alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism twitter white genocide white supremacy

Dr. David Duke: White supremacist, dirty old man

David Duke, creepy grandpa

Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).

But he also seems to spend a lot of time thinking about white women. Specifically, young white women, sometimes very young, who are, like, smoking HAWT in an all-white kind of way.

On Twitter, in recent days, he’s been posting memes extolling the alleged superior beauty of white women — or, as he likes to put it, women whose parents are both white. His goal? To convince young white men and women to only have kids with white partners —  thus ensuring Duke and others like him that, roughly 18 years down the line, there will be a new generation of white hotties for them to leer at. Because eventually white babies, or at least some of them, become white BABES.

Oh, and this will also help protect the white race from being GENOCIDED FROM WITHIN by RACE TRAITORS who have mixed-race children or none at all.

Basically, Duke’s new campaign enables the creepy old ex-Klansman to post pics like these:

Did I mention that Dr. Duke is 66?

Hey, hey! Watch where you’re looking! Her white heritage is up here!

“Triggered?” Dr. David Duke is trying so hard to keep up with the Pepe-loving alt-right youngsters and their terrible jokes.

Yep, that’s right, Dr. Duke likes big butts and he cannot lie.

Actually, scratch that last bit; he’s pretty good at lying. When he made his first foray into electoral politics lo those many decades ago, he managed to convince more than a few observers that he wasn’t the complete racist piece of shit that he is. Now he doesn’t bother to hide it.

Also he apparently spends his evenings scouring the internet for pictures of white hotties young enough to be his granddaughter … wearing tiny shorts.

So who does Duke blame when white RACE TRAITORS have children with partners of another race, thereby WHITE GENOCIDING future generations of pretty white girls?

Let’s just say that the name of the culprit starts with “J” and rhymes with “Jews.”

Oh, wait, I sort of gave it away didn’t I?

That doesn’t make any sense to me. Don’t the Jews need Christian baby blood for their evil Jewy rituals? Wouldn’t a Jewish conspiracy to reduce the supply of white babies increase the price of white baby blood? I thought Jews were supposed to be the world’s biggest cheapskates!

Anti-Semitism is confusing.

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Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

Oops. Having spent over 2/3 of my life in the South, my brain immediately coded “CSA” as “Confederate States of America”, and from there went on to conclude that someone had escaped from an abusive family full of Confederacy-worshipers.

IMO the results of widespread genetic testing are more likely to bring about a breakdown of the racists, as in losing their ability to function well enough to pass as decent people. And I see that as a Good Thing.

7 years ago

@Dan Hoan I feel for you– I’ve been part of the regional and state-level judging (Kansas) for History Day, though I’ve been fortunate enough not to have to deal with the kind of dilemma you’ve described. My problem has actually been having to deal with too many students whose issues I sincerely like and want to move on, but we’ve got to narrow the field– the least-sympathetic individual focused on was Woodrow Wilson, but it was about his League of Nations, which I think was the best thing he advocated for. If you don’t want to identify your state, I understand, but I’m curious where it came out of– my knee-jerk reaction is to guess the South, but of course I’m ready to be saddened-yet-not-surprised if it was Oregon or something. That sort of situation pops up everywhere.

7 years ago

There’s nothing more (((they))) hate than pretty babies.

If you’re gonna get all uppity about your “European heritage”, old man, you might want to bone up on your English grammar and syntax. It’s “There is nothing they hate more”, not “There’s nothing more (((they))) hate”.

(Not shown: The fact that most Jews are also white. And a great many of them are also pretty.)

7 years ago


So… You think that David worries about the race/ethnicity of a person his godson might or might not be dating? I mean, I think that is what you were implying. You were pretty, well, incoherent.

As a very white person who has 5 grandchildren, none of whom would be considered “white” by the likes of Mr. Duke, I assure you that many white parents honestly don’t give a single solid fuck what color the skin of their children’s dates and/or spouses are.

I mean, just so you know.

7 years ago

Anisky, sorry sorry, I ran out of time to edit. I realized I misread what you wrote. I thought you were talking to David Futrelle for some reason. Blame it on a senior moment, please.

And I agree, the thought of all those racist assholes with non-white grandchildren pleases me.

This pleases me, too.

Again sorry. And no you weren’t really incoherent. I was.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

but of course I’m ready to be saddened-yet-not-surprised if it was Oregon or something.

Considering that Oregon was literally created to be a white’s only state, it wouldn’t be a surprise at all.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

Call me a white racial cuck or something that peabrains like that love to use on non-Nazis, but a lot of biracial/ mixed ladies I’ve seen are really, really devastatingly good looking. More so than my own pasty, flabby-ass self. The idea it gives skeevy bastards like Duke a limp boner just adds to my vicious schadenfreude.

(This is me, post-work and out of fucks to give about assholes’ fee fees!)

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
7 years ago

And with that, I just tripled-down on my decision not to have children. Yuck.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

@Ghost Robot

Quadrupled here, even if I already hadn’t had the baby factory taken out because reasons.

One of my cousins is also committing WHITE GENOCIDE!!!1! by having married a Hmong lady, having a child with her, and treating her older two kids like his own. According to my aunt and late uncle, this was all peachy keen far’s they were concerned. May this be razored Legos in whatever passes for David Duke’s soul.

