For an alleged defender of white womanhood, Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer really seems to hate white women. In a post yesterday, Anglin urged his fellow racist white dudes to uplift their race by tearing “their” women down.
Anglin begins his post with an angry rant against “All About That Bass,” Megan Trainor’s musical paean to women who’ve “got that boom boom that all the boys chase, all the right junk in all the right places.” Snowflake Anglin retorts that real men like him think “[f]at women are disgusting.”
Naturally, he blames the popularity of Trainor’s song on the evil machinations of the Elders of Zion.
“The Jews are literally marketing obesity as a favorable lifestyle choice – they are selling this to teenage girls,” he charges.
They are telling them, using scientific methods of psychological manipulation, that boys will like them if they are fat.
But nothing could be further from the truth! Not only that, but fat people are depriving non-fat people of their basic human rights with their dastardly fatness.
Fat people are not simply destroying themselves – they are destroying society.
By refusing to take basic care of yourself and present yourself in a manner that is not disgusting, you are demonstrating vile hatred for everyone around you. Giving gluttonous sluts the “freedom” to be fat takes away the freedom of normal people to not have to look at disgusting fat slobs when they are out in public trying to lead normal lives.
Who knew that poor Mr. Anglin was so oppressed?
Happily for the white race (minus the fatties), Mr. Anglin has a solution to fight the rising tide of fatness: fat shaming.
Indeed, the brave Mr. Anglin has already launched his own personal fat shaming crusade — at a local McDonald’s. He begins the story of his struggle by assuring his readers that he only goes to McDonald’s for coffee and “I do not eat their food ever.”
Well, not ever ever. “Maybe twice a year I get a sausage McMuffin for breakfast,” he admits in the very next sentence, before relating a recent encounter he had at McDonald’s with “two girls probably 21-22 who were fat and scarfing down burgers, French fries and soda.”
Horrifyingly, these women had not completely covered every inch of their body with opaque material to protect Anglin’s sensitive eyes.
Despite the chilly April in Ohio weather, they were wearing short shorts, showing off their elephant legs. They were proud.
Naturally, Anglin decided he had to take them down a peg.
Passing them on the way back from the bathroom, I stopped right in front of them, looked at the French fries one was munching, then looked her straight in the eyes, then looked down at her bulbous exposed legs, then looked her straight in the eyes and shook my head and said “Jesus fucking Christ” and walked away.
If you do this right, the skank will spend hours on end crying about it, will think about it most of her waking hours (as well as in her nightmares) for weeks, and remember it for the rest of her life.
Yeah, that’s kind of how abuse — both physical and verbal — works, you piece of shit.
But in Anglin’s mind, this is abuse with a purpose — the salvation of the beleaguered white race.
You are helping your society and your race by doing this, and it will make you feel confident. Looking down on women is something all men should be doing, a status we need to regain in this matriarchal Jew hell of a society we’ve been born into against our will, and fat women are an easy target for building up your confidence.
But what if you’re too shy to walk up to fat women and verbally abuse them in public?
If you don’t have the confidence yet to walk right up to these whores, you can look at them from a distance, make eye-contact, and shake your head in disgust. This will build your confidence as you train your subconscious mind to understand that these whores are far, far below you.
It’s all about self-improvement!
Note that this may be illegal in some European countries. But it sure as hell isn’t in America. And it needs to be done.
Everyone should make it a personal mission to inflict shame on some horrible slut each and every day of his life.
But your abuse “doesn’t have to be limited to fat women.” In fact, you can just go ahead and abuse “all types of stupid, worthless whores.”
Like, for example, white women dating icky non-white men!
[I]f you see an interracial couple, you can stop and say, enthusiastically “wow, you guys are such a cute couple,” she will almost certainly interpret this as you giving her exactly what she wants – social approval for her brave social justice act. So then, while she’s smiling, look the stupid bitch straight in the eyes and say “your father must be so proud.” Then, start laughing, and walk away.
This might not work if the “stupid bitch’s” father is not actually a racist piece of shit, but never mind, because Anglin is on a roll!
The “your father must be so proud” line followed by laugher can be used in all types of different situations.
