It’s another lazy Friday on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and the fellas are talking about their awesome hobbies and the whitewater rafting trip a bunch of them organized together in Ariz …
Just kidding! MGTOWs can barely organize lunch for themselves. They’re ranting about how awful women are. In a post titled “Women are the epicentre of problems facing society,” a fellow calling himself Malahidael lays out his basic thesis:
I have been with my fair share of women,
I’m going to rate that claim “4 Pinnochios.”
I don’t see the appeal much anymore and I have a feeling most men share my thoughts. I’m reading these stories of women in power getting little to no reparations for their actions, like when that girlfriend murdered her boyfriend and the bitch walked away.
Ah, the famous case of State Vs. That Girlfriend!
Imagine this a women having complete political power of an entire county and a natural disaster or a situation that requires military action occurs the same time she is pregnant, ovulating, or even having “hot flashes” how can we be sure that each decision she makes is based purely on the benefit of the people not because of the flooding of hormones that can lead to rash decisions that gets millions killed.
Uh, dude, you do realize that the current inhabitant of the White House is more impulsive than a woman simultaneously experiencing pregnancy, ovulation, menopause, hysteria, wandering womb, dancing cervix, fallopian tubeworm, mammary foam, boob gout, the vapours, bicycle face, and lady ghostbusters?
I’m just tired of watching all this shit unfold… I can safely say with all this censorship going on as well that MGTOW will remain in the back of this 18 year olds mind till he dies.
I prefer to get most of my information about ladies from 18-year-old dudes who hate them.
A commenter called Helikzhan agrees that women aren’t worth the trouble. At least those women who aren’t simultaneously dogs and television sets.
Sex is all we were ever after. Aside from sex they are just other humans we have nothing in common with. Literally every other companion is better to have. Dog, roommate, online friends, etc. A TV is a better companion than a woman for the most part. Especially so that they don’t do anything other than pay half of the debt she runs up.
TV sets pay off your debts?
The issue is finding a sex alternative. That’s real easy today. No STIs required! No prostitutes. No handjobs while looking at porn (but you can do this, too). I prefer sex dolls but they are pricey. Trust me when I say to you they will fill a void you never imagined could be filled. Don’t underestimate the physical presence of a sex toy. Something to snuggle with, bang when you want, be a creep and talk to it if you please. It’s literally no different than the modern woman and will cost you a fraction of her cost.
The other great advantage of sex dolls is that they don’t run from you screaming.
As JFK7878 sees it, there have been only maybe two great women in all of history.
Women are too stupid to be that important. There were some great women in history like Marie Curie or Joanna Darc,
Er, Joan of Arc?
Women lack intelligence, critical thinking and imagination, they must be led
Who leads women now ? Owners of the media who push degeneracy on them from early age. If you put a woman a desert island for 20 years could she -by herself- grow into feministic cunt with tatooes ?
Only men, who can easily survive on nothing but raw seagulls, are suited to survival and self-tattooing on desert islands.
Look at amish women vs modern women and spot the difference.
Do MGTOWs have some sort of Amish fetish now?
The sick ideas are planted into women so dont get surprised nothing good grows out of them.
Modern woman is end product of ‘social architecs’. If men want better women they must take charge of media and social architecture.
Women control the media? I had no idea that Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Si Newhouse, Mort Zuckerman and Jeff Bezos were all women.
The things I learn from the MGTOW subreddit!
I know. And we would have to say to those people:

Just catching up here!
I banned Abunga (again).
Oogly, so sorry about your aunt! Hope she recovers quickly. Good thing you were there.
I’m also going to jump on board the What We Do in the Shadows train. It’s hilarious. Jemaine Clement is in it, as is (in a much smaller role) the dude who played Murray in Flight of the Conchords. Heck, maybe I’ll watch it again myself.
Oh and one last (but not least) thing: Early on in the thread cornychips said they’d just donated “a shit ton of money” to WHTM in Abunga’s honor. Holy moley, they weren’t kidding! Biggest single donation I’ve ever gotten. Above and beyond the call of duty, but I’m not turning it down!
So to cornychips, if you’re reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you! And thanks to you too, Abunga, for inspiring this act of generosity!
Some babies are supposed to have a strong enough grip to support their own weight from birth, but mine did not, disappointingly. Neither did any of the children of my less attentive friends, but te sample size is too small to be significant there.
This means that if what you’re trying to steal has sufficient tensile strength to support their body weight, you can just lift it up til they let go. This should work until they get to 2, 3-ish, I think, but they’re not really babies as such by then.
