I always feel a little sad when I learn that some actor or actress I like turns out to have terrible politics. I’m still recovering from my recent discovery that Mike Nelson of MST3K fame is a right winger who loves the Washington Times and Michael Medved. Michael Freaking Medved!! Maybe he really should be shot into space to watch bad films for all eternity.
And then there’s James Woods, so good at playing creepy charmers, perhaps most memorably in David Cronenberg’s Videodrome. It’s one of my favorite films and he’s a big part of what makes it great (I mean, alongside Debbie Harry and a really weird TV set). But alas, in real life he’s a lot more creepy than charming, an obsessive right-wing Obama-hater (with a girlfriend more than forty years his junior) who spent years attacking the now-ex-President on Twitter.
Now, in the age of Trump, he’s moved on from Obama. For the most part.
But he can’t seem to let go of Hillary Clinton. Even today, nearly six months after she lost the election and 95 days into Trumps’ regime, Woods’ Twitter is filled with bizarre attacks on Hillary.
If you haven’t looked in on Woods’ Twitter before, you may be a bit surprised just how unhinged many of his political tweets are, rife with conspiratorial thinking (he was one of the #Pizzagate believers) and weird racist digs.
Here he is calling former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice a “savage” and demanding her arrest.
Are these savages finally going to prison? Wondered why #Dems were concocting all this Russian crap. #SmokeScreen https://t.co/eJ4PGBk8gG
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 3, 2017
Meanwhile, his assorted tweets about Sen. Elizabeth Warren — or as he likes to call her, Princess Fauxcahontas — inevitably reference her American Indian blood in the crudest (and most hackneyed) possible ways.
We go after many scalps, #PrincessFauxcahontas #StrategyForDummies https://t.co/eaGlO0PvJ0
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 15, 2017
This is simple, folks. In the immortal words of the Great Warrior Princess #ElizabethWarren, "You pass gas, you get Tomahawk!"
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 7, 2017
Maybe your war paint got in your eyes and obscured your vision. https://t.co/6PvnPX4YNz
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 9, 2017
Did you offer a peace pipe? https://t.co/dZlayFWgUg
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 16, 2017
It’s safe to say he hates Democrats generally.
Like rats they always work better hidden #TheDemocrats pic.twitter.com/VcjWGwB1B8
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 17, 2017
They are all but one #demon with many faces… https://t.co/u18mVS8exC
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 14, 2017
He really, really doesn’t like abortion, or Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards.
This Satanic fetal organ harvester is going to take the moral high ground??!! You got some balls, Lady. Oh, wait… https://t.co/PJFimkwQ70
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 20, 2017
And he has one of the most, er, creative takes on the whole O’Reilly thing I’ve seen.
The simple truth is that the @oreillyfactor purge was simple out and out age discrimination.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 20, 2017
He still throws in the occasional anti-Obama tweet, for old times sake.
The joy of knowing these vermin are powerless… #Rats pic.twitter.com/jfuX4VYVh4
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 17, 2017
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 5, 2017
And he’s got a lingering obsession with Susan Rice that is too tedious to even bother to document here.
But his greatest nemesis, at least for now, remains Hillary. Or, as he prefers to call her, The Hildebeest, or “Darth Vader in drag.”
The #Hildebeest turns the corner on sanity, goes full blown #CrazyCatLady… pic.twitter.com/9Dmx2AjgjV
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 9, 2017
Thanks to those swing states that saved us from this debacle… #SorosPuppet #Hildebeest pic.twitter.com/VRb4RmYxMx
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 11, 2017
Once upon a time in a nightmare long, long ago… #DarthVaderInDrag pic.twitter.com/ZdWGsERVhZ
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 22, 2017
Watching the #SorosVermin rampaging makes the #ClintonCollapse even more important. We now realize her election would have been Armageddon.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 23, 2017
Because they are like bear snot. They are disgusting and stick like old glue. #Clintons #Scum https://t.co/ckwJ9ZK7K6
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 23, 2017
When reptiles slither in groups, they look like this… pic.twitter.com/KaDPRTfyT2
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 13, 2017
These reptiles are still working to destroy #America. Now, of course, they do it in the dark, where they have always been more comfortable pic.twitter.com/c5CWBXtgtJ
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 16, 2017
Woods, who famously sued a Twitter user who called him a “cocaine addict,” frequently suggests, none-too-subtly, that Hillary is a raging alcoholic.
Big clue: is it Happy Hour yet? pic.twitter.com/ydF9rzfGjx
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 22, 2017
It must be five o'clock somewhere, Lady. Stop talking… https://t.co/25Ytu5vb2a
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 26, 2017
He even manages to work cat and rabbit gifs into his anti-Hillary fantasies.
