model you espouse.”

Birthing babies IS the most natural place for a woman; what do you think they have all of that equipment for? Did you spontaneously arise from the decayed flesh of roadkill dog in a ditch somewhere? The desire to control their bodies is a result of them turning against their nature, not one of them working in accordance with it.

“People have all sorts of harmful and selfish desires. People see things that they covet, and they want to steal them. People get angry, and want to harm or kill others. That’s natural! But civilization entails learning to curb those selfish desires so we can live together in relative harmony. We don’t allow people to do whatever stupid shit their first impulse impels them towards.”

Unless it involves having unprotected sex and making the taxpayers feed the products of such dalliances. Remove the economic impetus to have illegitimate children and you’re heartless in some people’s estimation.

“Why is rape such a difficult thing to stop, and why is so much time spent talking about it? Well, a lot of people really like sex, and a lot of people (both those who have had good sex, and those who have only heard about it) think about and desire sex quite often. And we live in a rape culture, where men are (often and generally) taught that women exist for pleasure, and that women owe men sexual gratification, and that the desire to rape someone is on some level normal and understandable. All of these factors contribute to making rape a particularly common kind of violent crime. All of these factors require education to overcome.”

Women “owe” men sexual gratification; that’s why men spend countless hours sculpting themselves at the gym, dieting, studying so that they can get good-paying jobs, adjusting their personalities until they are congruent with women’s desires… Really?

“So that’s why we continue to need to teach men not to rape. But also why we continue to need to teach people in general not to do horrible things to each other, and in a larger sense is why we have a penal system, and police.”

Nobody really thinks that rape is a good thing. Punishments exist in many cultures for this kind of thing; how much more “teaching” do some men need? It is mostly a small number of men that are responsible for the majority of rapes, anyway.

“You seem to have a bizarre fixation that causes you to assume that ‘natural’ is the same as ‘good for society’. If you think that people should just do whatever feels right to them, I invite you to read The Lord of the Flies sometime. Or go visit Sudan.”

That which feels good is not always natural, though. It might feel good to do heroin, but it’s definitely not natural, and it’s not good for you.

“Ah, another non sequitur. You left here a frothing, steaming mess a few days ago. If anyone here assumed that was your base state, or that you spent a lot of time that way, that’s all about YOU, and has nothing to do with what women can or cannot do to control their own emotions.”

Bla bla bla.

“You succeeded! I learned (and will remember for some time) that you’re an immature whiny pompous manchild, who makes ridiculous demands of strangers on the internet, and who really, really hates gifs.”

Ridiculous demands? Shouldn’t you be complaining about the space between men’s legs when they sit?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I was just teaching you fuckers a lesson you wouldn’t forget.

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Mr. STEM Engineer still hasn’t learned to blockquote, despite there being a literal button to help him do it.

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago

@Policy of Mustard Stains

Shits and giggles.

I’m not block-quoting, because I don’t want to block quote. It’s fast to just use a keyboard like an adult.


That top image:

I was unaware that PoM had given you her permission to use her likeness.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

they [women] simply wanted… (men) who would provide for them

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Women have always worked, you numbskull.

Jesus fuck, I barely graduated high school and I’m more educated than you. Learn some history and anthropology.

Do you seriously think that stone age women just sat around the fire cuddling their babies while the men brought home all the food? That medieval peasant women sat around while their men slaved? That lower class women of the Victorian era ate bonbons while their husbands worked in the dark satanic mills?

There is no excuse for being this pig ignorant.
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7 years ago

@Ooglyboggles – I do hope your Aunt is all right. You’re not bothering anyone here except for ol’ Abungus, and, as noted previously, nobody cares if he’s bothered. It’s a feature, not a bug. Weird about that 4 o’clock stuff!

@Croquembouche – I did get a little whiff of “Lord of the Flies” fanfic from that scenario, particularly the sun glinting off David’s salty hair, and his plaintive cries of “My glasses!” which seem to have been so lovingly imagined in such great detail by our dear Seagull Eater. The way he has put David in the role they usually reserve for ungrateful feeeemales in their usual “they’ll all be sorry they laughed at me/come crawling to me when the race war starts/the Rapture begins/civilization crumbles” revenge fantasy is interesting. Kind of signals to me that they feel belittled by just about *everyone* not just women.

So, Abungus is still basically adhering to the same Apocalyptic scenarios from his youth that he so ostentatiously claims he rebelled against, but all the same elements are still there: he gets to be exalted while everyone who did him wrong burns, and he gets to watch them suffer. Predictable and boring. You think you’ve escaped something but you’ve just plugged in different names and concepts for the same thing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Supply tends to create its own demand; back to Econ 101 with you, young man!

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ abunga

Again, I just don’t get you. One minute you can have a calm discussion, even though we fundamentally disagree. But the next you’re being totally nasty.Especially the dig at Ooglyboggles.

That wasn’t about politics or ideology. That’s just a person going through a horrible experience. Can’t you imagine why he’s upset. Do you have no empathy whatsoever?

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

@ Oogly

I am throwing good wishes at you and your family.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m sorry if this is pissing anyone off, I don’t know what’s the right thing to say.

Nthing everyone else. The only one it’s pissing off is Miggy and he can fuck himself with a seagull shaped cactus.

No, I think that, until recently, they simply wanted children

How would you know. You still haven’t provided a shred of evidence. Since I’m drinking a beer right now – Insight Brewery’s Sunken City which is very delicious – I’d like to point out that women are responsible for beer. Since you miggy toes like to take credit for other men’s work, I’m going to do the same, link you to this and wait for my thank you. Although the real point is, ancient women, just like contemporary women have other shit to besides popping out kids and just FYI, that does include women who have kids. Most mothers do actually have interests besides parenting and that has always been the case.

I don’t think they discovered it first, but the fact that a label existed for it sure made things a lot easier.

Who did make up the label? Who created feminism if not women? For once in your pathetic 329 year old life, provide a fucking citation.

Supply tends to create its own demand; back to Econ 101 with you, young man!

Supply side economics is based on nothing but magical thinking. Why don’t you go back to econ 101. Read some Keynes.

turned women against their families and natural place in the universe.

Didn’t you claim to be an atheist? The idea of a sentient universe that wants to chain women up all barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen doesn’t sound very skeptical to me. In fact, it sounds an awful lot more like right wing Christianity. Looks like you’ve still got some sort of emotional attachment to your parent’s views.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ashton Kutcher? PoM is clearly a cat.

I was unaware

Yes, we know. You don’t use block quotes because you’re either inherently lazy, or you don’t know how.

Seagullguy and fish; fish wins.

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Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


Hey guise, I read some Heilbroner and “The Skeptical Economist!” I am so smart in economics now, I actually believe in the lies that Keynesians and other assorted wish-fulfillment schools of political-economy perpetuate about neoclassical economics! Who’s “Jean-Baptiste Say” lol?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

The Gishes are galloping!! Magnificent!

7 years ago

Supply tends to create its own demand; back to Econ 101 with you, young man!

You’re talking about Say’s Law, and in an actual Introductory Econ course you’d probably learn that most economists don’t consider Say’s Law valid. And those that do consider it valid would probably suggest that you’re misinterpreting it and/or grossly oversimplifying it. (Probably any economist would suggest that you’re misinterpreting it, really. The Keynesians just wouldn’t care that much.)

(I’ve never commented here before, but I just can’t let lazy and wrong economic justifications go unacknowledged.)

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

like an adult.

Hey guise

Uh huh.

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