Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).
But he also seems to spend a lot of time thinking about white women. Specifically, young white women, sometimes very young, who are, like, smoking HAWT in an all-white kind of way.
On Twitter, in recent days, he’s been posting memes extolling the alleged superior beauty of white women — or, as he likes to put it, women whose parents are both white. His goal? To convince young white men and women to only have kids with white partners — thus ensuring Duke and others like him that, roughly 18 years down the line, there will be a new generation of white hotties for them to leer at. Because eventually white babies, or at least some of them, become white BABES.
Oh, and this will also help protect the white race from being GENOCIDED FROM WITHIN by RACE TRAITORS who have mixed-race children or none at all.
Basically, Duke’s new campaign enables the creepy old ex-Klansman to post pics like these:
Did I mention that Dr. Duke is 66?
Hey, hey! Watch where you’re looking! Her white heritage is up here!
“Triggered?” Dr. David Duke is trying so hard to keep up with the Pepe-loving alt-right youngsters and their terrible jokes.
Yep, that’s right, Dr. Duke likes big butts and he cannot lie.
Actually, scratch that last bit; he’s pretty good at lying. When he made his first foray into electoral politics lo those many decades ago, he managed to convince more than a few observers that he wasn’t the complete racist piece of shit that he is. Now he doesn’t bother to hide it.
Also he apparently spends his evenings scouring the internet for pictures of white hotties young enough to be his granddaughter … wearing tiny shorts.
So who does Duke blame when white RACE TRAITORS have children with partners of another race, thereby WHITE GENOCIDING future generations of pretty white girls?
Let’s just say that the name of the culprit starts with “J” and rhymes with “Jews.”
Oh, wait, I sort of gave it away didn’t I?
That doesn’t make any sense to me. Don’t the Jews need Christian baby blood for their evil Jewy rituals? Wouldn’t a Jewish conspiracy to reduce the supply of white babies increase the price of white baby blood? I thought Jews were supposed to be the world’s biggest cheapskates!
Anti-Semitism is confusing.
@Dalillama Yeah, as someone whose college classmate actually did an essay in the form of a letter of disgruntled WW1 German solider that had the twist ending of being “by Hitler” (she looked up some of his stuff to back it and cited his common bitchings to prove that yeah, he complained just like that) without glorifying him AT ALL, merely showing how what we consider typical complains Germans had about the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles were what he rode to power on, I do not care what people think that kid was doing. Like, you can discuss the arguments Hitler made without supporting them. You can even show how they worked on the populace without supporting them. That was outright supporting them, from what Dan said.
I agree, the paper should have been reported at the regional event. Admittedly, it only moved on because it was one of four papers at that event, and one paper dropped out, so it was able to move to State automatically. I have spoken with the supervisors of the State event, and said maybe they should rethink this policy, since this paper should not have been considered for the event. That no one brought it up at the regional event is a red flag to me.
The thing one, think student told us that they were in 8th grade. Its unclear to me who has the opportunity to read these papers prior to them going to Regional and State, but literally no one read this and was like “Okay so….let’s not suggest the Jews deserved to be punished for WWI by the Holocaust.” I mean, the student’s BASIC knowledge of WWI was atrocious. (They only had three primary sources) and truly argued that WWII brought Germany back to its high status in the world. Completely ignoring the entire Cold War, and the fact that Germany has only recently achieved back its status, in large part due to their condemnation of the Holocaust and Hitler.
@AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
As part of the process for National History Day, we get to review their papers the week before, and then the actual day, we can interview the students and ask them questions (mainly as a way to make sure they actually wrote their paper, and understand what was written in it).
Every student I interview gets the same first questions “How did you pick your topic?” And this particular student did indicate that she wanted to ‘challenge herself with a difficult topic.” And this was the most difficult topic.
The thing is, I think you can write a paper about how Hitler took a stand and it can be a well-written, well-researched paper, that also takes into account that Hitler’s stand resulted in the loss of millions of lives, all for racist, untrue ideal. (I had another paper on Joe McCarthy, that did this, and did it well, both in their paper and during their interview.)
I will admit that it was difficult to tell whether the student truly believed her paper, or if she was just trying to be ~provocative~ to make their paper stand out. However, their answers to our interview questions, including concluding the Hitler’s ends (giving Germany back its “High Status”) justified the means (concentration camps and the Holocaust). And their paper concluded that the Jews were perpetrators of WWI.
The student was given several opportunities to say “Look, I know Hitler was an awful person, and what he did was wrong, but he was standing up for his misguided ideals.” But they did not back down even a little. Which could be them wanting to stand by what they wrote in their paper, or it could be something else.
The combination of what was in the paper, which took full-face value arguments from current Anti-Semitic talking points and their interview concerned me.
I should also mention that the student was young, in 8th grade, and there is a lot of time for them to learn and change their position and learn more about history. And that this paper got so far in the process in not their fault and maybe papers that are just titled “Adolf Hitler” should be reviewed more closely by the organizers.
And I think calling a child an anti-Semite is difficult and typically crosses a line for me. Its a complicated process to teach that kind of blind hated, and I don’t think the student is necessarily an Anti-Semite, or truly holds these ideas. But they were certainly taught through this process a not great way to be critical of the sources they are using. But that this is just one step on the long process of embracing Anti-Semitic (and other racist) ideals.