7 years ago

Alex Stallwitz,
Ironically haemophilia doesn’t usually result from inbreeding. It either runs in the family or, in about 30% of cases, is the result of spontaneous mutation in genetic material. In queen Victoria’s case, she was the first carrier who passed the mutation on to her many children who went on to spread it across European royal families. There is a theory linking the age of the father to the spontaneous mutation occuring in children because genetic mutations become more common the older the father is (same is true for women but obviously they cannot have children as late in life as men can). So the theory is that the likely cause of queen Victoria having the mutation was the fact that her father was almost 20 years older than her mother and in his fiftees when she was born.

In conclusion, things that can increase the risk of faulty genes: inbreeding and older men marrying much younger women. Things that can reduce risk of genetic faults: interracial marriage

Dr Duke take note: No more chasing after younger women. You are endangering your race!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, racists do often make an exception for the white man + Asian woman pairing.

Because all women from the mysterious and exotic country of Asia are submissive and live for nothing but man pleasing dontcha know

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@Banananana dakry
My white cousin’s husband is Rwandan; she also converted to Islam when they married, so that’s a WHITE GENOCIDE twofer. (Incidentally, if Henderson is still reading, they’re both quite feminist, and raising their children to be fiercely feminist as well)

7 years ago

The thing about this…”trope” or whatever Mr. Duke has going here, is that it doesn’t even make any sense. You could insert any nationality or race or whatever in there:

I’m this pretty because my parents are Polish.
I’m this pretty because my parents are Haitian and Jewish.
I’m this pretty because my parents are Egyptian, Norwegian, South African, Iraqi, Tibetan, and French-Canadian.

It all just means, “I’m this pretty because my parents passed on pleasing genetics”.

7 years ago

So, what Duke is saying is by having a baby with a woman who is not white, I guarantee that she won’t be leered at by a reptillian Nazi?

I’m counting that as a win!

And incidetnally my daughter is so pretty because she is fucking awesome, favourite story is the Princess and the Pig, goes to sleep listening to I am woman, and she will grow up to rule all your asses.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Is that last picture (the one with the mudshark caption) of a lady with dyed hair?

Her hair looks dyed, possibly blue or teal, to me, and I’ve gotten the impression that blue-haired white women are traitors to the white race or something. Is dying one’s hair blue OK now? Asking for a friend.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

Both my parents (and all of my grandparents) are white. This means David Duke would enjoy the sight of 48-year old, 40kg overweight me in booty shorts, right?


But I’m white, David! I’m sooooooooo white! Why don’t you think I’m pretty?????

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

European Beauty is Unrivalled

Yeah, cos people who aren’t shitfuckers don’t pit European and Oceanian gals against each other in a ‘race’ wide beauty showdown

Don’t let our beautiful and unique people die out!

So I can leer at them!

now make sure you have some pretty babies


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

What if I have white babies and they are super pretty but they are male children?

What if I have white babies and they are just kind of average looking? What if they are born disabled?

What if I have white babies and I don’t raise them purposefully to be raging racists? What if they pair off with non-white partners?

What if I think I’m white and I go on to have “white” babies, but it turns out later that I am 1/100000000th non-white?

So many questions.

7 years ago

I was kind of flummoxed by this whole Dr. David Duke baloney so I looked into it. From Rationalwiki:

In September 2005, Duke received a Candidate of Sciences degree in history from the Ukrainian Interregional Academy of Personnel ManagementWikipedia’s W.svg (MAUP).[22]
His doctoral thesis was titled “Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism,”[22] which apparently Duke feels no shame or irony in a former Klansman saying.
The Anti-Defamation League claims that MAUP is the main source of antisemitic activity and publishing in Ukraine,[23] and its “anti-Semitic actions” were “strongly condemned” by Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and various organizations.[24][25][26][27] The Anti-Defamation League describes it as a “University of Hate”.[28] Duke has taught an international relations and a history course at MAUP.

Ah. VERY impressive there, Mr. Duke.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

*sarcasm acknowledged!*

Uhhhh HUH. Yep, my cousin in law is a complete submissive man-pleasing delicate Oriental flower with the way she works her ass off outside the home and loudly grumbles on Facebook when her husband or older boys don’t pick up the slack. Do not mess with Hmong women; if they don’t know how to hunt, their relatives do.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago


“TWO FOR ONE outraging of white supremacist fucks here! BUY NOW!”


And what if you have pretty white babies, but they turn out to be *gasp* GAY?

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I can imagine how much effort Duke put into determining those women do have two parents who are people he considers white. I imagine it’s none.

Japanese-Canadians have the highest out group marriage rate of Canadian visible minority groups. So I would suspect sooner or later you’ll be able to find a Canadian who fits the blonde haired, blue eyed cliché Duke and co. think of as “Aryan,” but who is of Japanese descent on both their mother and father’s sides.

7 years ago


Ha, no worries. My post did have that taunting tone that troll posts sometimes have, so I can see how it would be easy to misread it that way. It’s just that my taunt was directed at the creepy racist sexist guy, not the decent anti-racism anti-sexism good guy. 🙂 I posted it here because I don’t actually want to interact with David Duke, on Twitter or anywhere. (Plus, while the fact that he couldn’t even keep his godson, who he had a lot of contact with through his childhood, believing in the “white power” movement past his early twenties is probably a nice sore spot to poke at, I’d rather not bring the racists’ attention back to Derek Black. I imagine he’s been harassed by those guys enough.)

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

Well, racists do often make an exception for the white man + Asian woman pairing.

I get the feeling those fuckheads would still pause at me with my Filipina girlfriend. And probably assume she’s Mexican.

So, what Duke is saying is by having a baby with a woman who is not white, I guarantee that she won’t be leered at by a reptillian Nazi?

I’m counting that as a win!

Damn straight.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago