It’s another lazy Friday on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and the fellas are talking about their awesome hobbies and the whitewater rafting trip a bunch of them organized together in Ariz …
Just kidding! MGTOWs can barely organize lunch for themselves. They’re ranting about how awful women are. In a post titled “Women are the epicentre of problems facing society,” a fellow calling himself Malahidael lays out his basic thesis:
I have been with my fair share of women,
I’m going to rate that claim “4 Pinnochios.”
I don’t see the appeal much anymore and I have a feeling most men share my thoughts. I’m reading these stories of women in power getting little to no reparations for their actions, like when that girlfriend murdered her boyfriend and the bitch walked away.
Ah, the famous case of State Vs. That Girlfriend!
Imagine this a women having complete political power of an entire county and a natural disaster or a situation that requires military action occurs the same time she is pregnant, ovulating, or even having “hot flashes” how can we be sure that each decision she makes is based purely on the benefit of the people not because of the flooding of hormones that can lead to rash decisions that gets millions killed.
Uh, dude, you do realize that the current inhabitant of the White House is more impulsive than a woman simultaneously experiencing pregnancy, ovulation, menopause, hysteria, wandering womb, dancing cervix, fallopian tubeworm, mammary foam, boob gout, the vapours, bicycle face, and lady ghostbusters?
I’m just tired of watching all this shit unfold… I can safely say with all this censorship going on as well that MGTOW will remain in the back of this 18 year olds mind till he dies.
I prefer to get most of my information about ladies from 18-year-old dudes who hate them.
A commenter called Helikzhan agrees that women aren’t worth the trouble. At least those women who aren’t simultaneously dogs and television sets.
Sex is all we were ever after. Aside from sex they are just other humans we have nothing in common with. Literally every other companion is better to have. Dog, roommate, online friends, etc. A TV is a better companion than a woman for the most part. Especially so that they don’t do anything other than pay half of the debt she runs up.
TV sets pay off your debts?
The issue is finding a sex alternative. That’s real easy today. No STIs required! No prostitutes. No handjobs while looking at porn (but you can do this, too). I prefer sex dolls but they are pricey. Trust me when I say to you they will fill a void you never imagined could be filled. Don’t underestimate the physical presence of a sex toy. Something to snuggle with, bang when you want, be a creep and talk to it if you please. It’s literally no different than the modern woman and will cost you a fraction of her cost.
The other great advantage of sex dolls is that they don’t run from you screaming.
As JFK7878 sees it, there have been only maybe two great women in all of history.
Women are too stupid to be that important. There were some great women in history like Marie Curie or Joanna Darc,
Er, Joan of Arc?
Women lack intelligence, critical thinking and imagination, they must be led
Who leads women now ? Owners of the media who push degeneracy on them from early age. If you put a woman a desert island for 20 years could she -by herself- grow into feministic cunt with tatooes ?
Only men, who can easily survive on nothing but raw seagulls, are suited to survival and self-tattooing on desert islands.
Look at amish women vs modern women and spot the difference.
Do MGTOWs have some sort of Amish fetish now?
The sick ideas are planted into women so dont get surprised nothing good grows out of them.
Modern woman is end product of ‘social architecs’. If men want better women they must take charge of media and social architecture.
Women control the media? I had no idea that Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Si Newhouse, Mort Zuckerman and Jeff Bezos were all women.
The things I learn from the MGTOW subreddit!
Flashes definitions:
Any one of these sounds pretty cool. It’d be awesome to see Joanna get more and more creative with her powers to defeat seemingly insurmountable foes.
Your story idea about a modern demon-fighting Joan kind of reminds me of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. ^_^
It makes me legit sad when the guys spouting this dumbassery are so young. This kid’s probably never talked to an adult woman who’s not his mom. Damn, boy, don’t give up so easy! Also, if you talked to your mom more she could tell you that’s not how periods work.
The wisdom of young white guys is amazing. Is there anything that they can’t tell the rest of us about?
I was left with a fantasy about being a survivor woman on a “desert” island and getting to tattoo myself from head to toe. I think it could be fun, seriously.
Possible that I just need to go get skin decorating TATOOES all over! And go to the desert and pretend to be on “desert island.”
1) I like being feministic, and 2) having a cunt is rather fun. I’m game! Someone take me to desert island and I’ll self tattoo and make my own way. It sounds like paradise, really.
Christ, these idiotic kids are totally brainwashed by the misogynistic bilge they read online.
I too went through an adolescent ‘woe is me, will I ever snag a girlfriend’ phase. Like most teenage lads. But it didn’t lead to hating girls/women. I have to wonder though, if I’d been exposed to the same kind of crap that Boys (not men) Going Their Own Way are enthusiastically digesting, would it have had a similar effect on me? This was the late 80s, so there was no internet to speak of, no social media, and I spent female-free time reading/playing HeroQuest with equally nerdy friends. There certainly wasn’t a digital devil perched on my shoulder and whispering in my ear 24/7, that women have it in for me, and should be avoided at all cost.
I suppose the biggest difference I detect, is the sense of entitlement these kids have absorbed through ‘Men’s Rights’ activism online. They genuinely seem to believe girls should be handed to them on a plate, and when it doesn’t happen, they have a tantrum more befitting a three year old, than someone in their late teens or twenties.
The reality is that sexual frustration is part and parcel of becoming an adult male. You can’t have every girl you want, and you will suffer through unrequited love and a broken heart. Repeatedly. It’s all part of life’s rich tapestry.
