It’s another lazy Friday on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and the fellas are talking about their awesome hobbies and the whitewater rafting trip a bunch of them organized together in Ariz …
Just kidding! MGTOWs can barely organize lunch for themselves. They’re ranting about how awful women are. In a post titled “Women are the epicentre of problems facing society,” a fellow calling himself Malahidael lays out his basic thesis:
I have been with my fair share of women,
I’m going to rate that claim “4 Pinnochios.”
I don’t see the appeal much anymore and I have a feeling most men share my thoughts. I’m reading these stories of women in power getting little to no reparations for their actions, like when that girlfriend murdered her boyfriend and the bitch walked away.
Ah, the famous case of State Vs. That Girlfriend!
Imagine this a women having complete political power of an entire county and a natural disaster or a situation that requires military action occurs the same time she is pregnant, ovulating, or even having “hot flashes” how can we be sure that each decision she makes is based purely on the benefit of the people not because of the flooding of hormones that can lead to rash decisions that gets millions killed.
Uh, dude, you do realize that the current inhabitant of the White House is more impulsive than a woman simultaneously experiencing pregnancy, ovulation, menopause, hysteria, wandering womb, dancing cervix, fallopian tubeworm, mammary foam, boob gout, the vapours, bicycle face, and lady ghostbusters?
I’m just tired of watching all this shit unfold… I can safely say with all this censorship going on as well that MGTOW will remain in the back of this 18 year olds mind till he dies.
I prefer to get most of my information about ladies from 18-year-old dudes who hate them.
A commenter called Helikzhan agrees that women aren’t worth the trouble. At least those women who aren’t simultaneously dogs and television sets.
Sex is all we were ever after. Aside from sex they are just other humans we have nothing in common with. Literally every other companion is better to have. Dog, roommate, online friends, etc. A TV is a better companion than a woman for the most part. Especially so that they don’t do anything other than pay half of the debt she runs up.
TV sets pay off your debts?
The issue is finding a sex alternative. That’s real easy today. No STIs required! No prostitutes. No handjobs while looking at porn (but you can do this, too). I prefer sex dolls but they are pricey. Trust me when I say to you they will fill a void you never imagined could be filled. Don’t underestimate the physical presence of a sex toy. Something to snuggle with, bang when you want, be a creep and talk to it if you please. It’s literally no different than the modern woman and will cost you a fraction of her cost.
The other great advantage of sex dolls is that they don’t run from you screaming.
As JFK7878 sees it, there have been only maybe two great women in all of history.
Women are too stupid to be that important. There were some great women in history like Marie Curie or Joanna Darc,
Er, Joan of Arc?
Women lack intelligence, critical thinking and imagination, they must be led
Who leads women now ? Owners of the media who push degeneracy on them from early age. If you put a woman a desert island for 20 years could she -by herself- grow into feministic cunt with tatooes ?
Only men, who can easily survive on nothing but raw seagulls, are suited to survival and self-tattooing on desert islands.
Look at amish women vs modern women and spot the difference.
Do MGTOWs have some sort of Amish fetish now?
The sick ideas are planted into women so dont get surprised nothing good grows out of them.
Modern woman is end product of ‘social architecs’. If men want better women they must take charge of media and social architecture.
Women control the media? I had no idea that Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Si Newhouse, Mort Zuckerman and Jeff Bezos were all women.
The things I learn from the MGTOW subreddit!
Dude, the only thing you discuss here is your shit.
I wish I had some period talk to share, but I’m even past hot flashes. But I’ll tell you what, it used to sort of come in big blobby blobs, like slugs. It’s a problem; the blobs don’t sink into the pad or tampon, you know? Also they feel totally gross as they slip out. A friend who had similar came up with a great name for them: “dudgeon gouts”.
The metaphor thing is hitting you hard, eh? (oops, did it again) And yeah, responding to your earlier and possibly rhetorical pondering, I’m inclined to think we do start with a few basic concrete concepts and gin up everything else by metaphor. Consider some of our law Latin.
It’s freaky, right? I love how Terry Pratchett played w the up/down and dark/light conventions in the language of the dwarfs. Dwarves?
In that particular play it’s generally accepted that the bear was sent by God to punish the man (for abandoning the baby), so perhaps we can write that off as an anti hero?
Not the ursine we need, but the ursine we deserve
One of my most memorable sexual encounters involved a woman who was just as keen to get it on as I was (we hadn’t had sex before, but we’d just confessed to each other that we’d both been thinking about it a lot), but she was on her period. I wasn’t bothered, but she didn’t want to get her bedsheets or a towel stained, so her brilliant idea was to do it in the bathtub.
I forget which of us filled it, but whoever it was completely failed to take Archimedes’ principle of water displacement into account, at least when factoring in the presence of two people rather than the usual one. So as she lowered herself onto me, the water overflowed all over the floor, which rather put a dampener on things.
But the fact that we could both laugh about it when stark naked, visibly aroused and/or menstruating suggested that we’d probably make a pretty good couple. It was certainly an excellent way of losing our last remaining inhibitions about each other – and in the event we were together for well over a year, living together for most of it.
@ lysistrata
Yup. Now I’m parsing every sentence trying to work out if it’s a concrete description of a real thing or a metaphor. Even then I was going to write “Its got me wondering..” But I got distracted by whether that has anything to do with ‘wandering’ in the random walking sense. Argh, it’s like onion skins, layer upon layer of meaning. I’m probably going to break down crying at the feet of an etymologist begging for help 🙂
@ orion
Initially I was trying to think of 80s action movie quotes for a bear protagonist (“How you like these ‘bear arms’?” *Thwack* sort of thing) but now I’m wondering where we get “Bear with me” from.
(That’s the provisional title for my Samuel Jackson/Tim the Bear buddy cop movie)
@Alan Robertshaw
Just make sure that you are crying at the feet of an etymologist and not an entomologist. 😉 (With apologies to XKCD)
Also, your post reminds me of a funny bit by the late, great Robin Williams:
“In America we’ve got a right to bear arms or the right to arm bears, whichever one you want to do!” (Slightly paraphrased)
Also, also: I believe it’s in “As you like it” that Shakespeare makes the best pun about bearing with someone: “I’d much rather bear with you than bear you, m’lady.”
I’m going to assume he meant “repercussions.”
@the sudden linguistical turn of events:
Ooooh, I love this game! No, seriously – I had trouble communicating as a child due to various learning disabilities, and so I decided to learn what words meant, and what people meant when they used certain words.
Rather fascinating stuff I must say, especially since English is a derivative language.
That said, Dormousing_It, I certainly haven’t “been with” anyone; and while I have read all about it (to the dismay of my parents when I was ten years old) and seen some depictions of it (to the horror of my parents around the same time–no wonder they installed K-9 Web Protection on my computer at the time…), I still don’t have that real-world experience. And at this point in time, I’m in no place to procure it. It would be legal, yes–the age of consent in this state is 16–but doing so with an AMAB person always has the risk of getting me pregnant (DO NOT WANT), and even doing so with an AFAB person would take some sneaking about–plus I get the feeling that getting caught would get me expelled from my academy. (Intersexed people would be equally considered. Still “not at all right now,” but still.)
@ monzach
I’ll use that in the scene where Tim raids the militia compound.
“You’re the guys who wanted an armed bear, right?”
*Dakka, Dakka, Dakka!*
@ troubelle
That sounds like you have a German Shepherd sat on your monitor who growls every time you try to Google something a bit dodgy.
@Alan Robertshaw
Also try and work in a pun about the right to BARE arms. 😀
@David – your list of real-and-imaginary “female troubles” made me do a spit-take!
Whenever I read these pearls of wisdom from Migtoes, it’s like I can actually hear the Sad Trombones ‘Wah-Waahhhh’ after every sentence:
Oh, ABUNGUS! You’re back! I have to admit, I’m kind of dying to know under what circumstances you and David would wind up on a deserted island together to make your oh-so-plausible revenge fantasy come true!
Also, you probably remember that I had my period the last time we met. Well, I’m pretty much done with it, but I do still have an intermittent, coffee-colored discharge happening now and then. Like many of the others here, I also usually experience some passing of clots that kind of resemble the bloody snot you get when you blow your nose after having a bloody nose, you know what I mean?
Best wishes! I’d love to see your latest seagull recipes when you get the opportunity!
You might be amused…I had to look up those acronyms, AMAB and AFAB.
“Real world experience” wasn’t as big a deal as I expected it to be. You’re wise to be cautious, regarding pregnancy.
Young people – and by this I mean anyone under the age of 18 – live in quite a different world, today, than they did 30 years ago. What with the easy availability of porn on the internet (I know it’s not realistic, and often misogynistic as hell), I wonder if sexual activity isn’t a disappointment to some of them.
Mammotheers, I would never ask you to spam ICE’s hotline for reporting crimes committed by illegal immigrants with prank calls about space aliens. Never.