If a girl is dressed particularly whorishly, or is making some big public attention getting display, you can say “wow, you sure are something – your father must be so proud” and start laughing.
If they get standoffish with you and try to attack you for shaming them, just keep laughing and walk away.
If “cuckolded white knight faggots” step in to defend the “whore” in question, you can also stand up to them by walking away. “Don’t engage,” Anglin warns.
Engaging makes it look like it matters to you more than it does, and that then boosts the ego of the slut. You want her to know that you think she is lower than any insect.
Apparently, being a complete asshole to practically every woman you see can be a big boost to your self-esteem.
I promise you, this will make you feel GREAT because you are doing a very GREAT thing for our race and society. You can then teach your friends to do the same. We can create an entire social movement, very rapidly, as men begin to realize the deep spiritual joy and righteousness they feel in putting these stupid whores in their place.
I suppose I should make the obligatory “are we the baddies” reference here.
Some of Anglin’s readers were apparently worried that adopting his “abuse practically every woman you see” approach might make it difficult for them to find dates for the prom. Anglin assures them in an “IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT” appended to his post that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, ladies love abusive men! It’s SCIENCE.
For any remaining white knights who just don’t get it, and accuse me of somehow making it so men won’t be successful with women if they view them and treat them this way, you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about women. …
Men who engage in the type of behavior I have outlined here are the kind of men that women desire more than anything. In fact, they are the only type of men they desire. This is evolutionary biology, it is a scientific fact …
Women have exactly zero desire to be “respected” by men who view them as “equals” – women desire to be dominated by men who view them as property.
Roses are red
Birds have wings
Women like men
Who treat them like things
My agenda is to save the white race by helping men to become men again, and I don’t give a fuck about the tears of you pussy-worshiping cowards who have abandoned OUR WOMEN to their own fundamentally self-destructive natures by refusing to give them male guidance through the mechanism of public shaming.
You white knight cowards are the ones who are destroying OUR WOMEN by abdicating your masculine duty to put them in their place where they are safe and protected by men who dominate and own them, while at the same time claiming that any man who stands up and does his masculine duty is the bad guy.
White knights are worse than Jews – they are traitors.
Traitors, huh? “If this be treason,” as Patrick Henry so famously said, let us “make the most of it.”
I have, in fact, seen parts of the Knowing. Mostly though, what I took away from it was it wasn’t sure whether to be The Da Vinci Code, Armageddon, or some weird-ass Close Encounters of the Third Kind and then tried to be all three with ‘what the actual FUCK?’ results. Then again, I may be blinkered by white privilege and looking at the End of the World, so YMMV.
(And also going “Solar flares do NOT EXTEND AS FAR AS FUCKING EARTH ORBIT, people. And even if they did THAT would not happen.”)
Where do you want all your internets sent?
A little OT, ran across this hilarious “I’m totally not making this up” PUA story about a woman being charmed by a guy acting super-creepy:
I did have to deduct points because he forgot to say the woman was a “Victoria’s Secret model” – I think that’s a required element in this genre.
@Banananananaaaaaaaagh I lost count dakry:
Hocotate. Somewhere there.
I don’t understand what air conditioning has to do with having to go to the bathroom? Scratching my head!
Oh, someone sure fancies himself quite the Sherlock Holmes!
@Anisky When we get cold supposedly it makes us have to urinate (I just heard this little factoid this past year).
His Fatherland must be so proud.
May I just fling a rose on your stage, Troubelle? That was a good one, as I have learnt to expect from your songs.
Also, really? We’re supposed to cry for weeks over some stranger snarling at us? That’s… puzzling. It may be possible that this [ahem] gentleman has an inflated idea of his importance.
[Edited to add] Um, not “we.” I’m not a teenager, and obviously not this person’s target.
“All about that bass” is a terrible song, but that’s because it’s an anti-feminist Trojan horse. A lot of bullying and body-shaming skinny girls, which shouldn’t be any more acceptable than body-shaming chubby ones.
Not as bad as Nicki “Fuck them skinny bitches” Minaj though.
People should raising women up by making it ok to accept yourself whatever you look like, not attacking women for their looks.
