I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?
So let’s start off this new intermittent Worst of Twitter series with a fellow calling himself “World Jew Watch.” Here are a few of the nuggets of, er, wisdom he has chosen to share with the world in recent days, some of which hearken back to anti-Semitic myths so ancient there were already a bit hackneyed back in Henry Ford’s day.
Yep, World Jew Watch is definitely kicking it old school.
@Weird Eddie
Remember that when you’re a global warming denier, you can simultaneously assert that warming isn’t happening whilst holding forth on how if it were happening it’d be great for the economy, because of stuff like this.
@Alan Robertshaw
As heartening as that story sounds, I could not find any corroboration as to its veracity, and the site you’ve linked appears to be very much on the side of the Kenyan Defence Forces, which is currently fighting Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia. This may be more grist for the mill for the Sasquatch.
@ ariblester
Oh be a shame if not. I’ll wait to see if it pops up on Jane’s. That’s a pretty reliable source.
@David Henderson
“Spinster in a studio”? I’ll be celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary this May…to a man! Aren’t you going to congratulate us?
LOL I have a monthly donation commitment, and I even own my own home, Henderdrip.
@Imaginary Petal
Wow, NO, I have to say I have never, ever felt this way about any of my pets, dogs or cats. Pregnancy and birth is really hard on their bodies, and isn’t it kind of anthropomorphizing sentimentality to assume they’d want to be mothers?
I realize you said you do spay and neuter so that’s great. Whenever I see puppies or kittens (just born to some friend’s pet, not “cute puppies” gifs or what-have-you) on my Facebook feed I’m kind of horrified.
@ David Futrelle:
I’m a new poster, not at all an established community member here, and so this might not count for much. I don’t think though that Dave Henderson is going to become more pleasant, or interesting, or tolerant, or worth talking to as time passes. If anything, he’s been slowly drifting in the other direction for a couple of days now. Granted that he started out a miseducated hateful bigot with no concept of how civilized discussion works, that’s not a good sign.
I can only speak for myself, but I don’t want any more of his nonsense. I don’t see any value in letting him continue.
Boring troll is boring. I vote for ban.
There’s a big problem with feline overpopulation where I live. Lots of people, just don’t see the necessity of spaying or neutering their cats. (I dunno about the dogs…not a dog person.). Or, they’re too cheap to do it. I don’t for a minute believe that it’s due to economic hardship, in the vast majority of cases.
A few years ago, a woman and her two daughters simply rushed into a no-kill shelter, and dumped a mama cat and her kittens there, even though the shelter made it known that they were full, and weren’t accepting any more homeless cats. The story made the local newspapers.
So, no, I don’t feel sad☺
Not really on-topic, but I have a cat who’ll be 18 years old, if she lives until June. Anyway, she’s been meowing a lot, seemingly for no reason. I’ll hear her meow, go look at the various doors in my house to see if she’s outside and wants to come in, and she’s not there. She also wants to be fed 9,000 times a day. OK, it’s only 8,500, it just SEEMS like 9,000☺
Well. This made me throw up in my mouth.
Also – thanks Dave Henderson. I have not yet donated to the website, but I am going to throw David a few dollars for having to deal with you and the amazing work he does. Plus, I get my Soros check today and what better to use that money on.
My oldest cat was spayed early on, but that didn’t stop her from mothering some of our younger cats when they were kittens. She was raised in captivity (her mother had been dumped on a shelter while pregnant, and she had been raised with her littermates in the director’s home), and had the best social skills. She’d wash the kittens, teach them how to play, and helped them integrate into the household.
Now she’s old and crotchety, annoyed by these whippersnappers. And we just learned yesterday that she’s deaf now. My poor ol’ girl.
Paging sinkable john & ohlmann
You might find this interesting:
It’s concerning though that there’s a growing mood of ‘neither of the above’; that could do easily let Let Pen slip in.
@Franscesca: welcome back!
I went to the same public elementary school* for all seven years in the middle 60s to the early 70s. The neighborhood I grew up in was so heavily Jewish that on Jewish holidays, almost half (30-40%) of the students were out of school. Being a public school, we did still have to go to school but we didn’t really have school. We did arts & crafts, watched filmstrips, played hangman, had an extra recess and a longer lunch. Don’t know what the parents thought but we Gentile kids** thought it was awesome!
So it was the Jewish kids that disappeared on Jewish holidays, which is why that one tweet confused me!
*L.A. Unified School district, Rhoda St. School K-6
**most of whom were Catholic; I was practically the only WASP kid in the neighborhood!
faintingcouches said (re the troll) I say
I vote trap door!
@Dan Hoan
Very suspicious uptick in donation announcements. I’ll point out that Mr. Henderson and Mr. Futrelle even share the same first name. Coincidence? I think not. FALSE FLAG MAMMOTHGHAZI
I vote for the banning of Dave Henderson. He needs to learn how to troll smarter, not harder. LIKE THIS:
Did you know that, on average, a mammal that has given birth exactly once has a longer lifespan than one that has never given birth? This statistical quirk was first noticed in wild deer populations, but it seems to hold up across many species.
@David Henderson
As I don’t have my own computer and don’t like making online payments through my place of work, I won’t be able to donate to WHTM until I can mooch off a more private PC elsewhere.
However, I will be heading over to Sherwood Forest in the next couple of weeks, and will drop off a donation at this place, on your behalf:
It’s a great inter-faith centre and does amazing work. I’ll be thinking of you as I hand over my cash, as it’ll remind me why they still need to do their educational work. If only they could have got to you when you were younger.
@[email protected]
That’s a pretty bold statement, considering that various mammals can have very very high mortality rates during birth. I’d really need to see the statistics on this to believe it.
This is obviously just a trap to get the $5 I am able to afford at this time. Those Soros checks aren’t big, you know.
@ David Futrelle:
He’s been boring for a while. I vote Ban.
Actually, playing devil’s advocate to my own playing devil’s advocate, I wouldn’t be surprised if the data only included animals that survived giving birth. It was a gerontological study, after all.
@[email protected]
Fair enough. Didn’t entirely mean to get all up in your biz about it, but, like I said, it’s a pretty bold statement, and there are a LOT of euthanized dogs and cats out there.
It used to be a very common belief that one should let their cat or dog have a litter before spaying, but it’s been shown that spaying before the first heat cycle lowers the risk of breast cancer to nearly zero, and also lowers the risk of uterine infection that can be fatal.
While this doesn’t link to a scientific paper, it is standard treatment.
Sasquatch seemed to embody every distasteful view of every manospherian blog, antisemitic, white supemacy and alt-right websites into one boring, predictable troll.
When one tactic failed, he tried another.
Yawn. Good riddance.
Anyone who wants a troll banned should get them banned. Posting in comfort is more important than me poking at them.