I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?
So let’s start off this new intermittent Worst of Twitter series with a fellow calling himself “World Jew Watch.” Here are a few of the nuggets of, er, wisdom he has chosen to share with the world in recent days, some of which hearken back to anti-Semitic myths so ancient there were already a bit hackneyed back in Henry Ford’s day.
Yep, World Jew Watch is definitely kicking it old school.
From your posts, I guess that I’m probably around 10 years younger than you are.
I grew up in a predominantly Catholic population, too – lots of Americans of Slavic and Italian descent. I believe there was a conscious effort made by educators to inoculate us against antisemitism. Now, I know Mr. Jew Watch here would say that the Jews were trying to brainwash us lowly gentiles, goys, whatever. Hell, all it amounted to was teaching us what the Menorah was, having us play with dreidles, and taking us to a service at a synagogue. We sure did get assaulted with “Silent Night,” tho’☺
Anyway, it must’ve worked, with me. I’m horrified with this surge of antisemitism.
@Patricia Kayden
Because people don’t report them.
If you have a twitter account, at the very least click on the one where he calls for doxxing and report it for illegally promoting harassment of individuals.
“Professor, are you also the bus driver? Because you just took these Nazis to school!” I’ll see myself out.
@Ooglybogles, I asked David to edit my post. These people genuinely scare me. Thank you again for the hugs. *hugs* for you, too, if you’d like some.
I have no doubt that you didn’t observe anti-semitism in your formative years, but I’m curious if you think the Jewish kids in your community would say the same? This is something I’ve been really curious about recently.
I grew up in Oakland/Berkeley in the 80’s and 90’s and was raised by my grandparents who were Polish Holocaust surviviors. Despite being a supposed liberal bastion, I was DEFINITELY aware of anti-Semitism. It wasn’t frequent and generally wasn’t scary and was nearly always was directed at my heavily-accented and stereotypically Jewish looking grandparents rather than me or my siblings
In reconnecting with old classmates last year for our 20th anniversary, I was shocked that several people (all white gentiles, mostly male) INSISTED that anti-Semitism wasn’t part of our childhoods and were frankly skeptical (if not outright disbelieving) of my account of the year that someone broke our front window where we had a mennorah or when someone called me a “Jesus killer” or the many, many times my grandparents were told to either “go back home” and/or “learn English”.
Sorry, that got really long! It’s something I’ve been thinking about and struggling with a lot recently. I’m sure my experiences have been influenced and heightened by growing up with people who were deeply, deeply traumatized and who had a pretty ambivalent (bordering on self-loathing) relationship with their heritage. Ugh, this shit haunts me, frankly, and I was born in 1978. It’s truly disgusting how much of this rhetoric remains exactly the same.
Well, I’m still friends with several of the Jewish kids I grew up with, 4 who still live in our home town. We were all born 1963-1966 years, though there are older and younger siblings.
It isn’t a topic that has come up often but it has come up in large group discussions we’ve had both IRL and on FB. The general recollection among my Jewish friends is of a few incidents of name-calling but looking back on it the one girl who talked about it wasn’t sure if the kid who did it even knew what it meant.
This isn’t to say it was some kind of idyllic and peaceful state, because it wasn’t. As I’ve mentioned, blatant racism was quite alive and well, at least among our parents’ generation, although my own may have been less vocal about it. Bullying was quite open, and class distinctions.
This was a mostly blue-collar, medium-sized city in Michigan. I don’t know if the shield from anti-Semitism was so much a city-wide thing as much as a neighborhood kind of thing? When I get a chance, I’ll ask a few Jewish friends from back home what they remember.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Cheers.
Heh. Reminds me of how John Scalzi dealt with Vox Day.
Being a Jewish individual, the recent rise in overt anti-Semitism and hate crimes towards Jewish individuals – among other groups, obviously – makes me weep for humanity.
Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised given all the anti-Semitic horseshit I had to deal with from both my peers and members of my paternal side of the family during my teen years. Made worse by the fact that the people who would either mock my identifying as Jewish or try converting me were quite proud of their religious background, which I could never ever be critical of ’cause reasons.
Don’t get me started on all the fucking times someone told me I “don’t look” Jewish…
Hugs, NickNameNick.
Welcome back, Francesca!
David F.,
So the readers fund you? They must be making regular donations. Must be hard for a spinster in a studio though.
I guess Western Based civilization can’t burn fast enough..
Sometimes it helps to find a sponsor. Maybe you can contact Haaretz? The Young Turks is funded by Al Jazera.
Just tell them your’re an anti Christian, anti white, pro-feminist website dedicated to destroying whatever’s left of the nuclear family and watch the sponsorship shekels pour in …
It might work right?
Hello. =)
So should I let “Dave H” go out on this note? He’s already on moderation, because I banned or moderated him for some previous obnoxiousness probably under a different name in the past. I’ve been letting his comments through because it seemed like people were enjoying his ridiculousness.
But it seems like he’s pretty much worn out his welcome with you all, and if I ban him for this he can use it as evidence for whatever antisemitic conspiracy theory he’s got rattling around in his head.
It’s kind of funny how desperately Henderson is scraping and flailing to find something they think will be hurtful or at least function successfully as an insult.
::popcorn all round::
ETA it’s like it’s the last few steps of his dance routine before leaving the stage, adorned with rotting tomatoes and odoriferous eggs.
Because of course you’re antisemetic on top of all the rest of your tedious bigotry.
Asshole syncretism. Honestly, it’ll be a pleasant surprise if the next MRA troll we get doesn’t have massive problems about skin colour or religion or nationality on top of the massive problems they have with women.
@David Futrelle
I dunno. No-one seemed like they were enjoying his presence in the last thread, and he’s hardly upped his game here.
EJ said this a few posts ago, and I think they are correct. Sometimes no one can be bothered to rebut him he’s THAT boring.We in the stalls are waiting for some kind of intellectual show down but all we are getting is drive-by insults and no real depth of thought, engagement or humour. I say ‘Bring on the crooked walking stick from the wings David, or open the trap door.’
These folks are oddly terrified of international jewelry. It’s one thing to support buying locally, but…
Love that name 🙂 <3
I vote ban. The bottom-feeder has become quite boring.
I find all trolls tedious and boring, so I’ll stay out of the discussion.
However, important question, do you folks ever feel sad when you think of the fact that you will never get to see your properly spayed ladycat in the mamacat role? I do.
@ IP
I got my doggy fixed. It’s recommended for that breed for health reasons. But whilst I was very glad it meant a happier healthier life, I was a little bit sad that I’d never get to be godparent to a bunch of little Sassys.
Jews kidnap children to disembowel them? That is some hackneyed Borat level shit here, and I grew up with an antisemitic father.
Yes! Dracarys was spayed by the shelter a couple days before I adopted her at about 2 years old. All I know about her past is at some point she was picked up as a stray. Given that she made it well until adulthood without being fixed and given that she has prominent nipples, she almost certainly had litters. I’m sad that I don’t know her kids and don’t know if they’re alive and well.
@ David Henderson
Here you go, Muslim women taking on those Islamic fundamentalists you seem so concerned about.
@ Ouroboros13
re: “shit (((the Jews))) do”… Just remember, a huge number of the people spouting this nonsense also believe the Earth is flat
no, really, they do…
ETA: “Come to the Dork Side… we have Science…”
“Off-topic-Thursday” post, for those dealing with the “there’s-no-climate-change-it’s-not-getting-warmer” crowd, here’s a couple of gems of news from the (very) far North…
Cruise ship takes tourists through the Northwest Passage
Shipping company takes CONTAINER SHIP through the Northwest Passage
bonus link, wonderful Canadian folkie, the late Stan Rogers sings about the Northwest Passage