Maybe Anglin should ask Roosh how fat-shaming goes. (Of course, he won’t because Roosh is a gross Brown Person who wants to rape his precious White Wimmens, but hey.)
Well my biological father was a racist sexist piece of garbage too, so both of y’all can go eat shit while I enjoy my life instead of stewing in self-produced toxic sludge.
Ah, Supernatural. The fandom with a gif for every occasion!
I’m tempted to get into the show, though the queerbaiting and beating of dead horses is enough to put me off somewhat.
I recall a really good episode though where someone threw a magic coin in a fountain at a Chinese food restaurant, and then everyone who tossed their coins in got their wish granted, monkey’s paw style.
My favorite was the teddy bear who came to life and started to watch the news, then immediately tried to shoot itself in the headfluff because it couldn’t bear all the awfulness.
Sounds like he fancies himself quite the Shawn Spencer. And like the show Psych, that story was pure fiction.
@Aunt Podger
Much obliged. I do enjoy writing these things…
Wait, was this the guy that got punched? Or was that Richard Spencer? I get them confused.
If it was…I’m certain he’s been a hideously cowardly scumbag since time immemorial, but did he start advocating literal passive-aggression like this before or after the punch?
Either way, thank you David, as always, for making this dreck mildly palatable to read. At least, to the extent I can resist the urge to punch the walls.
@Ray of Rays
That was Richard Spencer aka the guy who got punched AND glitter-bombed.
I’ve been working with a translation team regarding an old project of there’s. My part isn’t translating, but more interpreting and explaining. The group is mainly composed of people who have English as their second and third languages and my job is to thoroughly explain the passages to them the best I can so they can better understand the text. I’ve been a little successful but now that we’re halfway through the project, I and the person I’ve been PM’ing have been noticing I’m getting poorer in my explanations, sometimes even forgetting to expand on entire passages they’ve asked about.
If any of you have any advice when it comes to explaining topics to people who don’t have English as their first language I’d really appreciate it.
There is something funny about this exciting new storm troopering.
We have seen this crypto-(you ain’t foolin’ nobody, wear that arm-band and earn your bruises, you weakling)nazi Spencer get punched. And people go “YAS!”, because everybody likes to watch nazis getting punched.
So the response from yon actual, not-actually-ashamed-for-being-on-the-losing-side-of-history, neo-nazi useless piece of sod is:
“Call women fat!
This is how an actual neo-nazi thinks about race war. So were he to promote a violent confrontation where he’d be present you can be sure to find him curled up in a fetal position, and putting the boot where it hurts the most is both easy and encouraged (by this, and only this, socialist anti-fascist whose familiarity with neo-nazis includes knowledge about how they share addresses of leftist and/or feminist activists in order to threaten their children and/or bomb their homes. Also, knowledge about how they hide weaponry when they go to attack pram-pushing mothers demonstrating against neo-nazis. Also, knowledge about how they’ve gone hunting for leftists/feminists on March the 8th. Are any of these pieces of fascistoid antics reasons for punching nazis for no other reason than because they’re nazis? Yes. Always.).
One should, of course, not think that this particular piece of sodden ignorance given form is the most dangerous bit of neo-nazism one might encounter, but treating people like them as serious political actors(or anything similar) isn’t merely idiotic, but is how normalizing works. One should never give them any platform, however much they whine.
But the frozen peaches of nazis, one might ask(if one was superlatively stupid). Not actually being American, I don’t care for their Zyklon-B flavoured peaches. Nor their knives. I have my stomping boots. I will use them for stomping. Especially now, seeing how our blithe acceptance of neo-nazism has come home to roost. Once upon a time my home was where nazi-skins came to leave, quick-like, before they were seen. But these days we have a neo-nazi party in parliament, and there are other reasons why they feel empowered (of course including Trump), so they are feeling powerful right now.
Would you like to know what they’re doing right now? They (through one of their “newspapers”) are attempting to collect personal identities of people opposing our neo-nazi party, in order to visit their homes. En masse. They first aimed it at journalists which, viewed in isolation, was a curious but blatant attempt to silence said journalists.
But since they decided to target EVERYBODY who happens to be a supporter of a facebook group opposing said party, we’ve got a gaggle of neo-nazi fucks being told to visit people in order to intimidate them. Civilians, yeah?
So I might get a Soldiers of Odin neo-nazi fucker knocking on my door asking why oppose neo-nazis, threatening to punch my teeth in unless I change my my ways, but it’s really fucking important that neo-nazi views get a fair hearing, ’cause genocide is just a political stance like environmental preservation and, indeed, how about all of you who keep soft-footing neo-nazism get all of yourselves entirely fucked off in the general direction of FUCK!
The title you’re scrambling for isn’t Devil’s Advocate. It’s Quisling. Wear it proudly, won’t you.
Ooglyboggles says:
Are your explanations in writing or in speech?
@A. Noyd
In writing only, although tips for speech would also be nice and useful for where I live.
@Ooglyboggles, I get a vibe that there is more to what is troubling you than you’re saying. Would you care to expound, or are you sick of that?
@Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Oh no I’m not of sick of that at all! In truth lately I’ve been wondering if I’m able to keep doing a good job for them, and hopefully other groups in the future. This is the first team project I’ve ever worked on online, it’s new territory and it makes me nervous. Like worry of not doing a good enough job, not doing things fast enough, not being able to make translated sentences flow like water, or the possibility that I might be disappointing or angering someone. I’m not used to being relied on. I know they’re not going to be mad at me, they said repeatedly this is just a hobby with no time constraints, and they’ve said I’ve been doing a good job so far.
Yet my mind keeps going into overdrive on the little things that don’t matter, like all of a sudden my brain wants to be a perfectionist. Before typing this up, I didn’t even articulate it in my mind and just pushed it back. Ugh this is the not the me I am, I’m not the sort of person who at the first sign of trouble he’ll go into a tizzy. It’s feels like someone switched my mind from “take it as practice and it’ll be fun, no need for worries or to take this too seriously” to “be hyperanxious.”
The less English someone understands, the more you should avoid passive. Also, try to cut down on using relative pronouns and postmodification.
(Relative pronoun examples: The man who hired me told us about it. / I ate the cake that Lisa made. Postmodification examples: I’ll lend you the book I read last week / All the pictures taken by my mother got lost when we moved.)
Basically, try not to embed another sentence or part of another sentence into your main sentence. It’s hard for many ESL speakers to correctly interpret them. (Even more if you’re speaking.)
If you’re trying to explain a text with complex grammar, first write out the bare bones of the sentence minus any modifiers: who did what to whom. Also, if the sentence is passive, include an active version. Then expand on how each basic part of the sentence was modified. Also explain the time situation indicated by the verb tense. And point out idioms and give their literal meaning.
Speaking tips: Slow down more than you think you need to and use short sentences. Repeat yourself lots, especially for more crucial info. Enunciate prepositions. Pause regularly and ask people if they understood you so far. Use clear gestures and draw diagrams or write down key words. Reference the diagrams/words as you talk.
And why not ask your teammates what works for them?
holy Crap! That reads like a parody of a bad romance for guys book that some dumb cluck in a wacky sixties situation comedy might find.
“Tonight in CBS : Gilligan tries out relationship advice from a Men’s Adventure magazine in the girls with disastrous results!
Ooglyboggles, I actually feel you on that. I’m a passionate nerd with terrible ADHD, and my mind either has to be constantly steered back to the task, or I have to restrain myself from drilling down into the topic’s unhelpful magma layer…
I don’t know if this is helpful to you or so basic that I’m condesplaining, but here is what I do when I write manuals/ instructions (something I adore way too much. I think I may have been kitchicooed by the word simpliciter when I was a baby):
1. Introduce the topic by telling them what you’re going to tell them and give them the benefits of knowing what you’re about to tell.
2. Break the topic down into steps. Write those steps out. If it’s helpful to add an explanation or clarification, put those in bullet points under the steps.
-I like Excel or index cards, because you can easily add, split, and rearrange. With most word processing programs, I end up wasting time mucking about with formatting, and it just tires my brainmeats in non-productive ways.
-The smaller the steps, the better. This is also where ADHD comes in super handy: I used to do this thing that I thought was funny, pretending to deliberately misunderstand something… now I try to write so that iteration of me can’t make a “joke” out of it. (There is an apocryphal story of a West Point exam where the student would write out a set of orders in such a way that it could not possibly be misunderstood or mis-executed by even the most passive-aggressive idiot on earth. I aim for to write at this standard— idiot-proof, not passive-aggressive.)
-Use illustration/ screenshots/ photos wherever possible.
-I also try to write in timed chunks. I know how long my brain can withstand resisting whimsy, and it’s a good idea to come back to your writing in any case.
3. Tell them what you’ve said, and if practical, ask them to tell you what you’ve said in your own words. “Communication is not complete until the listener does it.”
I like A. Noyd’s advice, especially,
There might be something to asking if there is something you’ve written that really worked for them, and what was good about it.
Do I make sense? It’s been a long shift for me, and I know I am rambling. This may also be less “how to communicate with ESL friends,” and more, “How to put together a manual.”
@ Ogglyboggles:
via @ A. Noyd:
This is very good advice: you should avoid complex and compound sentences in general, and keep your subjects and objects clear, because English (like any language with either Latin or German roots, or, worse, both) can get bogged down in nested clauses, which can be deeply confusing to non-native speakers, like this very self-referential sentence here, or rather like the readers thereof.
Keep things short. Make your points clear. Avoid grammatical flourishes. Nobody will feel insulted. Just emulate Hemingway, except for the drinking and the depression and the misogyny and, you know what? Forget Hemingway.
Most languages have syntax that is very different from what you’re used to. Simplifying is the easiest way to make your meaning clear.
Again, this is very good advice, A. Noyd.
via @ Aunt Podger:
This is generally great advice for any presentation in any language. Outline first, then flesh it out. Give them time to prepare.
* Bullet points help! Structure and clarity make everything easier.
* Everyone has their preferences. I like word processors more because that’s how I’m accustomed to laying out ideas. Doesn’t matter! Use what works for you, but keep it structured, simple, and brief.
* One step at a time gets you to the finish line. Long complicated ideas are composed of single steps strung together. Explain each step. Take it slow. Remain concise but don’t skip.
* Pictures are good! Insert whatever will help your presentation.
OK, fine.
* Anything you’re going to present in person, you should run through beforehand. Time yourself. Work out how long every step will take. In general, you want to keep each chunk at less than 10 minutes, and less than five minutes is much better.
It’s great to get the audience to feed back your concepts. There won’t be time or opportunity for everyone to do this, but keep it short, keep it moving, and ask a lot of questions back.
Me too!
No, sorry, I didn’t follow you. What was the middle part again?
I think that was all very helpful advice. I mean the parts you two provided. 😉
I second the comments others have made about form, and would like to add something about word choice. A surprising amount of modern English usage is metaphor, cultural references, and odd derivations of root words. Cultural assumptions are embedded in language, and those assumptions tend not to cross cultures well.
I found out how much we use money metaphors (“buying it” for being persuaded, for example) when I worked with people who were culturally quite new to money.
“It’s always darkest just before the dawn” is a sweet line but it ain’t true, and that speaker lost her ESL audience.
I overheard a hilarious conversation where one speaker called a third person “dreamy”, and the ESL listener took this to mean a daydreamer.
An extreme and very entertaining example of communicating in metaphor and allusion (and the problems that poses in cross-cultural communication): Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
Best of luck with it. Cross-cultural communication is getting more and more important.
Translation: I can’t get a date to save my life. Follow my advice, guys, and you’ll be dateless too. At least I won’t be alone in my date-free existence.
@ Lysistrata:
Very good point about the ubiquity of metaphor and idiom in modern language. Simile isn’t as bad as metaphor, but it’s good to just avoid indirect meanings. Say what you mean, clearly. Most indirect speech doesn’t translate well to people from speakers of your language from a widely different area, much less speakers of another language.
I mean, you hit the nail right on the head there! Your points were right on target, and they really brought the meaning home for me. I was swept away.
I’ve also heard “plug into Google translate (or other translator program), hit random language, and back again,” for avoidance of excessive idioms. Or maybe that was listen to the “Google Translate sings” video series…