If the rabbit were drunk at noon and the cat were an orange calico, you could almost see Hillary and Trump in this…pic.twitter.com/jny1xg0upf
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 22, 2017
Really, dude? You see a gif of a kitten bopping a baby bunny and the first thing you think is, “ha ha, that reminds me of Hillary Clinton, who by the way is a total drunk!”
If I may quote the famous Hollywood actor James Woods, “stop talking.”
My two interpretations: 1) the women who objected to being sexually harrassed would have welcomed harrassment from a hot man nearer to their own ages, therefore ageism, or 2) older men cannot help but sexually harrass colleagues. Neither looks good.
Nelson was actually the head writer of the show from the beginning, but I’m guessing – at least for the first five seasons – Hodgson had enough clout as the creator and host to omit or amend more problematic jokes.
And, like yourself and Dreemr, I’m also prefer the Joel Hodgson run of the show and even the latest season to any of the episodes during the Mike Nelson years. My issue with Nelson, outside of his politics, is that I always found him a bit too bland – the reason I enjoy any of his episodes is due to Trace Beaulieu and Bill Corbett as Crow and Kevin Murphy as Tom Servo.
Not that I consider Jonah Ray much better (I even find him a bit distracting because his voice reminds me a lot of Chris “Errant Signal” Franklin for some reason) but Hampton Yout has been pretty much pitch perfect as Crow and, though it was hard to get used to him at first, Baron Vaughn makes for a decent Tom Servo (I like the fact they have him float around now). The biggest improvement is probably Gypsy, since she’s now voiced by Rebecca Hanson instead of some guy doing a whole Monty Python thing – especially since she appears at the beginning and end of each film with a good quip and takes part in the bits inbetween more often.
I really liked Crisis on Two Earths as well. Though I’m a sucker for alternate timeline stories…
There’s a reason why he’s always cast in the slimeball creep roles.
I’ve been hearing for years that Woods also has a very bad reputation in Hollywood and is supposed to be a complete nightmare to work with on top of everything else. Since I never liked the guy, I”m not surprised by his Twitter behavior. I’ve known about Mike Nelson for years though, that was a sad day. Adam Baldwin…well, also not a surprise to me for some reason. Maybe he just took to that bullying role a little too well in Firefly. 🙁
On the flip side, a lot of the “logical” anti-fems are now flipping out that Bill Nye did an episode supporting a “there’s more than just two” view of gender.
Welcome to the blog. Please read the comments policy, especially the part about ableism.
Oh, thank you IP. I was about to say the same thing, prefaced by “Squee! Otherwise huge fan, but…”
I saw Videodrome on cable TV in 1983 or thereabouts, and I loved it. I found it truly, deeply, terrifying. The THEMES of the movie were terrifying to me, not so much the special effects and gore, they were laughable by today’s standards.
I saw it some 20 or so years later, and it was laughable to me. In my opinion, it’s a movie that hasn’t aged well.
Of course, it may have been because I was 15-ish the first time around, and 35-ish the 2nd, but I really don’t think so.
And, yeah, James Woods was great in it, and so was Debbie Harry.
I remember Woods in another forgotten movie, Fast-Walking was the title, or something like that. Something about corrupt cops, I seem to remember. He played a lowlife character in it, and he was truly FOUL.
I think Woods best movie was Salvador. Yeah, his misogyny is legendary. Sigh. By the way, I hope your migraine is better.
Everyone may be happy to hear that MST3K rebooted on Netflix with Felicia Day as Dr. Forester and Patton Oswald as TV’s Son of TV’s Frank. So it more left than before.
I’m pretty sure they screwed up a joke in the third episode (The Tme Travelers) involving the Bechdal test though (funny enough shortly after a scene that let the film pass the Bechdal test). Unless I’m getting it wrong one can not fail the Bechdal test due to the content of one very domestic conversation between women.
quite off topic, white supremacist monuments in New Orleans are coming down
and a republican candidate for Virginia governor thinks (I use the word loosely) they should stay up….
“Republicans… missing the point since 1932”
What is wrong with what he has said?
Susan Rice should be arrested….Not just for her hand in the illegal leaking and monitoring, but also for her previous lies even during congress.
As for pizzagate….In my opinion if you are educated enough on the topic it is hard not to believe it. Not only is there a ton of evidence that at the very least demands an investigation, but it also shows all the signs of a scandal that is true (MSM silence, MSM lying about the evidence, MSM character assassinating those looking into it, MSM deleting and censoring comments relating to it).
You guys needs to take of your political goggles for a second, and realise that this is not about party politics…Mainly because politics as we know it is a con.
On a totally unrelated note: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/dont-let-this-robot-suck-your-dick
(probably best to assume this is NSFW)
MGTOWs of the world: celebrate! the sexbot you’ve always wanted is here! You may now declare victory over the hated feeeemales!
Ugh. Even Hades would think he needs to cool off.
Some people are so painfully mislead. You need education on the whole Feminism thing is…And desperately, my goodness that was painful to read.
