alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis twitter

Worst of Twitter: World Jew Watch kicks it old school

Sometimes the internet is just plain horrifying

I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?

So let’s start off this new intermittent Worst of Twitter series with a fellow calling himself “World Jew Watch.” Here are a few of the nuggets of, er, wisdom he has chosen to share with the world in recent days, some of which hearken back to anti-Semitic myths so ancient there were already a bit hackneyed back in Henry Ford’s day.

Yep, World Jew Watch is definitely kicking it old school.

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7 years ago

Fals Flag, Dave H is Dav F, he’s troling us 4 da muneys! 9/11 was a infide job! Butt her emales! Trum for pwecidend! Mage Americia weat agin!

OK, sorry, will see myself out.

7 years ago

@Dan Hoan

Plus, I get my Soros check today and what better to use that money on.

Careful, I don’t think Dave Henderson is very good at picking up on sarcasm, he will see this as some kind of smoking gun! 😛

7 years ago

That’s kind of judgemental to assume that everyone whose pets have kittens or puppies is some evil selfish person

7 years ago


Butt her emales!

I initially misread that as “buttery males!” which is clearly awesome. I shall endeavour to use it in future.

7 years ago


That’s kind of judgemental to assume that everyone whose pets have kittens or puppies is some evil selfish person

I assume you’re talking to me here, even though you didn’t have the courage to say so specifically? Yeah, words in my mouth, you’re putting them there.

Although I don’t deny that I am judging when I say I am “kind of horrified” when I see friends post pics of new puppies or kittens on the FB pages. Which I did say.

Because I do feel it is irresponsible not to have your pet spayed or neutered when about 1.5 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year. So, y’know. Keep your tone policing to yourself, thanks.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

@dreemr & Dormousing

I don’t want my cat to become pregnant, having to give birth, and so on. I just want to see her interact with her kittens for 10 minutes or so, because it would be cute. This is a magical fantasy in which my cat can have temporary kittens without going through any kind of hardships associated with cat pregnancy.

I just think my cat would be an awesome mom, and I’m sad that I will never get to see it!

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Without unplanned pregnancies, neither Fingie nor Demi would exist. Not justifying it! Just saying, sometimes it turns out great for all.

7 years ago


I’m not tone policing, you’re tone policing me. It’s pretty blatant that your form of animal rights makes no effort to include people who are poor or living in rural areas. it’s elitist and classist.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


Speaking only for myself, trolls don’t make me feel uncomfortable. I just think they’re boring and pointless. If others have fun with them, they can have their fun and it won’t bother me.

7 years ago


I guess it’s cool. I seem to be coming off as some kind of extremist zealot and it’s not making me feel great so I’m just gonna STFU about it.

7 years ago


You have got to be fucking kidding me with this bullshit. Fuck off.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ IP

Without unplanned pregnancies, neither Fingie nor Demi would exist.

Or me. 🙂

sometimes it turns out great for all.

Jury’s probably still out on that one.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Sigh. I just wanted to babble about cats and look what happened.

7 years ago

Apparently the issues of poor/rural people who own animals are just bullshit and I should fuck off. Fine then. Don’t expect not to receive any criticism for excluding marginalized people.

7 years ago

Sorry, Victoria, but no. You lost all your credibility and high moral ground when you chose to accuse me of saying a bunch of hateful crap I didn’t say or even imply in your very first cowardly comment aimed at me but snivelingly not addressed to me. Have a great day making up imaginary ills to be outraged about, troll.

7 years ago


When you assume that anyone who doesn’t spay their animals is irresponsible or otherwise of poor character, it smears everyone who’s unable to afford it or doesn’t live close enough to a vet to do it. You’re being very unaware of your existing privileges. Not hateful. Except, right now you’re being hateful towards me for daring to call you out on ignoring really important facets of this issue.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


A lot of vets and shelters are willing to desex pets for a greatly reduced cost (or even for free) if you can prove financial hardship. The shelter I used to work at even offered a desexing and microchipping package for $50.

And if you can’t afford $50 or live so far away from the nearest vet that seeing one is outright impossible… Uh… I hate to say it, but you probably shouldn’t have pets. For their sake. Feeding them costs more than that and medical emergencies happen.

7 years ago

50 dollars can be the difference between groceries and dog/cat food or going without for a lot of people.

Pets are not a special privilege only for the middle and upper class. it’s an invention of humanity that everyone, outside of animal abusers, deserves access to.

and there’s the issue of people living in areas without vets at all. and those people often straight up rely on animals to not go under.

7 years ago

Many homeless people rely on animals for protection and comfort, also. You’d take that away from them because they don’t have enough money to “deserve” animals?

7 years ago

And you don’t get to lecture poor people about what they spend their money on. that’s. none. of. your. business. you are not a welfare officer.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


Many homeless people rely on animals for protection and comfort, also. You’d take that away from them because they don’t have enough money to “deserve” animals?

You’d take away the animal’s right to food and shelter? Why should the comfort of the homeless person override the health and safety of the animal?

I’m all for helping the homeless, but I don’t see why we should make animals suffee for a dubious greater good.

And you don’t get to lecture poor people about what they spend their money on.

I think I’ve found part of the problem. You see animals as a ‘what’, whereas others might see them as a ‘who’. I don’t believe that humans have a god given right to the service of or access to animals. When you acquire a pet, you need to consider the consequences and responsibilities.

7 years ago

I’m sorry, this is kind of a personal issue because a lot of my family lives out in rural areas and while I was fortunate enough to fall in the middle class, many off the folk in my family are struggling to get by.

I also have friends who are below the poverty line and after seeing them get lectured about how they somehow don’t deserve the few things they have it just boils my blood to see stuff like this get passed around online in FEMINIST spaces of all places.

7 years ago

Why not provide free pet food? Or do something to help the homeless not be so poor? Why do we put the animal above the person? Why take the animal away and leave the person to rot?

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

When I lived in rural Tennessee, I took in a cat that gave birth to two kittens within about three weeks of her arrival. I loved watching her care for her kittens, but knew this had to be her last litter. Getting her spayed wasn’t financially easy, but there was a clinic that catered to low-income people (which I was at that time), and I got it done for about $60.

Working at a different cat hospital a few years later, I saw the results of uncontrolled breeding when the vet techs rescued a colony of cats. Some of the kittens had to be euthanized because they had diseases or genetic abnormalities. Spaying and neutering is important for animal welfare. It’s hard when you’re poor, but it needs to be done, if at all possible.

RE: homeless people and their pets, was that what the film Wendy and Lucy was about? I only saw part of it.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I live in the bloody Aussie outback and am below the poverty line myself – but I didn’t get my cat until I was certain I could afford his food and potential health care (and just as well, given that he turned out to have special needs). Animals are not toys.