“But maybe was just arguing for argument’s sake”
Nope. Did you happen to see the bit where Dan asked “[about concentration camps, etc did the end justify the means?]” and the kid said “Yes”? Ample opportunity to explain “I was trying to show how this sort of argument could seem valid”, or “was just playing devil’s advocate”.
Can I assume that “mudshark” means “racist slur for a white person with a non-white partner?” (Or more specifically, knowing these goons, a white woman with a black man as her partner?) I’m not positive, but based on context clues that’s what it seems to mean, and I really want to check off this box on my Racist Lingo Bingo card.
even when you’re playing “legal counsel to Satan”, you still have to prove the argument… saying “Jooz bad… BAD” isn’t proof (unless you’re a trumpkin)
Ann Coulter Berkeley speech canceled again.
Good grief. I mean, how many college students would actually be interested in Ann Coulter? I’m pretty sure she’s orchestrating all of this in a desperate bid for relevance and book sales. The problem with being a professional troll is that it’s hard to get a respectable job once people stop paying attention to your schtick.
Pretty sure CSA doesn’t stand for “Community-Supported Agriculture,” but can’t seem to figure out what it does mean.
Hey, David Duke, any idea whether your godson is dating a non-white and/or Jewish woman? Because I don’t, but it doesn’t seem unlikely, does it? Wonder what they’re doing right now…
Thanks for the further discussion, everyone. I did miss some of the details in Dan Hoan’s original post, and I’m sorry.
Ann Coulter could easily get a respectable job as a lawyer or law clerk, but… she’d have to stop being a right-wing troll (polemicist who “likes to stir up the pot”) to do that.
I don’t know that a respectable law firm would want her name associated with them, regardless of whether she stopped or not.
Even if that was the case, well…playing Devil’s Advocate can have its place, but its also good to remember that its a luxury to do so. For too many people the hypothetical thought experiment that you’re arguing is actually someone’s very really situation.
Piffle. How many “Ironic” racists are really being ironic? How many racist “Jokes” are really just jokes? None and none.
Child sexual abuse.
Well, I’m pretty sure both David Duke’s parents are white, so he’s got ample proof he’s spouting bullshit. I’m not even sure he could really believe his own argument, he’s just one of those repellent people who will always find a way to slip in updates from their boner.
@ Dan, how can it not be a red flag? I don’t know what age the US grade 8 is, but I teach year 10’s here in NZ who are 14/15yrs old, and they come up with all sorts of bigoted rubbish. I have found the best way to change their views is to focus on the process of inquiry and a robust process of as you say using sources, counter-argument, and making them question where their ideas come from in the first place. There are a few Trump supporters in the class this year, but it’s important to remember how ignorant and naive they are, so this term we looked at Satire and freedom of the press (incl. Charlie Hebdo attack) and next term we are delving into human rights, Anne Frank etc. Giving them obvious parallels between political climates of rise of Hitler and Trump but letting them join the dots initially. One girl in this class wrote an argument called ‘Why the Death Penalty should be Reinstated’ which I let her write but critiqued carefully. I certainly wouldn’t have entered it into a state competition!
TLDR: Teenagers can be naive and write stupid things. We need to teach them critical thinking rather than telling them what to think. It’s worrying that essay was let through by another teacher.

This obession with genetic purity reminds me of the Royal families of Europe and their obession with royal blood. It also caused massive inbreeding and birth defects. For example google Habsburg Jaw as a example. Theres also the famous example of Hemophilia as well.
I’m sure that when an alt-righter burns their toast in the morning, they jump up onto a chair or table, point at the toaster, and, trembling in terror, scream: “Da Joooooooooooooooooooooos!!!!!!“
What is it with the far right and their inability to distinguish between subjective taste and objective reality? Yes, the women in his pictures are “pretty”, if you’re attracted to that type. But if you’re one of those guys who are “white genociding” by being attracted to WoC, Photoshops of blindingly white models are not going to change your mind.
Poor Charles II of Spain.
With the popularity of genetic testing from companies like 23 & Me, does anyone think the results will bring about a breaking-down of racist attitudes, at least in some cases?
Such an appealing program he’s got for white people there, isn’t it? It’s not that I took steps to make sure I had a daughter who’d be safe from him on purpose, but I have to consider it a bonus.
Alex Stallwitz – the pedigree collapse in some dynasties was almost comical. Alfonso XII of Spain had four great-grandparents, instead of the usual eight.
Charles II, last Hapsburg king of Spain, had it even worse. According to Wikipedia, he was more inbred than would have been the case had his parents been siblings. His inability to reproduce successfully led directly to the War of Spanish Succession.
There was a time when the ‘purebred’ concept was taken quite seriously, much like phrenology. I’m sure that MR. Duke would find the currently accepted concept of ‘hybrid vigor’ distressing.
AsAboveSoBelow, if facts could induce racists to change their minds, we’d have far fewer racists.
OT but it looks like r/incel has been banned from reddit for prohibited content, presumably incitement of violence, which are now forbidden content under reddit’s rules.
r/incels is now private and by invitation only.