So suck it up, and move on, gentlemen. Also, be nice, and don’t spend so much of your time absorbing crazy nonsense on the internet. Do that, and you actually have much more chance of ending up with a girl you actually like.
The claim for a ‘fair number’ of sexual encounters by 18, sounds a lot like Alex Jones saying he was sleeping with college-age women by 15, and that by 16 he’d bedded 150 wimminz in total.
And yet…his followers still hang on his every word, bless ’em.
Let me fix that for you:
I appreciate the sentiment, but this idea that it’s only men who suffer sexual frustration, unrequited love and broken hearts is really frustrating and yet another symptom of a society which sees only men as fully formed people with the full range of human experience.
Yep, it can equally be applied to women too. I certainly wasn’t trying to suggest that emotional/sexual turmoil in adolescence is confined to men. I merely aimed my thoughts at the hostile adolescent dingbats with very obvious issues. Who happen to be male.
@Troubelle – Good point! At first I thought, “Hm, but those people call women ‘bitches’ all the time” until I realized you meant actual dogs. 🙂
Dear David, no matter how depressed reading WHTM sometimes makes me, this kind of remark
makes me come back time and time again. You are hilarious and I love a good laugh. 🙂
I can believe Malahidael has “been with” a few girls, not women. There’s a difference. I knew, when I was 18, I had a lot of growing up to do. Not anywhere as smart as Troubelle…but, you know what? I KNEW IT. I knew I had a lot to learn, and I still do.
About the Amish…there’s a small Amish community near where I live, in Pennsylvania. I see, and hear, their buggies every Sunday, on the way to religious services. If I’m out for a walk, I’ll give ’em a wave…they usually wave back. Their kids always wave back.
Amish contractors built my garage, and they did a very good job.
Go ahead, keep joking about the seagulls, Fartrelle. I can just see you, mincing around on a desert island, clamoring about in the wave-washed sands as you search in vain for you spectacles (invariably, as you cry “My glasses! My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!”), while I am busy putting my skills to the test, procuring enough food to feed an entire feudal manor. You’ll fix your bewildered gaze on whatever shapes your blurred vision has conjured before you, nostrils pointed towards the sun as you take in the aroma of whatever I’m cooking, and as the salt glistens in your stringy hair, you’ll peckishly impart that you are hungry and that I am being ableist by not keeping you afloat. It will all be for naught, Dave. There won’t be any welfare offices or administrative bodies to take what I make and hand it to you. You can’t eat a blog, and on a dessert island, you won’t even be able to blog. I’m sure you would if you could; you’d say something derisive about my character, provide things that I might have said to you on this island to your insipid readers (without context, in keeping with your character, of course), and you would clamor for donations like a dog for a biscuit as you wax on about the emotional trauma of having to share an island with me, but it won’t matter; you can’t eat donations, either, and islands do not have mailboxes. If you had to share an island with me, Dave, you would submerge the island with your tears.
I’m pretty sure that Dessert Island has cake.
eta: now I’m imagining Miggy bouncing around Dessert Island trying to hunt wild cake with a crude spear while David picks pie off the trees.
And with this, he finally admits that he’s Miggy, who in turn admitted that he’s Mark Minter. Told ya. =P
Where did I ever say or imply that I am/was Mark Minter? Prove that I’m Mark Minter. Did Mark say that he was me? If so, I demand that you ignore him. He is not me, and I have NEVER used the name Mark (or Minter) on this website before (or ANYWHERE on the internet).
Hey, Miggy. I’m menstruating right now.
I’m in my 40s and my periods have gotten a little weird. They start out brown and stringy, and then progress to brilliant red, like the kind of red you might find in food coloring. If I’d bled like this when I was a teenager I would have been really terrified of it.
Yesterday while I was walking downtown I suddenly switched from brown-stringy to bright-red (they feel different) and I was afraid I was leaking through my jeans. I wasn’t, but I was kind of alarmed there until I got home and could check.
Thought you’d be interested.
@Fungus among us
Keep fantasizing, loser!
Where does the term ‘desert island’ come from? Presumably it’s not desert in the ‘no precipitation’ sense. They’re usually envisaged with at least a palm tree or two.
I’m speculating that it’s short for ‘deserted’ but does anyone actually know?
@ abunga
Hi. I don’t know if you saw some questions I posed for you back on the previous thread. As mentioned there I’m honestly interested in getting your take on the points mentioned. You’re obviously under no obligation to assist; but if you could I would be genuinely grateful.
@Policy of Menses
You are disgusting. I am still left wondering, what, exactly, makes you people think that public locations are the places for you weirdos to discuss your bodily fluids? I don’t care if it’s natural, I don’t discuss my poop in public, yet you people think that you’re “oppressed” just because you can’t rattle on about your bleeding cock pockets. You make it sound like you’ve got minced barbecue in your underpants.
How are you so sure that I don’t? Have you checked?
@Abunga Is Among Ya
I’ve been enjoying your posts, and I admire your way with words. Love, love, LOVE your user name!
I’m pushing 50, and it’s either feast or famine, with my periods. I woke up in a pool of my own blood a few months ago. Bled thru my tampon, nightie, undies, bedsheet, and mattress pad. Why are periods so heavy at night?
Hey brah, I just came out of lurking just for you!
I wanted you to know that I decided to donate a shit ton of money to David the blogger, in your honor! !!! You trolls are great inspiration for opening up my wallet to good causes! Thanks so much!!!
Also, I have an iud. So my periods are only about four hours long. So my flow is the dark stringy kind. Hope this helps!
@Alan Robertshaw
I don’t know; that’s a good question…I think it has to be a shortening of “deserted island”.