@Pie but of course that depends on whether the thing you’re trying to steal can support the baby’s weight….
Attentive readers may have spotted the following bit of my post:
🙂 I’m not very attentive–just woke up and decided to spend the first 15 minutes of my day reading WHTM comments. Time to do something more useful!
Your father must be so proud of you.
Aw, I missed Abungiecord’s latest return and banning. Darn it all to heck.
So, wow. Miggs got pretty dark pretty quick.
If you’re still reading this, Miggy, your girlfriend didn’t dump you because she has BPD. She dumped you because she figured out that you are an asshole. She’s a person with hopes and dreams and aspirations and a lower tolerance for your nonsense than you thought. I wish her well and I wish you all the legos in the world.
I know manospherians can’t be bothered checking that they’re actually correct about literally anything, but you’d think the guy would at least know how to spell Joan of Arc’s native name if he’s going to insist upon using it.
Also, while this certainly isn’t the most hilarious part of abloobloobloo’s tale, it did get a point for making me laugh because David often goes to great lengths to provide the context for everything he posts. It’s not his fault if there’s no context that would ever make manospherian comments seem good.
So true. It seems to be a recurring thing, too. I remember gamergaters complaining that people quoted them out of context; then when the context was supplied they complained because it made them look far worse.
We should put “out of context” into the Manospherian bingo.
@cornychips – way to go with your support!
@EJ: i sometimes wonder if the context is more where the quotes are appearing, rather than the words they are surrounded by.
If you’re on a gamergate message board, saying any of the typical gator points would sound reasonable, because everyone there agrees with you. Remove the words from this habitat and put them in another space (where they aren’t surrounded by the same noise) and the gators themselves might be shocked with how it sounded, because that isn’t how they remember it sounding.
@cornychips: you rock!
“Out of context” is the standard online excuse with someone who says something blazingly stupid, and then wants to backpedal away from the backlash their blazingly stupid comment received…rarely does showing the context vindicate them.
Cornychips: echoing Rhuu: you rock.
See also: It’s satire!
There’s an interview with Tony Lambrianou (an associate of the notorious Kray Twins) where he is asked about the time he nailed someone to a floor.
“That incident has been taken totally out of context.”
“Uh, dude, you do realize that the current inhabitant of the White House is more impulsive than a woman simultaneously experiencing pregnancy, ovulation, menopause, hysteria, wandering womb, dancing cervix, fallopian tubeworm, mammary foam, boob gout, the vapours, bicycle face, and lady ghostbusters?”
Dyed-in-the-wool MRA:
“See? Men do everything better, even hysteria!! ‘Cuz, like, when we get hysterical we get so much more unknowably hysterical than women can!! Our hysteria is deeper hysteria; our hysteria is wider hysteria; our hysteria is more powerful hysteria; our hysteria ist Welthistorisch hysteria; our hysteria is the hysteria of the Gods!!”
“And Trump’s the proof!!”
“HAAAAAAAAAA — — gotcha!!!”
{falls down, twitches, and foams at the mouth}
Ooglyboggles: I hope your aunt makes a full, fast recovery. I’m so glad you were there to help her.
Seagull Kid,
Your excuses for your pathetic behavior are weak and you are weak.
You couldn’t hurt any of us. You’re a null. The kindest of us pity you. Others dislike you like they would dislike an autonomous herpes sore. Still others find you amusing, like dog scratching its butt on the driveway.
To me you’re sort of like an autonomous herpes sore scratching its butt on the driveway. You wish you could infect the people here with your issues, but you can’t. The shittiness of you is something you are stuck with and we only have to entertain until it stops being funny.
People like you need to believe others are naturally inferior because nothing about you is exceptional. You could change that or even just accept that not everyone can be an ubermench, but that takes effort and you’re lazy and fragile. You can’t sit with your pain long enough to understand it. You can’t be patient with your self when you fail. You can’t keep on keep’n on when the struggle gets rough. So you make shit up, because that’s easy. You can’t grasp that you may be able to lie to yourself, but other people are better educated, more adept, more practiced at spotting bullshit and simply a lot smarter than you are. There’s no shame in any of those things being true because everybody’s got to start somewhere and work from there. But you want to maintain a massive chip on your shoulder and an unearned sense of pride and entitlement. So, you live in a fantasy world where you are all the things you can’t really be.
That’s a fucking sad state to be in, Seagull Kid. When you bite at the heals of those you perceive to already be hurt because that’s all you can do, it doesn’t make you look strong. It makes you look like the snivling little brat in need of a time out and some perspective you are.