The hotline number is 1-855-48-VOICE, BTW.
@Cynical Optimist, Vapid Dreck Aggregator
Somehow I read this as Vapid DUCK Aggregator, which is the sort of job I want when I grow up.
While it doesn’t use a German Shepherd in its logo, it did have the option to play a barking sound every time it ran across a blocked site.
Of course, it was inconvenient in that it didn’t let me access mass media sites–ex. YouTube, Tumblr…
Well, now you know!
Yeah. I mean, I can buy a condom from the campus shop, buuuuut…still a risk.
I’ll admit to getting the wrong idea at first from some of it. (And for a while, my vision of a penis was a bit…backwards.) But further reading proved fruitful.
Because you’re colouring your account of them.
Although it’s possible that the area was named for the prison, rather than vice versa.
Related, in American slang being ‘sent up the river’ means going to prison, on account of Riker’s Island prison being a ways up the Hudson from NYC. (‘Sold down the river’ is something else entirely, relating to slavery)
If it helps, that Lakoff bit was dramatically oversimplified; I suppose he gets into more detail if you read the whole book.
Bear in this case means ‘to tolerate something unpleasant’; in other words ‘Please tolerate the delay, because I have to as well’. This usage is probably from bear, ‘to carry something’, and both are completely unrelated to bear, ‘a large toothy predator’.
What’s Game theory got to do with it?
(also, I was gonna make a woad joke but you beat me to it.)
AFAIK there are no hunter-gatherer societies on islands smaller than New Zealand, because it’s completely untenable. Small island societies are all about gardening, raising chickens and pigs (They’d’ve probably done better with rabbits to be honest, but there weren’t any of those where they left the mainland from), and deep water fishing from ship-canoes (What’s that, Miggy? You don’t know how to build a ship canoe? You’re gonna have a hell of a time on that island, boyo…). That’s leaving aside, of course, the fact that pretty much every island on the planet capable of sustaining people for any great length of time is already doing so.
It’s amazing how abunga just keeps demanding things from us. Literally using the words “I demand”. It’s just amazing.
I heard a rumour that I refuse to check the accuracy of, that the reason for all the Shakespeare bears is that the theatre company had access to a baby polar bear. It was too young for baiting, so they found other uses for it while waiting for it to grow up.
zesty said (re: wwth’s story idea)
It reminds me that they had a story line on Warehouse 13 where H.G. Wells was actually a woman named Helena who was a WH13 agent back in her day and not only managed to keep her gender a secret back then, but got ‘frozen’ and re-animated in the current timeline.
18 y.o. Big Tow said
What happened to realz before feelz, bro??
*I* have a feeling that he hasn’t met all that many actual men, either. (see? I can do that, too!)
I also came across this from the WOO peddlers of Elephant Journal.
Someone with more patience than me should go pick apart this article.
My mother wasn’t great about advice, but she gave me some that was pretty good.
One gem was, “The more a man brags about being good in bed, the worse a lay he’ll be.”
I think we can expand that principle to Seagull Kid’s bragging about being a keen survivalist with all sorts of skills for living in the wild.
I sort of picture him having trouble assembling his own sandwich from groceries someone else paid for, drove home, carried in and put in the fridge for him.
I mean, really? Have they got nothing better to do? They’re meant to be “going their own way,” but most aspects of their existence seem to be consumed by their opinions of women. The stupidity, bitterness, seething rage and inadequacy that radiates from the MGTOW subreddit is not worth any real attention or counterarguments, anyway. Let them fester in their own misery among themselves ?
I haven’t got much else to say, so here’s Nancy Sinatra being badass.
Not sure if serious, but just in case: the Game Theorists mentioned are people who make YT videos on video game theories…or at least, that’s how they started. (They’re aware of the pun, though.)
From AWIldebeast’s link:
Any man who self-asserts that he is a good man is almost definitionally wrong.
And yet he’s still stewing over something that happened when he was 14.
I skimmed the rest. He includes an awkward metaphor about a street with potholes in it, and asserts a lot of things that need a big [citation needed] tag without any supporting evidence, beginning with his actual premise. I have literally never heard a woman ask “where have all the good men gone?” outside of a song. This is not a question that is actually asked anywhere to my knowledge, and it therefore didn’t even need an answer. If it did, the answer wouldn’t be “they are MGTOWs.” Only someone who knows nothing about MGTOWs would make that connection.
I’ve never asked it… I keep finding them. AND I’m a feminist and I love men… crazy!!!