@Weird Eddie, thank you for the links. I’m glad those statues are coming down, and I’m glad they’re going to display them with appropriate context in a museum somewhere, rather than just trying to pretend they never existed.
This is a quote from your first link, on the subject of the removal of the Battle of Liberty Place monument.
I’m really annoyed that this person feels it’s not enough of a symbol unless workers are forced to risk their lives even more than they already are. It is not cowardice to take steps to try and reduce the likelihood that you will be murdered just for doing your job.
MST3K and Felicia Day together…
The mst3k reboot is magical! 🙂
My dad, from Upstate New York (ie, NOT near the city), and I live in a southern state. He’s against the removal of these statues for the (now standard) reason “It’s trying to rewrite history”.
How do you argue against that?
I say, yes, we do want to rewrite history in some ways. We don’t need “heroes” who were in favor of slavery as a way of life to be honored with big statues any more than Iraq needed statues of Saddam.
well said
Another piece on the white supremacist monuments on Feministing. Reina Gattuso refs a good article over on VOX about the issue.
One of the statues coming down is a memorial to Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard. In an almost completely irrelevant side note, the flag that the yahoos wave in (dis)honor of “southern heritage” is actually General Beauregard’s battle standard, adopted by the Confederacy during the war because the Confederate flag looked too much like the union flag!
For the ill-informed among us who still believe that the trappings of the Confederacy are about “southern heritage”, here’s a quote to ponder…
(emphasis mine)
This is very off topic, i was waiting for David to make Open Thred for Personal stuff, but it has been bothering me and i just need some advice or something.
I was going to share on my twitter but i have friends and family there and got concern that maybe if they knew they wouldn’t want to be near me, that they would think maybe cannot trust me, or i am unpredictable.
But it is bothering me a lot, specially since now i am back at work and tired all the time which makes it worse.
This is a bit embarrassing but also even more makes me feel like i am evil. I need some advice though and here i am mainly anonymous so i thought here i can share.
Anyway, i hope this is the right word, but since i was able to remember i have “compulsions”. Like thoughts that make me/tell me to do something or say something. Specifically will be the worst thing i can do in a situation. Usually, or before recently, something like touching a person when they are speaking to me – tough their face or inappropriately touch, or say an insult or something very strange.
Before was just general stuff, all upsetting, bad or maybe embarrassing/strange commands but for all people, the same. But then recently when i learn more about racisim, sexism, homophobic and transphibic my compulsion tells me to do or say more horrible things.
I feel very bad already about this compulsion, but recently one that makes me worried a lot is when i learn that black people experience that white people or non black PoC touch their hair without asking. This is obviously because of racist fasciation and disrespect for black peoples owning their own bodies and personal space – basically because of white supremicy. I know this. I read a lot now about many things, especially since in my home country it is mostly white, so it was important for me to learn about this. But because now i know, my compulsion likes to tell me to do worst things for that situation, this is now one that comes in my mind. Not because i want to touch, part of my compulsion is touching other people full stop, because i know this is very inappropriate. But now i feel not only crazy like i have since the begining, but also racist and disgusting.
I do not usually act on the compulsion, but it is also not a symptoms of anxiety . I think some people might say, yes you think these things because you are anxious, you are afraid of doing the very worst thing but you wont really. It is anxiety symptoms. But i have done in the past, thankfully not touching other people but saying things, usually not rude but strange. Things my brain says will be embarrassing to me. For recent example, during medical course i took before i came out to work, the instructior was asking questions. Specifically how someone might contract worms. My compulsion gave to me the desire to say something stupid and I couldn’t stop myself. I said something like ‘you must lick a cat/if you lick a cat’. This wasnt a s a joke or to give me pleasure. I was extremely embarrassed and ashamed and would have chosen not to say anything if i could.
I am afraid if i let myself continue i will do something stupid but i am also afraid to tell my friends and relatives because i have friends who are PoC, non binary etc, and i do not want them to think i cannot be trusted. But really i dont know if i CAN be trusted. I dont take medication or go go therapist, but i am not sure what to do. Because in high pressure situations my compulsion can also tell me to do something dangerous, not just inappropriate rude or racist.
Did anyone have a similar experience to this? Also sorry for ruining this thread. This bloke souds like a fuck-face.
@Weird EBTR Eddie
Masks…tactical vests…police snipers…company names covered…
Holy Hell! WTF sort of country is it over the other side of that thar pond?
And the cheeto and his MRAsshole right wing supporters are all afraid of brown skinned terrorists!
Some people in this country are still fighting the Civil War, “War For Southern Independence”, or “The War of Northern Aggression” as they may prefer it to be called. Many of them are well armed. They also have cameras and long memories (still remembering 1864, etc). Hence the snipers, tac-vests, masks, etc.
I believe, if you discount 9/11, that more people have been killed in the US by domestic (race-haters and) terrorists than foreign/recent immigrant ones.